Taoist Doctor

Chapter 26


Not to mention the people from the outer court, even the colleagues in this court couldn't help complaining. You two have the same diagnosis. Are you praising others or yourself. Co-authored, your Chinese medicine doctor is a wise doctor, are we foolish

To be reasonable, what is the diagnosis of cock crowing self-healing.

"Ahem, Professor Mo is the authority of Chinese medicine in Haibei Hospital. He also said that there is nothing serious. The chicken will heal itself!" Dean Xiao explained to Zhou Jinyuan. With a new understanding, I don't feel arrogant, and even a little secretly happy.

Now that Xiao Zhou and Professor Mo had the same diagnosis, he felt that the crazier the better! This is the temporary worker he brought in... Cough, talent!

Zhou Jinyuan came a step late, knowing that a Chinese medicine diagnosis had already been made, and the conclusion was consistent with his own. He deeply felt that the thinking of syndrome differentiation was completely consistent. This person is not only a good doctor, but also a bosom friend.

Director Yang reluctantly hesitated, but the secretary understood what he meant and quickly asked: "This doctor, can you tell me why?"

Professor Mo's conclusion made them dare not follow suit, and the young man also came to the same conclusion. In this case, it seems that they have to think carefully.

"The disease occurs at dusk. This is the time when the yin predominates and the cold evil rises sharply. The patient's blood stasis and cold block for a while, causing the mouth to be silent, but there is no serious problem. When the rooster crows and the sun rises, the yang energy will rise. At that time, it will naturally help the yang to dispel the cold, dissipate the wind and dredge the collaterals, and then it will be cured without medicine. Adding treatment will only increase the pain of the patient, and it is not necessary. You just need to pay attention to keeping warm in the future, and it will not easily relapse."

Zhou Jinyuan explained it clearly from his professional point of view. Although it still sounds absurd, compared to Professor Mo, it has more causes and consequences than Professor Mo.

Temporomandibular joint disorder syndrome can be mild or severe, and the etiology is different. In fact, most of them have a good prognosis.

Director Yang just gritted his teeth tightly and did not experience dizziness, pain or other symptoms. According to the results of the pulse diagnosis, Zhou Jinyuan also came to the conclusion that no special medication was needed.

Thinking of Professor Mo, Zhou Jinyuan was still surprised, "By the way, since that famous doctor also said that the cock crows and heals itself, didn't he explain the principle?"

For the doctor, it is necessary to explain the condition to the patient clearly, so as to avoid the patient's cranky thinking and increase the psychological burden.

The secretary smiled wryly, "Professor Mo still has an emergency call, so he probably thought it was nothing serious, so he just left a message and left."

Only then did Zhou Jinyuan realize that it was so.

Dean Xiao felt that his waist was hardening, and he was elated. He asked Shi Shiran, "Xiao Zhou, you said that you don't need to increase the pain, does that mean that if you want to recover immediately, you can use acupuncture or take medicine? Can it be done too?"

Zhou Jinyuan nodded. The condition is not complicated. If you want to recover quickly, you can do it with acupuncture, but the acupuncture sensation will be very strong, and it is on the face, so the patient will inevitably feel a little uncomfortable. He said that before, that is to consider this point.

Dean Xiao glanced at Director Yang, got a positive look, and said: "To be honest, the patient has urgent matters tomorrow morning, so I don't worry about Professor Mo's diagnosis. , and I can’t rest well.”

"That's right! That's no problem. If the patient is willing, I'll give the needle and heal within 20 minutes. It's just that the needle feels so strong that it may be uncomfortable." Zhou Jinyuan didn't intend to cooperate with Dean Xiao, he The idea is that if you can take medicine without needles, you will not take medicine with needles.

But if the patient has special needs, then you can stab you, and you have to make it clear whether the treatment process is acceptable.

Director Yang was really ecstatic when he heard the words, and made a gesture, which meant that he would come immediately. If you use an intermediate frequency instrument, the current will not go anywhere comfortably, and it will take a long time.

Zhou Jinyuan immediately removed a pack of needles and took Fengchi, Dicang, Jachea, Hegu and other acupoints, which have the effects of expelling wind, benefiting the orifices, and benefiting the joints.

The feeling of tingling and swelling spread across the cheeks, Director Yang was so stimulated that his eyes became moist instantly, it was completely physiological, and the snot was about to come out, and the root of the tooth was more like biting a very sour lemon, In the blink of an eye, tears flowed down my eyes, but I couldn't scream and didn't dare to move, so I could only hold back.

When Zhou Jinyuan pierced the last acupuncture point, he inserted the needle with the method of venting, and at the same time shouted briefly and forcefully: "Shut up!"

Director Yang was startled, and opened his mouth involuntarily. His teeth, which had been locked tightly before, now opened to the point of two fingers!

"It's really open—" the secretary exclaimed.

Zhou Jinyuan said to the patient, "Again."

But at this time Director Yang felt a little strenuous, fearing that it would be painful again, he was heartbroken, he didn't believe this little doctor, he opened his mouth wider, and only heard the sound of joints snapping along with Kerala.

Unexpectedly, there was no pain at this time, as if some barrier had been broken through, the jaw was relaxed after the snap, and it opened and closed completely for a few times, and there was no abnormality, and it was completely recovered!

He felt very relieved, and laughed twice with his mouth open.

It was only then that the onlookers felt that they seemed to have held their breath unknowingly just now, and they couldn't help applauding when they let out this breath, which is really a good technique.

Clinically, acupuncture and moxibustion treatment also need to be divided into courses of treatment. I have never seen Zhou Jinyuan like this. After acupuncture, the patient opened his mouth immediately.

Zhou Jinyuan took out all the needles at this time, and asked Director Yang to make various mouth shapes to see if there was any abnormality.

Director Yang confirmed that he had indeed fully recovered, "Okay, it's completely healed!"

He let go of his heart and looked at Zhou Jinyuan and Dean Xiao with a smile, "Is Xiao Zhou right? Zuo Ming, you are really full of talents in the Third Academy. It seems that you should pay more attention in the future, otherwise you won't know that the Third Academy has a strange experience." Not inferior to Professor Mo's master of Chinese medicine!"

After such a twists and turns, Director Yang felt that Professor Mo was well-deserved, and even more highly praised Zhou Jinyuan, a miracle doctor who came out of the third hospital.

He finished praising Zhou Jinyuan and Dean Xiao first, and then went to thank those experts from the outer court who made a trip in vain. They also had no choice but to say they didn't dare, they didn't help hahahaha.

"As I said before, Xiao Zhou is the number one expert in acupuncture and moxibustion in our TCM department. Don't look at him with a delicate face, and he is easy to be misunderstood, but I don't feel at ease if I don't call him!" Dean Xiao smiled brightly, and his tone was more than before. Even more confident.

Haha, now that I, the dean who has just taken office, can be regarded as saving face—no, not only saving face, but also gaining face in front of experts from my brother unit.

He glanced at Zhou Jinyuan, this person who can bring money and win the flag is really his lucky star, and it's really time to go to Xianglu to see it later.

Zhou Jinyuan has only been in the Department of Chinese Medicine for a few months, and his performance can be regarded as outstanding, and his cultivation level has improved rapidly (... ). Dean Xiao has long thought that his status as a temporary worker should be changed, and he even mentioned it to Zhou Jinyuan.

Especially now that Director Yang is boasting in front of so many experts from other hospitals, saying that your doctor's diagnosis is not inferior to Professor Mo's. At this level, is it a bit too much to still be a temporary worker

This temporary employee wants to be transferred to a full-time employee, and it's not just a transfer, he has to pass the exam. At that time, Zhou Jinyuan said that he was a bit busy, but now Dean Xiao feels that no matter how busy he is, he must solve this matter first. Find a time, specialize in it, and give him a test.

Based on his understanding of Zhou Jinyuan's level, this exam is just a formality, and he can pass it casually.

Dean Xiao wanted to discuss time with Zhou Jinyuan, but he called the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, only to hear that Zhou Jinyuan had gone to the free clinic.

The Third Hospital regularly held free clinics, whether it was going to the center of the urban area to popularize medical knowledge, or sending medicine to the countryside, this time it seemed that Zhou Jinyuan was also brought along, so we had to wait for someone to come back.

At this moment, Dean Xiao turned his head and heard from the people in the hospital office that a reporter wanted to come to the hospital to shoot.

It was not a big deal at first, and the Third Hospital also had various media to do all kinds of news from time to time, but he still cared about the work of public opinion, "What's the matter?"

The people in the hospital had a strange look on their faces, reporting this matter was also because the content was relatively...

"It is said that there were a few foreign tourists who traveled independently, saying that they were looking for a baldness specialist hospital. They couldn't find it, and they lost it. They went to the police station, and the police helped them find it. When they searched, they found that this Haizhou City Baldness Specialist Hospital is not an official name, it should be... yes... "

Dean Xiao: "..."

Don't mention it, he knows it's our hospital! Who doesn't know that Haizhou Baldness Specialist Hospital is the new name of their third hospital!

The people of the hospital office tacitly said: "Well... Anyway, this material was reported to the reporters of the city station, and they thought it was very interesting, so they brought the tourists here."

Dean Xiao couldn't help but said: "I can understand this, but why did they come here because of the fame? We didn't advertise abroad!"

Since the anti-hair loss and baldness prevention of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine became famous, the hospital has indeed regarded it as one of the highlights as publicity, but it has not even done advertising outside the province. It has attracted some patients from inside and outside the province through word of mouth. Are you all "admired"

The people who run this hospital don't know much about it, and they didn't go into so much detail.

In order to satisfy curiosity, and even more to understand the reputation of the hospital, Dean Xiao agreed to the media filming, and went to see the situation in person. After seeing the three foreign tourists, he knew the cause and effect.

The story begins when Zhou Jinyuan treated a tourist named James. James sent a pennant, returned to his country, and wrote a long blog post.

In the text about the trip to Huaxia, what he described as the highlight was the trip to the Haizhou Baldness Specialist Hospital.

Young doctor, pulse diagnosis, acupuncture, kung fu that doesn't match the body shape...

All of these were described by James with fascinating words. He added the exterior pictures of the Third Hospital, acupuncture pictures, and of course the medicines prescribed by Zhou Jinyuan, as well as his vivid comparison pictures before and after use.

In the eyes of people who are not familiar with Chinese culture, it looks like a legend.

James was not stingy with the language of praise. He always only carefully put a few selected pictures in the text, and insisted on not switching to recording video blogs. He even couldn't help sighing, regretting that he didn't shoot the scene where the doctor did it.

He deeply felt that his words could not fully describe the astonishing contrast at that moment. What he saw, he hoped that everyone could see it.

"In addition, my stomach problem has never happened again so far! I want to say God bless him, but unfortunately he told me that he is not under God's control, so I can only wish him a successful ascension (I I don’t know what it means, the tour guide said it’s like going to heaven).”

Shortly after this, James' travel notes collection was published.

This blog post he wrote carefully aroused the interest of online and physical readers, saying that if he travels to Huaxia, he will definitely refer to his travel notes to experience the Haizhou baldness specialist that he said he had to go to.

The three independent tourists referred to James' travel notes when preparing for departure, because one of them suffered from hair loss, so there was no doubt that Haizhou was included in the itinerary, and a day was specially set aside for the three hospital.

It's a pity that because of the foreign language expression and some misunderstandings of the blogger James, when they asked about the baldness specialist who has Chinese Kung Fu, people thought they were talking about the monk temple...

I still turned to the local police for help, and only then did I find the exact place.

Of course, the local media was also alarmed.

—Our Haizhou hospital recently became famous both inside and outside the province, and it turned out to be famous overseas! This is the power of word of mouth!

Dean Xiao said that he really didn't know what to say, and he had to become a full-time worker as soon as possible. This temporary worker couldn't be worth more.

"President Xiao, does our hospital really have doctors in their teens?" The reporter asked curiously. It stands to reason that this medical student is in his twenties after graduation. What kind of genius is a teenager.

"Oh, they should be talking about Dr. Zhou in our hospital. He is very young and outstanding. He is only twenty-one years old, not in his teens. This must be a mistake. Dr. Zhou is the backbone of our TCM department. Taking the lead in this research on baldness has resulted in the achievements that are well-known overseas today. I believe that in the future, we will also be able to better serve patients at home and abroad, and make some contributions to the progress of related fields." Dean Xiao said on the scene. It's a set, and of course it can't be said that everything today originated from unintentional insertion.

—He should have known earlier that it was even impossible for the name "Invincible Hair Tonic" to be widely circulated.

"You're right, our three courtyards are really blooming inside and outside the walls, and the fragrance is so fragrant!" The reporter said with a smile, "Is it convenient for Dr. Zhou to be interviewed?"

"Ah yes, blooming, blooming..." Dean Xiao said regretfully, "But it's a pity, Dr. Zhou went to the countryside for a free clinic today. You won't be able to see him today, but other doctors in our TCM department also have some experience in this regard. Very deep research!"

No way, since becoming famous, every doctor is forced to delve into baldness treatment, so the overall level has really improved greatly...

At this time, Director Xie Min Xie did his part, and her age also caused the foreign tourists to exclaim.

Can you believe that this female doctor is already in her fifties? The hair that has never been dyed is black and shiny, there are almost no wrinkles on the face, and the skin is plump and still elastic. They will believe it if they say they are in their thirties!

After Xie Min diagnosed and treated them, he brought Liu Qi over with the addition and subtraction prescription of Invincible Hair Tonic, and showed him the acupuncture method of burning mountains and fires that he had initially mastered to treat the shoulder and neck pain caused by long-term bowing of the head and playing games for the tourists.

When a few thin needles are inserted into the skin, they can produce a thermal sensation. They finally experienced the acupuncture that James mentioned for themselves!

"I used to do acupuncture in our city before, but I didn't feel this way. If the electricity is turned on, I will feel the electric sensation!" A foreign tourist couldn't help but said that it was the first time he had seen pulse diagnosis and so on, but Acupuncture is widely used in the West, and he has tried it.

But when I came to the origin of acupuncture and moxibustion, I found that it was different from what I had tried.

"Because this is one of the classical acupuncture methods in China, not everyone knows it." Xie Min's words made them secretly remember this term. It turned out to be the most authentic and mysterious classical acupuncture method, not everyone in China will be.

Liu Qi also said at the right time: "This is what the Dr. Zhou you want to see taught me. If it were him today, he would make you sweat profusely!"

"Oh my god... really?" Although they didn't see Dr. Zhou himself today, these people have undoubtedly been convinced, and even because of this regret, they infinitely elevate themselves in the bottom of their hearts.

Almost at the same time, relevant news had already appeared on the new media with convenient transmission methods.

People who eat melons posted pictures on Moments: It can be predicted that the most classic in Haizhou in the future will not be Xianglu Mountain, Xianglu Temple, Ginseng... but Haizhou International Baldness Specialist Hospital!

Re: Bald internationalization?

At that time, Zhou Jinyuan, who knew nothing about it, was attending a clinic in Longyi Township, Haizhou City.

This time, the three hospitals sent a team of orthopedics, gynecology, dermatology, health examination, traditional Chinese medicine and other departments to go to the villages and towns around Haizhou for free consultation, preliminary diagnosis of common diseases, popular science first aid, common sense of physical examination, There will also be free drug distribution.

The TCM department has recently expanded in scale, with many more medical staff, and no new doctors have been assigned to the free clinic. Although Zhou Jinyuan has not been here for a long time, but his strength has been verified, and he is known for his quick diagnosis and treatment. For this kind of activity, he is simply the right candidate.

The hospital drove a few cars and took the doctors and some equipment to Nanping Township. The local government had prepared a table for them and put up the banner of the free clinic.

Because it was publicized two days in advance, many people came. Usually it is troublesome to go to the city, coupled with long-standing beliefs, many of them do not take medical examinations, suffer from minor illnesses, or go to the village health center to see them. If there is a free clinic from a large hospital, then hurry up and seize the opportunity.

The doctors sat behind the desk, and there was a sign in front of them, which department they belonged to.

Zhou Jinyuan was behind the logo of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, next to Dr. Mao.

There are still many barefoot doctors in the village who can prescribe herbal medicine, so many people come to see Chinese medicine.

After a while, Dr. Mao had already formed a long line in front of him by virtue of his appearance, and there were quite a few other people, except Zhou Jinyuan, who was alone in front of him.

Although he is always full in the yard, but no one here knows him, which leads to the reappearance of the cold bench.

Zhou Jinyuan reckoned that these people might regard him as Dr. Mao's assistant!

"Who is so wicked, put me next to Dr. Mao!" Zhou Jinyuan turned around and shouted to his colleagues.

Dr. Mao let out a "huh" and said reservedly: "Xiao Zhou, if you sit next to others, there may not be any patients!"

Zhou Jinyuan: "..."

A middle-aged woman came to the table to see a doctor. Before she could speak, Zhou Jinyuan was already holding Dr. Mao's arm, and said with a pleasant smile, "Teacher Mao, let's change places!"

Dr. Mao: "???"

Dr. Mao: "Hey, don't change! I won't change, don't pull me!"