Taoist Doctor

Chapter 41


"What, you want to go back to China with him?" Arthur almost jumped up.

They are now in Arthur's residence in L city, which is a high-rise duplex in the urban area.

Just now, Jin Chuoxian told his friend that in this short period of time, he and Zhou Jinyuan had already agreed that Zhou Jinyuan had become his attending doctor.

Therefore, soon he will return to China with Zhou Jinyuan.

"Perhaps, Dr. Zhou is my chance." Jin Chuoxian glanced at Zhou Jinyuan, "He once tested my words for me."

Arthur looked confused, "Word test? What is that?"

After Jin Chuoxian explained China's "techniques" such as physiognomy and character testing, Arthur couldn't close his mouth. From the words written by Jin Chuoxian, Zhou Jinyuan calculated so much

Is this a doctor or a wizard? No wonder he has always felt that Chinese characters resemble runes, and it turns out that they have similar functions.

Soon, he learned the word Taoist, a descendant of traditional Chinese religion, "So, he is really a wizard? He still looks like a middle school student!"

"You can think so, but I have graduated from middle school for a long time." Zhou Jinyuan walked over, and he shook his phone, "I just sent a WeChat message with Professor Mo."

Only then did Jin Chuoxian know that he still knew Professor Mo, and judging by his tone, the relationship was at least okay.

"Because he also took your pulse, Professor Mo and I discussed the treatment idea a little bit, and Professor Mo also agreed with me to accept the doctor." Zhou Jinyuan said.

Professor Mo has been suffering from the reputation of "miraculous experience" for a long time, and of course what he wants is not to give up the patients he can't treat.

Jin Chuoxian has a strong desire to survive, Xiao Zhou has excellent medical skills, there are many unexpected actions in his meticulous and steady medication, and he has a deep understanding of the Book of Changes. In Xiao Zhou's hands, it may be possible to prolong Jin Chuoxian's survival period to the maximum!

Traditional Chinese medicine treats liver cancer based on syndrome differentiation. At present, there is no unified thinking. Some doctors use the method of clearing away heat and detoxification, and some doctors treat it from the method of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis.

Therefore, the communication between Professor Mo and Zhou Jinyuan can only be said to be discussion, not advice.

"Little wizard, don't you use witchcraft to heal him?" Arthur asked half-jokingly.

Zhou Jinyuan didn't care, and even responded: "Of course—" He looked at Jin Chuoxian, "Do you remember that I calculated a hexagram for you?"

Of course Jin Chuoxian remembered, it left a deep impression on him, and his hexagram made him decide to go back to Huaxia.

Zhou Jinyuan said in a foreign language: "When you are in the hexagram Jian, you should treat it with the hexagram Kun, because the hexagram Kun is a friend in the southwest. And the human body is like a small world, the spleen, stomach and five elements belong to earth, and the hexagram is Kun. So, next I will draw Here's a recipe to invigorate your spleen and whet your appetite!"

Arthur opened his mouth wide: "Is what he said reasonable? Is there really such a 'gua'? These principles? Jin, don't you just have a bad appetite!"

It is common for patients with liver cancer to become thin, weak, and have no appetite. But this can still be explained from the hexagrams, which made Arthur more curious than ever, and almost wanted to learn Huaxia Chinese characters.

Zhou Jinyuan smiled lightly. The hexagrams are actually just one aspect. The medical sage said long ago that when he sees a liver disease, he knows that the liver is passed on to the spleen, and the spleen should be strengthened first. The spleen is the foundation of acquired constitution, the source of qi and blood biochemistry.

Patients with liver cancer may experience symptoms of spleen and stomach dysfunction at various stages, so soothing the liver and strengthening the spleen will run through his treatment.

"Are you going to prescribe the medicine now? Can I take a look?" Arthur must have been unable to read the prescription. ?"

Zhou Jinyuan wrote down the prescription first, then remembered something, and asked, "By the way, I seem to have read on the news that you are bald..."

If it is really bald, then he will be cured easily.

Arthur's face changed drastically when he heard the word "bald", his blue eyes were full of resistance, "I'm not bald, don't listen to the media's nonsense, it's all rumors!"

He fiddled with his hair a few times, "Look, it's very thick! It can't grow out!"

Zhou Jinyuan stared twice, "Hey, some of them are still relatively small, are they new growths?"

"You're lying, you have such good eyesight?" Arthur looked at him in horror. He wanted to speak hard at first, but when he thought that he was a witch doctor, he didn't dare.

"Let me be honest, I was under a lot of pressure some time ago, so I lost some hair, and I really didn't have baldness at all. But when my girlfriend took pictures of me, she insisted that I wear a wig, saying that it would look better, and the result was rejected. The media spread rumors, saying that I was bald when I was young, and the top of my head was empty. I have been using hair transplants, wigs and other means to hide it, pretending to be a handsome guy... "

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Jinyuan was already dying of laughter.

Even Jin Chuoxian smiled slightly.

Anyway, after Arthur's pressure eased later, there was no crisis of hair loss, but the rumors could not get rid of that's all, and even became a popular meme for the people of country B.

Up to now, there are still actors in some talk shows wearing wigs to imitate him, or to make fun of him.

At this time, the medicine bought earlier had already been delivered, and the person who helped buy the medicine had to make another trip immediately to buy Zhou Jinyuan's newly prescribed medicine.

Zhou Jinyuan prepared the painkiller ointment, added honey water to make a paste, spread it on gauze and then covered Jin Chuoxian's painful area. Of course, take out the three needles that Jin Chuoxian pricked in the square beforehand.

It was already time for dinner, and Zhou Jinyuan was still busy, so he called Zhao Yanyan and told him that if he didn't go back for dinner, he would go back later at night.

Zhao Yanyan asked him what he was doing outside, and heard that he was sick, so she stopped asking. Wherever this good doctor goes, there is no shortage of patients, and they can all be registered on the plane.

Arthur prepared a country-B style dinner, but Jin Chuoxian's appetite was poor, and it had nothing to do with the style of the meal. He couldn't eat much if he changed to Chinese food. He has been forcing himself to eat these days, otherwise he would not have the energy to organize his works .

Zhou Jinyuan observed for a while, and said, "Okay, if you really can't eat it, just put it away and wait."

He had just received Jin Chuoxian's consultation, and just now he had a pulse check carefully and read the results of various western medical examinations.

The prescription he proposed is mainly to soothe the liver and regulate the spleen and stomach. Jin Chuoxian lacks righteousness.

In the long run, it is to improve Jin Chuoxian's immunity, improve the body's material metabolism, and prolong his lifespan.

Therefore, Jin Chuoxian can't eat it now, so don't be too forceful, otherwise he will be in a bad mood, and we will talk about it later after taking the medicine.

When the medicine arrived, Zhou Jinyuan boiled Chinese medicine in his Western-style cooking pot at Arthur's house.

Arthur silently took a picture, it was amazing...

He has never even experienced acupuncture, let alone traditional Chinese medicine.

The soup is ready.

A bowl of black-brown soup with a strong and strange smell was held in Jin Chuoxian's hand, in stark contrast to his snow-white fingers.

But Jin Chuoxian didn't hesitate for long, closed his eyes, and drank the whole bowl without frowning.

Doesn't it taste as bad as it smells? Arthur curiously touched a little of the remaining concoction in the pot with his fingers, licked it, and almost spat it out!

"You, how did you drink it?!" Arthur said in disbelief.

To put it bluntly, no matter how strong the desire to survive is, it is impossible to drink it without changing face!

"It's not that bad." Jin Chuoxian looked at the empty bowl. He also felt that the smell was unpleasant at first, and there was a strong smell of medicine after drinking it, but after a few sips, he felt that it seemed easy to drink. , I drank it before I knew it.

"You're not sick, of course you don't like it after drinking it." Zhou Jinyuan said plainly.

In "Treatise on Febrile Diseases", there are sayings such as Guizhi syndrome and Bupleurum syndrome, which directly refer to the patient's disease syndrome by the name of the medicine, which means that the patient is suffering from a disease that is treated with this medicine.

The theory of Jingfang constitution also puts forward Guizhi constitution, Bupleurum constitution, etc., which means that some patients' constitution is very suitable for a certain prescription, which is quick and safe.

For example, this person has a medium or thin body, and his complexion may be dark yellow or bluish yellow, innocent, and dull. The symptoms are mostly mood swings, affecting appetite, cold limbs, and so on. This is a typical Bupleurum physique, suitable for taking Bupleurum prescriptions.

And sometimes, people with Bupleurum physique drink Bupleurum-like prescriptions and find it easy to drink.

Jin Chuoxian's situation was similar. Zhou Jinyuan prescribed the medicine according to his physique and physical condition, and also aimed at the spleen and stomach, so he didn't find it particularly difficult to drink.

On the contrary, Arthur was in good health. After trying the medicine, he felt sick after just a little bit.

Now after listening to Zhou Jinyuan's explanation, Arthur became more interested. He kept asking him about Chinese medicine, and asked whether only wizards could use Chinese medicine, what is the difference between Taoism and Buddhism, and so on.

"It's just traditional medicine. Many Taoist priests used it in the past, but it has been separated in modern times. But I happen to be more traditional. I have been a Taoist priest since I was a child, and I have learned medical skills. And I have certificates, which are recognized by the country. It is still a little different from a wizard. " Zhou Jinyuan didn't know how many times he explained it to others.

Arthur looked at him in admiration, "I think if someone is willing to make a movie about you, I would like to participate in it. By the way, why did you come to country B?"

Could it really be the legendary fate? He and Jin had met once in Huaxia, and they could meet again here. Perhaps just as Jin said, his chance lies with Dr. Zhou.

"The Acupuncture and Moxibustion Association here has organized a training course on acupuncture and moxibustion pain, and I'm here to attend the class." Zhou Jinyuan replied.

"Acupuncture, oh acupuncture analgesia, I know this, you are very good at it?" Arthur asked, cancer pain is also very important, he doesn't know much about the branches of traditional Chinese medicine, but he thinks this is quite suitable for Jin Chuoxian's condition get on. And being able to come to class once again proved that the little wizard's level is good.

"You can put it this way." Zhou Jinyuan was more reserved, and didn't say that he still has many good things.

After Jin Chuoxian finished taking the medicine for more than half an hour, Zhou Jinyuan picked up the pastry on the table and put it in front of him seemingly casually: "Would you like some?"

Arthur hesitated to speak, and now it was difficult for Jin to even eat a meal, let alone a snack. Jin has always been very cooperative, and he will definitely eat as much as he can. He doesn't need to be persuaded by others, but there is nothing he can do if he can't eat.

Jin Chuoxian wanted to refuse at first, but the pastry was right in front of him, he just casually looked at it a few more times, and his throat twitched.

He hadn't eaten anything before, but after looking at it, he couldn't help but took the basket, picked up a pastry from it, and ate it like a ghost.

Arthur: "...huh?"

what's the situation?

Jin Chuoxian ate five small pastries in one go, drank another bottle of milk, and even felt a little unsatisfied.

It was Zhou Jinyuan who stopped him, "It's getting late, don't eat so much at night."

Arthur suddenly remembered that Zhou Jinyuan said he wanted to appetize Jin Chuoxian.

However, he never expected that the effect would be so fast...

"Great, my friend!" Arthur hugged Jin Chuexian excitedly. Regardless of the final result, seeing Jin Chuoxian's symptoms improved and his quality of life improved, he was very happy for Jin Chuoxian. He I don't want my friends to be in pain.

"Okay, it's not too early now, I should go back. I need to take your pulse again tomorrow to see if you need to adjust the prescription." Zhou Jinyuan looked at the time, it was indeed quite late.

This is not a minor illness, it must be a long-term treatment, Jin Chuoxian may appear new symptoms at any time. He has just received a doctor and needs to adjust the medication and dosage at any time.

"Thank you, Doctor Zhou." Jin Chuoxian stretched out his hand and shook Zhou Jinyuan's hand.

Today is his happiest day in nearly a year. On this day, he has regained his hope and fighting spirit.

"You're welcome. Let's encourage each other." Zhou Jinyuan said as if he knew what he was thinking.

Fighting against diseases is a common task between patients and doctors, just like fighting side by side.

Zhou Jinyuan left Arthur's house. He was sensitive to five senses. He always felt that there was something strange when he went out, as if someone was in a dark place, but there were only some passers-by who came back late on the street, and he didn't think too much. Arthur's assistant sent him Back to the hotel.

When he returned to the room, Dr. Xu, who was in the same room, had already fallen asleep, washed up gently and fell asleep.

The next day, Zhou Jinyuan went to class regularly. After yesterday's demonstration, the trainees in the training class were looking forward to today's class. They asked other teachers yesterday, but no one could make such a strong sense of coolness and fire.

Today, not only the patients who had agreed to come over to help share the clinical techniques, but also the editor of an acupuncture magazine in country B.

There was an acupuncturist in the training class. After returning home, he talked with his familiar friends about his experience, that is, the editor. He was immediately tempted and wanted to come and see it. If it was true, he hoped to record and publish the course.

As for the patient who came today, some acupuncturists present still knew him.

The patient suffered from migraine, or vascular headache, for several years, and it became more and more severe in the past year, so he sought medical treatment everywhere.

He first underwent Western medicine treatment in the neurology departments of several hospitals, from sealing to taking painkillers, but nothing worked. Later, he also went to see an acupuncturist, and his condition was relieved slightly, but it was only relieved.

But at least acupuncture is more effective than others, so he goes to and from various acupuncture doctors all year round. This time, a doctor from Huaxia came to need a patient, and he signed up very actively.

"I once gave him conventional acupuncture, but it didn't work." An acupuncturist spread his hands, "Later, I followed the advice of a Chinese colleague, and acupunctured a few of his meridian points, but it didn't work either."

Zhou Jinyuan took a look at the place he was pointing at, "Sizhukong, Sugu, Sun? I'm so lucky that I can recognize them."

They are really not very accurate in identifying acupuncture points.

Zhou Jinyuan took the needle, disinfected the Yifeng point on both sides of the patient, and said while inserting the needle: "This is the Yifeng point, you need to recognize the point accurately, why, this place can affect the superior cervical ganglion, thereby adjusting the vasodilation. Improve his vascular headache. If you stick it elsewhere, how will it affect it?"

He used western medicine to make these doctors who don't have a deep understanding of acupuncture theory in Huaxia understand more clearly.

"Pay attention to the angle at which I insert the needle—"

Everyone was staring at each other.

After Zhou Jinyuan inserted the needle, the patient felt a strong needling sensation, not only in the affected area, but even spread to the tongue and throat!

The headache disappeared, and it took only a few minutes for the whole process to take effect.

At the same time, the patient was even more surprised. He said: "Doctor, have you cured my throat? I have been feeling dry in my throat recently, but the wonderful feeling just now came from my head. It spread all the way to the throat, and my throat is not dry anymore!"

Compared with headaches, dry throat is really nothing, so patients are busy looking for ways to cure headaches, and don't take it seriously.

"It is one with the disease you are complaining about. Yifeng acupoint belongs to the Sanjiao Meridian of Hand Shaoyang, and the throat is also one of the places where this meridian runs. If you follow the meridian and sense it, it will be healed together."

Zhou Jinyuan once again used a treatment to demonstrate the magical effects of meridians and acupuncture points for them.

The atmosphere of the training class was high for a while, and the editors of acupuncture magazines kept recording.

After class, Zhou Jinyuan answered many extra questions before he was able to escape.

At this time, they received a call from Arthur. They made an appointment to treat Jin Chuoxian today, but Arthur's assistant asked for leave, so he simply came to pick up Zhou Jinyuan himself.

"Zhou? Where are you? I didn't see you." Arthur was on the phone in the car. After a while, he saw Zhou Jinyuan coming out, waved his hand and Zhou Jinyuan didn't see him, so he got out of the car.


Zhou Jinyuan caught a glimpse of Arthur and walked over. Seeing that he was wearing a hat and sunglasses, he was obviously afraid of being recognized.

In country B, Arthur is still highly recognizable.

But even so, a few people jumped out from some corner at this time, took pictures of Arthur and asked, "Arthur, say hello, Arthur, can I ask you a question?"

Arthur was taken aback. He didn't know why these reporters hid. They were not so polite before. They always followed him all the way. Why did they become sneaky today.

Rolling his eyes under the sunglasses, Arthur directly dragged Zhou Jinyuan into the car. He let Zhou Jinyuan up first, and then said, "Sorry, I'm here to pick up my friend. I'm on vacation, so I have nothing to say."

"No, Arthur, do you know your 'friend' Jessica? Do you know you're looking for him?" When the reporter mentioned the word "friend", he gestured with his fingers to make a quotation mark.

Arthur said coldly: "What do you mean?"

These bastards don't suspect that he is a crook, right? Damn reporter, he just wants to make big news every day.

"Arthur, did your treatment last night work? What type of baldness do you have?"

"Your hair transplant failed again, so you completely abandoned it?"

"What did 'friend' say? Can it still be saved?"

The reporters asked questions in a hurry.

These questions are simply inexplicable, and the old man is brought up again, using his hair as a topic, Arthur said angrily: "I don't know what you are talking about, I am not bald!"

The reporters looked at each other, then shrugged, and pointed to Zhou Jinyuan who had already gotten into the car: "Arthur, don't be stupid, we have found out. That Dr. Zhou from Huaxia went to your house last night."

Arthur almost laughed angrily. Zhou Jinyuan was just a doctor, and he came from afar, and he was recognized. "Zhou is a doctor, but do you know that he came to L City to attend an acupuncture and pain training course? In here, get out of class has just ended!"

Of course he couldn't tell about Jin Chuoxian. Fortunately, he knew about Zhou Jinyuan's other situations.

The reporters looked at Arthur with mocking eyes, as if to say that this time you finally fell.

"Come on, Arthur, we have figured it out a long time ago. Compared with pain, Dr. Zhou is famous in China for treating all kinds of baldness, even overseas. His companion also said that he went out to see patients last night. "

Arthur: "????!"