Taoist Doctor

Chapter 62


Zhou Jinyuan seemed to have some kind of sixth sense. As soon as the movie ended and the ending song started, he opened his eyes, rubbed them, and looked a little unconscious.

"Are you awake? Let's go." Rong Xixue said.

Before Zhou Jinyuan regained consciousness, he got up.

The couple sitting next door had a similar conversation, and the wife asked, "Does it look good?"

"It's so beautiful, but it's a pity that you fell asleep." The husband took a look, Zhou Jinyuan's face was revealed, and he realized that it was a boy. He was a little confused about the situation of these two boys for a while, but he still looked as usual, "You are the only one in the audience. You two fell asleep, it's a pity that the music of the protagonist's awakening was so moving that it didn't wake you up."

Wife: "Huh? What music, I didn't hear it."

Instead, Zhou Jinyuan pondered for a while, then snorted, "La la la, la la la la la la... is it this?"

It's still the same tune, the husband said unexpectedly: "That's it, it seems that you haven't slept soundly yet. This episode is so exciting, I'm going to cry!"

"Haha." Zhou Jinyuan glanced at Rong Xixue, laughed twice, and hummed again in order to ease the embarrassment.

Husband: "? Is it my illusion? It doesn't seem to be in the movie later!"

Zhou Jinyuan: "...cough, let's go, goodbye."

It was not in the movie, and he slept soundly at all, but he had heard the whole music in the album Jin Chuoxian gave him, it seems that the movie is an excerpt...

"Next time you wake me up, no, you shouldn't buy this kind of ticket next time, it's too comfortable to lie down, and you accidentally fell asleep." When leaving the theater, other audience members were discussing the plot enthusiastically , special effects, soundtrack, Zhou Jinyuan was talking about this.

Zhou Jinyuan was a little ashamed, and fell asleep with someone. Xiaoxue watched it alone, and no one shared it. The movie-watching experience is probably average.

"Okay." Rong Xixue smiled, he heard someone talking about the soundtrack again, and looked at Zhou Jinyuan, and said nothing.

Subject: Just finished watching "Larington's Sword", let's discuss it.

Content: Needless to say the big scenes, the plot is actually quite satisfactory, with some small bright spots, but some places have a slightly blunt turning point. But the atmosphere is really good, the protagonist awakened there, and I actually cried... At first I felt a little embarrassed, isn't this an obvious routine, but later I found out that not only me, but many people were crying.

1L: Come in and give me a thumbs up. Brother Larington was almost beaten to death there. He fell into the lowest point, and then started to reverse, and inserted a music that made me feel like he had a holy light. The protagonist seemed to be redeemed and embraced by the gods. After seeing him, from despair, doubt, to transformation, and then fighting back to save everyone's lives, the layers are clear-so you know that it must be a routine, and you will fight back, but you are still very excited!

2L: Yes, that's right, I also burst into tears without knowing it, and I was moved and bloody.

3L: God knows, I thought it was just a basic operation for a blockbuster movie, and it would be over after one wave. Before I saw the setting, I thought it was a bit of a second-level movie, but at that moment, I actually felt faith, hope or something, damn it.

4L: I blew up the soundtrack of that segment, and I had a long discussion with my friends when I got out of the movie theater!

5L: To be honest, because of the magical theme of this movie, there are gods, demons, and some descriptions of religion. Most of us Chinese are atheists, so I think it should be normal. However, the soundtrack is really amazing, cleansing the soul. To be honest, I think this is not just icing on the cake. This section originally felt like an ordinary counterattack, but the actors and soundtrack made it super amazing.

6L:? Don't you know, that part was written by the soundtrack master CX Jin, and the soundtrack where the BOSS was injured should be the same. The album will be released simultaneously today, and I have already bought the electronic version.

7L: I searched for the previous works of the Great Master Jin, which shocked my whole family. It turns out that many of the soundtracks I like are made by him!

8L: Oh my god, I also searched for this song and found that the cover is still Tai Chi! Great, no wonder I feel that I have a holy light, and it is not a Western religious painting style, so this Jin Dashen is still Chinese

9L: I searched and found that this soundtrack is called "Little Qinglong Piano Concerto". There is also a pure piano version. I was confused. I thought there was an error in the music software, but when I searched for the movie, it also had the same name. Why?

10L: Little Qinglong Piano Concerto, what a mix-and-match style! It can't be compared with movies. I was excited for a long time, you told me that the divine soundtrack is called Xiaoqinglong? Instant confusion!

11L: It’s quite weird, I thought it would have an epic name, if it’s called Hope Concerto, I wouldn’t say anything ==

With the release of "The Sword of Larington", the box office soared, and it immediately aroused heated discussions among the audience.

All kinds of easter eggs and stalks in the film have been dug out, and the sales of the magical soundtrack "Little Blue Dragon" have also skyrocketed, and even become a highlight that has to be mentioned in various film reviews.

Many people believe that it is under its blessing that the plot and the performance of the actors are more convincing and impress countless audiences.

Music critics at home and abroad also frequently mentioned this work, and even the author's entire new album. They praised this work with all their enthusiasm.

[It seems that this time Jin went to his hometown to collect materials. Although the orchestration is different, it has obvious Chinese characteristics. It reminds me of the divinity of church music, but it is completely different, more ethereal, and has the atmosphere of Eastern religions. I think the whole album is actually worth mentioning, but this piece of music is especially special. They all abandon King's previous rational approach, and contain rich emotions without losing content. I noticed the black and white of the cover, like its content, two extremes. Those low, dark, and sad pieces are completely different from the warmth and divinity of "Little Green Dragon". Suffice it to say, after listening to the entire album, I was dying to find out what happened to Kim.]

[Jin vividly shows his nation. This piece of music is both a Chinese character and a human character, so putting it in a Western-style magic doesn’t feel inappropriate! The perfect blend!]

[Excellent work, I was dragged to the movie theater by my family, I thought I would spend a boring popcorn time, until I heard "Little Blue Dragon", I immediately went home and searched for it. I strongly wonder how this piece, which is so different from King's previous style, was written.]

For many ordinary audiences, Jin Chuoxian's past creations have been popularized again, and people shouted that he wrote them. But the naming of this soundtrack is also very mysterious, making people wonder why it is called Xiaoqinglong.

The details of the film can be interpreted, but the name is the only one that people can't understand no matter how they think about it.

Especially after some professional music critics were brought in, and it was discovered that the author was of Chinese descent and mysterious and low-key, the curiosity of the public was even higher.

When the public was most curious, the Herzfeld Group began to broadcast interviews.

In fact, the popularity of "Little Blue Dragon" was somewhat beyond the expectations of the record company and the movie side - they expected that the attention should be good, but they didn't expect a piece of pure music to be as popular as the movie itself.

Too many people were touched.

So after the two sides discussed it, the publicity point was tilted a little bit towards the soundtrack. At the same time, the author's interpretation of the music, or the creation process is also released in the form of words.

The text was written by Jin Chuoxian a long time ago, and Xiaofei and the others will plan when it will be released.

This was the time when the attention was the highest. As soon as Jin Chuoxian's creative process was released, it was immediately spread.

At this time, many people who love his music were surprised to find that this talented musician had been diagnosed with cancer more than a year ago and had been receiving treatment, but he just didn't want to tell everyone.

After being almost sentenced to death by a doctor, he wrote other music in the album with despair, reluctance, and other emotions, and almost gave up on himself at one point. Until he was treated by Zhou Jinyuan, a Chinese doctor, he rekindled his hope and fought against the disease, and he is still doing well. During this process, he also wrote the song "Little Green Dragon".

I would also like to thank his good friend Arthur, who would rather bear the reputation of being bald in order to take care of his initial mood. He made these words to encourage people who are in a desperate situation like himself and Larington, never, never give up on themselves.

[Cry out when you see it! It turns out that the creative background is like this, my God... After listening to the music and watching this, I feel double shocked]

[No wonder many professional music critics said they heard redemption, hope and so on from the song. No wonder the style of the album is so different, because it is really a portrayal of the author himself before and after his redemption! !]

[I don’t need a professional music critic, I can hear it too. Hats off to the author and doctor.]

[I also want to pay tribute to Arthur, I burst into tears, what kind of peerless friend is this.]

[Ah, so to speak, that Dr. Zhou didn't treat Arthur's baldness, but Jin Dashen's cancer? I knelt down, awesome, it turns out that people's real field is not in the treatment of baldness...]

[I remembered my aunt, who was also diagnosed with cancer and said she could only live for two years. As a result, she was recuperated by a famous Chinese medicine doctor in our province. Ten years later, she is still dancing in the square! As a person around me, I can feel the emotion of the change of mood, no wonder Jin Dashen can write this song]

[Blow me up to the Third Ocean Hospital, in fact, I have heard that expert Zhou treats paralyzed patients, and his acupuncture is really amazing!]

[Weakly speaking, although it is touching, it seems that there is still no explanation. What does Xiao Qinglong mean?]

[Uh, since it is Chinese medicine, then thinking in this direction, it is Xiaoqinglongtang. But Xiaoqinglong Decoction is to relieve the appearance and dispel the cold.]

It was also at this time that a video uploaded by a parent of a primary school student attracted the attention of many people.

This was a school celebration of an ordinary elementary school. A boy from an elementary school came up to the stage to perform the electronic piano. There was a bit of noise from the audience at first, but when he started playing, the whole venue erupted.

"The Sword of Larington" is currently being screened, and the little boy is playing the electronic piano version of the film's acclaimed soundtrack "Little Green Dragon". Can't help screaming!

The boy is very proficient and full of emotion. When he played, the parents at the scene started to record the video and gave warm applause.

It is because it has just been released, so there are not many covers, and the performance and emotion cannot be mastered in a short time. But the elementary school students in this video actually played it very well.

Those watching the excitement and watching the doorway all became excited at once.

It takes time to adapt, and it takes time to practice. How old is a child? It’s only been a few days since the release. This elementary school student can play the electronic piano version of "Little Blue Dragon" proficiently. I'm afraid he is not a genius

As soon as the video became popular, someone soon found out that the little boy was named Liu Xiaoliu, and he was studying in a public elementary school in Haizhou City—in fact, when someone saw the word Haizhou, something flashed through their minds.

Going down and looking for past information related to him, you can find the life photos of the little boy participating in the competition on the school's WeChat. He took them at the entrance of his supermarket. Because it is a full-body photo, the photographer came from a distance. I took it and took it to the clinic next to the supermarket.

The name of the clinic is:

Small, green, and dragon.

Seeing these three words, everyone was going to exclaim, it's Xiao Qinglong again, is this a coincidence

Next, a careful netizen magnified the photo several times, and from the opened door, he saw a teenager behind the counter in the clinic gnawing on a popsicle.

It's a bit blurry, but compared with the photos released by Haizhou Third Hospital, Zhou Jinyuan is right.

This little green dragon is that little green dragon!

The puzzle has finally been solved, and the piano piece of "Little Green Dragon" is very likely... No, it must have been born in this place.

This time it's really, little green dragon, dare to shock the world.

Zhou Jinyuan was a little depressed.

Yes, he is ready to rejuvenate, but not only the popularity of "Larington's Sword" and "Little Qinglong Piano Solo" is beyond his expectation, it is more popular than he imagined, and the spread of netizens is also very popular. It was beyond his expectation.

The Xiaoqinglong Clinic has already been found out to be jointly opened by Zhou Jinyuan and his friends. He himself is an expert in the third hospital, but obviously he will also go to Xiaoqinglong for consultations.

But obviously the official website of the Third Hospital has Zhou Jinyuan's high-definition profile photo. When netizens spread it, they chose to use his enlarged and enlarged photo of eating a popsicle. Is it to show that he is down-to-earth

Or is it because only this photo has his and Xiao Qinglong's signs at the same time

Anyway, he looks like a famous doctor, just like the boy next door, even a little natural.

Although everyone who knows Zhou Jinyuan knows that he is definitely not a natural dumb.

"Boss, there are people worse than you." Under Shao Jingjing's comfort, Zhou Jinyuan opened Arthur's social network account.

Taking advantage of this east wind, Arthur not only cleared up his grievances, but also won the title of a good friend in country B. He bravely took the blame for his friends, and his reputation and popularity rose to a higher level.

In addition, Arthur also had a cameo in "The Sword of Larington", and he immediately shared it on his account, talking endlessly.

From the mental journey of his own blame, to the encouragement to his friends, to everyone, and the tourist photos he left when he and Xiao Fei went to Haizhou to visit Jin Chuoxian some time ago, they can finally be released.

"The Taoist master instructed me to practice swords and meditate in Xianglu Mountain, Haizhou."

Arthur is very satisfied with his photos, he feels fairy and stylish. And helping the supermarket owner to move things is also very down-to-earth and kind.

However, because of the continuous exposure, the Weibo that Arthur's support club in Huaxia originally posted was also dug up, and it was reposted angrily.

[I came back to see this and fainted from laughing hahahahahaha I said why can't I report it? ?]

[The most absurd one is actually the real one, I died laughing! This summer, Arthur and herbal tea are more suitable.]

[I'm crazy hahahahaha herbal tea, don't blame the official blog, I can't believe it if you don't tell me!]

[God, turning this around, I laughed at the designer for being out of his wits, actually using Arthur P, the style of painting is not right at all! This is even more magical than "Larington's Sword". Can you believe this thing is real? ?]

Therefore, when the news was forwarded, they all brought herbal tea posters and spread them abroad.

Another Weibo also quietly became popular:

I am Nima, I am a pig! Last month, I went to the clinic to buy medicine for a cold. I saw a doctor watching Arthur’s video. There was himself on the small screen in the lower right corner. Today I found out that the boss is Zhou Jinyuan, and the clinic is called Xiao Qinglong.

Location: Yunxia Road, Haizhou City

Haizhou this summer is destined to be extremely lively, especially those places related to Zhou Jinyuan and Xiaoqinglong Clinic.

Needless to say, Xiaoqinglong Clinic and the Third Hospital, the Third Hospital has long been overcrowded, and many patients actually prefer to see a doctor in a large hospital, because some diseases have to be checked. But even if a small part diverted to Xiaoqinglong, it would be a big deal, and it had to be added to watch the excitement.

Originally, Xiaoqinglong’s plasters were well-known among some local people, and those who came to watch them curiously bought them, which led to a surge in workload. Buying plasters and herbal tea had to wait in long queues, all the way to the street. Mouth to go.

There is also the kind, fans of "Larington's Sword", come to visit, learn music, come to worship the birthplace of the Divine Comedy, see if you can catch some inspiration, or meet Jin Dashen by chance. Although none of them knew what Jin Dashen looked like.

Jin Chuoxian is well protected. No one else knows what he looks like anyway. He lives nearby. Recently, the interval between medication adjustments has been getting longer and longer, so he doesn't need to go to the clinic frequently. Coupled with his years of experience, no reporter can catch him.

Rong Shouyun and Ji Huan were so busy that they were almost bald, and Shao Jingjing was too busy to apply plasters and pack herbal tea by herself. As a last resort, under the coercion of Zhou Jinyuan, he and Director He from the community dragged all the gangsters here Work together.

The surrounding security environment has improved, especially since they took over Shao Jingjing, who was keen to take the lead in provoking troubles. Now that the younger brothers are also included, the living environment has become even better.

Now people all over the country and even many other countries know about the Xiaoqinglong Clinic on Yunxia Road in Haizhou City, and the neighbors in the community only realized Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon after news reports.

Unexpectedly, the pediatric clinic I often go to is opened by great experts quietly. They are really honored, and at the same time they are more keen to force their children to eat big meatballs.

Some reporters came to interview the residents, and the plasters and big pills were the most bought here. The residents took them out one after another and said that they were super useful.

The products produced by famous doctors are different. In fact, they have discovered it long ago. The name of this clinic is very unusual, so a masterpiece was born. If the children in the family can’t eat it, maybe it can also become a masterpiece

Of course, director He of the community was also very proud to say everywhere: "I told you a long time ago. I saw many seriously ill patients in Xiao Zhou's clinic. I knew it at the time. Xiao Zhou is very good. You see, he really She's a great expert! Shao Jingjing is so smart, and after studying in Xiaoqinglong, maybe in a few years, she'll be a... famous nurse!"

Shao Jingjing vomited blood, nurse, is she still a nurse

Now, in the eyes of the neighbors, he is no longer that little gangster, but a nurse who has been reformed by experts—in fact, he is not a nurse at all, he is just doing odd jobs in the clinic! But now any aunt dares to come over and pinch his face!

Supermarket next door.

Xiaoliu's family refused to be interviewed countless times, especially refused to disclose Jin Chuoxian's affairs, and they were anxiously shuttling among the endless stream of customers.

Since the real background of the Xiaoqinglong clinic was exposed, Arthur also posted a group photo of him and the owner and his wife. In addition, Xiaoliu played "Little Qinglong" so proficiently that he could guess with his toes that he learned it from Jin Chuoxian himself. Small supermarkets are full of customers.

Those who go to the clinic to seek medical treatment, watch, and worship will not forget to check in next door. They were not prepared at the beginning, and the goods in the small supermarket were almost emptied.

After Boss Liu and his wife knew that Teacher Jin was Jin Chuoxian—of course, they didn't know who "Jin Chuoxian" was before, but they knew it this time, and the couple were shocked.

Boss Liu pointed at Madam Liu and said, "It's you! Wow, how much did you pay Teacher Jin for a class? One hundred yuan! One hundred yuan!!!"

The proprietress looked sad: "I originally said two hundred, but Mr. Jin said he was not professional, so he was only willing to ask for one hundred."

Boss Liu: "..."

Is there a big difference between two hundred?

How should I put it, what they found on the Internet, like Mr. Jin's music, is only authorized to be used in movies as soundtracks, and they are all in the millions, or in foreign currency!

It stands to reason that Jin Chuoxian's music class, don't worry about what it is, even if it is about whistling, their family should not be able to afford the tuition...

Compared with the bewildered Boss Liu and his wife, Jin Chuoxian comforted them in turn.

In fact, he is not short of money now, and he feels that teaching children while treating diseases is a kind of joy of returning to basics, and Xiao Liu really likes music. In this regard, no distinction is made between status and age.

Boss Liu and his wife thought about it, but it was because the Xiaoqinglong Clinic was next door!

Due to the large number of people coming and going to Yunxia Street, the business of the shops on the whole street has improved, and it seems that there are other effects.

For example, in the second-hand housing transaction information, new highlights have been added to the second-hand housing for sale in the same community: it is located near Xiaoqinglong Clinic, with good medical conditions!

Viewer: ? ? ? You are so coquettish!

God damn medical conditions are good, and it’s not next to a third-class hospital, but it doesn’t seem right for you to deny it...

Focusing on Xianglu Mountain again, reporters and fans visited the little Taoist priest who taught Arthur.

"What, Arthur? I went to see the movie, but I didn't pay attention to which character he played in a cameo!" The little Taoist didn't go online, and he still didn't understand.

Even after being reminded, I thought about it for a long time before I realized that I had indeed taught a foreigner who was brought by Uncle Zhou to do Tai Chi, and then became famous in one fell swoop, and began to teach everyone Arthur the same moves, which attracted a lot of incense.

Let's go back to the Xiaoqinglong Clinic, because there are many people visiting, and some people have noticed the words on the wall.

"Whether the mountain is high or not, it will be famous if there are immortals. If the water is not deep, there will be spirit if there are dragons."

The writing itself is quite good, and looking at the content now, it has a little more connotation, isn't there Long Zeling? There are also several red stamps in the calligraphy signature. After careful identification, it seems that there are two characters of Lu Meng.

Because there are so many people paying attention, some people think of Lu Meng in the e-sports circle, and remember that this guy has indeed been treated by Dr. Zhou. Did the boss write it

Ever since the soundtrack of "Little Blue Dragon" came out, Lu Meng and Ren Lan also thought about it. What a coincidence, such a childlike name also appeared on the soundtrack, but they were not sure at that time.

Until the release of Jin Chuoxian's interview, a series of operations made them both call me.

No wonder Dr. Zhou didn't care if they advertised or not, and even let it go to the third hospital. It turns out that the commercial song of the same name of Xiaoqinglong Clinic has been released worldwide...