Taoist Doctor

Chapter 39


"Hahahahaha, what you said is one of the reasons!" Dean Xiao laughed.

Acupuncture and moxibustion are widely used in various pain disorders overseas, but because of the main pain disorders, Western acupuncturists generally do not pay much attention to acupuncture techniques, acupoints, and meridians.

Anyway, even acupuncture next to the acupoints, shallow needling, weak stimulation, transcutaneous electrical stimulation, etc., can produce analgesic effects, so why choose acupoints so accurately.

Therefore, western acupuncture and moxibustion are quite traditional Chinese theories.

"I understand." Zhou Jinyuan didn't find it strange after listening to Dean Xiao's introduction.

There are many domestic research techniques, acupuncture points, meridians, etc., but they are not scientific and standardized, and it is difficult to quantify the manipulation. At present, the level of acupuncturists still has a great influence on the effect.

For example, Zhou Jinyuan, there are far-infrared rays, magnetism, electricity and other instruments used in acupuncture and moxibustion in modern times, but Zhou Jinyuan still uses traditional acupuncture, not because he is complacent, but because for him, the combination of manipulation with acupoints and meridians can achieve better results. Effect.

Coupled with cultural differences, it is naturally difficult for overseas practitioners to understand.

So now Huaxia is continuing to conduct in-depth research, especially quantitative research, so that the theory can be promoted and more clinical research can be obtained.

The two also complement each other. Only by promoting it can more people be interested in studying it and perfecting its modern theory, which is why Professor Mo recommended Zhou Jinyuan to go out.

"Anyway, that's how business trips are. Someone will handle the formalities in a unified way. You will stay for about ten days in total. You will be leaving next month. You should make arrangements for your patients in advance, and then prepare to translate some medical records and send them to Professor Mo in advance. " Dean Xiao said.

"In such a hurry?" Zhou Jinyuan was a little surprised.

"I'm just waiting for you." Dean Xiao laughed, Professor Mo called for Zhou Jinyuan to go.

Although Professor Mo himself would not participate in a lecture of this scale, he recommended Zhou Jinyuan. But Zhou Jinyuan hadn't joined the club for a long time, the activities had been set long ago, and others had already prepared them.

Zhou Jinyuan had no choice but to nod, went back to work overtime, and rushed out.

When Zhou Jinyuan was away, he had two entrustment methods for the patients who needed continuous treatment. Those who were not demanding were handed over to Liu Qi, and those who were more demanding were asked to be helped by Dr. Mao and Director Xie.

There is also Qu Guanfeng. Fortunately, the frequency and stimulation of acupuncture that Qu Guanfeng needs now is not as high as before. Zhou Jinyuan made a treatment plan for him in the next stage. Before he leaves, he can get acupuncture once and twice in the middle. Acupuncture is replaced by fumigation.

It just so happened that this time Rong Xixue brought a lot of good medicinal materials from her hometown, which were not available in the market, so Zhou Jinyuan selected some from them and prepared good medicines.

"Here, take these. The prescription is slightly different from the previous one. Note that I wrote the items on the card." Zhou Jinyuan handed the medicine to Qu Guanfeng.

"When will your clinic open?" Qu Guanfeng asked.

Zhou Jinyuan never took the initiative to bring up the opening of the clinic with his patients, because he felt that Dean Xiao was very considerate. When the clinic was first opened, the medical insurance had not yet been opened, so there was no need to drag the patients there.

I don't know how Qu Guanfeng knew about it, but since he knew about it, then Qu Qingrui and the others probably knew about it too. This is actually not bad, because they didn't go to the third hospital to see a doctor before, Qu Guanfeng was a special case, and other people just came to do massage or something.

"The place has already been decided, and I chose a place with a nearby residential area. I had a fight with my friend several times about the name and decoration style. Fortunately, the procedures are quite easy now. It is much simpler than before, so it is also faster. "Zhou Jinyuan said optimistically.

The decoration style is simple, and the place used to be a clinic, so there is no need for major changes. And the final style is not like many Chinese medicine clinics, like a palace, after all, they don't have that much money...

"What's your name?" Qu Guanfeng asked.

Zhou Jinyuan: "Uh... Xiaoqinglong Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic..."

Qu Guanfeng: "???"

Zhou Jinyuan smiled mischievously, he and Rong Shouyun fought each other several times, and finally decided to throw darts, spread out a pile of medical books, Buddhist and Taoist classics, whichever one hits will be the one, which is very fair.

Finally hit the mark, Xiaoqinglongtang...

Qu Guanfeng was silent for a long time after hearing this.

"Haven't you considered opening a larger medical institution?" After a while, Qu Guanfeng recovered from the name and asked.

If Zhou Jinyuan is willing, he knows that there are even many people in Haizhou who are willing to contribute, and Zhou Jinyuan does not need to contribute.

What Zhou Jinyuan is going to do now sounds like a small clinic, which is located near the community, and the main target group is also obvious.

Zhou Jinyuan: "How can I take care of it when I am older? How can I ensure that there are enough excellent doctors like me?"

Qu Guanfeng: "...that's true."

This is not the first time he has seen Zhou Jinyuan's self-confidence. Although the other party's upright look makes people a little speechless, you can only admit that he is right.

It is difficult to standardize the diagnosis and treatment of traditional Chinese medicine. If Zhou Jinyuan wants to be responsible for all patients, manpower will be a problem. He has his own perspective, which is different from those entrepreneurs and the like.

"Hey, I also printed a business card, let me give you one first." Zhou Jinyuan opened the drawer, and inside was a very simple business card with no design, with black letters on a white background, and the clinic name, address and other information printed on it.

"Is this your pen?" Qu Guanfeng asked suddenly.

When Zhou Jinyuan saw it, there was a golden pen in his drawer. It was left behind by an albino man he met at the airport when he returned to Yingzhou.

"No, it was left by someone I met by chance. I didn't even know his face, so I took it. I don't know if I have a chance to return it to him, because I think it seems quite expensive." Zhou Jinyuan said that The pen came out.

"This is a brand in country B, pure gold, and there is no store in the country." Qu Guanfeng felt that it was not Zhou Jinyuan's style when he saw the pen, so he asked casually.

"Let me take a look." He took the pen and took a closer look. "There are words engraved here, indicating that it is a customized version. If you ask the brand, they should know who the owner of the pen is. Aren't you going to country B on a business trip? If you If you want to return it, you might as well ask."

Zhou Jinyuan took a closer look, and sure enough, there was a very small engraving somewhere, which was still a Chinese character, which seemed to be a fairy character. He hadn't noticed it before, "It's really... Then I'll take it with me and look for it when the time comes."

He thought it would be difficult to see each other again, he didn't even see the other person's face clearly, and there were so many people at the airport that day, he didn't expect to have a chance.

The association sent a total of six Chinese medicine practitioners including Zhou Jinyuan, all of whom are medical school teachers who are good at acupuncture. Their qualifications are not as deep as Professor Mo and Huang Zhongwen, but they are all skilled in business, otherwise they would not be able to enter the association.

Undoubtedly, Zhou Jinyuan was the youngest among them and the only one without a teaching position, so it stands to reason that he should be out of place. But coincidentally, these people have all come to Zhou Jinyuan's academic seminars and lectures before, and they have a good impression of him.

They have known each other for a long time. As soon as they met, they chatted enthusiastically, and asked Zhou Jinyuan how about foreign languages. Two of them were a little older, and they didn't go out to communicate often. Especially aura.

Although the office sent a young girl to accompany them, but when we live together, it may be more convenient to find Zhou Jinyuan if there is something to do.

"I'm okay, but I haven't been abroad before, so I have to take it with you seniors." Zhou Jinyuan said honestly.

The girl in the office is Zhao Yanyan. It's only spring, and she's wearing a single shirt and a pair of skin-colored leggings. A few old doctors were startled when they saw her, thinking she was bare-legged, and lamented that young people don't take care of themselves.

Zhao Yanyan had already chosen her seat in advance, and they sat very close to each other. As soon as they were seated, Zhao Yanyan took out a medicine bottle, "I have airsickness medicine here, do you teachers get airsick?"

She herself was quite dizzy anyway, and she had to take medicine in advance every time.

"No need." Everyone didn't want it, so Zhao Yanyan ate it.

After the plane took off, half an hour later, it was already very stable, but a doctor accompanying him said: "Oh, I'm dizzy, I feel a little sick."

Zhao Yanyan quickly stood up, turned around and said, "Teacher, why didn't you take airsickness medicine before, take one now."

"I'm dizzy too." Another doctor also said.

"Hmm, it's a little uncomfortable."

Zhao Yanyan was dumbfounded. Why didn't you say this one or two just now? She was about to take the medicine, but she was rejected, "No need."

I saw the old man took out an acupuncture stick from his small bag, "No, I have prepared myself, come on, Lao Hu, give me a helping hand."

"Oh, Baihui also gave me a poke, I haven't had a good rest these days."

Zhao Yanyan: "..."

I almost forgot that these are all old Chinese doctors, no wonder I don’t want her medicine...

For Chinese medicine practitioners, they are used to what they should do with needles for daily minor illnesses and pains. They don’t have to sit in the consulting room. Then pull it out by yourself.

They all brought needles and didn't need to check them in. It's just that it's flying now, and it's not particularly stable, so it's inconvenient to apply acupuncture. It's better to tap it with an acupuncture stick, and it can also have some effects.

When the flight attendant passed by here, she saw a few uncles grabbing each other's neck or head. When she looked carefully, she was poking someone with a small stick in her hand, which shocked her, "Everyone, passengers , you are..."

"It's all right, we're airsick, we need to get an acupuncture point." Dr. Hu showed a bright smile, "We are all doctors."

"..." The flight attendant was speechless, it was really the first time she saw acupressure, so there was such an operation.

"Hey, young man, is there a doctor next to you? Can I change seats with you? I want to ask him a question." The aunt who was across the aisle patted Zhou Jinyuan on the shoulder and asked.

Passengers around them heard what they said, and found it very interesting. They watched a few old doctors acupressure from high altitude, talking and laughing happily.

"Auntie, I'm with them. I'm also a doctor. You can ask me." Zhou Jinyuan turned his head and said solemnly.

"I testify, I testify." A doctor surnamed Xu in front turned his head, "I use mine, that, oh, white hair, to vouch for him, he is very skilled in medicine, and it is usually difficult to get his name !"

Zhou Jinyuan: "..."

Why does this statement sound familiar

Dr. Xu noticed the look in his eyes: "Hey, Lao Mao and I are old friends. Before leaving, he asked me to guarantee you with white hair on his behalf..."

Zhou Jinyuan almost didn't laugh out loud, "Thank you then!"

This plane is quite big. Passengers at the front came to use the toilet, only to find out that there were a few old men here to give people a pulse. After asking, I found out that they were all old experts. They were going to fly abroad to give lectures. people see a doctor.

"Damn it!" He immediately didn't want to urinate, "Doctor, show me too! I've been feeling bloated lately, and I can't find anything wrong..."

It's hard to know how difficult it is for this kind of expert to get someone else's account!

"Take the number!" The old Chinese doctor interrupted him casually.

"Huh?" Why do you have to register on the plane? The passenger said weakly, "There is no internet here, how can I register..."

Zhao Yanyan popped out from the front and handed him a piece of paper with numbers written on it, "Please go back to your seat after taking the number, don't get stuck in the aisle."

Passenger: "...you brought your own nurse."

I had an outpatient clinic on the plane, and the result was that many people rushed to help them with their luggage when they got off the plane.

Everyone took off their coats as soon as they went out. The weather here is much warmer than in China. The Acupuncture Association in L City also sent someone to pick them up. Zhao Yanyan contacted the other party and made an appointment to wait.

The TV at the airport was broadcasting entertainment news, and the anchor vividly described a pair of domestic celebrities who were in love, and pointed to his head and said, "...But can Arthur's 'Schrödinger's hair' remain lush until the next stage? Jay Can Xika, the famous perfectionist, save this imperfection? I believe everyone is very interested in knowing the next development."

"What is this talking about? Why can't I understand it?" Dr. Xu said in bewilderment that the anchor swallowed too much, which made Dr. Xu, who is not good at foreign languages, feel as if he had learned fake English.

Zhou Jinyuan barely understood, but the anchor also used slang, so it was difficult for him to understand, "It seems to be saying that the land in the home of a foreign star is barren..."

Dr. Xu: "Huh? So down-to-earth."

Zhao Yanyan burst out laughing, "Doctor Zhou, Doctor Xu, this is about a celebrity's hair. This is a very famous idol star here, and he is very popular, but recently it seems that he is wearing a wig, but he himself does not admit it. , and various proofs, so it’s Schrödinger’s hair. Fans and the media have been fighting all the time, so that’s all they care about.”

"This is exactly the same as our Xiao Zhou's specialty." Dr. Xu joked, who doesn't know that the three hospitals have specialized hospitals for baldness.

"It's not." Everyone said a few words jokingly.

At this time, the car of the Acupuncture Association also arrived, and they were taken to the hotel, where they had a day off due to jet lag, and the class started the next day.

Zhou Jinyuan took advantage of the last time to go through his PPT again, and Dr. Xu, who was in the same room with him, took a look and said, "Xiao Zhou, you are really a brave person with high skills, what are you going to do to foreigners? Amway Meridian?"

Doctor Xu usually likes to surf the Internet, so he learned a lot of buzzwords.

Zhou Jinyuan said, "Just show them."

Hans is an acupuncturist in L city, works in the comprehensive pain center of a hospital in L city, and studied in a TCM acupuncture academy run by country B.

In order to get enough continuing education for a certain number of hours, Hans signed up for the Acupuncture and Moxibustion Pain Training Course organized by the Acupuncture Association.

Before the class, Hans read the introductions of the teachers. They are basically from the higher Chinese medicine colleges in China and have many years of clinical experience.

The courses shared include Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion for migraine, intervention and treatment of intractable pain, etc., which seem to be more practical.

There was only one course that made Hans couldn't help raising his eyebrows. The lecturer was very young and his resume was very simple. What he wanted to talk about was the application of meridians and acupoints in analgesia.

As an acupuncturist, Hans of course knows the concept of meridians and acupoints to some extent. Although there are deviations in theory, he still understands those concepts.

Chinese counterparts believe that acupuncture treatment is to stimulate acupuncture points, stimulate the energy of meridians, and achieve curative effect.

Western scholars have also experimented, but the so-called meridian phenomenon is too rare and too inconspicuous. Many people think it is more like a psychological effect, and the clinical effect is very erratic, and the comparison is not significant.

—It’s like Dr. Mao’s burning mountain fire.

Including those techniques that can cause meridian phenomena, which are complex, uncertain, highly subjective, and involve traditional Chinese culture.

Although some Huaxia teachers and doctors say that their technique is rough and the acupoint selection is inaccurate, they are generally like this and prefer the simple and effective acupuncture method.

They use short and thin needles to insert the needles. The operation is less irritating, painless, convenient and safe. I don't pay too much attention to acupuncture points and meridians, just find the tender points and stimulation points.

Therefore, Hans felt that there was a high probability that the child's course would be passed by everyone...

But I heard that this time, other speakers will share their improved traditional acupuncture method, which is easy to master. Hans is still a little interested—if there is a significant improvement in the analgesic effect.

It wasn't until class time that Hans changed his mind.

Because this real person is more immature than the photos, Dr. Zhou, the Chinese colleague, the cases he shared are quite real, not as theoretical as he imagined, but has a lot of reference data.

From trigeminal neuralgia, arthritis to postoperative pain, etc., many acupuncturists are reminded of the cases they have encountered, and some of them even did not expect that acupuncture can be used for pain relief.

However, the teacher mentioned a lot of Huaxia theories, and his acupoint application followed traditional theories, which made it difficult for Hans to listen.

Even so, Hans liked him quite a lot. There was no nonsense in the lectures, and he could choose some applications that he understood.

"In Huaxia, there are a lot of researches on acupuncture points, meridians, and techniques, but they are generally used to verify whether they are effective. I hope more people will be interested in their research. In my clinical experience, they do have significant advantages." At the end of the class, Zhou Jinyuan said sincerely.

Hans raised his hand. Appreciation is one thing. There are some things he wanted to say a long time ago, or exchange questions.

Zhou Jinyuan said: "Please tell me."

"Teacher, however, I still find it difficult to understand the meridian effect you mentioned. Acupuncture and moxibustion achieve physiological analgesia through the internal mechanism of the body, such as activating the central descending inhibitory channel, increasing endorphins and other analgesic substances, etc.

"I can understand acupoints a little bit, for example, I often use Neiguan acupoint to stop vomiting in pregnant women, but it doesn't seem to be so accurate.

"As for the meridians... Sorry, I have never seen the meridian phenomenon myself. In my own clinical treatment, it has never appeared, not once. It is hard for me to imagine that it really exists, and in what way it plays a role. What kind of effect."

He knew that, apart from himself, many colleagues in Huaxia could not produce meridians in acupuncture. But this does not prevent everyone from acupuncture and moxibustion treatment, so he thinks there is really no need to study it.

Zhou Jinyuan smiled, and said very sincerely, "The current research on the material basis of meridians is indeed not enough, but the phenomenon of meridians is not so illusory.

"But you can't find it in the clinic, of course it's because of the problem with the technique and the inaccurate acupoint recognition."

Hans: "..."

There are hundreds of acupuncture points, he is sure there are ghosts...

There is no way around this, Zhou Jinyuan also knows that they all use soft acupuncture, he said: "Actually, I planned to share this with you in the later practice session, but since you asked now... sorry, what is your name? "


"Okay, Hans, do you have a sore throat? Are you willing to accept that I use classical acupuncture to show you the phenomenon of meridians? - It may be painful, and I will try to use smaller needles."

Hans did have a throat discomfort. It was his pharyngitis. His throat felt dry and itchy all the time. Dr. Zhou may have noticed his little movements. He only hesitated for two seconds before nodding in agreement.

Zhou Jinyuan took out the needle, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, pierced Hans' Yuji point with a fine needle.

The Yuji point is in the depression behind this section of the thumb, on the radial side of the midpoint of the first metacarpal bone, at the junction of the red and white flesh.

Needling on the hand is already more painful, even if Zhou Jinyuan used a fine needle, it still hurts. Moreover, this acupuncture point usually only penetrates 0.2 to 0.5 inches, but Zhou Jinyuan penetrated more than an inch!

Moreover, after Zhou Jinyuan inserted the needle, he continued to lift, insert, and twist it in a cool way, and the needle felt very strong.

This is very different from the low stimulation that Hans and the others usually perform. He grinned and looked at his hands, a little regretful to experience this classical acupuncture method. He was too curious and had only seen it in some research reports. Meridian phenomenon.

But at this moment, Hans vaguely felt the acupoints start to feel cold, and he suspected it was his own psychological effect at first. Just like some reports, the looming meridian phenomenon is the same.

But this cool feeling not only surrounds Yuji Cave, but also begins to travel and spread upstream.

"This, here... It's cold!" Hans was dumbfounded, because he found that as the coolness spread, his throat lesion also had a cool feeling, and with it, the foreign body sensation in the throat disappeared!

It's so obvious that he can't ignore it, it's definitely not looming, the psychological effect can explain it!

What? The acupuncturists onlookers whispered to each other, how could it be cool in this warm weather.

"Is it going to go up from this direction?" Zhou Jinyuan swiped.

"That's right!" Hans was even more surprised. Before he could describe it accurately, Zhou Jinyuan already knew the route.

Zhou Jinyuan pointed there and said, "This is one of the twelve Chinese meridians, the Taiyin Lung Meridian of Hand!"