Taoist Doctor

Chapter 27


Dr. Mao wanted to resist, but he couldn't resist Zhou Jinyuan. He almost took Dr. Mao to the side, and then occupied Dr. Mao's consultation seat himself.

what operation

Seeing that the two doctors changed seats, the front of the line became a young doctor, and the people behind were stunned for a moment, and then moved to the side like the tide, that is, Dr. Mao's side.

Including the middle-aged woman, who wanted to get away.

But Zhou Jinyuan's intention was to catch a few and count the few, and he had already set his sights on the first few.

Zhou Jinyuan grabbed her hand, "Sit down, sister, what's wrong?"

Middle-aged women: "..."

She was very embarrassed, because her personality was not very good at rejecting people, and she was a little overwhelmed when she was caught so enthusiastically by this little doctor.

It should be said that Zhou Jinyuan's biggest improvement after coming to the Third Hospital should be that he has made great progress in promoting himself. In Yingzhou before, there were people who didn't believe him, but since it was his hometown, there was much evidence to prove it.

In Haizhou, as Liu Qi often said, patients often have to rely on robbing. It is said that Liu Qi often goes to get experience, and it is also for the sake of familiarity.

Zhou Jinyuan took the woman's pulse, and before she could speak, he looked at her face and heard her breathing, and asked, "Do you have bronchitis?"

"?" The middle-aged woman slowly sat down on the stool, "Yes."

Those who had moved away, but could hear them talking at a close distance, also gasped, this doctor... is still a bit capable.

Zhou Jinyuan took his pulse carefully, "Chronic bronchitis has been for many years, and the weather has turned cold recently. I'm afraid it's a serious crime. Is there blood in the sputum?"

"Bring it!" The middle-aged woman nodded repeatedly, "I've had it for almost ten years, and blood can be seen in the phlegm I cough from time to time."

"Chest pain?" Zhou Jinyuan asked again.

The middle-aged woman nodded again. She never thought that the chest pain from time to time had something to do with it.

"Is the stool dry?" Zhou Jinyuan continued to ask.

"...Do it." The middle-aged woman had nothing to say, everything was right.

"I'll write a prescription for you. You can take three doses and you'll be fine. If it doesn't work or if you need a follow-up visit, go to the Chinese Medicine Department of the Third Hospital and register with me. My name is Zhou Jinyuan." Zhou Jinyuan wrote down the prescription, "We have a delivery today." Medicines, but not including traditional Chinese medicines, it is impossible to mix them all, but none of the precious medicinal materials are used.”

After Zhou Jinyuan said so much, she was the happiest when she heard the last sentence, and took the prescription, "Okay, thank you!"

It took less than five minutes in total. In this open-air venue, you can hear Zhou Jinyuan's diagnosis just now, and a few patients took the initiative to run to his team to line up.

Zhou Jinyuan smiled at Dr. Mao, "Thank you, Mr. Mao."

Dr. Mao: "..."

He squeezed out a few words between his teeth: You're welcome.

Don't argue with young people, don't argue with young people, Mao Zhengyi, you are a veteran of Chinese medicine!

"Come on, next one." Zhou Jinyuan saw that the last one was a woman with a child, "What's going on?"

Once you have shown your skills, you can start from the normal consultation.

"My baby is in the second year of junior high school, and has been possessed by sleepy bugs for the past few months!" The mother said seriously.

Zhou Jinyuan glanced at the thin boy next to her, "You mean, sleepy?"

"It's about the same. Anyway, I always fall asleep in class. It's useless to apply wind oil on the temples. It's the same at home, which makes the grades drop." The mother touched the boy's shoulder and said.

Ever since she got this strange disease, she thought of a lot of ways at the beginning, besides essential oils, there are various refreshing home remedies, but the baby is still lethargic every day.

I went to the health center, but I couldn't find out why. They all said it was a strange disease, and the neighbors also said that it might be possessed by sleepy bugs. Some people asked her to take her to a big hospital to have a look. She was not willing to do it. She held a few days of earth rituals at home until her grades came down and she dropped a lot of points. She was really in a hurry.

But when she was planning to go to the big hospital, the third hospital came for a free clinic, and she hurriedly took the baby to see it first. Orthopedics, gynecology, and so on don't seem to be suitable, so I went to the Chinese medicine department.

Zhou Jinyuan got up halfway, went to see the child's tongue coating, and checked the pulse, "phlegm-dampness and spleen deficiency, lack of energy. The daytime is yang, and daytime lethargy, that is yang deficiency. Prescribe medicine for five days, remember to drink it during the day."

He scribbled down the prescriptions, and he consulted the doctor very quickly, which was quite different from the slow-moving doctors that everyone usually sees, but he was very accurate. He saw the second patient here, and the doctors on both sides were still asking questions.

Even the doctors in the same department are quite envious. Zhou Jinyuan's practice style is very classic, and he is also very good at syndrome differentiation and arteries.

A man behind him yelled, "Doctor, my son is also possessed by sleepiness, please write me a copy of your medicine, I will boil it for him."

"Prescriptions can't be given casually. Everyone's situation is different." Zhou Jinyuan saw the man dragging his son and squeezed him over. He wanted to remind him to line up, but after carefully looking at the child's face and expression, he said amusedly, "First, I'm not sleepy." Worm, second, your son doesn't need to take medicine either."

Man: "Huh? Then what to eat? He can't wake up in class!"

Zhou Jinyuan: "... your family is definitely playing with mobile phones or computers at night. It's not called lethargy, it's just a day and night reversal!"

Man: "..."

There was laughter at the scene, the man stayed for a while, and then he poked the child's forehead and said: "How dare you tell me that you also dreamed of sleepiness! I think you are sleepy like this!"

From this attitude, it can be seen that in just a short while, they no longer doubted Zhou Jinyuan.

After showing off several patients in a row, more people were willing to come to Zhou Jinyuan's place for a pulse diagnosis.

At noon, it will be settled in the canteen of the township government, and the consultation will continue in the afternoon. Some villagers in the township live far away, and they can't make it in the morning.

"You have wind, cold and damp evil entering the meridian, and the qi and blood are stagnant, so the joint pain is arthritis. The hormones used before didn't work well, right?" Zhou Jinyuan was receiving a doctor when he suddenly heard a commotion, which turned out to be a group of people People are coming here noisily.

"What is this, no one will cause trouble?" Dr. Mao asked cautiously.

"I will protect you, Teacher Mao!" Zhou Jinyuan immediately stood up.

Dr. Mao immediately felt very safe, but he still said seriously: "What do I want you to protect? We doctors are familiar with the structure of the human body and specialize in weak points. I can also hit three with one."

"Hmm..." Zhou Jinyuan couldn't say anything when he thought of Dr. Mao being punched into a panda by a maniac patient that day.

A village officer came forward and stopped them and asked what the noise was.

A woman immediately shouted: "I'm here to see a doctor!"

"See a doctor? What do you look like when you see a doctor." The officer frowned and said, "You're still making noise."

"It's because my cousin sister-in-law refused to read it. She insisted that she was bewitched. She would rather kneel in front of the ancestral tablet for a day than see a doctor. She is pregnant and she is so red!" A young woman said that seeing red means bleeding from the head.

The young woman is only twenty-five or sixteen years old, her belly is not yet showing, her hair is draped over her shoulders, and her face is still stained with tears. Next to her are her in-laws' family, her mother's family, and neighbors.

"What do you know? You are bewitched by an evil spirit. The old master has already said that you must kneel down and beg your ancestors to forgive me, otherwise this doll will not survive!" said the young woman's mother-in-law.

"Auntie, you are too superstitious, sister-in-law, thanks to your education, why do you believe it?" the woman accused.

They were so chattering that they confused the officer, "Stop, stop talking!"

"It's all here at the doctor's place, it's still a free clinic, let's see what's wrong?" the woman said loudly, refusing to budge.

The mother-in-law was still muttering, "No one in the neighborhood knows this..."

The officer probably knew that he might be sick but he was suffering from evil. He was not uncommon in the village, so he said: "This is an expert from the city. It's a free consultation. It's an advantage to see it. Don't come to the middle school." Evil."

The young woman was let to the front of the line, because many people knew about his family and let her go to the front out of curiosity.

Today, someone from the obstetrics and gynecology department came, but they didn't have any equipment, and they mainly focused on consultation and preliminary diagnosis. After questioning, it turned out that this young woman was pregnant for the third time, and she had had two previous miscarriages.

Every time I was pregnant for three months, I would turn red and then miscarry. Now that I am pregnant for more than two months, I feel uncomfortable again, and I suspect that I will have to flow.

"It's indeed a sign of miscarriage, you should hurry to the hospital to protect the miscarriage!" The doctor said seriously.

"What's the use of going there? I stayed in the hospital when I was pregnant for the second time, but I couldn't keep it." The young woman's mother-in-law pushed forward and complained, "And these are all signs, it's useless to go to the hospital .”

The doctors thought she might be seeing redness, isn't that a sign, and she should go to the hospital.

They don't know the specific situation before. It may be that the situation is too bad, or that the level of the hospital they went to was not good enough, or even the pregnant women didn't pay attention to it, so they have to continue to persuade them to look at it from a scientific point of view.

But the family didn't care about it, they just kept talking nonsense, and insisted on asking the doctor what happened to you.

They haven't done any tests, how can they judge accurately, they can only say that there are signs of miscarriage now, and they are talking about it for a while.

At this time Zhou Jinyuan squeezed over, "What's the matter, there are still people who refuse to go to the hospital?"

"Hey, Doctor Zhou," the gynecologist suddenly reacted when he saw him, and said happily, "You can show her, we don't have any equipment here, she insisted that the fetal instability was caused by evil spirits, so In this situation, I still want to listen to the words of the magic stick and ask the pregnant woman to kneel on the memorial tablet."

The doctor of Chinese medicine is very talkative, and the master is good at diagnosing the pulse. Many colleagues know that there is no equipment at this time, so it is just right to treat this family.

Zhou Jinyuan's face suddenly darkened, "Do you still want to keep the child? Can pregnant women make such a fuss?"

He looked young, and originally the family still looked down upon him, but when he showed his angry face, they were all frightened.

Even the colleagues from the Third Hospital became agitated when they saw it. Zhou Jinyuan usually looked easy to get along with, and he didn't get angry when they teased him. He always had a baby face and was approachable. I didn't expect to get angry at this moment, so bluffing, making the scene extremely quiet.

"Sit down!" Zhou Jinyuan asked the pregnant woman to sit down, and took her pulse on the spot.

Pregnant women did not dare to refuse, and sat obediently.

The pulse condition is insufficient for kidney yin, but the heart and liver fire are more than strong, so the fetus is moving. The fetal gas is not solid, no wonder you will see red. Zhou Jinyuan glanced at the pregnant woman, as if unfathomable and said: "The heart and the kidneys are not in harmony, the dream is disturbed, you are so distracted, what the hell are you dreaming about?"

The young woman was shocked, and her family was also extremely surprised.

The symptoms of this pregnant woman during pregnancy are not only redness, but also other, but Zhou Jinyuan said this alone, and it is also the most important one, how can they not be shocked.

After all, Zhou Jinyuan has not only been a doctor for many years, but also a Huoju Taoist priest. He has a good grasp of the psychology of both believers of his sect and folk superstitious people.

Based on the pulse condition of the young woman, she may also believe in the symptoms of being possessed by evil spirits. The greatest possibility is dreaminess. For thousands of years, dreams have been given the meaning of interpreting life.

To be a doctor, sometimes you have to make bold assumptions and carefully verify.

He also deliberately put on such an inscrutable look, can a magic stick bluff people? With his professional background, isn't he better at putting on a superior posture than a magic stick

Sure enough, the young woman was startled by what he said, and said with a blushing face, "Can I talk to you alone?"

Even the address was changed to "You", and the attitude changed drastically, which made the colleagues of the third courtyard think from the bottom of their hearts, it was indeed right to let the great god come!

Zhou Jinyuan looked around, got up and said, "Come on."

The place was full of people, and the other party felt uncomfortable, so he took them into the car, and the young woman's husband and mother-in-law also wanted to follow, but he stopped them.

"Tell me." Zhou Jinyuan said as he closed the car door.

Although Zhou Jinyuan is a doctor, she is also of the opposite sex. The young woman was a little embarrassed at first, but after a while she did some mental preparation and said, "Every time I get pregnant, I always dream about ghosts and gods coming from the Yin Temple every two or three months. Find me, and me…”

Yin temples are those temples of ghosts and gods that have not been officially canonized and are not regarded as righteous gods. They belong to folk worship, and the legends are also very evil.

Haizhou is a place as evil as Laodiaoling, which shows that there is a certain market for superstitious culture here. It's just that the city is better than the town, and it's not the first time that Zhou Jinyuan has encountered someone who relies on evil spirits for his illness.

Although the young woman didn't finish her sentence, Zhou Jinyuan already understood, and wrote down a sentence: "Dreams intersect with ghosts and gods."

—that is, some indescribable relationship takes place.

"... Well, of course, after that, there will be stomachache, bleeding, and then the baby will fall." The young woman said, her eye circles were still red, this is her third pregnancy, "My mother-in-law is going to ask God, Mr. Said, I was taken by the Yin God of the Yin Temple, and I was not allowed to conceive. Only my ancestors can protect me, but the Yin God is very powerful, so I have to kneel down and beg my ancestors... "

Hearing this, Zhou Jinyuan couldn't help but sigh with emotion. It is still necessary for the hospital to do more free clinics like this and send more doctors to the countryside.

The focus is not on a doctor like him, nor on equipment, but on popularizing medical knowledge for everyone, so that they know who they should really turn to for help.

Zhou Jinyuan shook his head and said, "Before you married, you should have been suffering from dysmenorrhea, and your liver and kidneys are not good. At the same time, you have a strong intention to get pregnant, so the quality of sleep during pregnancy is not good, and even dream sex, thirsty and upset, make the fetus more unstable , how can you not have a miscarriage?"

Although he only met the young woman today, he guessed the previous relationship very closely.

The young woman said in a daze: "But, every time I dream of that..."

In addition, she failed to save the baby in the hospital for the third time, otherwise she would not be shaken slowly, and also thought it was ghosts and spirits.

"Think about it every day and dream at night. You must have been to or heard about the Yin Temple and Yin God you dreamed about, and it left a deep impression on you." For Zhou Jinyuan, who is proficient in Zhu Youshu, He couldn't understand the rationale here.

Zhu Youshu may have been stripped away by modern Chinese medicine, but there is no good or evil in its techniques, and it is the people who use them who have good and evil.

Seeing that the young woman was still struggling a little, Zhou Jinyuan said again: "You jump out and think about it carefully. Can you really save your child if you can't afford to kneel? If the child falls, the teacher can say that you are not pious enough , can you really accept it yourself?"

Pregnant, the fetus is unstable, and still kneeling

The young woman whispered: "Then I, I have been kneeling for a long time, what should I do?"

"I checked your pulse just now. It's not too late. I'll prescribe you a prescription and take three doses of miscarriage when you go out, or you can come to the obstetrics department of our hospital." Zhou Jinyuan's steady attitude made the restless young woman After finding the pillar, he nodded immediately.

"... Isn't it too late?" she murmured.

Zhou Jinyuan knew that she would figure it out, but he was still afraid that it would not be safe. After getting out of the car, he asked the village officer to ask her in a low voice to urge her, so that she would not be fooled again.

"Okay, I've already explained this matter clearly to her. That teacher is just talking nonsense and defrauding people of money." Zhou Jinyuan saw that his family seemed to be dissatisfied with his "slandering" teacher, so he immediately said, "If there is anything Dissatisfied, let him come to me to confront me, let me see if his spells are stronger than mine?"

I'm afraid that guy doesn't even have the corresponding certificates for religious personnel, so if he dares to make irresponsible remarks, he can report it directly.

The people from the Third Academy burst out laughing.

This is too funny, Director Xie should really let him take a look, they still catch the superstitious behavior of the great master every day, who knows that the great master is still cracking down on fakes here. How does this country teacher compare with a certified "Yuanying cultivator" like the Great God

They knew the inside story, how could others know, they thought Zhou Jinyuan meant to differentiate whether it was a disease or a surgery.

There are even people with good deeds who immediately call the teacher and tell him that his prestige has been destroyed by others.

Zhou Jinyuan saw it, and said indifferently: "If you can't make it here, you can go back to the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Haizhou Third Hospital to find me. My name is Zhou Jinyuan. Remember to register my number in advance."

"Hahahahahaha!" There was a burst of laughter at the scene.

Previously, Zhou Jinyuan had been here for a whole morning's consultation, and some villagers had already been convinced, and not everyone believed in the theory of ghosts and gods. Seeing what Zhou Jinyuan said, they not only thought it was exciting to watch, but even wanted to stand on Zhou Jinyuan's side.

Before I knew it, it was time to get off work, and the free clinic was almost over.

Not only did the number of people at the scene not decrease, but more and more, and some of them heard about the excitement of the young woman's family before, and wanted to come to watch the excitement.

The doctors took a long time to see the doctor before they packed up their things and prepared to leave.

At this time, a van drove to the scene at high speed, bringing up a cloud of dust. The driver opened the window and shouted: "Wait a minute, doctor, there is a patient here!"

As soon as the door opened, several Taoist priests in Taoist robes came down. One of the Taoist priests had a wound on his forehead and was being carried with his eyes closed.

The doctor from the third hospital saw it, asked him how he was injured, and then measured his blood pressure and pulse.

Zhou Jinyuan saw that it was clearly a Taoist priest from Xianglu Temple, and the one who was injured was the Taoist brother Zhao who went to pick him up at the beginning, so he hurried forward to give his hand. The other Taoist priests also recognized him, but they didn't dare to disturb him for the first time.

Fortunately, after the diagnosis, Daoist Zhao only had a mild concussion. While they were giving medicine to Daoist Zhao, they listened to a little Taoist priest explain that they were invited to do something.

— There is a factory in the village, and they bought new machines at a great price, so they asked the priests to consecrate the machines.

Who knew that Daoist Zhao accidentally fell on his head when he climbed to a certain place in the factory building to stick a talisman, and he fainted at that time. The driver of the factory knew that a free clinic was being held next to it, which was much closer than the hospital, so he hurriedly pulled the person over to have a look first.

"Is Uncle Zhao alright?" the little Taoist asked.

Daoist Zhao was so dizzy that he couldn't speak, but at least his eyes were opened. It was because Zhou Jinyuan gave him the needle just now.

A doctor said: "It's okay. At present, it should be just a mild concussion. After taking medicine, his symptoms have begun to ease, but he must rest. But we don't have all the equipment here, so we should go back and do a more comprehensive examination to observe One day is better."

In fact, the result of Zhou Jinyuan's pulse diagnosis was only mild concussion, that is, brain damage, but he did not object, and nodded slightly.

Only then did the little Taoists feel relieved. A concussion is the mildest type of brain injury, and as long as the nervous system is normal and there are no other traumatic brain injuries, it's fine.

It didn't take long for them to feel relieved, and after discussing in low voices, they panicked again, "By the way, Mr. Zhao can't move, so he won't be able to go to the factory later, and it will be an auspicious time."

They came here for work this time, and the auspicious time for the consecration ceremony is coming soon.

The onlookers were separated by a short distance, leaving space for the wounded, but they also heard what they had said before, and whispered to each other. What kind of industry can there be in the village? The factory is run by local people. Everyone knows it, and they also know that they want to do business today.

Some old people who understood these rituals also said: "It's better to change someone to take charge, this Taoist leader can't move after seeing it."

The little Taoist has a bitter face. It doesn't mean that someone can be replaced, anyway, they... can't.

They don't even know how to memorize science and literature! What's more, the qualifications are not deep, and if you want to be in charge, the master's family may not be willing. This time it may be yellow, it is really bad luck.

Uncle Zhao was injured and there was nothing he could do about it, that is, if the owner's machine waited until the next auspicious day to start working, it seemed to have an impact on business orders.

Daoist Zhao was speechless, but his eyes turned to Zhou Jinyuan.

According to Kewen's understanding, besides him, there must be someone present who can recite the ceremony fluently, can copy the ceremony completely, and has qualifications.

Those villagers saw that the young genius doctor who had made everyone more experienced today took off his white coat, opened his hands and said in an extraordinary manner: "Saving the scene is like putting out a fire, vestment!"

Villager: "??"

Clam, what are you talking about

The next second, the little Taoist priests came to their senses, bursting into ecstasy, and shook off a bright cassock, and respectfully put it on Zhou Jinyuan, "Then I will have to thank Master Uncle!"

Villager: "..."