Taoist Doctor

Chapter 29


This was the closest Zhou Jinyuan was to catching the culprit of spreading the rumors. Unfortunately, he didn't notice it. After finishing his busy work, he went to accompany the bed, and dozed vigilantly on the empty bed.

The next day, he went directly to the department from the emergency center. Zhou Jinyuan took a shower in the bathroom of the department before going to work early in the morning.

The staff on duty at the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine teased Zhou Jinyuan in a friendly way: "Master, I heard that you showed great power in the emergency department last night, and Yu Jian took care of a few hooligans? Really, you still carry magic weapons with you? "

Zhou Jinyuan's whole body was covered with no extra accessories, which made them start to wonder, could it be the mustard space

Zhou Jinyuan: "..."

He didn't understand how it was passed on, and whoever passed it on was fast enough. How much pressure is there in the emergency department? Is it possible to relieve the pressure by writing an outline for him

"You said the mahogany sword is my brother's temporary." Zhou Jinyuan said listlessly, "How did you know it so quickly? What am I doing now?"

"I don't know the specific breakthrough Nascent Soul, so I said that you are still a sword cultivator..."

Zhou Jinyuan: "..."

"I won't tell you anymore, the director is going to make a ward round today." Zhou Jinyuan said lazily, he had to go to Qu Guanfeng's ward in the inpatient building.

Qu Guanfeng is a key patient in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine. At present, the injury is the most serious among the hospitalized patients.

Moreover, others may not be very clear about the specific situation, but Xie Min knows that Qu Guanfeng was once judged by authoritative organizations to be unable to fully recover.

If this medical case was cured in their department by Zhou Jinyuan's hands, it would definitely make the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine famous and famous.

Now the baldness department of the third hospital is well-known, but Zhou Jinyuan, the leader, is hidden in the entire department, not everyone knows him.

Xie Min is looking forward to, after Qu Guanfeng's medical case, Zhou Jinyuan's name will be really famous, and he will even become a famous doctor!

Furthermore, Xie Min himself, since Qu Guanfeng was not hospitalized, has also paid attention to every step of Qu Guanfeng's recovery, combined with Zhou Jinyuan's plan to understand his treatment ideas, learn from his strengths, and turn them into his own use.

There is no end to learning, which is also a learning process for her.

"What did you do yesterday?" Xie Min walked into the ward, first saw Zhou Jinyuan talking to Qu Guanfeng with his pocket in his pocket, and asked first.

When Zhou Jinyuan looked at her, she seemed to be a little shorter, "Director Xie, I went to rescue the scene yesterday after get off work. My senior brother suffered a concussion and couldn't consecrate her. I can't help."

Xie Min: "Are you still consecrated? I'm asking about you dealing with the gangsters in society."

Zhou Jinyuan: "... Director, listen to me."

Xie Min pointed at him, "You're not asking yourself, I'll tell you later."

Zhou Jinyuan: "..."

"How is your recovery this week?" Xie Min walked to Qu Guanfeng's hospital bed and asked while looking at the medical records. She basically came to check once a week.

"I can stand up independently, and I will try to walk on crutches in the next stage." Zhou Jinyuan said, and asked Qu Guanfeng to stand up to show Xie Min the recovery situation.

Qu Guanfeng first half-drag his two legs to the edge of the bed to put them down, then hold the armrest beside the bed, and slowly stood up.

Zhou Jinyuan's judgment deviation was very small. After recovering from the pain, he really recovered to the point where he could stand. Those people once said that he could achieve the best recovery state.

The next step is to walk—

Xie Min checked the body carefully, discussed with Zhou Jinyuan, and happily said: "The recovery is progressing very well."

The corner of Qu Guanfeng's mouth twitched lightly.

He used to be very depressed, but under Zhou Jinyuan's treatment, he gradually saw hope again. So these days, he has been exercising frequently, and he just wants to get out of the predicament as soon as possible.

Qu Guanfeng's cell phone rang a text message alert, he glanced at it, but didn't click on it, soon the cell phone rang twice again, but he still ignored it.

"Why don't you look at it?" Zhou Jinyuan glanced at him and asked.

"Nothing to see." Qu Guanfeng said lightly, the message was sent by his father, hoping that he would go home to celebrate grandma's birthday.

Since he moved to the new house, he rarely went back, and his father ran on both ends. Grandma was very kind to him, but she would cry whenever she saw him after the accident. It was hard for him to bear the atmosphere, it was really suffocating.

Zhou Jinyuan didn't ask him about his personal affairs right away, Xie Min encouraged him, "Get out of the ward more, take a stroll in the hospital, and breathe fresh air."

Qu Guanfeng was the only one in the ward. The environment is good, but everyone knows that he should communicate with others more.

Compared with the gloomy before, Qu Guanfeng is really better now, Xie Min said so, and he is willing to accept it.

"Let's go downstairs together, I have a consultation in the morning, Xiao Zhou, come with me." Xie Min said.

Qu Guanfeng grabbed the handrail by himself, sat in the wheelchair, and went to the elevator with them.

On the way, Xie Min briefly told Zhou Jinyuan about the situation of the consultation. There were three patients with severe craniocerebral injuries who were brought here in a car accident.

The most serious one, because of a head trauma caused by a car accident, is currently in a deep coma, has a brain contusion, and has a positive Papanicolaou sign, which means upper motor neuron damage, etc. The other two were slightly better, but also unconscious.

The vital signs of the patients have stabilized after the operation, but they still haven't woken up for three days, so they invite Chinese medicine consultation, hoping to use acupuncture and Chinese medicine to cooperate with the treatment to promote the recovery of the patients.

"The youngest patient was only fifteen years old. He was the least seriously injured among the three comatose children. There was no substantial damage to the brainstem and thalamus tissue. Because his mother was also in the car and protected him at the moment of the accident. But he couldn't be rescued." Xie Min said softly.

Zhou Jinyuan was taken aback for a moment, and then he tied Yin and Yang with his hands, took a handful of sacrificial incense, and said in a low voice: "The order of the Supreme Supreme surpasses your dead soul."

His voice was lowered, with a strange and comfortable rhythm, and his tone was full of piety.

Although it was in the work unit, Xie Min looked at Zhou Jinyuan this time, but didn't say anything.

Qu Guanfeng was in the corner of the elevator. He heard the words and looked up. He was also paralyzed after the car accident, and his mother passed away when he just remembered. In his memory, his mother used her body without hesitation. shelter him from the wind and rain.

The elevator stopped on the first floor, Zhou Jinyuan and Xie Min went out first, and then they and Qu Guanfeng were not in the same direction.

Zhou Jinyuan turned to Qu Guanfeng and said, "Your recovery is pretty good. Generally speaking, it's no different from recovering from a cold and fever. It's just that the course of the disease is longer, and you will recover in the end."

Qu Guanfeng's eyelashes moved, but Zhou Jinyuan turned and left.

"After the operation, although the primary trauma did not cause death, continuous coma after brain injury may lead to the patient's late death. I hope you can assist in waking up." The attending doctor took them to the ward.

Zhou Jinyuan and Xie Min explained the condition in detail, took the pulse of the three patients alternately, and began to discuss the proposed prescription and acupuncture points.

The prescription was mainly drawn up by Xie Min. She often consulted similar cases in the hospital to help comatose patients wake up, and she had proven effective prescriptions.

To call Zhou Jinyuan here is to rely on his acupuncture skills, which can better achieve the purpose of clearing the brain and promoting qi and blood.

"The main point is to wake up the mind, and I need acupuncture at Neiguan, Shuigou, Baihui, Suihai and other points." Zhou Jinyuan and Xie Min discussed the main points. Cause gastrointestinal damage, so it is also necessary to promote the recovery of gastrointestinal function in patients.

At this time, the traditional Chinese medicine was also decocted and injected through the nasal feeding tube.

Three unconscious patients, Zhou Jinyuan was needled one by one. They were all a family. The boy who was the most injured and the other two were cousins. His cousin's mother took the three children out to play, but unexpectedly encountered a car accident. .

At this time, their family members were all waiting by the side, and they were all told not to disturb the doctor's acupuncture. They were quiet and nervous.

Zhou Jinyuan applied the needle to the first child, using strong stimulation techniques. When the needle was moved to one side, the patient's limbs began to twitch. Although the eyes were closed, there were tears in the corners of the eyes, and the eyeballs were also moving.

"The effect is very good!" The attending doctor was very excited.

"I'll do the acupuncture again in ten minutes!" Zhou Jinyuan also smiled, and continued to give the second patient an injection.

After such alternate injections, one hour later, both patients were able to open their eyes on their own. Although they were still unable to answer questions, they were clearly out of deep coma.

It's a pity that the boy who was injured the most has not yet woken up.

The doctor in charge was a little bit regretful, but he couldn't say that he didn't expect it. Their injuries were of different severity. The two patients had no substantial damage to the brainstem and thalamus, and their wakefulness rate was higher than that of the other.

Seeing such a situation, the family members cried and laughed. Although the two cousins opened their eyes, a child had to face the news of the deceased mother. How sad they were, at this moment they dare not even tell the child.

The father of the boy who was the most seriously injured, even after bearing the grief of his sister's death, still had to worry about his comatose son. He was much older and stood with his wife supporting each other.

Before Zhou Jinyuan and Xie Min finished their treatment, they were surrounded by several family members before they went out. During their treatment just now, no one dared to speak to Zhou Jinyuan.

The father of the seriously injured boy grabbed Zhou Jinyuan's hand and said tearfully, "Doctor, thank you for waking up my two nephews, but my son, my son... Is it difficult for him to wake up? Can you try again? Maybe How many more needles will you wake up?"

"There is no response for the time being, but his vital signs are stable, and one hour of acupuncture stimulation is enough. I will come every day to continue acupuncture treatment for them. This time there is no response, it is indeed because his injury is relatively serious. It is heavy, but it is not hopeless. On the contrary, I think he has a high chance of waking up." Zhou Jinyuan held the father's hand to comfort him, "Now you go to rest first, the child may wake up every day , without you."

The other party wiped away tears and nodded vigorously, "I know, I know."

In the past few days, he hasn't had a full sleep, and he doesn't even dare to sleep.

Even if the doctor told him that the child's life was not in danger, he was still afraid that if he closed his eyes, the child would be gone like his sister. Only now did he realize that he couldn't fall down, and he rested with the support of his relatives.

Zhou Jinyuan looked at his back as he left. Even as a doctor, he could not get used to seeing the grieving parents from time to time. After being depressed for a while, he exchanged a glance with Xie Min, nodded to the attending doctor and left.

It can only be said that what they can do is to treat the patients every day, and strive to make the patients recover as soon as possible.

"Are you going home tonight?" Zhou Jinyuan received a call from Qu Guanfeng when he was about to leave work.

Qu Guanfeng decided to go back to celebrate her grandmother's birthday and not stay in the ward today.

Zhou Jinyuan didn't ask why he thought of "asking for leave" at this moment, but said that he should go back and not delay tomorrow's treatment.

After talking with his colleagues for a while, and answering a few questions about the consecration, Zhou Jinyuan went downstairs.

When he reached the gate of the courtyard, a car slowly stopped in front of him, the window was down, Qu Guanfeng was sitting in the back seat, and the driver had already come to pick him up and go home.

"Come on, see you off." Qu Guanfeng said to Zhou Jinyuan.

Qu Guanfeng had many attending doctors, including private doctors of various specialties from childhood to family, but Zhou Jinyuan was undoubtedly a special one, so he was treated differently.

Zhou Jinyuan originally wanted to refuse, but seeing Qu Guanfeng's expression was still indifferent, he suddenly thought that it was not easy for him to be less indifferent than before, so he simply nodded and got into the car, "Then I will trouble you."

Zhou Jinyuan reported the name of the place, and the driver drove in the direction of his home first.

"Huh, so your wheelchair can be folded?" Zhou Jinyuan couldn't help asking when he saw that Qu Guanfeng's electric wheelchair was folded behind him.

"I didn't say no." Qu Guanfeng said.

"I don't know," Zhou Jinyuan said jokingly, "You just watch me put the heavy wheelchair back and forth. It's a bad conscience. I'm going to change the needle for a longer needle tomorrow."

A rare smile appeared on Qu Guanfeng's face. At that time, he was so depressed that he didn't want to care about anything, let alone such a trivial matter that "has nothing to do with him", "To put it away, you have to unscrew two parts first. "

"So you modified this one yourself, right? I always thought it looked different, and it seemed to be more convenient, smooth, stable and flexible." Zhou Jinyuan chatted with Qu Guanfeng along this topic.

He was also observing Qu Guanfeng's expression, and found that Qu Guanfeng didn't seem to mind this topic at all, unlike before, he was extremely sensitive. Later, under the "encouragement" of patients with the same disease, I stopped avoiding talking about it.

The driver couldn't help but peek at them from the rearview mirror. He was surprised that Mr. Qu was willing to chat with the attending doctor and even sent them back. He was surprisingly polite.

After all, even before the accident, Mr. Qu's attitude towards others was not much better, and he drove away several rehabilitation teams. But after thinking about it, I heard that this Taoist priest seems to be very spiritual, even the big boss respects him very much, maybe it is really different...

After chatting with Qu Guanfeng for a few words, Qu Guanfeng really talked about his wheelchair calmly and indifferently, not only did he no longer avoid talking about it, but he almost talked endlessly.

Now that Qu Guanfeng goes back, he probably won't even mind his family's various behaviors about him being in a wheelchair.

Zhou Jinyuan also knew that this wheelchair was indeed unique, it was specially customized by the manufacturer, and the control system was even written by Qu Guanfeng himself—before he was completely desperate.

Qu Qingrui valued Qu Guanfeng so much, of course not only because he was the only son, but also because Qu Guanfeng had extremely high qualifications and talents, and he belonged to that kind of child from other people's family since he was a child. The death of his mother made Qu Qingrui feel sorry for him even more. .

"There's still a traffic jam?" Zhou Jinyuan glanced out the window. Before he reached his house, the vehicles were stuck in the long traffic flow. He didn't know how long the traffic jam would last.

"I knew you should take the subway." Qu Guanfeng said.

Zhou Jinyuan glanced at him, his words didn't seem like a mockery, but a rare joke, so he responded, "I can only say that I'm still not suitable for riding in a luxury car, and I'll be stuck in traffic."

It was stuck in the traffic jam for about ten minutes, and he didn't see much movement. Zhou Jinyuan wanted to leave and walked home, but the phone rang. He saw it was the number in the courtyard, and quickly picked it up.

"Doctor Zhou, have you already got off work? Is there anything wrong?" The doctor in charge who invited Xie Min over for a consultation today said excitedly, "The eyes of the patient in bed 53 can be opened. If it is possible, you can now Can you come over and give him another needle

"I think it's best to give another injection now, which can speed up the recovery. But I just asked the doctor on duty in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and he said that he is not sure that the injection will meet my requirements, but Teacher Mao is not here. Director Xie Went to the outer hospital for consultation!"

Bed 53 is the patient who has not yet regained consciousness due to a head injury caused by a car accident. Zhou Jinyuan gave him acupuncture in the morning and has not responded yet.

Apart from Zhou Jinyuan, Dr. Mao is more skilled in acupuncture and moxibustion in the department. But Dr. Mao is not at work today, and Director Xie went out for consultation again. When the doctor on duty couldn't meet the requirements, the attending doctor had no choice but to ask Zhou Jinyuan for help.

After hearing this, Zhou Jinyuan regained his energy, "I'm stuck in a traffic jam here, and it's on Feihong Road. I'll try my best to go back!"

The attending doctor responded, "Okay, okay, then as soon as possible."

"There is a patient who is in a hurry to get acupuncture, the one you heard this morning. I have to go back quickly." Zhou Jinyuan explained to Qu Guanfeng, and then looked back and forth.

It's a pity that the traffic flow is still congested. Given the extreme congestion at the scene, it seems that it will not be cleared in a short while. Zhou Jinyuan frowned.

The driver also heard it, and said, "Hey, it's not easy to rush back. Is Dr. Zhou in a hurry?"

"The doctor in charge said that the sooner the better." Zhou Jinyuan also felt troubled, looking outside to see if there were motorcycles or the like, but there was no sign of other means of transportation.

Zhou Jinyuan: "Fuck, I won't have to run back, will I?"

The driver was also worried about him, and made up an urgent story, "Look for shared bicycles, just ride a bicycle! If it doesn't work, I can only run, come on, Doctor Zhou!"

Qu Guanfeng showed a thoughtful expression, and said slowly: "There is another way, I can modify the program now..."

What program

Zhou Jinyuan followed his gaze, "?!!"

Feihong Road, Haizhou City

It was the evening rush hour, and traffic accidents caused a huge traffic jam. Many citizens were trapped on the road, and could only stare at the front, hoping to move faster so that they could go home as soon as possible.

The driver of a bus couldn't help cursing, "How long will it take to get stuck!"

Passengers also complained that there is still a distance from home when they get off the bus, and they don't know when the traffic will end if they don't get off the bus.

At this moment, a figure galloped past the uninhabited curb, which could be called an anomaly beside the stagnant traffic, so it was particularly eye-catching.

The lightning speed caused all the passengers to be silent for at least three seconds, and it wasn't until the figure passed their vehicle that there was a loud noise.


"Am I hallucinating? Is that person in a wheelchair? Is it real??"

"Why do you seem to have seen the seat belt, the current electric wheelchair is so powerful?!"

"Are you speeding?? Damn, I've seen a car racing, but never a wheelchair..."