Taoist Doctor

Chapter 59


Under Zhou Jinyuan's indescribable eyes, the girl handed over the money, took the medicine in his hand, and said more enthusiastically than when she first came in: "Thank you doctor, since everyone likes Arthur now, we will be friends from now on! "

Everybody loves Arthur... this...

Zhou Jinyuan: "... that's fine too."

The girl who didn't know that she was really looking at Arthur for three seconds just now walked out of Xiaoqinglong Clinic coughing.

Only Arthur on the screen was still looking blankly: "Is that girl here for a doctor?"

Jin Chuoxian: "I'm a fan who appreciates you."

Arthur: "Come on, I don't know Chinese, but I don't even say hello if I like it."

Although the girl's expression was smiling, it was not exaggerated. Shouldn't real fans hug the computer and scream, and exaggerately kiss the screen, as he did in the past when he communicated with fans remotely during events.

Zhou Jinyuan explained: "She thought you were in the video, that is, she didn't know that we were connecting."

Arthur was silent for a while, then laughed wildly, "It's interesting, but unfortunately I can't reveal the itinerary when I go to Huaxia, otherwise I must appear in front of her, that would be fun."

If the media finds out that he has gone to Huaxia and still looks for Zhou Jinyuan, then I don't know what will happen.

And because they all went to see Jin Chuoxian, Arthur also made an appointment with Jin Chuoxian's boss, Xiaofei. It has not been a year or two since he was rumored to be bald.

three days later.

At 7 o'clock in the evening, a plane from country B landed at Haizhou Airport. Returnees and passengers all joined the crowd. Almost no one noticed that there were two men from country B wearing sunglasses.

No one knew that Arthur, who had become more and more popular in country B because of the new drama that was broadcast recently, came to China quietly. The blue eyes under the sunglasses have looked curiously at this country that has never been to since the plane landed.

And next to Arthur was Xiao Fei, the heir of the Herzfeld Records Group. The two of them didn't know each other very well, and they only went together because they had the same purpose.

Arthur didn't need to say it, his work was over and he had to live up to his words.

As for Xiao Fei, when he first took over the record company, he strongly promoted Jin Chuoxian, and Jin Chuoxian's outstanding performance also allowed him to have outstanding achievements in the group, until later he became more and more stable. , they can be regarded as mutual achievements.

Therefore, Jin Chuoxian is by no means just an artist under his banner, which prompted Xiao Fei to come to Huaxia in person, because she knew Jin Chuoxian's temper, and didn't even bring any assistants.

They contacted Jin Chuoxian as soon as they got off the plane, and made an appointment to wait for someone to pick them up outside the airport.

"Does your hand still hurt?" Arthur asked Fei while waiting.

Xiao Fei frowned, nodded, and raised her hand. His wrists were red and swollen, which suddenly appeared on the plane, accompanied by pain. After blowing on the air conditioner for a while, he felt a chill all over his body, and it was still uncomfortable even after adding two blankets.

The medical conditions on the plane were limited, and it was not a sudden illness. I just took some medicines, but it didn’t help much. It still hurts, not unbearable, but it made Xiao Fei very unhappy.

Moreover, he gradually felt not only an aversion to cold, but also a little stuffy nose and low fever.

"I've already taken the medicine." Xiaofei said in a low voice, he didn't know what the specific illness was, so he took some anti-inflammatory and painkillers on the plane, "How about you, how are you?"

"It's okay, but my throat is a little sore." Arthur shrugged, and he got on the plane as soon as he finished his work.

Because of his own habits, he didn't sleep well on the plane. Under such exhaustion, he now feels a little uncomfortable, his throat is sore, and his gums are inflamed, which is not a serious problem.

At this time, a car had already driven in front of them, and Jin Chuoxian got out of the car, "Arthur, Mr. Hertzfield."

Xiao Fei was stunned for a moment, because Jin Chuoxian looked... very good.

He still wears a hat and a mask, but his eyes are bright, his body is healthy, and he doesn't look like a patient at all.

"Jin." Arthur immediately hugged him, and even felt that Jin Chuoxian was stronger than when he left City L! This can't be seen in the video. After seeing him in person, Arthur felt that he was better than what he showed in the email and video.

Xiao Fei also shook hands with Jin Chuoxian, "It's good to see you, Jin, how are you?"

"Thank you. I'm fine. Please get in the car." Jin Chuoxian signaled them to get in the car, which also surprised Xiao Fei. They thought it was Jin Chuoxian who asked a driver to pick them up, but they didn't expect it to be Jin Chuoxian. Chuoxian came by himself.

This point is once again proved from the side, Jin Chuoxian is in good condition now.

If it was like what some doctors said back then, Jin Chuoxian should have finished the first seven.

"Jin, you..." Xiaofei hesitated to speak.

After listening to "Little Qinglong Piano Solo", he immediately said that he couldn't believe that this piece was composed by a dying person!

But now that they met, he also found that what he suspected was right, such Jin Chuoxian seemed to be in good spirits, and he really didn't look like a dying person.

This conjecture made Xiaofei's heart thump, she couldn't believe it, but she had to believe it.

Because the music told him so, and Jin Chuoxian's state also told him so!

"Is it a bit of a surprise? I look fine." Jin Chuoxian looked at Xiao Fei in the rearview mirror and said.

"I'm very, very happy for you, my friend, you have created another miracle." Xiaofei said in admiration. He really can only use these two words to describe such a thing.

Perhaps the gods are still too sympathetic to Jin Chuoxian's talent to perform such a miracle.

"I didn't create it." Jin Chuoxian said in a sigh-like tone, and caught a glimpse of Xiao Fei's wrist again, "What's wrong with your hand, is it hurt?"

"This ah... It swelled up unconsciously on the plane, and it still hurts." Xiaofei said, and sniffed.

"Well, then I'll take you directly to my attending doctor." Jin Chuoxian said, his residence is very close to Xiaoqinglong Clinic.

Xiaofei raised her eyebrows: "So, it should be the attending doctor who created a miracle?"

Jin Chuoxian nodded.

"Amazing..." Xiaofei murmured, that Huaxia Chinese medicine doctor.

China is too vast, and it is hard for him to imagine what happened in this land to give birth to such miraculous medical skills. Acupuncture is still within his understanding, but Jin Chuoxian's condition can be contained, which is beyond his understanding.

Xiaofei was feeling emotional, but saw Arthur trembling beside him, "What's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, I've seen the doctor." Arthur laughed dryly.

"Oh? What kind of person is he?" Xiaofei was curious like never before.

Arthur said depressedly: "Well, although this person can perform miracles, he can also kill people! I think you have heard of him, the baldness expert who came in and out of my house!"

Xiaofei was startled, and after thinking for a while, she remembered the big news that almost caused a national sensation at the beginning of the year, and suddenly realized: "It's him—"

"That's right, it's him, Arthur has been taking the blame for me." Jin Chuoxian said.

Xiaofei couldn't help giving Arthur a thumbs up, "You are such a good friend."

Arthur said with a sneer: "Pray that Huaxia will not reveal its identity when you come back, otherwise you will also be a good friend."

Xiao Fei: "..."

"By the way, let's say that, I remember that he is still a member of the Chinese religion... What is that called, Taoism, Taoist, right?" Xiaofei thought about it again, and felt that all of this was connected.

In the recording that Arthur sent back, there was a black and white picture in it. He checked it out, and it was one of the iconic symbols of Taoism, Tai Chi.

In Xiaofei's mind, the image of a Taoist doctor with a fairy spirit and bones has already been filled in his brain. He may live next to the bamboo forest, fly needles to get rid of Qi, and save lives and heal the wounded...


The car was driving in an old residential area, and it was parked directly outside a community. There were facades facing the street, and there was a small clinic sandwiched between them. It was so small that if Jin Chuoxian didn't mention it, Xiao Fei would definitely not be able to find it.

"It's here." When Jin Chuoxian got out of the car, he saw Zhou Jinyuan coming out with a trash can to take out the trash, and called out, "Doctor Zhou?"

As soon as Zhou Jinyuan raised his head, he saw him, and Arthur and Xiao Fei beside him. Zhou Jinyuan had never seen Xiao Fei before, but Zhou Jinyuan recognized Arthur even though he was wearing sunglasses.

"A friend is coming from afar." Zhou Jinyuan hurried forward.

"Arthur and the others just arrived. This is Mr. Herzfeld, my boss." Jin Chuoxian introduced to both parties, "This is my attending doctor, Dr. Zhou Jinyuan."

"Hello, hello, I'm sorry, I'm still holding the trash can, so I won't shake hands." Zhou Jinyuan said to Xiaofei.

Xiaofei: "..."

He was dumbfounded.

Bamboo forests, hermits, and flying needles are all broken, and replaced by communities, clinics, and trash cans.

"Why is Arthur's voice a bit hoarse?" Zhou Jinyuan didn't pay attention to the scene where Xiaofei's dream was broken. He listened to the sound and looked at his face, and asked Arthur, "Is he on fire? The fire is on the rise."

What Zhou Jinyuan was talking about was actually Fire tending to flare up. Where did Arthur figure out the terms of Chinese medicine, they didn't have the concept of "getting angry", so they felt that they were inflamed.

But Arthur knew that Zhou Jinyuan was good enough, so he hurriedly complained, "I'm too tired, my throat hurts, and my gums are swollen and sore."

"Then you came by coincidence. We just launched Xiaoqinglong Qinghuo herbal tea recently." Zhou Jinyuan said, as a down-to-earth clinic, apart from things like plasters, Qinghuo herbal tea must of course be used in such a season when it is easy to get angry. indispensable.

Zhou Jinyuan brought them into the clinic. At this time, Ji Huan had already left work, Rong Shouyun was taking a nap, and only Shao Jingjing was visiting the clinic. Seeing that Zhou Jinyuan had brought some foreigners back, she wondered if they were Elena's relatives or friends.

Zhou Jinyuan asked Shao Jingjing to pour a bowl of herbal tea for Arthur. Shao Jingjing brought the herbal tea in front of Arthur, but Arthur was unprepared. He took off his sunglasses and took a closer look at the strangely colored herbal tea before drinking it.

He put the sunglasses back on after drinking. Arthur thought that the whole world thought that Zhou Jinyuan was his attending doctor, and the people in Zhou Jinyuan's clinic didn't know anything about it. It seemed unnecessary in front of Zhou Jinyuan's staff hide.

Shao Jingjing: "..."

Shao Jingjing: "Damn, I must have worked overtime until my eyes were dazzled. This person looks like a foreign star, Arthur or something."

Zhou Jinyuan glanced at him quietly.

Jin Chuoxian also looked over and said, "He is Arthur, please don't say it."

If it is known that Arthur is here, it will definitely not stop.

When Shao Jingjing heard Jin Chuoxian utter such shocking words in such a calm tone, she almost couldn't catch her breath, "I... I... Damn it!"

The fact is that Shao Jingjing really doesn't know anything! He used to drink and hang out every day, and didn't watch the news that he didn't care about at all. If he loved surfing the Internet so much, he wouldn't be caught by Zhou Jinyuan in a wheelchair!

"What are you doing? It's not the first day you know that the boss is an expert, and you are not allowed to meet some famous people?" Zhou Jinyuan's other hand that was not holding the trash can strangled Shao Jingjing's neck, "As a medical worker, the mouth must be Be strict and don't disclose the information of the patients."

Shao Jingjing shed tears: I am not a medical worker at all, I was just forced to put plaster here...

Intimidated by Zhou Jinyuan, Shao Jingjing sat beside her with her mouth covered, not daring to say anything.

Zhou Jinyuan put the trash can away, went to wash his hands, wiped them clean, came out and sat behind the counter, and said to Xiaofei, "Give me your hands."

Xiaofei didn't react a little bit, although they did come here to look at their wrists, but everyone hasn't said anything yet!

As a doctor, observation skills are a must. Zhou Jinyuan had already caught a glimpse of Xiaofei's wrist and the symptom of sniffing his nose from time to time. After thinking about it, Jin Chuoxian might have brought them here not just to say hello, but it must be For medical treatment.

Jin Chuoxian gestured to Xiao Fei.

Only then did Xiaofei slowly raise her hand, "Uh, when I was on the plane, I suddenly felt that my hand was slowly swollen and it hurt."

Zhou Jinyuan asked: "There is no incentive?"

Xiaofei thought about it for a while, "No."

Unlike Arthur, he works a lot but isn't too tired, and he doesn't have the habit of being unable to sleep or eat well on the plane. If that was the case, he would have been unable to bear it with his daily flying schedule.

"Are you sure? I think you look like acute arthritis. There should be some triggers such as diet and trauma." This is what Jin Chuoxian said, and he happened to have seen a similar disease.

Xiaofei thought about it for a long time, but said: "No really, it's just that after blowing on the air conditioner for a while, my nose got stuffy and my hands hurt. Arthur is with me, he's fine."

In this way, Jin Chuoxian didn't know why, he also knew Xiaofei, since he knew Xiaofei, he was a person who paid more attention to maintenance, and he also had regular physical examinations.

Zhou Jinyuan listened to his ears and nodded, but he still had to make a diagnosis from the perspective of Chinese medicine. He looked at Xiao Fei's tongue, the tip of the tongue was very red, the tongue coating was thin, and he felt his pulse again.

Xiaofei stared at Zhou Jinyuan's movements. This clinic can be seen almost at a glance. There are no large-scale medical equipment. It is impossible for you to take pictures, blood tests, or do any modern medical examinations here. It all depends on such a physical examination, touching the patient's wrist.


There is also a gossip posted on the table. These slightly soothed Xiaofei's heart that she didn't see Zhulin.

"Well... isn't it the first time you have this disease?" Zhou Jinyuan asked suddenly, "Swelling and pain in the joints, or numbness, chills, coughing, low or high fever, etc."

"Ah?" Xiao Fei felt a little strange when he heard this question, and subconsciously said, "No, it's the first time."

Seeing other people staring at him, he added, "I swear, I've been in good health for the past six months, and I haven't even caught a cold."


Others are a little weird.

Dr. Zhou can find out the cause and effect when he touches other people's connections. This can be called a magical skill of pulse diagnosis, and they have seen it a lot. On the contrary, Xiaofei swore that she had never had this disease, which made them feel strange.

Could it be that Dr. Zhou also stumbled sometimes.

Zhou Jinyuan shook his head, "Not recently, if you think about it carefully, maybe ten or even twenty years ago, it was probably not the same part, maybe in the lower limbs, or on the other side of the limbs? There is also no obvious reason .”

Ten years, or even twenty years ago? Arthur's eyes widened a little, feeling that the topic was getting mysterious.

Jin Chuoxian also became focused. He has only known Xiao Fei for nearly ten years. In these ten years, at least he has never heard of Xiao Fei suffering from acute arthritis. How did Zhou Jinyuan judge that Xiao Fei had such a disease ten or even twenty years ago

"I..." Xiao Fei was about to deny it, but suddenly remembered something, "Wait, it seems... it seems to be!"

Xiaofei showed a look of reminiscence, "When I was a child, my toes were red, swollen and painful once, and it got better after treatment, and it recurred a few days later. It was good after repeated two or three times. After five years, it happened again. It's the other toe, and it's fine after treatment."

Because it was on the toes, and more than ten years had passed, Xiaofei didn't think about it at first.

The others took a deep breath, how could they even know that their toes hurt when they were young? This must have been traced back for too long.

Arthur couldn't help but said, "Tell the truth, did you figure it out?"

It's called medicine, why is it more like physiognomy?

Zhou Jinyuan ignored Arthur. He said it seemed to be fantasy, but it was not that exaggerated. There were traces of his illness.

Zhou Jinyuan said with a "huh", "That's right, acute and chronic arthritis, we call it 'Xingbi', which belongs to a type of arthralgia syndrome. The combination of wind, cold and dampness forms numbness. Especially wind evil and Dampness evil and arthralgia syndrome must have these two. Arthritic obstruction of the meridian, poor flow of qi and blood, leading to symptoms like yours.

"The first illness is in the meridian, and the long-term illness is in the blood. I judge that this external evil has been lurking in the body for a long time, so you must have suffered from the disease before, and it is estimated that it has not been a short time ago.

"At that time, you thought you were cured, but in fact the root cause of the disease has not been removed, so it will recur. Blindly reducing inflammation and pain, treating the symptoms but not the root cause."

That's right, when Xiaofei used to treat her, she used to reduce inflammation, reduce temperature and relieve cough at the same time. However, the initial recurrence of the disease did not mean that the medicine was not completely symptomatic.

His illness did not recover at all, and he was temporarily dormant. The second relapse was five years after the first onset, and he relapsed again today.

But because the episodes were so infrequent, Xiaofei didn't even think about it at first, until Zhou Jinyuan reminded her.

Xiaofei half-understood Zhou Jinyuan's terminology. She only knew what Zhou Jinyuan meant. There was another specific term in Huaxia Chinese Medicine for the redness and swelling of his joints when he was a child, and he never got it right.

"But... what kind of numbness syndrome, why did it occur on the left foot for a while, then the right foot for a while, and now it's in my hands?" Xiao Fei asked in confusion.

Zhou Jinyuan replied: "Wind energy prevails because of numbness, and you are mainly affected by wind evil. What is wind? It is free and uncertain, and it will move around in your body. Of course, the pain will go up and down, left and right!"

Xiao Fei: "..."

He was even more dumbfounded. He could not understand this theory, but it sounded more like a myth. The evil wind, wandering in his body, wreaking havoc everywhere

But when he thought about it carefully, sometimes the pain felt like a wandering feeling!

Xiaofei felt even more chilly, and even shivered a bit.

"Boss, don't talk about it, I think this foreigner doesn't understand, just stab him and it's over!" Shao Jingjing urged.

Zhou Jinyuan glared at him, "Go get my needles."

One thing Shao Jingjing said was right, she really wanted to give Xiao Fei acupuncture, acupuncture and moxibustion were the most effective in treating arthralgia syndrome, and then supplemented with decoction to reduce fever.

"I don't think he's seriously ill. He should recover soon after the injection?" Arthur asked beside him.

"Didn't I just say that his disease is the root cause of the disease more than ten years ago, and it seems neither critical nor serious, but for a radical cure, one injection of acupuncture is definitely not enough. Of course, it is fine to calm down the symptoms, but if it is just to calm down, In a few years, he might get sick again." Zhou Jinyuan was already massaging Xiaofei's acupuncture points.

Xiaofei didn't expect that he had just got off the plane, and was about to experience the magic of Huaxia doctors. This time, he would have to personally accept traditional acupuncture, which is completely different from Western soft acupuncture. Fortunately, he didn't feel disgusted, and took a long breath of relief to prepare himself.

Zhou Jinyuan only used needles to take the acupuncture points of Hegu on both sides, Quchi on the affected side, Waiguan, Baxie and Zhongzhu, etc. Hegu, Quchi, and Waiguan are for dispelling wind and dredging collaterals, while Baxie and Zhongzhu are for relieving pain, which are urgent for patients.

After acupuncture, within a few minutes, the pain has disappeared!

"I'll prescribe another prescription, you take one dose to reduce the fever. As for the swelling, it should gradually subside tomorrow, but you have to come to acupuncture three times to completely get rid of the root cause of the disease." Zhou Jinyuan ordered.

Xiao Fei moved her wrist, "Uh, ok, thank you."

He walked to the counter and carefully looked at Zhou Jinyuan's prescription, even though he didn't know any of the Chinese characters written by Zhou Jinyuan...

At this moment, in the supermarket next door, Mrs. Liu came out holding Xiao Liu's hand, ready to take him for a walk, leaving Boss Liu to look after the store alone. But as soon as they came out, they saw Jin Chuoxian inside from the wide open door.

Mrs. Liu immediately walked inside, and greeted Jin Chuoxian: "Mr. Jin is here too, have you had dinner yet?"

Jin Chuoxian looked back and saw that it was them, and smiled: "Sister Liu, Xiao Liu."

"Who is this?" Arthur muttered.

Jin Chuoxian told him: "It's my student, and his mother."

Arthur let out a wow, why did he come to Huaxia? Concentrate on watching Zhou Jinyuan write the prescription.

"Oh, your friend." Mrs. Liu smiled. Although foreigners looked similar in her eyes, she still admired Arthur's blue eyes.

After Zhou Jinyuan finished writing the prescription, he looked up, and saw Mrs. Liu took out a row of children's yogurt from nowhere, broke off a bottle and handed it to Arthur, "Hello, do you want yogurt?"

Zhou Jinyuan: "..."

The author has something to say: Zhou Jinyuan: I now suspect that the proprietress took the script

PS: In the infrared spectrometer test yesterday, I also refer to the usage of a professor in the paper. For the meridian molecule test, it should be able to be used in this way.