Taoist Doctor

Chapter 38


The blows from his peers did not make Rong Shouyun give up, but on the contrary, he strengthened his belief, "Heaven will send a great responsibility to people, so you must first work hard on your heart and muscles..."

Rong Xixue: "This is Confucian culture."

Rong Shouyun said bitterly: "... don't come here to destroy this monk's practice, don't think that you are wise after being praised by the abbot, that's because I let my brother, have you read my test paper in the temple!"

Rong Xixue said plainly: "Wisdom is not Tao, and heart is not Buddha. Are you chasing wisdom or Buddha? If it's the former, you should have taken the postgraduate entrance examination."

Rong Shouyun: "..."

Some people think that having wisdom means having Buddha nature, and deliberately pursue the mind or wisdom, but this kind of thinking is a bit secular. People with Buddha nature may have wisdom, but wisdom is not the only manifestation, let alone the most important.

Zhou Jinyuan laughed loudly, "It makes sense, don't hate your younger brother just because he is favored by the great monk than you. In fact, he is just smarter than you. Don't be discouraged because he is too stupid. Three kalpas and three thousand Buddhas are different, silly There are also opportunities to work.”

Rong Shouyun was ridiculed again by him from a different angle, and rolled his eyes frantically, these Taoist priests are really not fun, their words are too poisonous.

Except for seeing a patient on the day of going up the mountain, Zhou Jinyuan rested for the next few days, eating and drinking, and did not encounter any emergencies anyway. In the middle, I went to his family's warehouse with Rong Xixue, where many medicinal materials are stored.

One is that Zhou Jinyuan and Rong Shouyun are going to open a clinic in Haizhou, and they will get some medicinal materials from the town store, and the other is that Rong Xixue is going to do experiments on the properties of the medicine. Some of the medicinal materials are good old ones, and some of the ones collected by his family were concocted by his grandfather when he was alive, which is really rare.

These medicinal materials are all packaged and sent to Haizhou by logistics the day before they leave.

After spending the Spring Festival at home like this, Zhou Jinyuan gained four catties from eating. He should go back to work on the fourth day of the new year, and the outpatient clinic of the Chinese medicine department will resume on the fifth day of the new year. It is estimated that he will be busy with the meat he just ate.

"This year we must miss the time to pray to the Tai Sui, Dad, remember to help us pray!" Zhou Jinyuan was wrapped up thickly, and he was still reminding Father Zhou before leaving.

"Can I not even remember this?" Father Zhou waved his hand.

The three of them went to Haizhou again, because Zhou Jinyuan had already obtained the consent of all parties, and Zhou Jinyuan also handed over the deposit to Rong Shouyun, asking him to take care of opening a clinic.

It will definitely take some time until the official opening of the various procedures is completed. Fortunately, Zhou Jinyuan has been in Haizhou for a while, and now the procedures for going to the clinic are not as complicated as before. Even if you have any questions, there are many seniors who can ask them. It should not be a big deal question.

After getting on the plane, Rong Shouyun was muttering: "What do you think we should name our clinic? Jialan Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic?"

Zhou Jinyuan: "..."

"Are you crazy? Then others would think they are monks and doctors." Zhou Jinyuan looked in disbelief, "Of course it must be taken from the "Book of Changes."

Where there are Taoist doctors, there are monk doctors, but although Rong Shouyun has been a monk, he is definitely not a monk doctor.

Is it Buddhism or Taoism

Rong Shouyun: "I think the name Jialan sounds better..."

Zhou Jinyuan strangled his neck, relying on his high force value, "Nonsense, it doesn't sound good, shut up."

"I don't!" Rong Shouyun struggled to resist, and pressed his palm on Zhou Jinyuan's chest, "Strong Vajra Palm!"

"... What crazy words did the elementary school monk say? When did the temple teach you martial arts?" Zhou Jinyuan stretched out one hand and squeezed his head into a fist, "Xuanwu boxing!"

Rong Shouyun reacted for a second, then became furious, Xuanwu? Wang Baquan!

He was a little dizzy from being chiseled, but he still insisted: "Just... Jia... Lan..."

Jialan means the place where monks live in Sanskrit, temple.

Rong Xixue acted as if the matter had nothing to do with her throughout the whole process, without even looking at the two of them, she said calmly at this moment: "Didn't Jia Lan not want you anymore?"

Rong Shouyun: "..."

This blow hit him hard, and the whole person was slumped.

Their seats were at the back, and when a flight attendant lifted the curtain and came out, she saw Rong Shouyun and Zhou Jinyuan twisting together, she smiled and said with an unchanged expression: "Kids, sit down and put your bags under your feet." .”

Zhou Jinyuan: "..."

Rong Shouyun: "..."

Shame kept them from fighting.

The doors closed, taxied on the runway, and lined up for takeoff.

Zhou Jinyuan had already taken out his blindfold and was about to sleep, but he heard a commotion in the front row, and for some unknown reason, many passengers stood up. He was seated by the window, so he couldn't see clearly.

At this time, the flight attendants also asked everyone to sit down, explaining that a passenger suddenly became ill and they would contact the medical staff. Fortunately, the planes were only queuing up at this time and had not yet taken off, so we made temporary adjustments.

"Hey, that's your business scope." Both Rong Shouyun and Rong Xixue stood up, stepped aside and asked Zhou Jinyuan to come out.

When Zhou Jinyuan heard that someone was unconscious, he quickly unfastened his seat belt, "I'll go and have a look first."

The space is narrow, so there is no need to go together now, I will naturally call them when there is something to do.

Zhou Jinyuan strode forward, and sure enough, he saw a gray-haired man lying flat in the aisle, unconscious, with a big puddle of vomit next to him, and two flight attendants were looking after him, looking for an emergency card and the like. and call his name.

Another flight attendant saw Zhou Jinyuan and immediately wanted to stop him, "Sir, please sit down."

"I'm a doctor, let me take a look." Zhou Jinyuan knew that there was a medical emergency center at the airport, and the emergency personnel would arrive soon after the plane took off, but no one knew what kind of emergency the patient had and whether he needed to cherish every moment Second golden rescue time.

The flight attendant was a little hesitant, because she had just witnessed Zhou Jinyuan fighting with others, so she was clearly a lively teenager.

But at this moment, Zhou Jinyuan's face was very different. He directly pushed her away and knelt down to see the patient. She couldn't bear to object.

The sudden patient was covered in cold sweat, his lips were bruised, his teeth were clenched, and he had already fallen into a coma. The two flight attendants did not find the emergency card or medicine, and said nervously: "It seems to be a myocardial infarction. Almost gone...”

Zhou Jinyuan also checked his breath and pulse, and indeed he could hardly feel his pulse.

With a serious face, he went to feel the Renying Vessel on the neck of the patient and the Fuyang Vessel on the back of the foot. This is the three-part diagnostic method mentioned by Zhang Zhongjing. If the Cunkou pulse in the hand has no pulse, these two parts can still be used to detect the patient's condition, life and death.

Doctors usually simplify the diagnosis method and take the Cunkou pulse alone. But Zhang Zhongjing also said that an inch is not enough to measure, and a handshake is not enough. Cunkou is the radial artery of the wrist, Renying is the common carotid artery paralarynx, and Fuyang Meridian is the anterior tibial artery on the dorsum of the foot.

Fortunately, the patient still has pulses in the other two places.

Seeing Zhou Jinyuan fumbling here and there, the flight attendant felt anxious again, and hurriedly said, "Excuse me, are you really a doctor? Our emergency personnel will be here soon—"

"Hush." Seeing that Zhou Jinyuan's eartips moved, as if he heard something, the flight attendant couldn't help shutting his mouth and staring.

I saw that the boy lifted the patient's head up, pressed it somewhere, opened his closed jaw, and put his finger into the patient's mouth, and actually pulled out a full of sputum from that mouth! Pick it again, and even pick out a few broken teeth!

The flight attendant and the passengers in the seats next to her were shocked. Looking at the broken teeth, they felt like their own teeth were sore. It must have been so painful that the teeth were crushed!

Only then did the flight attendant completely believe that the boy was really a doctor.

Zhou Jinyuan didn't mind the dirt on his hands, and cleaned out the large amount of phlegm accumulated in the patient's mouth.

A passenger next to him immediately handed him a tissue. He wiped his hands and groped around the patient, but he couldn't find what he imagined.

Zhou Jinyuan frowned and said to the flight attendant: "It's not a myocardial infarction, and the patient has diabetes. Judging from the symptoms, it may be a diabetic hyperosmolar coma. You must rehydrate immediately. Do you have salt water? Feed some if you can."

They all looked for it, but the patient did not have an emergency card or any medicine.

Generally speaking, diabetic patients will carry insulin. Although I don't know why the patient does not have it, Zhou Jinyuan can almost confirm his diagnosis based on the patient's symptoms, signs, and pulse conditions.

The flight attendants are all trained in medical first aid, but they didn't know the real cause of this patient for a while, it was indeed a bit like myocardial infarction.

Furthermore, diabetic hyperosmolar coma is a rare serious acute complication. And because the onset is hidden, it is easy to be ignored, and it is already very serious when the onset occurs. The incidence rate is low, but the mortality rate is high.

After Zhou Jinyuan finished speaking, he took out the needles he was carrying with him.

"Huh? Is this... acupuncture?" the flight attendant asked in surprise.

In order to facilitate their understanding, Zhou Jinyuan said all the terms of western medicine just now, but now he suddenly took out the needles, which stunned those who always thought he was a western medicine.

"Well, I'm a Chinese medicine practitioner." Zhou Jinyuan had no choice but to decoct traditional Chinese medicine, so he could only use acupuncture to restore yang and save yin. From the perspective of Chinese medicine, his syndrome was that both yin and yang were lost, and the situation was really critical.

But even so, no one has any doubts at this time, and do as he said.

After several injections by Zhou Jinyuan, the patient's breathing became more obvious, and there was still the sound of ho ho phlegm in his throat, and then he spat it out on his own. Zhou Jinyuan opened the patient's teeth just because he heard this voice.

The flight attendant was overjoyed and called the patient's name again.

"There's no need to scream. He's still not fully awake yet. It's just a temporary relief of his condition and he needs to take medicine," Zhou Jinyuan said.

"Yeah." The flight attendant glanced at him. He thought he was a teenager before, but Zhou Jinyuan's diagnosis and injection just now were decisive and neat, and his sense of age was instantly blurred. He looked very handsome...

Not long after, the ambulance drove directly to the runway, and Zhou Jinyuan followed.

The first responders were told that a colleague was there to give first aid, and it was judged that the patient had diabetes.

They checked with the existing equipment. Although there are no laboratory test indicators, the symptoms and signs are very consistent. The initial diagnosis is indeed diabetic hyperosmolar coma. They dared not delay, so they quickly put on normal saline for rehydration.

The patient was still stuck with needles, and the emergency personnel looked at the young colleague, "Dude, are you a Chinese medicine practitioner? You are quite decisive. Why don't you take the needle first, and we'll send it to the municipal hospital." .”

"Send it to the municipal hospital? The needle needs to be kept for a while, and someone will pick it up at the hospital." After hearing this, Zhou Jinyuan relaxed his brows and said with relief. He didn't want to get on this flight at first, so he left with him, fearing that the patient would not be saved, but now he changed his mind.

The emergency personnel felt that what he said meant that the nurses in the hospital could take the needles, so they responded and raced away.

When they arrived at the municipal hospital, they were greeted as soon as they stopped.

The emergency personnel have come here many times, but this time the situation is very unusual. It stands to reason that they should be sent for examination immediately to lower blood sugar and control the condition.

But as soon as the people from the municipal hospital received him, someone immediately brought a bowl of traditional Chinese medicine to the patient, and at the same time someone pulled out the needle, as if it was very urgent.

The emergency team at the airport looked confused, "What does this mean?"

Even in the emergency center of the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, this kind of first aid is rare, right

—Yes, Chinese medicine hospitals also have emergency departments, although they are often deserted, and Western medicine methods are also indispensable.

I suddenly recalled the words of the Chinese medicine doctor, when I arrived at the city hospital, someone would take the needle...

Could it be that he arranged it

They knew the answer soon, because the patient was awake not long after.

At that time, the plane bound for Haizhou City had already taken off, a little later than scheduled.

As soon as Zhou Jinyuan returned to the cabin, some passengers took the lead in applauding him, and some shouted: "Young man, you are a Chinese medicine doctor? I never thought that Chinese medicine can also provide first aid!"

Those who were close saw Zhou Jinyuan's actions, and some even recorded a video. We have seen a lot of first aid in Western medicine, but this is the first time we have seen first aid in Chinese medicine.

"Of course it can." Too many people think that Chinese medicine is slow to take effect. Zhou Jinyuan took the trouble to explain that acupuncture clinics are not doing very well nowadays, but for Chinese medicine, the classic method is to use acupuncture and moxibustion to help the crisis, and then apply decoction.

"Is that so, I always think you look familiar?"

This flight is from Yingzhou to Haizhou. If there are people living in Haizhou, it is not surprising that Zhou Jinyuan looks familiar...

"Ahem, maybe I've seen it before." Zhou Jinyuan couldn't say: Do you still remember the wheelchair-ridden doctor who swiped the screen in Moments

He clasped his fists to the applauding fellow passengers, and everyone couldn't help chuckling when he saw it, he was sassy and cute.

After Zhou Jinyuan sat back in his seat, Rong Xixue asked.

"Isn't the condition very critical? Why don't you go with me?"

He also thought that with Zhou Jinyuan's temperament, he would go to the hospital with the car, and he was ready to help him change his ticket.

"I called an uncle at the municipal hospital and drew up a prescription. They will prepare the medicine and wait for it," Zhou Jinyuan said.

Unlike in Haizhou, here, Zhou's family is still somewhat famous, and several experts and hospital leaders in the municipal hospital also know Zhou's father better. Therefore, there are people who fully trust Zhou Jinyuan and will adopt his prescription.

Zhou Jinyuan prepared a dose of Sini Ginseng Decoction, which can restore yang and strengthen yin. According to his speculation, after drinking the medicine, he will be fully awake in at least ten minutes, and then all symptoms will be relieved, and he will be out of danger.

"Hello, would you like something to drink?" The flight attendant came over and asked Zhou Jinyuan in a gentle tone.

"No thanks."

"May I ask your name and unit?" The flight attendant blushed for some reason, "I want to record something here..."

Zhou Jinyuan: "Yes, my name is Zhou Jinyuan, and my work unit is the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the Third Hospital of Haizhou City."

"You look so young." The flight attendant hesitated to speak, expecting Zhou Jinyuan to say something, but Zhou Jinyuan didn't get it. The two looked at each other for three seconds, the flight attendant laughed awkwardly, turned around and left silently.

The female passenger in the front row was less reserved. She turned around and asked, "Are you from the Third Academy? You were amazing just now, can you... give me a contact information?"

Zhou Jinyuan immediately said enthusiastically: "Thank you. You can just register with my account. You can see the clinic hours from our official account, so you don't need to contact me in advance!"

The female passenger was stunned because she couldn't tell if he was coming: "... Oh!"

Zhou Jinyuan's first day back to work.

"Happy New Year." Zhou Jinyuan and his colleagues said hello to each other before the holiday. He saw his colleagues playing with red banners and asked, "What is this? Who is coming to visit?"

During the Chinese New Year, he took a rotation break, and he didn't read gossip, and he didn't know what was going on.

"Hey, God, I'm not here for you. A hospital in another province heard about the big things you've done, and wants to come to visit and study." Liu Qi said.

Zhou Jinyuan thought about it, and laughed, "Which rehabilitation hospital is it?"

Didn't the rehabilitation he did for Qu Guanfeng make many relevant agencies keep inquiring, and even urged him to write an article.

But just by reading medical records, one can understand the process and effect of a treatment. If one wants to understand the details, one must study Chinese medicine or even come to him himself.

Liu Qi smiled awkwardly: "No, it's the XX Provincial Dermatology Hospital. They want to introduce traditional Chinese medicine to prevent hair loss..."

Zhou Jinyuan: "..."

Almost forgot, baldness has a bigger mass base.

Because the third hospital’s reputation for treating baldness is getting louder and louder, now it’s not just patients from inside and outside the province, but patients from home and abroad, so recently the hospital has been emphasizing the foreign language spoken problem of the guiding nurses.

Seeing their sudden emergence, other anti-hair loss hospitals are of course also itchy. They want to come and observe and learn from experience. Later, they can also recruit some Chinese medicine practitioners and set up a Chinese medicine anti-hair loss clinic to catch a wave of enthusiasm.

It is still possible to get the third hospital to come and communicate with each other, and there are not many people who open their own special clinics for anti-falling out of traditional Chinese medicine.

Zhou Jinyuan returned to his busy work, and it wasn't long before he was approached by Dean Xiao a few days later.

"Xiao Zhou, here is an advanced training course on acupuncture and moxibustion hosted by the Acupuncture Association of City L in Country B. The Haizhou Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine invited an acupuncture teacher. Professor Mo called by name. You may have to travel across the ocean to attend the class! There is an additional fee of!"

Dean Xiao is eager to let Zhou Jinyuan participate in various academic activities, so as to expand his reputation a little bit, instead of being bald every day, the case like Qu Guanfeng is very good!

"Is there still such a class?" Zhou Jinyuan wondered, he really didn't know much about these situations.

He only knows that there are many acupuncture doctors abroad, and foreign patients from their hospital have also mentioned that there is acupuncture in his city, but he doesn't know what it is, and he doesn't know that the Haizhou Traditional Chinese Medicine Association still needs to participate in such activities.

Dean Xiao said: "Of course, there are hundreds of thousands of overseas acupuncture practitioners. In order to further promote, there are often overseas teaching and free clinic activities, and overseas acupuncture doctors are accepted for further training, or like this , accept the invitation to teach abroad.”

Acupuncture and moxibustion are widely used in many overseas countries. Many universities have also developed acupuncture majors, acupuncture departments, and training acupuncturists. Some regions require acupuncturists to continue education for a certain number of hours each year.

The form of continuing education can be various academic lectures, academic discussions, etc., of course, including such acupuncture training courses, which are sponsored by their local acupuncture association.

Except for Zhou Jinyuan, who was named by Professor Mo, those sent by the Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine were all teaching staff, either from Haida Medical College or from the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

"Speaking of which, I don't know if you understand or not. Nowadays, acupuncture practitioners in the West mostly use 'soft acupuncture' to pursue non-invasive pain, and it is the most used to treat pain-related diseases—for example, your theme this time is acupuncture and moxibustion pain training. Take it Acupuncture points are different from ours, just find the stimulating point and the tender point, and don’t pay attention to the meridian.”

Zhou Jinyuan was a little anxious for others: "No, how can the effect be the same? Are they too lazy to memorize meridian and acupuncture points

"Not only the twelve meridians, twelve meridians, fifteen collaterals, twelve tendons, twelve skin parts plus eight extra meridians, more than seven hundred acupoints, single points, double points, extra points outside the meridians, and key points. ... how easy it is to work together!"

The author has something to say: Patient: I felt like a god came to save me in a coma, he touched my jio and picked my mouth