Taoist Doctor

Chapter 4


Zhou Jinyuan stood at the gate of Haizhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. The military training was officially over today, so he came to pick up Xiaoxue.

He stood under the shade of a tree, with some light spots on his face, his long eyelashes half-covered his eyes, and the fine sunlight brought a bit of brilliance, people passing by would inevitably look at him a few more times, he was pretty and childish His appearance makes people think that he is a freshman this year.

"Hi, hello, which college are you from?" After standing for a while, another female student came to strike up a conversation with Zhou Jinyuan.

Zhou Jinyuan was already numb. Anyway, he was treated like a younger brother every day, "I'm not from Haida, so come and wait for someone."

"Can I add a WeChat message with you?"

"Thank you, but I'm sorry." Zhou Jinyuan glanced at his phone, and Xiaoxue sent a WeChat message, asking him where he was and that he was about to come out, and he replied, "Xiaoxue, I'm under the tree at the door, you can come out See."

Xiaoxue? It seems to be waiting for girls.

The female student was resentful, but there was still a glimmer of hope, and asked, "Are you waiting for a girlfriend or a sister?"

Zhou Jinyuan: "..."

Still a little angry, can't it be my sister

Just as Zhou Jinyuan was about to speak, a figure swept up in front of him and pushed the female student away. It was the person he was waiting for.

Rong Xixue didn't seem to notice that the others were coming for Zhou Jinyuan, and hugged Zhou Jinyuan: "Brother, have you been waiting for a long time? Let's go."

He seemed to be in a hurry, and he had already taken a step as he spoke, dragging Zhou Jinyuan's hand and walking towards the subway station. He was at least half a head taller than Zhou Jinyuan, and with his handsome and sharp features, he seemed to be older.

"Xiaoxue?" Zhou Jinyuan didn't even have time to look back at the person he hit up a conversation with, it was already a bit difficult for him to keep up with Rong Xixue's pace.

The rest of the girl had a broken face on the spot, this handsome guy almost carried her away just now!

Also, with broad shoulders, thin waist and long legs, he is handsome, but... you are "Xiaoxue"? Poisonous!

"Why did you become irritable after half a month of military training?" Rong Xixue didn't notice that her brother was struggling to follow after walking out for a long time, so she slowed down, and Zhou Jinyuan looked at Rong Xixue amusedly. , "Let me see, um, it's a bit dark."

In the past two years, Rong Xixue's height has skyrocketed, and she is already taller than him. I don't usually feel it, but after half a month, I look at it suddenly, and it seems that I suddenly have an adult breath. In addition, his pupil color is lighter, and there is a kind of inorganic indifference, which makes him look even sharper.

Feeling a little impressed, Zhou Jinyuan raised his hand and patted Rong Xixue's head.

Fortunately, Rong Xixue was still the same as in the memory, obediently lowering her head halfway to facilitate his movements, Zhou Jinyuan thought movedly, even though my younger brother is taller than me, he is still so cute.

The next second, Rong Xixue jumped forward in this posture again, hanging directly on Zhou Jinyuan's body, "So let's go home quickly, it's so hot outside."

Zhou Jinyuan only felt his body sinking, as if Mount Tai was pressing down on the top, this weight was not cute at all.

Zhou Jinyuan: "...you get down for me, don't you know how big you are now!"

Rong Xixue continued to hang on: "Brother, have I become darker a lot? Is it ugly?"

Zhou Jinyuan: "Stop talking to yourself, who do you want to be exhausted to death!"

Rong Xixue: "Which floor is our new home? Is the lighting good?"

Zhou Jinyuan: "..." No wonder everyone said that beating children should be done early.

Rong Xixue walked around their new residence in Haizhou City, touching here and there, and then sat back on the sofa next to Zhou Jinyuan. He still felt a little unreal now that he was here.

His two long legs were spread apart, and he was obviously sitting carelessly, but he wanted to pinch and fiddle with Zhou Jinyuan's fingers like a child who couldn't do without a toy, "...you really came to Haizhou with me. Thank you."

Rong Xixue majored in traditional Chinese medicine, which has nothing to do with Zhou Jinyuan. The young Rong family inherited his family's education. His parents did not engage in this industry, but a few generations later, they were all engaged in traditional Chinese medicinal materials, and they were unique in the processing of traditional Chinese medicinal materials.

Previously, which school to go to had been a contentious issue between him and Zhou Jinyuan. But Zhou Jinyuan didn't expect him to be so stubborn, he would rather choose a second-class school than leave Yingzhou or be separated from Zhou Jinyuan.

Thinking of this incident, Rong Xixue's heart is still soft. Zhou Jinyuan really came to Haizhou for him. It is hard for him to imagine that Zhou Jinyuan and Zhou Jinyuan have a rift because of school choice, or in a city where there is no other party...

"What else can I do, there is an unweaned child at home." Zhou Jinyuan joked.

Rong Xixue smiled shyly, buried her head on his shoulder, and could smell the familiar light fragrance in her nose, which was smoked from Chinese herbal medicine. He also had the same sachet in his room, but he felt that there was something wrong with his brother's body. The same, it is probably mixed with everyone's taste, there will be subtle differences.

"Brother, are you doing well in the hospital?" Rong Xixue thought about this and cared for a while. In his mind, Zhou Jinyuan is so good, how could he have difficulties at work.

"It's okay, I meditate every day, and there are no patients." Zhou Jinyuan said lazily, "I'm going to find a way to get more patients."

"Then I will also advertise to my brother at school." Rong Xixue continued to pinch his fingers and said, Zhou Jinyuan's hands are very delicate, and she can feel the most subtle sensation of needles when she is doing the needles, and Rong Xixue can't put it down .

At lunch today, the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the Third Hospital held a departmental meeting.

After the department director Xie Min had finished speaking, he paid attention to the newcomer Zhou Jinyuan as usual, "Xiao Zhou, how are you getting used to these few days?"

Zhou Jinyuan swallowed the meal and said, "It's good. Dr. Liu has been taking me along and introducing our hospital to me."

Xie Min pondered for a while, and then said: "That's good. If you have any difficulties, you can come to me. In addition, if you are not sure about any prescription, you can also ask the old Chinese medicine practitioners in our department for advice. Use the old to guide the new, always It is a good tradition in our department."

He didn't even have a patient, so there was no need to prescribe medicine. Xie Min knew Zhou Jinyuan's reputation by saying so.

—Don’t you know, now the whole hospital has heard that the new relatives in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine are “Taoist descending from the mountain”, a small magic stick, practicing in the office every day, and giving colleagues amulets drawn by themselves. On this basis, the rumors became more and more exaggerated.

Just yesterday, a colleague from the rehabilitation department smiled and asked Xie Min if the Taoist priest in your department could read Feng Shui.

Xie Min can't laugh or cry, a normal young man like Liu Qi doesn't have many patients, but he is very self-motivated, he often asks seniors for advice, offers to help, and reads books and medical records by himself.

As for Zhou Jinyuan, he just meditated bored in the consultation room. Even if he was a related household, Xie Min liked Zhou Jinyuan after a few days because of his cute looks, but when he found out that he was so self-motivated, he couldn't bear to see him, so he couldn't help but mention him.

Zhou Jinyuan didn't seem to understand what she meant, and said, "Okay, thank you, Director, but I don't have any patients recently, wait until I have a patient, and if I'm not sure, I'll definitely ask the seniors for advice."

He has already made up his mind to take the initiative to open up the situation. Haizhou Province is no better than his hometown in Yingzhou. His face is at a disadvantage in his hometown, and sometimes his father is required to guarantee it, let alone here.

We should take the initiative to solicit patients, for example, ask Guanzhu Qin to spread the word among believers. The grandma of the child he cured that day is also a believer, and she can speak good words for him.

As long as a few are cured first and the curative effect is good, the patient will naturally introduce him to relatives and friends, word of mouth, and break the current deadlock.

Including Xiaoxue, he will also promote him among his classmates. Of course, at the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, they are probably more willing to go to the affiliated hospital of their school when they are sick, but it is not guaranteed.

When Xie Min heard Zhou Jinyuan's words, he frowned, lowered his head and stopped talking, thinking that Zhou Jinyuan was just perfunctory. Alas, I can't persuade you. But she is not only a contract worker, but also a related household. It's only been a few days, and she can't say anything if she hasn't made a big mistake.

During the lunch break, Zhou Jinyuan was chatting with his colleagues when Rong Xixue called again, saying that she finished class early in the afternoon and was going back to make soup for him, and asked him what he would like to drink.

"Hey, Xiaoxue, you go out to play with your classmates when you have nothing to do. You are a good college student, what are you doing making soup for me at home after class?" Zhou Jinyuan persuaded.

After Zhou Jinyuan hung up, he saw everyone looking at him strangely, "?"

Liu Qi winked, "Xiaoxue, you are still a college student, wow, Xiao Zhou, you Taoist priests can still pick up girls?"

Zhou Jinyuan laughed and said: "Xiaoxue is my younger brother. Besides, if Taoist priests can't pick up girls, how could my dad have me? Our family is a Taoist priest of Huoju, so we can start a family."

"Amazing, you are cultivating immortals and picking up girls without delay!" A Gui Peisheng also joked a few words, "Yesterday, someone in another department asked me whether you succeeded in building the foundation, I died laughing."

Although Zhou Jinyuan came in through the back door, and even went to work and meditated, but he looked childish and beautiful, so everyone understood the truth, but it was hard to feel bad.

And they think that Zhou Jinyuan is very strange and unique, you think, how can you usually see such a person, these days everyone is talking about him.

Some people also speculated, who exactly did he come in, and why he was so arrogant.

"So you really meditate in the consulting room?" There are still people who don't believe this rumor, so please confirm it with me.

Zhou Jinyuan knew that it must be Liu Qi who was gossiping, and explained: "I didn't meditate for a long time, and I just walked for a few days."

Everyone laughed out loud.

Liu Qi patted Zhou Jinyuan on the shoulder and gave him a new nickname on the spot: "I think you should be called 'Great God' from now on."

In a short period of time, this nickname spread to all departments of the Third Hospital.

At this time, the word "Great God" is still full of ridicule.

Liu Jilong supported Liu Meilan and made an appointment at the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

In fact, they just finished their follow-up consultation at the gynecology department, and Liu Meilan has been bleeding for the past few months.

This is Haizhou's vernacular, which means that her menstruation is intermittent and basically never stopped. When she is not in her menstrual period, she also bleeds non-stop, and occasionally suffers from dizziness, headache, abdominal pain and discomfort.

A few days ago, he thought he was getting better, so Liu Jilong even took Liu Meilan to visit Xianglu Mountain, but he relapsed that day.

The doctor said it was abnormal uterine bleeding, but after seeing it several times, it took a long time to find out the cause, and prescribed medicine, injection, orally.

I met a patient during the follow-up consultation today, chatted with them a few words, and suggested that they go to Chinese medicine for a try.

However, Liu Jilong and his wife were not interested in Chinese medicine. The man was very enthusiastic and led them to the Department of Chinese Medicine, so they came here without hope to get a number.

I wanted to get the number of the chief physician, but today there are too many people and the number is gone. The patient told them to come another day and left.

But Liu Jilong thought, since it’s all here, he really wants to hear what Chinese medicine has to say about this disease, so why not just hang up a number that doesn’t require queuing up and try it out.

"This disease is too uncomfortable. To be honest, I can't help but look at the electric poles when I pass by it. Is there any small advertisement on it to treat irregular menstruation?" Liu Meilan said.

"Then we should go to Xianglu Mountain, remember that little magic stick?" Liu Jilong also said.

At that time, a young man told them that there was a secret family recipe, and they rolled their eyes at that time.

Liars, Taoist priests, and those who believe in science will never believe it. It is just a joke to say it now.

Taoist priests want to cure them

Only fools can cure it.

"Okay, Consulting Room No. 6 is here." Liu Jilong looked at the door plate and pushed the half-closed door open.

It was very deserted inside, and there was only one person in a white coat sitting with his back to them.

Oh, the hair is all black.

Liu Jilong's account on his mobile phone, this doctor's profile picture is blank, he did not expect to be so young.

… Forget it, let’s try it anyway.

"How are you, doctor?" Liu Jilong greeted.

Hearing the sound, the white coat immediately stood up and turned around, "Are you seeing a doctor? Sit here."

I saw this person with a white and tender baby face, which was pretty good-looking, and because of his good-looking, it made people remember deeply. Liu Jilong and Liu Meilan kept thinking, wait, this person looks familiar, but... no way...

Zhou Jinyuan took a closer look and said beamingly, "Hey, what a coincidence, it's you!"

Liu Jilong and Liu Meilan: "..."

... It really was him! That little Taoist!

hello? Why do Taoist temples have you, and hospitals also have you?