Taoist Doctor

Chapter 5


"sorry for disturbance."

It's too late to leave now, Liu Jilong and Liu Meilan wanted to turn around at that time.

I have always heard that some hospitals contract out their departments, but I have never heard of the Third Hospital. Also, can hospitals contract out to Taoist temples...

"Wait, don't go, what are you doing?" Zhou Jinyuan rushed up to stop them, "Here you are, you are here to treat metrorrhagia, right?"

He also never sees the patient, and he is a little flustered, and this is the second time he has met, which shows that this patient and him are still somewhat destined, and he may be destined to treat him.

Zhou Jinyuan enthusiastically moved the people to the table, and pulled over the medical records in their hands.

Liu Meilan sat down hesitantly, but Liu Jilong still wanted to pull her away, feeling weird. Liu Meilan thought, she can't be forced to get medical treatment when the sky is bright and bright.

She was indeed a little curious, "...then are you a Taoist priest or an intern?"

In her mind, with Zhou Jinyuan's tender appearance, he could only be an intern.

In fact, after Zhou Jinyuan came to the Third Haizhou Hospital, many people recognized him as an intern, from patients to colleagues in other departments.

"It's not correct. I'm a Taoist priest practicing at home, and I'm also a doctor here. You are using my account. I'm not an intern." Zhou Jinyuan emphasized that he is a doctor with independent diagnosis and treatment rights.

Liu Meilan: "..."

She wanted to go again.

Liu Jilong: "Uh, you took a look at my wife that day and said that she was sick and there was a secret family recipe to cure it... No, are you really a doctor?"

If it weren't for Zhou Jinyuan's seemingly incapable of fighting, he probably wouldn't have sat down with peace of mind. He always felt like he had stepped into some kind of liar's den in another time and space just now.

If Zhou Jinyuan said something strange, he would probably report it.

Zhou Jinyuan simply dug out his new work permit, feeling quite wronged, "Is it my fault that I have good eyesight? Your wife's disease has been cured by our family's secret recipe for many times. Of course I can tell it at a glance. "

Although Chinese medicine is a combination of observation, hearing, questioning, and four-diagnosis, he can diagnose some diseases at a glance from the outside. Is it his fault for his high level

Facing the doubtful eyes of these two people, Zhou Jinyuan had to glance at the name on the medical record, and said again: "Liu Meilan, right? The disease you suffer from belongs to the category of 'uterine bleeding' in traditional Chinese medicine. When it comes to you, you should have at least For four months, I had incessant menstruation, and often suffered heavy bleeding, which even led to anemia, and the color of menstrual blood was relatively light. I also had headaches, dizziness, weakness, abdominal pain, etc., and my appetite was greatly affected."

Liu Meilan and Liu Jilong looked at each other, they didn't show Zhou Jinyuan the examination results, Jinyuan didn't open the medical records Zhou Jinyuan, and they came here on a whim today, it's absolutely impossible to say it's a bureaucracy.

In such a big Haizhou city, it is incredible that they can meet again.

What Zhou Jinyuan said was also completely in line with Liu Meilan's situation. If other things were deceived, it would be impossible to deceive even the color of her menstrual blood.

From this point of view alone, Liu Meilan has a feeling: this tender-faced doctor seems to be a little level.

Liu Meilan, who was about to leave at any time, turned into sitting firmly on the stool, and asked tentatively: "Doctor, how do you think it should be cured? Can it be cured?"

"Don't worry, I'll give you a pulse first, and then I'll think about how to treat it." Zhou Jinyuan's skill is enough to win the trust of the patient, and he finally won the trust. He said soothingly, "My family's secret recipe is very effective!"

This time, facing Zhou Jinyuan's liar-like words, Liu Meilan and Liu Jilong were not so contradictory, but felt a little more at ease.

Seeking medical treatment for many days has not worked, and no one dares to promise them that they will be cured. Now someone finally told them that there is a cure, which is a great relief to them.

To be on the safe side, Zhou Jinyuan checked Liu Meilan's pulse carefully and asked about the details, and it turned out to be exactly what he thought.

Metrorrhagia is a common disease in gynecology. When the blood bursts, it is metrorrhagia, and if it drips continuously, it is metrorrhagia. There are several types of syndromes, such as kidney deficiency, spleen deficiency, blood heat, etc. Most of them are deficiency syndromes.

Liu Meilan, on the other hand, belongs to severe metrorrhagia, with stasis in the void.

"Okay, let me give you an injection first to stop the abdominal pain, then take the medicine according to the prescription, take two doses, the menstruation will stop, and then take it for half a month, the menstrual period will be adjusted to normal, and the root cause of the disease will be eliminated." Zhou Jinyuan knows that for patients For me, dizziness and abdominal distension must be particularly uncomfortable, so the top priority is actually to relieve the pain, treat the symptoms and then cure the root cause.

He has a family secret recipe, which is very symptomatic to treat this disease. Rhubarb is used as the king medicine, which has the effects of stopping bleeding, eliminating blood stasis, and coagulating blood. There are many ways to prepare rhubarb. Here, wine rhubarb charcoal is used together with donkey-hide gelatin, Fushenmu, angelica, astragalus and other medicinal materials to stop bleeding and tonify deficiency.

In Yingzhou's hometown, this prescription has cured many female patients with severe metrorrhagia, many of whom were more serious than Liu Meilan.

Liu Meilan originally thought that she had been ill for several months, and she would have to drink at least dozens of bowls of traditional Chinese medicine for recuperation. Hearing that two doses can stop the bleeding, and the root cause of the disease can be cured in half a month, she was overjoyed.

In particular, the discomfort on her body can be relieved by acupuncture now. She has been taking painkillers these days, but the effect is not as good as it was at the beginning, and the effect is not as long-lasting. Now she is still in pain.

"Master, are you going or not... Ah, you have a patient." Liu Qi cheerfully opened the door and came in, seeing that someone was there, he stopped.

What a coincidence, he thought, the Great God had been sitting here for several days, but when something good happened, he actually came to the patient.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Jinyuan asked while writing a prescription.

"I want to ask you to see Dr. Mao for acupuncture. He is going to use burning mountain fire acupuncture!" Liu Qi was still a little anxious as he spoke, but he was very loyal if he could come to inform him, "Hurry up when you have time." Come on, I'll go first!"

Before Zhou Jinyuan could answer, Liu Qi rushed to Dr. Mao's consulting room.

Dr. Mao was the one who aggravated Vice President Xiao's mother's condition with Xuanfu Daizhe Soup. Although the prescription didn't work, he still has some skills, otherwise he wouldn't have the courage to recommend himself.

Liu Qi entered the consultation room, and several Gui Peisheng were also here, and he had to seize the rare opportunity to observe the "burning mountain fire acupuncture method".

Acupuncture and moxibustion have the method of supplementing and venting. If the patient is deficient, he will replenish it. If the patient has excess syndrome, he will vent.

Burning mountain fire is a tonifying method specially aimed at diseases of deficiency and cold. In contrast, there is also a venting method called "Toutianliang", which has the opposite effect and is used for purging heat.

Simply put, one for cold removal and one for heat removal are very difficult to operate. It is said that these two acupuncture methods can change the patient's body temperature and produce a sense of heat or cold!

Also because of the difficulty, these two techniques have been used clinically, but it is rare to see patients really feel hot and cold, and even some Chinese medicine practitioners are not confident that they can really produce this kind of acupuncture sensation.

Usually, doctors just perform acupuncture according to the method, if it can achieve the therapeutic effect of tonifying diarrhea, or use moxa sticks for moxibustion.

Dr. Mao is one of the few acupuncture masters who can make patients really feel the "fire" of burning mountains.

That's why Liu Qi rushed to watch. Among the teachers and seniors he has met since he was in college, only Dr. Mao is said to be able to produce results after studying with a master in the past two years.

Acupuncture and moxibustion are the most difficult, and the difficulty lies in the techniques. Identifying symptoms and finding acupoints has to be in the back row!

When Liu Qi came in, Dr. Mao was about to start and was explaining to the patient: "This is a special acupuncture technique called burning mountain fire. I will give acupuncture along this meridian in your hand, and then you will have Acupuncture, feel a heat flow, conduct along the meridians, so that you can warm and nourish your meridians, and disperse evil spirits!"

The patient was confused by this mysterious theory and nodded, "Oh! Good!"

Dr. Mao nodded in satisfaction. Language counseling is also a very important step. First of all, the patient must be confident, warm, and effective, so that it is easier to succeed.

Dr. Mao began to inject needles on the patient's arm, and the patient and Gui Peisheng were all staring at his technique. Every time Dr. Mao gave an injection, he asked the patient, "Is there a little warm current coming from this position..."

The patient looked up and saw seven or eight faces staring at him with wide eyes. After feeling it carefully, "Uh, um, it seems, a little bit!"

I didn't feel anything at first, but when the doctor asked, he felt like there was a little bit of heat!

"Also, I feel the pain in my shoulder is lessened!"

Ah, it worked.

Although it was inconvenient for the regular trainees and interns to interrupt, they all looked at Dr. Mao with admiration, as expected of Dr. Mao.

"Well, the hotter the better, the less pain you will feel." Dr. Mao, who was a little embarrassed because he treated Vice President Xiao wrongly some time ago, also regained his confidence.

Give him more time, and he will definitely be able to apply the burning mountain fire more proficiently, and become a gold-lettered signboard of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

the other side.

"Just two needles, don't be afraid, I use thin needles, it doesn't hurt." Zhou Jinyuan comforted Liu Meilan, Liu Jilong went to pay the money, and he gave Liu Meilan the needle here.

Liu Meilan had never done acupuncture before, so she was unavoidably a little apprehensive, she turned her head away and dared not look at Zhou Jinyuan's movements.

The acupoints Sanyinjiao and Shuidao were selected, and Zhou Jinyuan massaged them for a while to dissipate Qi and blood. After disinfection, he needled them with a filiform needle and divided them into three parts, that is, the three parts of heaven, earth and human.

Needle the Tianbu first, wait for a while, slowly lift and tighten nine times, and then twist clockwise. Then enter the human part and the earth part, and after the same operation, return to the sky part at once, repeat this three times, and the needle tip is always facing the direction of the meridian qi.

Liu Meilan only felt pain but not pain, but the pricked place was sore and swollen, and the feeling was very strong.

Zhou Jinyuan said that this is normal, which means that the pricking is correct. She has never done acupuncture treatment, because it seems to take a long time, and she couldn't help turning her head to look, only to find that Zhou Jinyuan had been twisting for a long time, and the needles were inserted several times. It took a long time before the needle was finally removed.

It's not like on TV at all, just plunge in and it's over.

I thought this was the end, but Liu Meilan felt a little hot and warm from the acupuncture point... This feeling became clearer and clearer, and it was definitely not an illusion.

"Why, why does it seem like you've started to have a fever?" Liu Meilan was stunned. She had never eaten pork and had seen pigs running. She had never heard of anyone who could get a fever after getting a needle. This needle is thin and there is no trick.

Zhou Jinyuan comforted: "This is a normal phenomenon."

He used the acupuncture method of burning mountains and fires to make up for Liu Meilan's deficiency syndrome.

How is it normal? Liu Meilan didn't believe it was normal. She remembered Zhou Jinyuan's other identity, and said timidly: "... Doctor Zhou, is this your true spirit?"

She was not superstitious before, until she met Zhou Jinyuan!

"??" Zhou Jinyuan said while disinfecting another acupuncture point, "Beauty, please stop reading fantasy novels."

Liu Meilan: "..."

The surprise is still to come, the Shuidao acupoint pierced by this needle is in her abdomen, and as the heat gradually spreads, the coldness and distending pain from the inside out of the abdomen are also dispelled, like a ray of sunlight will cover her abdomen Months of gloom suddenly melted away.

"Okay... so comfortable!" Liu Meilan couldn't care less about whether she was "true qi" or not "true qi" for a moment, "It really doesn't hurt anymore, my stomach is warm, it's getting hot."

Because of the metrorrhagia for several months, even in the summer, Liu Meilan always felt weak, with cold hands, feet and abdomen. Now the symptoms are suddenly relieved, not to mention how comfortable it is.

"Well, there is another injection. It is more comfortable after the injection. It is very effective for this situation. Take care to rest these days, and the pain will no longer be. After drinking the medicine, there will be no more pain during menstruation." Sanyinjiao point in human On the calf, Zhou Jinyuan applied the needle again.

After the second injection, Liu Meilan actually sweated, and the thin summer clothes were a little wet with sweat beads, she was truly relaxed like never before after the onset of illness.

—Since it is called burning mountains, of course the more vigorous the burning, the better.

Liu Meilan was already convinced, and shook Zhou Jinyuan's hand, somewhat incoherently, "Well, God, thank you! You are amazing! No wonder you are called God!"

Zhou Jinyuan: "..."

Although... but... he is called a great god because (others think) he is cultivating immortals in the office!

The author has something to say: Zhou Jinyuan: Why do I, a Taoist priest, have to persuade people not to be superstitious every day!