Taoist Doctor

Chapter 58


Rong Xixue is notoriously cold in her class, and even in the whole school.

He is different from many students. He came into this industry very early, and he is talented, so his progress is faster than everyone else. He is even doing his own research, such as pharmacological research of various medicinal materials, toxicity research and establishment of animal models, etc. aspect.

Even cross-professional to help teachers in other departments, that brain is simply a humanoid computer.

Even if this kind of god-level figure who needs to be looked up to is not aloof, it seems that not many people have the courage to get close to him.

And he is aloof, if you dare—pay attention, you dare, if you ask him questions, he will answer, but he is very busy in class, and he will leave immediately after school, so even if you dare, the chances are very good few.

There have also been two unusual incidents, such as posting strange content in the circle of friends, even the professor was taken aback (this point has been talked about for a long time, it turns out that the professor also knows Rongshen's personality). Of course, I realized later that someone must be making fun of his circle of friends or stealing his account.

Now seeing a little classmate who calls Rong Xixue "Xiaoxue", Rong Xixue just recognizes it like that, everyone has the same expression.

Before today, if someone told them that someone called Rong Xixue "Xiaoxue", and he would still say yes, they would definitely say, "It's impossible for such a thing to happen. I have to eat a catty of aconite raw."

Today, now, they can't help but not believe it.

Zhou Jinyuan didn't even notice anything, he was still chatting with Director Bao.

Director Bao: "Hahahaha, let me just say, it really is Teacher Zhou's younger brother."

Upon hearing this sentence, the eyes of those students were about to fall out again.

teacher? younger brother

For a moment, they didn't know which sentence to complain first, whether this boy is not a student of the school but a teacher, or whether this man and Rongshen are brothers, and Rongshen is that younger brother...

In other words, it's because of his youthful appearance that Rong Xixue's name "Xiaoxue" is so frightening, right

Director Bao stopped strangely when he saw these, staring at them like the students, "? What are you doing? They're all standing here." He jokingly said to Rong Xixue, "The students in your class are so friendly, why are you still here?" Here we are waiting for you to go together."

Rong Xixue also took a look at these people. He didn't care whether he was seen or heard, and said to Zhou Jinyuan, "Brother, which building are you going to? I'll find you later."

All students: Damn, Duoshe, it must be Duoshe, the expression is so gentle and even a little coquettish!

"Haha, okay." Zhou Jinyuan asked Director Bao to tell him the specific laboratory, then looked at Rong Xixue's classmates, and said with a pleasant smile, "You are all Xiaoxue's classmates, please take care of Xiaoxue. "

Everyone looked "dare not", and said with an embarrassed smile: "You are being polite."

From the bottom of my heart, what misunderstanding do you have about your child!

Someone also boldly asked: "Brother... Brother, are you also a teacher in our school? Why have you never seen it before?"

It is normal for a classmate's elder brother to be called elder brother. But looking at Zhou Jinyuan, he really had a hard time saying the word "brother", and he didn't know how Rong Shen could pronounce it.

In fact, he wanted to ask how old his brother was, but he was not very embarrassed.

"This is an expert from the Haizhou Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He came to help us." Secretary Bao explained the science with a smile.

"Wow..." They all learned this, and these students certainly know the weight of this title.

Someone else vaguely got it right, did Rong Shen help dispel the rumors in the circle of friends before, the one with the wheelchair, he looks younger than the video.

Some people even wondered, isn't Rongshen's brother a monk

"Hahaha, okay, let's go quickly." Zhou Jinyuan signaled, greeted Rong Xixue, raised his hand and touched his head before leaving.

Rong Xixue lowered her head slightly and let Zhou Jinyuan touch it.

When I looked up again, the other students had all fallen into a petrified state again.

Brother Zhou, awesome.

At this moment, some people seemed to know why Rong Shen was "hacked".

When Zhou Jinyuan arrived at the laboratory, there were already some professors and scholars from Haizhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine here, as well as President Luo himself, and everyone exchanged pleasantries. Now Zhou Jinyuan is quite well-known in the Haizhou industry.

At the beginning, the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the Third Hospital, as a general hospital’s Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, had no beds and more than a dozen medical staff, but it has developed to the present, and the number of consultations has skyrocketed, making it famous all over the country. Speaking of which, every step has something to do with Zhou Jinyuan.

Everyone started to tell Zhou Jinyuan about the experiment they were going to do, and there was still a volunteer here.

The volunteer was a woman in her twenties, she looked nothing special from the outside.

"This Ms. Wu was originally treated at our affiliated hospital, and then the outpatient doctor found this—" A professor scooped up the volunteer's pants.

Zhou Jinyuan saw that there was a black line on the inside of the lower part of the lady's right calf, which was about one centimeter wide and had no protrusion.

"It's smooth to the touch, without tenderness." The professor said a little excitedly, "It's very obvious, the meridian phenomenon."

The route of this black line is exactly the Kidney Meridian of Foot Shaoyin.

That's why they asked this lady to volunteer, Principal Luo asked, "Have you seen this before?"

Zhou Jinyuan once demonstrated the phenomenon of meridians to those students in country B, and clarified the route of meridians. And this phenomenon visible to the naked eye is even more rare!

Many people have never seen it after practicing medicine for many years, and only saw records in ancient books. In the past, there were very few black lines, and most of them were lines of other colors.

But this is not the first time Zhou Jinyuan has seen it. After he touched it, he said: "When I was studying with my father, I was lucky enough to see it with my own eyes once in a few years. However, it was a yellow-brown line, not in the Foot Shaoyin Kidney Meridian. I also heard that when my grandfather was doing acupuncture for others, similar meridian phenomena appeared several times during the acupuncture process."

And this line is black, and everyone present is an expert, so you can immediately think that the five internal organs and meridians are divided into five colors, and the black kidney image belongs to water!

Principal Luo nodded, "The meridian research still needs to find a way out clinically."

It is not enough to simply do experiments in the laboratory, or just receive consultations, but clinical practice is indeed particularly important. Predecessors also summed up these theories in clinical practice.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

At this time, Rong Xixue also came to the door.

Professor Lan of traditional Chinese medicine saw it and thought he was looking for him. After hearing that this was Zhou Jinyuan's younger brother, he laughed and said, "Oh, so you two are a family! Then I want to praise you as a parent, Xiao Rong Very good, and I also taught myself some research tools in chemistry and mathematics, so I especially like to ask him for help, and it is easier than his brothers and sisters."

His friends from other disciplines said that if Rong Xixue changed to another major, he would definitely be very successful, and if it was a popular major, it would be even more limitless. But Professor Lan was very angry at that time, what happened to Chinese medicine

Standing next to Zhou Jinyuan, Rong Xixue glanced at the instruments in their laboratory.

"We have temporarily installed an infrared spectrometer equipped with an interface total reflection infrared fiber optic probe, which can be verified from the perspective that the meridians are the orderly arrangement of human biomacromolecules. Now there is a shortage of manpower, so Xiao Rong will operate it." The blue The professor said, "Both of you brothers help together to complete this experiment."

Zhou Jinyuan smiled, "Okay."

Zhou Jinyuan took out the needle and used the burning mountain fire acupuncture method to acupuncture the volunteer. Rong Xixue used the infrared spectrometer installed with the interface total reflection infrared fiber optic probe for irradiation, and the others were either recording or operating other instruments.

The volunteer soon felt that the temperature on her legs was increasing little by little, and it was just along the line of her black line. Her own posture was not good-looking, but everyone else could see it clearly, and she would It was recorded.

As Zhou Jinyuan twirled the needle, the feeling of the needle became stronger, and the black line faded at a speed visible to the naked eye. From dark black to the purple tone in it, the color became lighter and lighter, and the color near the acupuncture point It disappears faster, and it disappears more slowly when it is far away.

So slowly, the lines became incoherent, like beads on a string, until finally, they all disappeared without a trace!

At this time, the patient's symptoms such as abdominal distension and lower limb numbness all disappeared, quite synchronously.

Later, Rong Xixue also showed them the spectrogram, "We simultaneously irradiated the same position of the leg that underwent burning mountain fire acupuncture, and the same position of the other intact leg - irradiating and receiving at different points of the meridian. This meridian The absorption peak of the molecule is between 6.0 and 10um, and it can be seen that when the "burning fire" starts to take effect, the absorption peak is strengthened, and the molecular movement is stronger. On the other side, the absorption peak is significantly lower."

This means that during acupuncture, the movement of the meridians is also strengthened. After the meridians are activated, the black line disappears.

The meridian phenomenon is indeed the manifestation of the pathological phenomenon of the disease, reflecting the corresponding problems.

They also need to continue to analyze deeply to explore its essence.

The professor is still lamenting that Zhou Jinyuan's burning mountain fire acupuncture method has a strong sense of needling, which saved them a lot of work!

Moreover, such a meridian phenomenon usually takes a long time to disappear after it appears until it is cured. Zhou Jinyuan's participation made it change rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This obvious meridian phenomenon, combined with the strong needling sensation and curative effect, produces data such as the range of change, which is amazing and arouses strong interest.

"There is also this temperature distribution, which is also very obvious. You see, the heat transfer is actually very wide, but it is strongest in the direction of acupuncture points and meridians. Similarly, it also conforms to time changes." Another researcher also adjusted his glasses. , said.

They still have a lot of analysis to do, but what they can see so far has kept them discussing, and today they have gained a lot, and everyone expects that it will be of great help to their theory.

"So I said it was right to invite Xiao Zhou to do it." Principal Luo was still praising Zhou Jinyuan. The others had been inviting the director of the Acupuncture Department of their affiliated hospital. Later, Principal Luo said that this time it was Zhou Jinyuan. .

"It's easy to do." Zhou Jinyuan also said, after all, he himself also wanted to know how to solve this mystery that had been pending for thousands of years.

"We will continue to study important meridians and enrich our theory with more data. Thanks to Xiao Zhou and Xiao Rong for their contributions today." Professor Lan and Zhou Jinyuan shook hands again.

He said very bluntly, "I heard that Principal Luo is thinking about poaching talents. Xiao Rong, I will give you a task to recruit your brother to our school. Otherwise, I will find you Professor Yu and fail your department at the end of the semester!"

Rong Xixue: "..."

"Don't scare the child!" Zhou Jinyuan said immediately, "Even if I can't come, you can continue to contact me if you need anything in the future."

Professor Lan is very happy. He is dedicated to academics and has no other ideas. "That's great. The meridian theory is really difficult. You need to find a scientific basis, but you can't completely abandon the traditional theory. The truth may even be hidden in some traditional theories. Recently, we have tried to combine it with Yingwei Qi to analyze it. However, according to ancient literature, if you want to analyze the flow of Ying Qi, you have to use magic numbers and go to Yi Xue. Yes! Oh, how could I count this..."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Principal Luo, Zhou Jinyuan and Rong Xixue, and they were all stunned!

Professor Lan wondered, "What's wrong?"

Principal Luo was about to spout, "Professor Lan, you should have said it earlier, far away in the sky, right in front of you! Here, there is a Taoist priest who can understand yin and yang and understand gossip!"

Professor Lan didn't care about foreign affairs, knowing that Zhou Jinyuan was a rare person, he didn't know that Zhou Jinyuan was still a Taoist doctor.

Taoist mountain, medicine, fate, physiognomy, divination, and the number of spells belong to "divination".

"My God, do you know it?" Professor Lan asked in a dazed, unadorned manner, "How is your level?"

Everyone thought that Professor Lan was still like this, how could he ask such a question.

Principal Luo is planning to take over.

Zhou Jinyuan smiled and said, "Quite high."

Everyone: "..."

… alright.

After leaving the laboratory building, Zhou Jinyuan was still thinking about the principle of the meridian phenomenon. What kind of patient will appear under what circumstances. He has met too few, so he has been thinking about it, and he doesn't know whether it can be achieved artificially.

If it is possible, it will definitely add a great boost to the study of meridians.

Zhou Jinyuan vaguely suspected that his grandfather had figured out some tricks, because those phenomena appeared during the acupuncture process, but he did not conduct further research.

Today's experiment aroused Zhou Jinyuan's interest again, and he decided to go back and look through his grandfather's medical records carefully to find clues. Perhaps, it can be found out later in the clinic.

"Brother, will you come to school more often in the future?" Rong Xixue asked. Professor Cailan had already made an appointment with Zhou Jinyuan, and asked him to help him with spells.

Rong Xixue never thought that Zhou Jinyuan would be able to take the academic route one day. The Zhou family has always been a representative of wild Chinese medicine. But all of this comes from himself.

It was because of him that Zhou Jinyuan came to Haizhou, entered the Third Hospital, and encountered these things afterward.

"Maybe, look at Professor Lan's research model, maybe emails and videos are enough." Zhou Jinyuan said, "Hey, are you thinking that if I really come to teach, you have to call me a teacher !"

"There's nothing wrong with calling me a teacher." Rong Xixue said, and even called out, "Teacher Zhou."

"Hey, that's weird. I'm still not used to being called my teacher, especially you." Zhou Jinyuan always felt uncomfortable, so Rong Xixue yelled again, which made him very weird, and jumped to Rong Xixue covered his mouth with her back.

Rong Xixue fished it out and carried him outside.

A man wearing thick glasses passed by, stared at the two of them for two seconds, then stepped on the wrong foot and fell into the flower bed, then quickly got up, nodded to Rong Xixue, and walked away as if nothing had happened.

"... Who is this?" Zhou Jinyuan said.

Rong Xixue: "We are counselors."

Zhou Jinyuan: "..."

Was it his illusion? Why did the counselor look like he was afraid of Rong Xixue, not to mention that he thought this was Rong Xixue's classmate as well.

Zhou Jinyuan immediately bowed his head and said, "At school, you must be friendly to your classmates and respect your teachers. I just finished blowing it up for you today. You are too high-handed and will affect your image in the hearts of your classmates!"

Rong Xixue thought for a while, and said in a down-to-earth manner: "Brother, you always use my WeChat to speak, and even jump on me, it will affect my image more."

"..." Zhou Jinyuan squeezed, "Stop talking nonsense, drive!"

After Zhou Jinyuan went back, he communicated with Professor Lan twice more, and then began to try to solve the spell for him. Some people may think that it is a bit mysterious to explore the essence of meridians from this perspective, but both Professor Lan and Zhou Jinyuan believe that this is just an unknown.

Zhou Jinyuan sat in Xiaoqinglong with his laptop turned on and his compass in his hand, deducing a series of data given by Professor Lan.

At this moment, Jin Chuoxian walked in, and Zhou Jinyuan put down the compass.

"Arthur said that the ticket has been booked." Jin Chuoxian said leaning on the counter.

In a blink of an eye, Jin Chuoxian has also come to Haizhou for several months. Arthur once said that he will definitely come to Haizhou to see Jin Chuoxian.

"Ah, the itinerary has been confirmed? All right, I can take him out for a walk then." Zhou Jinyuan said.

"Well... besides him, my boss will also come to see me." Jin Chuoxian was referring to Mr. Xiaofei from Herzfeld.

Zhou Jinyuan didn't know him either, probably someone from his agency, "Oh, it's good, chat with friends more, after your condition is stable, you can't stay in Haizhou all the time, go do what you should do, work, make money, Life."

Jin Chuoxian couldn't help smiling, he looked at Zhou Jinyuan, his pale pink eyes couldn't tell what emotion it was.

Jin Chuoxian used Zhou Jinyuan's notebook to send a video to Arthur. Arthur was obviously at home, wearing a white T-shirt, and his hair was just washed, messy and damp, and greeted them exaggeratedly when he saw them.

In the clinic facing the street, when the cars were coming and going outside, Zhou Jinyuan took out the earphones and plugged them in, and adjusted Arthur's side to a full screen, and their side was a small screen, and Jin Chuoxian and Jin Chuoxian put on the earphones.

"Arthur, I'm waiting for you. Are you done with work?" Zhou Jinyuan also waved.

Arthur rubbed his nose, "Not yet, I'll fly over the next day after work, I'm so tired! But I want to see you sooner!"

He saw that Jin Chuoxian was still wearing a mask in the video, so it was hard to tell how he was in spirit, but, according to what Jin Chuoxian himself said in occasional emails, Arthur believed that he was doing well and relaxed now.

At this time, a girl walked in, she was about eighteen or nineteen years old, her nose was red, her hands were in her pockets, and she said indifferently: "I want cold medicine."

"Okay." Zhou Jinyuan asked a few words to see what type of cold she had.

The girl answered blankly, glanced to the side inadvertently, and saw the handsome foreign guy who was wiping his hair on the laptop screen, and his eyes lit up immediately, "Isn't this Arthur, you like Arthur? I didn't expect Arthur still has male fans."

Zhou Jinyuan raised his head: "... huh?"

"Are you doing a reaction?" The girl stared at the video and praised wildly, "Why does it feel like he suddenly got cute, so handsome, so handsome without makeup, so lifelike! I want to be caught I'm a fan!"

On the screen, Arthur is wiping his hair while talking.

The girl coughed and said, "Handsome and cute! Ahem! Suitable to be a boyfriend!"

At the same time, Arthur's voice came from the headset: "Who is this? What did she say?"

The girl clutched her heart, "No, it's like he's staring at this camera!"

Jin Chuoxian: "..."

Zhou Jinyuan: "..."

The author has something to say: Zhou Jinyuan: I’m so angry, I’m always hovering on the edge of passing, don’t you recognize me as his bald doctor