Taoist Doctor

Chapter 30


For Lao Zhang in the Security Department of the Third Hospital, Dr. Zhou in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine is already legendary.

He doesn't read any fantasy novels, and he doesn't know much about the state of affairs. He only knows that Dr. Zhou has the experience of subduing a maniac patient with one hand, and even brought down a troublesome alcoholic by himself.

It is said that Dr. Zhou is a Taoist priest in his spare time, and he probably has practiced some kind of martial arts.

But on this day, Dr. Zhou shocked Lao Zhang again, in another way.

He shifted over as usual, standing by the sentry box at the door, really intending to go in, but he caught a glimpse of a small shadow approaching at the end of the road at a very unusual speed.

He couldn't help squinting his eyes to take a closer look, and when he got closer, he realized that it was a... wheelchair.

A fast-moving electric wheelchair is really fast, so fast that people can't believe that it is a wheelchair with a person sitting on it. Well, of course there is a person sitting, and it is this person who is driving the wheelchair. As a result, passers-by looked sideways and made "fucking" sounds, which can be heard endlessly.

How fast is this wheelchair? There is no traffic jam here. There are vehicles driving on the road. Some cars drive slower and are overtaken by wheelchairs!

The man arrived at the entrance of the hospital, but he didn't go any further. He made a turn and headed inside.

Lao Zhang was still standing outside the sentry box, and he didn't have time to raise the bar to stop the car, but the man reacted very quickly. He stopped in front of the bar and jumped off the wheelchair in an action that could be called a sudden brake.

That's right, this wheelchair man is not disabled!

—if that could really be called a wheelchair.

Only then did Lao Zhang see his face clearly, and he froze for two seconds, "... Doctor Zhou?"

"Uncle Zhang, I'm rushing back to give treatment to the patient. Please help put away this wheelchair. I'll go up first!" Zhou Jinyuan hurriedly pushed the electric wheelchair towards Lao Zhang, and then ran towards the building.

Old Zhang: "..."

He has a lot of things he wants to ask Dr. Zhou, but Dr. Zhou has already slipped away...

Lao Zhang looked at the magical wheelchair and swallowed. Did Dr. Zhou really not be stopped by the traffic police when he came

At first, when Qu Guanfeng said that he could sit in his wheelchair, Zhou Jinyuan thought he was joking, and even joked about his wheelchair. This guy's mentality has recovered well enough, even too much!

At that time, Zhou Jinyuan also said, "It's not good..."

In the end, Qu Guanfeng asked him if he was in a hurry to go back to the hospital.

Of course Zhou Jinyuan thought about it, and after knowing that Qu Guanfeng had a spare wheelchair at home, he agreed embarrassingly.

However, Zhou Jinyuan did not expect that Qu Guanfeng's custom-made wheelchair is so powerful. Once he adjusted the speed, it would be as fast as lightning. It might not be so fast and flexible in a taxi. It even has a complete safety system. Pull out the seat belt and don't have to worry about "crash"...

I don't know what purpose this was designed for, did Qu Guanfeng ask for it or did Qu Qingrui ask for it

Zhou Jinyuan touched his blown hair and ran outside the ward.

The attending doctor, Dr. Meng, is here, and when he saw him, he was pleasantly surprised: "I also said that there was a traffic jam on Feihong Road. Doctor Zhou, why did you come so fast? Did you come by motorcycle?"

"Bad, almost, anyway, it's two wheels." Zhou Jinyuan said vaguely.

Dr. Meng didn't think too much about it, he was in a hurry here, he thought it might be a balance car.

Dr. Meng led Zhou Jinyuan into the ward, and at the same time introduced: "I opened my eyes automatically, but my consciousness is still a little confused, I have a headache, tinnitus, and it is difficult to concentrate, so I can only speak some short words intermittently. One side of the limbs is dysfunctional, and after Gotta go to rehab."

The family members were not in the ward. They were too emotional before and were invited out. Now only the patient is lying on the hospital bed with his eyes half-opened and half-closed. I don't know if he has noticed someone coming in, but there is no reaction at all.

Zhou Jinyuan stepped forward to check it out. Although the patient's nervous system showed no organic damage after the examination, these symptoms, according to Zhou Jinyuan's judgment, were caused by blood stasis after craniocerebral trauma, and the veins were blocked.

Of course, what is more serious is the low muscle strength of one side of the body. If it is not properly rehabilitated, it will be at least moderately disabled in the future.

After Zhou Jinyuan thought about it, he decided on the acupoints to be used for acupuncture. Still recovering with promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis, refreshing the mind, helping him to regain consciousness and stop headache and other symptoms. Supplemented by dredging the meridians and relieving spasms, his limb functions were restored.

Once every five minutes, for half an hour, the boy's headache and other symptoms on the hospital bed disappeared, and his eyes became clearer.

Sitting by the bed, Zhou Jinyuan twirled the needle while asking him questions.

Although the patient's voice was weak, he was able to answer simply, and asked, "What about them..."

The question was obviously about his family members who had been in a car accident with him. His aunt died protecting the child, and his cousins woke up half a day before him.

But now that the news is out, it is undoubtedly a great stimulus, Zhou Jinyuan can only say: "You rest first, your cousin is in another ward."

The boy blinked in confusion, and said again: "My right hand is so heavy and numb..."

Like a stone, it seems to be completely unfeeling.

"This is due to the injury, and there is a temporary impairment of limb function, which can be recovered after rehabilitation." Zhou Jinyuan comforted him. If it were another doctor, he might not be able to guarantee the boy's recovery, and the prognosis might even be moderate.

But Zhou Jinyuan can even recover from Qu Guanfeng's situation, and the boy's physical dysfunction is of course not a big deal.

Zhou Jinyuan tapped the bed rail rhythmically, and the boy felt drowsy when he heard it, and slowly closed his eyes. But this time when he closed his eyes, it was obviously not a coma again, but a relaxing rest.

"After a while, transfer to the ward of our Chinese medicine department. I can take over his limb recovery treatment." Zhou Jinyuan discussed it with Dr. Meng. Fortunately, the Chinese medicine department now has a ward, which is more convenient.

At this time, it was almost nine o'clock in the evening, and Zhou Jinyuan was grabbed by his family members at the door of the ward to thank him, and then he went home.

Dr. Meng, who had been busy for a long time, returned to the duty room to take a rest. Only then did he have time to take out his mobile phone and swipe his friends. As soon as he opened Moments, he found that the screen was swiped by a small video with similar content.

One was sent by his old classmate, and it seems to be taken by himself:

[I was actually overtaken by a wheelchair? ? ?]

Just seeing Dr. Wenmeng made him laugh, no matter how fast the wheelchair can go. He casually clicked on the small video, only to see that the wheelchair in it was faster than he imagined, galloping all the way.

Although there is only one back of the head, Dr. Meng still looks more and more familiar.

How is this... so like Zhou Dashen...

Dr. Meng suddenly recalled Zhou Jinyuan's sentence "Almost, it's two wheels anyway".

... God damn it! !

Today was also a day when I accidentally didn't have dinner at home. Zhou Jinyuan pushed open the door, already hungry, "Xiaoxue, I'm starving to death!"

Rong Xixue was warming up dishes for him after receiving the text message. At this time, she was holding a spoon in one hand and thinking about her cell phone in the other, leaning out of the kitchen with a subtle expression: "Brother, today you..."

Zhou Jinyuan stuck his waist in: "I rushed back to give an injection to a patient. He fell into a coma and woke up suddenly. Oh, I'm so tired."

He flexed his neck.

Rong Xixue: "No, I mean, you're...in a wheelchair?"

Zhou Jinyuan: "...?!"

How did Xiaoxue know!

Rong Xixue handed over the phone, "Many of my classmates are sending out rumors that it is a paralyzed patient with a malfunctioning electric wheelchair."

But he naturally recognized Zhou Jinyuan at a glance, not a paralyzed patient at all.

Zhou Jinyuan took the phone and looked at it. Sure enough, many students forwarded it.

—Not to mention the heavy traffic jam on Feihong Road at that time, many people were stranded on the road, just passing along, I don’t know how many people saw Zhou Jinyuan’s figure, including those who were “overtaken”.

Have you ever seen such a fast-moving wheelchair? Various versions of small videos immediately began to circulate, and after clicking on it, you can still hear a suspicious background sound.

[What's wrong with this buddy? ? Are you okay?]

[? ? Who am I, where am I, why am I being overtaken by a wheelchair]

[I'm faster than my car, like crazy, is his wheelchair out of order?]

[Oh my god, he won't fall, I'm a little worried about him!]

[See you soon, why should I buy a car...]

Most people are "fucking", and after the initial surprise, they start to diverge.

Many people thought that Zhou Jinyuan was a paralyzed patient, or that he was too hard to get off. They couldn't help but feel worried, and even started to ask if anyone in the circle of friends knew this little brother, and wanted to know if he was okay now.

"... Uh, that's it." Zhou Jinyuan explained to Rong Xixue.

He didn't come up with the idea. He was in a hurry to go back. After accepting Qu Guanfeng's proposal, he rushed all the way back. Because of the heavy traffic jam, the traffic police on the nearby roads went to support. The road was very smooth, so there was no time. After thinking about it, I found out when I came back that it had spread widely.

"Then how do we dispel the rumors now?"

Rong Xixue pointed to the phone, "Try it."

While eating, Zhou Jinyuan used Rong Xixue's mobile phone to reply to those classmates who sent the video: Hello, the video is my brother. He is a doctor from the third hospital. Wheelchair, very safe, thank you, don't worry!

Soon, Zhou Jinyuan saw a bunch of replies:

[Who are you? You are not Rongshen, Rongshen never posts on Moments!]

[Yaoshou, God, come back to me!]

[Hello? If you were kidnapped, would you like it? ?]

"..." Zhou Jinyuan almost spit out the soup. These people didn't care about his rumor content anymore, so he turned the screen of his phone to Rong Xixue, "Hahahahahaha, Xiaoxue, you didn't even tell me when you became a god." Brother!"

Rong Xixue glanced at it, and didn't take it seriously, "My brother is already in the Nascent Soul stage, so of course I can't compare to him, it's just that my classmates shouted wildly."

Zhou Jinyuan: "I suspect you are laughing at me..."

Zhou Jinyuan used Rong Xixue's account to refute the rumors among his classmates. After a meal, his classmates came to ask him if he could send his business card to the reporter, because a reporter who knew him heard that he knew the person involved and wanted to know more about it. Condition.

Thinking of avoiding the concern of the general public, Zhou Jinyuan added the other party, only to realize that it was a reporter from the local radio station.

—During the big traffic jam today, the first people to notice Zhou Jinyuan were the drivers. The morning and evening peak columns of the local radio station would report the road conditions. At that time, some drivers reported that there was a wheelchair trapeze on the road.

At that time, the anchor also made guesses during the live broadcast, and even discussed whether it violated traffic rules and how to define the nature... When he found someone with knowledge, he contacted him.

Zhou Jinyuan explained the situation to the other party through WeChat, and also sent a photo of his work permit to testify. It was also from the other party that he knew how widely this small video was spread. In less than half a day, it was almost spread locally.

The reporter said that he heard that the transportation department is also investigating because the video became popular, and it is estimated that people are also having a headache. How to characterize this. If Zhou Jinyuan was a doctor, that would be great. There is a saying called emergency response, and the ambulance can still ask to give way.

The reporter of the radio station has a lot of friends on WeChat. After learning about the situation with Zhou Jinyuan, he briefly said in the circle of friends: I have found the wheelchair boy who was popular in Haizhou in the afternoon! The real situation: In fact, he is a doctor from the Third Hospital. At that time, he was stuck in traffic and rushed back to the hospital for emergency treatment for the patient. [Laughing] [Laughing] PS: The wheelchair that everyone cares about is a custom-made intelligent electric wheelchair, which was lent to him by another patient, but it also shows that it cannot be imitated at will. No one has the speed, power and safety of others.

So far, rumors about the mysterious wheelchair boy have spread quickly, and finally someone has confirmed it. Thinking about it, this little brother seems to be a doctor.

[I have been treated for hair loss in the third hospital. This is the Chinese medicine doctor there. That's right. His name is Zhou Jinyuan. He has thick hair and excellent medical skills.]

[At first, I was worried that if it was a patient, the quality control of the wheelchair manufacturer would be too poor, which would lead to injury. If it is an ordinary person, if you drive such a fast wheelchair, it will be fine if you hit yourself, but what if you hit someone else. If it is a doctor, and the wheelchair is also safe, then... I can only give it a thumbs up!]

[! Damn, it's my attending doctor, Dr. Zhou. He is very powerful. He has received a lot of pennants as big as curtains in the consulting room. No wonder he is so caring!]

[Oh my god, it's actually a bit touching, everyone still wants to praise the patients! The former patient donated a wheelchair, and the doctor went to the ward in a wheelchair to treat the new patient, which is very meaningful. PS: Although the moment of overtaking is a bit magical.]

[No other meaning, but, how much is this custom-made wheelchair, and the price makes me give up...]

[So it's still a miracle doctor? Remember him! [Awesome][Awesome]]

When Zhou Jinyuan went to the hospital the next day, almost all his colleagues knew about it...

Zhou Jinyuan first went to the security department to get the wheelchair. He left the wheelchair there yesterday and had to send it back to Qu Guanfeng today. As soon as he showed up with a wheelchair, his colleagues covered their mouths and laughed.

"Master, you are awesome. Doctor Meng said he asked you how you got here, and you said you came on two wheels!" Liu Qi bumped Zhou Jinyuan's arm with a look of admiration.

"You said you have the guts and such a fast speed. If it were me, I'm afraid you wouldn't dare to sit."

"That's Qu Guanfeng's wheelchair, it's safe." People in the Chinese medicine department basically know about Qu Guanfeng's key case, and everyone knows about Mr. Qu's background. Once he said it, everyone knew about it.

Xie Min was quite relieved, but her mood was different from others, it was because Qu Guanfeng was able to lend her wheelchair out without any grievances, it seems that her mentality has indeed improved a lot!

It is no less important than physical recovery for the patient to live with a positive attitude in the future.

And Xie Min was also very emotional, and patted Zhou Jinyuan, "Why is Xiao Zhou always so unexpected..."

She thought that Zhou Jinyuan would open up the situation because of the classical acupuncture methods such as burning mountains and fires, but Zhou Jinyuan turned the third hospital into a baldness specialist.

She thought that Zhou Jinyuan would become famous because he cured Mr. Qu, but Zhou Jinyuan rushed to the emergency room in a wheelchair and became famous, becoming popular all over Haizhou...

Zhou Jinyuan pushed the wheelchair and walked on the way to the TCM ward. Everywhere he went, his colleagues chatted with him, because the shape of the custom-made wheelchair was somewhat different from that of ordinary wheelchairs, and some patients who watched the video recognized it and greeted him.

Zhou Jinyuan took a look, sat down on the wheelchair, moved forward at a constant speed, and replied mechanically: "Yes, it's me. I went to the emergency room. I borrowed a wheelchair and returned it now."

When he arrived at the ward, Qu Guanfeng had rushed back early in the morning and was drinking traditional Chinese medicine. There was still an ordinary wheelchair in the ward, which seemed to be his spare.

"Thank you again, thank you very much yesterday." Zhou Jinyuan pushed the wheelchair, "Well, do you know?"

"You mean that you became popular?" Qu Guanfeng raised an eyebrow and asked.

Zhou Jinyuan: "..."

Zhou Jinyuan: "... Yes, your wheelchair and mine are both red."

Qu Guanfeng smiled lightly, the experience last night was not as irritable as he imagined. As Zhou Jinyuan said, this is just a process.

"Last night, my dad said that he was already discussing with your Dean Xiao, sponsoring the activities of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and contacting some famous Chinese medicine experts to hold seminars." Qu Guanfeng said again, Qu Guanfeng's idea was also to repay Zhou Jinyuan.

Communication can lead to progress. With the overall level of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the Third Hospital, it can only be said to be mediocre in Haizhou. If we can carry out more learning and exchanges like this, it will undoubtedly be of great benefit.

If it was Qu Guanfeng's idea, this would be an opportunity for other doctors to learn from Zhou Jinyuan.

"Really?" Zhou Jinyuan couldn't hide his joy. He didn't know about the undecided inside information, which was a good thing.

"It will be finalized soon. You also need to prepare the topic, and you will be arranged to give a lecture when the time comes." Qu Guanfeng said. The difficult part of this matter is not the funds, but the need to persuade those experts, how can a famous doctor be a person who is short of money.

"Is there still my share?" Zhou Jinyuan didn't expect it to be so deep. He has been practicing medicine independently all year round. He has never participated in this meeting or that. At that time, he thought about how to prepare.

When Zhou Jinyuan came out of Qu Guanfeng's ward, his cell phone rang. He glanced at the incoming call, and it was from Rong Shouyun.

At this time, Rong Bald should still be doing morning classes, right

For some reason, Zhou Jinyuan suddenly had a bad feeling, pressed his phone, "Hello?"

"Ah Jin! Woohoo, Ah Jin! I'm going to pass away again!" As soon as the call was connected, Rong Shouyun on the other end cried and cried, as if he was going to sit down and melt into a relic.

Zhou Jinyuan moved the phone a little farther away, and asked, "What's wrong with you? What did you do to the new abbot?"

Rong Shouyun: "No! The abbot is fine!"

Zhou Jinyuan breathed a sigh of relief, "I just said, can you report such a poor abbot?"

Rong Shouyun sobbed loudly, "So, our temple has closed down!"

Zhou Jinyuan: "..."

Are you poisonous?