Taoist Doctor

Chapter 51


"Okay, I think Xiaoliu has the potential to develop abroad in the future." Zhou Jinyuan couldn't help but joked to Jin Chuoxian after the proprietress got the needle and took Xiaoliu away.

No one can say what will happen in the future, but looking at it now, Mrs. Liu may not have imagined that the most cost-effective educational investment made by her family is two bottles of yogurt...

Jin Chuoxian smiled indifferently, "The child likes music very much. I am teaching him to play a new piece I wrote, and he learns it very quickly."

"Hey, have you finished writing your song? When did you finish it?" Zhou Jinyuan asked him, "Did you run away last time? I forgot to ask you, why, did Director He inspire you?" .”

"..." Jin Chuoxian paused, "You can also say that."

He has already sent it to the company, and it will be published in about a while.

In fact, Jin Chuoxian just stopped by to say hello, and since Zhou Jinyuan was about to start treating Elena, he also left.

Zhou Jinyuan took Elena to the small consultation room, performed acupuncture for her, and chatted a few words as usual to distract her, "Didn't you see Mr. Brown the last two times?"

"Dad likes to go to the square to play with his peers recently." Elena said with a smile. It was the first time she came to Huaxia. The Huaxia she had learned from the information before was all big cities. Although Haizhou was quite prosperous, the pace of life was slower, which was very enjoyable.

When Zhou Jinyuan thought about it, the nearby square was full of old men and women playing mahjong, poker, chess, square dancing, etc. How did Mr. Brown blend in so quickly?

It seems that his Chinese is improving very fast...

"Is it convenient for you to come here alone?" Zhou Jinyuan asked.

"It's fine, I have the wheelchair that Doctor Zhou gave me, so I can come here by myself." Elena said, "It's sensitive, safe, and convenient."

The "sent by Doctor Zhou" she said was actually Qu Guanfeng's custom-made wheelchair, which he seldom used now, and it wasn't even necessary. Qu Guanfeng left the wheelchair in the clinic once after treatment, saying that she donated it to the clinic, and wrote the words Xiaoqinglong Clinic on the back with white paint, so that Zhou Jinyuan could use it for the patients in the clinic.

At present, there are not many serious patients in the clinic, so Irene is the only one who needs it. It seems like a meaningful inheritance, so Zhou Jinyuan let Irene use it first.

The wheelchair was custom-made by Qu Guanfeng's family, and he even modified it himself, which is much more convenient to use than Elena's original one.

"Haha, it was donated by Mr. Xiao Qu. This wheelchair is really good. I feel that it not only has many functions, but also fits ergonomics. It doesn't make you tired after sitting for a long time." Zhou Jinyuan said, with a hint of aftertaste in his tone.

Eileen looked a little strange at his expression, "Why do you sound like you've sat before?"

Zhou Jinyuan laughed dryly, and gestured, "It's a coincidence, I sat for a while, just for a while."

"Doctor Zhou, do you think it's so pasty?" Shao Jingjing asked rustlingly, holding a piece of freshly pasted plaster in her hand.

"Appropriate amount of paste, you are a bit short." Zhou Jinyuan glanced at it and said.

They are making Xiaoqinglong special plasters. Recently, due to the increase in orders, the production is a bit behind.

After all, there are only two permanent residents in the clinic, and they have to sit for consultation. Both Rong Xixue and Zhou Jinyuan are free after school and get off work, and only in the evenings. Sometimes they may be on duty or have homework.

Because Shao Jingjing was often brought to visit by her grandma, Grandma Shao knew that they were busy, and they were mainly making plasters. The technical content of making plasters was to boil medicines and make pastes. The steps of making plasters were more mechanical.

So Grandma Shao asked Zhou Jinyuan embarrassingly if she could send her idle little grandson to help. She didn't need any wages, and she was even willing to pay a little money back, as long as someone could keep Shao Jingjing from running around.

This grandson of hers is a complete idler, and he can't work for half a year without a job. He and his brother are two extremes, which gives her a headache.

If Shao Jingjing were to be sent to any nearby shop to do odd jobs, they probably wouldn't want to accept her, nor would she dare to accept her.

But Zhou Jinyuan is not afraid, Shao Jingjing saw that he was like a quail, honest, so he left him to work, and even thought it saved money.

"Oh..." Shao Jingjing obediently responded, and continued to apply the plaster. Her waist was sore and her back hurt from the plaster. She stood up and stretched her waist. "Oh, Doctor Zhou, can I ask for leave tomorrow? I feel very uncomfortable."

Zhou Jinyuan was settling accounts without raising his head, "Really? Ji Huan gave him a pulse."

Shao Jingjing: "Uh..."

He passed out his hand, and at the same time opened his eyes and said nonsense: "I'm dizzy, maybe it's anemia, or maybe I haven't recovered from the fever, and my stomach doesn't seem to be very comfortable, and I'm feeling very depressed."

This is the experience he got from fooling the school doctor before.

After taking his pulse for a minute, Ji Huan reported coldly: "Boss, it's nothing, he's just lazy."

Shao Jingjing: "..."

He still wanted to defend himself, but Zhou Jinyuan poked his long needles seemingly unintentionally, "Why are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Shao Jingjing shuddered, "No, no. I, haha, I'll just move around a bit."

(Forced) This is the bad thing about working part-time in a clinic. You can’t even pretend to be sick, let alone be lazy. People can tell how your body is at a glance.

How long has it been since he had worked? He moved around a few times with a sad face, and couldn't help but ask, "Doctor Zhou, how much salary do I have?"

Zhou Jinyuan: "Forty a day."

Shao Jingjing: "... so few?!"

He almost passed out, moving bricks is more than that.

Zhou Jinyuan glanced at him, walked away and said, "Your grandma said, let me give you less, lest you take the money and go out to drink with others." Probably Shao Jingjing didn't know that grandma wanted to give him some money to send him to work. In the old days, Shao Jingjing would definitely be sent as an apprentice.

Shao Jingjing: "..."

Rong Shouyun clicked his tongue, "Why is this so?"

Shao Jingjing turned her head to look at Rong Shouyun, yes, Teacher Monk is indeed more merciful...

Rong Shouyun looked Shao Jingjing up and down, "You can't work quickly, you can be at thirty, and if you don't perform well, your wages will be deducted."

Ji Huan couldn't hold back: "Hahahahaha!"

This is the body worker of the new era, Shao Jingjing took two steps back injured, almost bumped into the medicine cabinet, but Rong Xixue passed by and supported her with her elbow, "Be careful."

Shao Jingjing turned her head to see Rong Xixue, and saw that although he had a cold face and had glared at her before, but after getting along with her, she knew it. He suspected that Rong Xixue might be the kindest and kindest person in Xiaoqinglong Clinic.

Otherwise, let's have a good relationship with this big guy.

Shao Jingjing saw that Rong Xixue was still holding a few plants in both hands, and stretched out her hands: "Mr. Rong, let me take it for you. Are these going to be planted in a flower bed..."

Rong Xixue dodged immediately, "No need, don't touch it."

Shao Jingjing: "You're welcome! I don't charge much, and I'm already forty a day."

Rong Xixue: "..."

Rong Xixue: "Toxic."

Shao Jingjing quickly withdrew her hand as if struck by lightning, shit, no, it's real or not, it looks so refreshing.

Zhou Jinyuan saw it from the side, and warned: "Really, if you pick here and there, and you don't wash your hands, it's still light if your mouth rots after entering the mouth."

These are all born in the southern star, which is very poisonous.

Shao Jingjing: "...Damn it, are they all? The other pot has fruit, so will it rot?"

Rong Xixue: "No. More poisonous."

Shao Jingjing: "..."

The other pot is nuxonum, which is indeed more toxic. There is a proverb that says "eat before the horse, die after the horse". It shows the severity of toxicity. Overdose will cause poisoning to death. Anyone who is fine should not eat it On several fruits, nuxon is very bitter.

But even mild poisoning is uncomfortable enough.

"Okay, don't make such an expression. We planted it ourselves. We will take it and process it for use. It won't be kept for a long time. If you are worried, I will tell you a way to avoid poisoning." Zhou Jinyuan said.

Shao Jingjing: "What, what?"

Zhou Jinyuan pointed at Rong Xixue, and said threateningly: "Stay away from him, he's just playing with that."

Shao Jingjing: "..."

From then on, Shao Jingjing didn't dare to stay within three meters of Rong Xixue. I didn't expect that this is the most poisonous person in Xiao Qinglong, the others are just deducting wages, this one is terrible!

Zhou Jinyuan asked Rong Xixue to get the nuxies for Jin Chuoxian. He wanted to invest in some nuxies recently, but Jin Chuoxian's disease was in the liver, and nuxies are highly toxic, so the processing method and dosage are different. Consider carefully.

As for Nan Xing, it was what Rong Shouyun wanted. After Rong Xixue processed it, he would use it to make a new plaster.

It seems that many middle-aged and elderly patients who come to the clinic recently have knee osteoarthritis, which is a common disease in this age group. The knee joints will be very painful. Rong Shouyun plans to make some more targeted plasters.

"How many grams do you think we should use?" Zhou Jinyuan looked at Rong Xixue frying sand and asked in a low voice.

In fact, it stands to reason that Jin Chuoxian’s health is not particularly good, especially the liver, so it should not be used frequently or excessively. For example, Rong Xixue’s school teaches that the daily dosage is 0.3 to 0.6 grams for oral administration, and it is processed.

Rong Xixue glanced at Zhou Jinyuan, "How much do you want to use?"

He asked this directly, and he could already see that Zhou Jinyuan definitely wanted to increase the dose.

Zhou Jinyuan chuckled twice and gestured.

Rong Xixue pondered: "It's a bit dangerous, but the strychnine and strychnine in Nuxylum have a good growth inhibitory effect on the liver cancer cell line HepG2..."

These two ingredients are the main active ingredients of Nuxychnoma, and they are even more toxic.

Zhou Jinyuan looked at him expectantly. He still hoped to get the pharmacist's approval for this kind of thing, "I talked to Jin Chuoxian, and he has no objection. Look at how much you can concoct."

Rong Xixue knew this earlier, and said helplessly: "Use it, and try to make it compatible and reduce the poison as much as possible."

Zhou Jinyuan laughed twice, "I'll get you sesame oil."

Rong Xixue added sesame oil to it, and released raw nuxonites.

Shao Jingjing who passed by only saw them put oil and nux, and couldn't help wondering, "Why are you frying poison? Do you want Shennong to taste herbs?"

"Did Shennong cook before he tasted all the herbs? This is concocting—you hurry to work!" Zhou Jinyuan only said one sentence, and Shao Jingjing ran away yelling for leave, "This is due to the oppression of the working people!"

Zhou Jinyuan whispered gossip into Rong Xixue's ear: "Do you think Shao Jingjing is a bit gay?"

Rong Xixue: "..."

"Apart from laziness, hooliganism, and idleness, people are still cute. I just look at his usual words and deeds, and I have a little judgment," Zhou Jinyuan said modestly, "It may not be accurate."

Rong Xixue hesitated and said, "Do you think he is cute?"

"... Is your point wrong?" Zhou Jinyuan couldn't help asking.

Rong Xixue replied: "Because I didn't expect my brother to have such judgment ability."

Zhou Jinyuan: "..."

Zhou Jinyuan: "I just said it casually!"

The main reason was that he had some doubts about Shao Jingjing's interest in flirting with emergency doctors before, but now it seems that Brother Jing has lost confidence in the white coat after staying in Xiaoqinglong Clinic, it is very possible. awful.

Zhou Jinyuan looked back and no one noticed, he hummed and said, "If I develop in that direction..."

He and Rong Xixue were still very close, and Rong Xixue almost held her breath, listening to his next words with anticipation.

Zhou Jinyuan: "That's also gentle and bald. Hahahaha, isn't Daofo CP very mainstream?"

Rong Xixue: "..."

Rong Xixue calmly moved her head: "... Rang Rang, the poison has been added."

Herzfeld Records is a large record company group in country B. It has been established for more than 100 years and has been controlled by the Herzfeld family. It owns many music labels, from classical to pop, with businesses all over the world.

Today, one of the heirs of the Herzfeld family, you can call him Little Herzfeld, referred to as Xiao Fei, is in charge of a heavyweight record company in the group.

When he was drinking coffee in the office, he opened an email at random, and saw a subordinate report to him:

King sent in his work.

Xiao Fei stopped immediately, put down the coffee cup, and asked her subordinates to bring Jin's works to the office immediately.

In this company, the only "gold" that everyone calls is "Jin Chuoxian", a musician from China.

Over the years, Jin Chuoxian has maintained a deep and good cooperative relationship with the company, and his works in China are also represented by Herzfeld's China subsidiary.

But it is a pity that the sky is jealous of talents, and Jin is suffering from a serious illness. Xiao Fei has invited doctors all over for him, but after all, people cannot fight against the god of death.

Jin's last news was to go to his home country alone for conservative treatment of traditional Chinese medicine and to sort out his "posthumous works".

The company respected his choice, and as he begged, no one disturbed him, and the news was guarded tightly. Xiaofei thought that maybe after some time, they released Jin's last work, the world would be amazed and mourn the passing of a genius.

He is like a shooting star, but the light will stay forever.

After all, Jin's time is running out, and Xiaofei's mood becomes a little heavy in the morning.

Two minutes later, the subordinate knocked on the door with a notebook in his hand, "Mr. Herzfeld?"

"Come in." Xiaofei took a breath, "Is this Jin's work?"

He didn't use the last two words, but they all knew that it was.

"Yes." The subordinate clicked a few times on the laptop. He had just downloaded it, and the file was too large. Some of these works used virtual instruments, some were recorded by Jin Xun's musicians, and some were recorded by himself. Recording venues also vary.

"Let's start." Xiaofei said.

There are a total of sixteen pieces of music, most of which were composed after Jin's diagnosis.

From the first song, they felt like they were following Jin through his heart. His outstanding musical talent made Xiaofei feel the same way. Halfway through listening, Xiaofei couldn't help but took off his glasses and wiped the corners of his eyes.

The young master is full of reluctance and love for the world, and uses music to reminisce and say goodbye.

However, when the last piece of music started to play, Xiaofei and her subordinates were all stunned.

This piece of music has a very different style. It is different from the piece of music with different genres and rich orchestration just now. This piece only has a piano, and it is a piano piece. Xiao Fei is sure that it is based on folk music.

The soothing and simple rhythm at the beginning makes people quiet and peaceful, and the melody and emotion progress layer by layer. The climax part is covered by golden sunshine, full of good hope and vitality, and because of its special rhythm and style, it has unprecedented infection. force.

It's like... It's like praying to the ancient gods and getting salvation.

Music is born in various religious ceremonies and national activities, and the sense of sacredness in this piece is stronger, and you can be sure that it has a certain color.

Xiaofei couldn't even breathe. He squeezed the coffee cup tightly, closed his eyes and admired it. When the last note fell, he suddenly stood up and exclaimed in disbelief: "Is this really written by Jin?"

It can be said without humility that Xiaofei has a very high musical quality, after all, his family has been in this line for hundreds of years.

It was this sensibility that made Xiaofei question. He was not questioning Jin's talent, but rather, the vitality contained in this piano piece recorded by Jin himself was not like a terminally ill patient at all!

After people hear this song, they will only awaken the hope in their hearts, but they can't find the creator's regret, fear, nostalgia, etc., all the emotions that a dying person should have.

In particular, gold is supposed to be running out of time—

Compared with the previous pieces, this piano piece is simply a bottoming out on the emotional level, forming two extremes.

Even for people who don't have much music appreciation ability, if they listen to these pieces, they will be surprised that the previous pieces and the last piece were written by the same person at the same time.

One side is facing death, the other is facing life, they are completely different.

Looking carefully, the subordinates found that these audios seemed to come with a black and white picture, which should be a picture of Tai Chi in China. Black and white are harmoniously integrated, just like... just like the two styles of works in this collection.

What did Jin encounter in Huaxia? Faye wondered what happened to Kim, but it must have been very important, which brought them this piece.

Xiaofei had a premonition that when he released these works, another star would shine brightly in the history of Herzfeld Company.

"What's the name of the last song? Did you choose a name?" Xiaofei asked. He felt that the name of this song "Hope" was really suitable. how…

Generally speaking, if Jin Chuoxian decides on a name, no one will suggest him to change it. If there is no accident, it will be a song for audiences all over the world.

When Xiao Fei was thinking about it, the subordinate took a look and asked a little puzzled, "Xiao Qinglong's piano solo?"

Xiao Fei was stunned. Is Xiao Qinglong a religious ceremony or a religious place? Why is it called Xiaoqinglong?

Shao Jingjing ate noodles at home, wiped her mouth, and said listlessly: "I'll rest for a while before going to the clinic. It's too early and there's nothing to do."

"Why? It's such a nice weather, you should go there early, and if you don't have any plaster, you can help Doctor Rong clean up." Grandma taught, "Being a man must be diligent, especially if you work at the boss's place. It's a blessing to suffer."

Shao Jingjing almost pissed off, and returned to her employer... Also, he is 40 a day, he may really be a long-term worker.

Grandma probably really treated the Xiaoqinglong clinic as a labor camp, and half drove Shao Jingjing out.

Shao Jingjing came to the Xiaoqinglong Clinic with heavy steps. As soon as he entered, he smelled and noticed something unusual.

"...What is this smell?" Shao Jingjing asked while pinching her nose, it smelled like a dark traditional Chinese medicine.

Rong Shouyun sat behind the counter, he glanced at Shao Jingjing, pointed inside: "It's making medicine, you go and help."

Shao Jingjing didn't want to go in, "Can you tell me what it is? I smell weird, I really want to ask for leave!"

Shao Jingjing's plaster usually smells like traditional Chinese medicine, neither bad nor bad, but today, it smells like a medicine. It smells strong. What kind of new medicine is it

"It's impossible to ask for leave, don't even think about it." Ji Huan rejected the boy who was thinking about running away every day. He was making an anti-sensitivity sachet and was busy, "It's Dr. Zhou, Refined pills..."

Shao Jingjing: "...X."

Are you kidding me, alchemy? !

There was a trace of compassion in Ji Huan's eyes, that's how it is. After he came this morning, he saw Zhou Jinyuan saying that the surrounding residents, especially the parents, have already trusted Xiaoqinglong Pediatric Clinic.

In this way, they can also start their plan...

Ji Huan immediately thought of Zhou Jinyuan's original sentence: "Many of my patients bought them back and forced their children to eat them." After seeing the real thing, he realized that Rong Shouyun and Zhou Jinyuan were not exaggerating. The word "forced" was really too much. It's vivid.

Because of this, Ji Huan felt that Zhou Jinyuan seemed to be engaged in a fattening plan!

Shao Jingjing went to the cubicle, and saw Zhou Jinyuan and Rong Xixue sitting in it, one was rubbing meatballs, and the other packed the dried meatballs in a small box.

The raw material for the meatballs came from a pot with gossip on it, which was full of black paste. Wearing disposable gloves, Zhou Jinyuan added honey, kneaded a huge meatball, and put it on a porcelain plate to dry.

Those smells emanate from here.

"What is this..." Shao Jingjing asked, you said one or two is fine, but there is a pot here, which made his eyes turn white.

"This is called Kong Sheng Pillow Pill. Eating it can enhance the memory of teenagers and help them sleep." Zhou Jinyuan introduced, "I refined it according to ancient books. The first user at the time relied on this to pass the exam. A key university!"

Shao Jingjing covered her mouth: "Impossible!"

It's so big, who the hell can eat it? I choked to death before I was admitted to university.

Zhou Jinyuan: "If you don't believe me, ask Xiaoxue!"

Rong Xixue: "..."

Shao Jingjing: "..."

He looked weirdly at Rong Xixue who couldn't keep his sternness, shit, it's you, the interest in poison is probably because of being persecuted.

Zhou Jinyuan also bought a labeling machine. The price of a large hand-rubbed ball is 66, and you can get a 10% discount if you buy an anti-sensitivity sachet or Xiaoqinglong plaster together. The portion is full, buy it back and eat it yourself, or break it apart and rub it small to eat, one can last for at least half a month.

Dr. Zhou of Xiaoqinglong Clinic has always been the best doctor in the hearts of children and teenagers under the age of 18. They also like Xiaoqinglong Clinic very much. Here, there is always the least uncomfortable treatment plan for them.

Of course, the parents also like it here, which saves them a lot of trouble. Therefore, if you come to buy anti-infection sachets and other medicines, or parents who pass by, you can't help but ask if you notice the promotion of "new medicines on shelves to help children learn" posted on the door of the clinic.

Then the doctors will explain to you what age group this is suitable for children, what medicinal materials are used, and what effect it can play.

To be honest, similar children's health care medicines are emerging in the market one after another, and many of them have high asking prices and hype.

And the Xiaoqinglong Clinic, which has always been pragmatic, only sells Kong Sheng Pillow Pill at 66. The effect does not sound exaggerated, but it is very practical, especially considering that their medicines have always been very effective, even quick-acting, and feel more reliable than those on the market. too much.

Their medicine is even made in the clinic, and you can still see the ingredients. The smell is a bit unpleasant, but Zhou Jinyuan said that he has tried his best to improve the taste and added a lot of honey.

— Zhou Jinyuan, everyone knows that if he can not torture patients, he will definitely choose a gentler way. Since he said so, he must have tried his best, and he must maintain the efficacy of the medicine.

Okay, it smells a bit bad, much better than some folk remedies, so I bought it.

On this day, I don’t know how many children, after their parents took back the pills, held the trust in the Xiaoqinglong Clinic, according to the stated portion, broke off a lump and ate it, and then-

"It's so unpalatable, woo woo woo woo!"

At first, it was probably six points, but when you are full of trust in the clinic, and you don’t even have a glass of water, the six points become twelve points!

Xiao Liu also cried loudly. He was given a big ball for free, and he stood in the middle of the clinic. After smelling it, he also believed in Dr. Zhou's brother, and took a mouthful instead of rubbing it open and swallowing it with water. swallowed—that would undoubtedly be easier to swallow.

The end is, crying after eating.

"Why, wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow, why!" Xiao Liu didn't understand why Xiao Qinglong would sell such unpalatable pills, and he even gave yogurt to the doctors, why did he treat him like this.

"Drink water." Rong Xixue put a glass of water into Xiao Liu's hand with quick eyes and quick hands.

Xiaoliu Tonton drank a big cup, and the taste still lingered in his mouth for a long time. He raised his head and said to Zhou Jinyuan, "Brother, you won't be able to sell this in the future."

His family owns a supermarket, and if such unpalatable products can't be sold, they won't buy them again.

Zhou Jinyuan: "It's hard to say."

It is true that the first batch of "victims" quickly spread the news to all directions, and the children of the same age basically knew that Xiao Qinglong was selling a kind of dark meatball, which was extremely unpalatable, so please don't buy it.

However, who told Kong Sheng’s Pillow Pill to really have a calming effect, parents will buy it and try it after they know it from their neighbors and friends.

Isn't it just a pill, how unpalatable it can be, just close your eyes and swallow it with water!

That's right, no matter how unpalatable a pill is, they are forced to take supplements and health care products. Whoever made the first batch of victims unprepared received too much shock, couldn't help but exaggerated it many times.

Children's imaginations are still rich, and it is passed around as if it is the most unpalatable medicine in the world, which is quite different from the word-of-mouth among parents.

Especially in the nearby school, because it is close to Xiaoqinglong, most of the students are the surrounding residents, and there are more people who are forced to eat big balls, and they look at each other in fear when they mention it.

Even the school teachers knew about it, because there were too many relevant contents in the composition and weekly diaries...

Such a prosperous place fully complied with Zhou Jinyuan's guess.

— except the kids here seem to react more.

"Hello, I'm an assistant professor from the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine of the University of Country B, and the attending physician of the affiliated hospital..." Zhou Jinyuan was reading an email. The sender was a colleague from Country B, who had both Western medicine and acupuncture licenses in Country B.

They had never met before, but he knew about Zhou Jinyuan from his colleagues. Recently, he met a patient. When his conventional acupuncture therapy failed, he thought of Zhou Jinyuan. He hoped that Zhou Jinyuan could give him some inspiration. .

Naturally, the mailbox was also obtained from a colleague, and various examination materials of the patient were attached to the letter.

"I hope you can give me some advice..." Zhou Jinyuan muttered the last sentence, "Without evidence, this information is quite detailed. The patient was paralyzed by traumatic brain injury, which is similar to several cases treated by Zhou Jinyuan.

With the passage of time, there have been more and more exchanges and e-mails from country B recently. Although Zhou Jinyuan has left country B, his academic connection with them seems to be closer.

Zhou Jinyuan always responded to emails like this in detail. After sorting out his thoughts, he began to reply emails until Elena and her father, Mr. Brown, appeared.

"Mr. Brown, haven't you been to the square today?" Zhou Jinyuan greeted and stopped writing emails temporarily.

"Because I heard that Elena is going to try to stand up today." Mr. Brown said, he seemed to have put on a lot of weight when he came to China.

Zhou Jinyuan looked at Elena, "That's right, I'm going to make a big improvement today, acupuncture first, and then... I'm going to try to stand up, are you mentally prepared?"

Elena bit her lower lip, and the blood color of her rose-like lips faded a little, "Yes."

"Okay, then follow me." Zhou Jinyuan led them into the consultation room.

The curb outside Xiaoqinglong Clinic.

The two young men parked their bicycles and gathered their heads together to discuss.

"Do you want to go in?"

"I don't know, the last big night, we may not be able to see clearly when we showed our face, maybe we won't recognize it..."

"Who is right? I'm just curious. Isn't this little green dragon becoming more and more evil now? It's too powerful."

While talking, a little boy next to him licking a popsicle suddenly interjected: "Are you talking about the Little Qinglong Clinic?"

What did the little brat interrupt, the two of them looked at each other and ignored him.

The little boy sighed, "Oh, little Qinglong, everyone is terrified now."

After speaking, he walked away with heavy steps.

Two young people: "..."

The two of them looked at each other, thinking in unison, damn it, it's too exaggerated, this is a rhythm that both old and young, women and children are afraid of!

Then do you want to go in

The answer is yes, because the effect of Xiaoqinglong plaster is so good that it cannot be compared with other places.

The big deal is that they are just like other buddies said. When they leave, they help the clinic and the supermarket next door to throw away all the garbage. After all, we are here to consume, so there is no need to be too nervous.

Thinking of this, the two of them walked into the Xiaoqinglong clinic. They were overjoyed when they saw that the bald heads and baby faces they had seen before were not in the shop, but they still didn't dare to be too presumptuous.

"We're going to buy bone pain plasters!"

Ji Huan raised his head and glanced at them, and here he came again, with this respectful style of painting that was almost at the same hands and feet, "Sorry, there is no stock in stock for the time being, why don't you come back later, it is still in production."

Because Shao Duoduo just bought another batch for someone else, and the stock is all emptied, and he is rushing to make it right now, which is unfortunate.

"What? It's still in production. How long will it take?" One of the young people asked regretfully.

"Let me ask." Ji Huan heard the words and shouted, "Quiet! Shao Jingjing! Let me ask you—"

Shao Jingjing came out of the cubicle and took off her mask, "What are you doing?"

The two young men met his six eyes, and they were both terrified.

Shao Jingjing: "Little Five Little Six?"

Two people: "Jingjing?? Brother Jing, isn't your name Shao Jing???"

Shao Jingjing: "..."

"Hey, you guys know each other." Ji Huan secretly smiled in his heart, and Shao Jingjing added a word to herself when she went out, "They want to buy plasters, how long do you have to do it?"

"Little Five" and "Little Six" were even more shocked, "Brother Jing, you... you work here? Are you... left here?"

"What does it mean to be left here? He came by himself." Zhou Jinyuan came out of the consultation room just in time to hear this sentence, "I pay Shao Jingjing forty yuan a day."

Xiao Wu couldn't help slandering, forty yuan is not enough to eat skewers. This is the man, he still remembers, that day Jing Ge was taken aback, saying that he was a gangster, out of a hundred or so brothers, he did not expect to be so stingy.

Shao Jingjing suddenly felt that the topic was dangerous, and quickly interrupted: "You go back first, and I will send the plaster to your home when you come back."

"Wow, Brother Jing, are you so nice?"

Zhou Jinyuan glanced at them, and felt that Shao Jingjing seemed to be sweating a lot for no reason, especially after he glanced at them twice, he seemed to be sweating even harder. He poured a glass of water back to the consultation room and gave Elena a few sips.

"I've worked hard today, and I'll continue tomorrow." Zhou Jinyuan said with a smile, Elena had successfully stood up while supporting herself, and she was one step closer to her complete recovery.

Elena's eyes were also full of hope. Every day, she felt that she was getting closer to returning to the stage, and the nightmare that day was getting farther away from her. She nodded, "En!"

"Let's go, I'll take you out." Zhou Jinyuan took Elena out, packed up some plaster material packaging bags, and threw them into the trash can outside.

Xiao Wu and Xiao Liu hadn't gone far, they were standing by the side of the road, seeing him coming out, at first they couldn't help but stare at the beautiful foreign girl next to him, then they couldn't help but look at Zhou Jinyuan himself.

"What are you looking at me for?" Zhou Jinyuan also felt their hot eyes.

The two flinched for a moment, and then under Zhou Jinyuan's gaze, Xiao Wu smiled obsequiously: "It's nothing, I just want you to throw out the trash yourself, brother."

"?" Zhou Jinyuan couldn't help standing still, "Brother? This is something new. It's the first time someone called me Big Brother."

Usually he is his younger brother.

Xiao Wuyi didn't know how to reply for a while, was the elder brother being modest, he said after a while: "What you said, you are not the elder brother who is the elder brother in the world."

Zhou Jinyuan: "..."

Zhou Jinyuan was stunned for a second, what kind of way, what the hell, the only way he has ever been confused is Zhengyi!

But at this very moment, Zhou Jinyuan seemed to suddenly understand why some people were always respectful to them.


Zhou Jinyuan asked the two young men: "You... how did you hear that I was 'on the road'?"

Shao Jingjing walked out of the clinic and saw Zhou Jinyuan standing outside, while Xiaowu and Xiaoliu hadn't left yet. He felt a little ominous in his heart, and his eyes couldn't help but die.


"Little rascal, come here, I'll ask you." Zhou Jinyuan looked at him with a half-smile, "Did you tell someone that I'm the big brother on the road?"

Shao Jingjing: "I, I drank too much, and they misheard me! I'm talking about Taoists, there are hundreds of Taoists!"

Little Five and Little Six: "???"

Zhou Jinyuan almost lost his temper, "And tied up your grandma by the way?"

"?" Damn, Shao Jingjing's face changed, he really didn't know this, how did it get out!

Shao Jingjing took a deep breath. In fact, he had expected this day to happen. Since this is the case, why not take this opportunity...

He took a step back: "Doctor Zhou, I think you should calm down and let's talk again. I'm innocent too, really! I'll do it today, I'll ask for leave and go back first. I only need 20 wages today. Someday you Calm down and let's talk again!"

After saying that, Shao Jingjing rushed a few steps, turned over and rode on Xiao Wu's bicycle, then turned into the empty alley next to her, and pedaled wildly away.

Zhou Jinyuan: "?? Shao Jingjing, don't take the opportunity to be lazy! Your grandma said to report every day!"

"Damn it!" Xiao Wu couldn't help but let out a curse, his car.

"Tsk, Jingjing is pedaling fast enough." Xiao Liu sighed.

Shao Jingjing's ears were sharp, and when she heard it, she blushed and replied loudly: "You're so quick to change your mind!"

He used to be called Brother Jing!

Zhou Jinyuan said calmly: "Is there a fork in the road here? I'll go and catch that kid back."

Xiaowu and Xiaoliu looked around, not to mention private cars, there were no motorcycles, how could they chase them, did they rely on their legs

Big brother is a little crazy.

Think you can run? Zhou Jinyuan looked at Elena in the wheelchair, "Hey, Elena..."