Taoist Doctor

Chapter 66


Zhou Jinyuan and Rong Xixue stayed in a double room with two single beds.

Returning to the room after dinner, Rong Xixue continued to do his homework on the tablet, while Zhou Jinyuan lay on the bed to see if there was anything he could improve on the ppt he was about to attend class.

At this moment, a request for a video call popped up. Zhou Jinyuan saw that it was Principal Luo, and knowing that it must be a matter of after-school classes, he quickly glanced at Rong Xixue.

About going to Rong Xixue's school to start classes, Zhou Jinyuan still kept it a secret from him, afraid of being discovered, he immediately turned out the earphones, plugged them in and then connected them again, and also paid attention to the wording when speaking, avoiding the key points.

Originally thinking that her movements were already very light, Rong Xixue turned her head and glanced over.

Zhou Jinyuan silently covered his face with the computer.

Rong Xixue felt something was wrong, and after Zhou Jinyuan finished talking, he put down his tablet, turned his chair, and asked Zhou Jinyuan, "Brother, do you have something to hide from me?"

Zhou Jinyuan was still lying on the bed, looking at Rong Xixue like this was a bit condescending—although most of the time it was from a similar angle. But this time there might be some guilty conscience, Zhou Jinyuan was extremely sensitive.

He sat up at once, felt that the height was not enough, and stood on the bed again, "You are too suspicious!"

Rong Xixue folded her arms and looked at him, "That's it."

Zhou Jinyuan: "..."

Actually, Rong Xixue didn't intend to continue asking, and it probably wouldn't be a big deal. He was about to turn back, but Zhou Jinyuan suddenly muttered: "If you secretly find someone, you won't be able to hide it—"

Rong Xixue's movements froze for a moment, and her expression became subtle in an instant. Under the cold light, the already pale pupils looked cruel, or reflected cruelty.

Seeing this expression, Zhou Jinyuan was startled, it was too strange.

Rong Xixue suddenly stood up and stepped forward.

Zhou Jinyuan was obviously standing on the bed looking down on Rong Xixue, and was frightened by this sudden and oppressive movement.

Rong Xixue knelt on the bed on one knee, he subconsciously took a step back, and fell unsteadily on the bed.

Rong Xixue leaned her body around him, although she didn't have any physical contact, she was already very close.

Zhou Jinyuan wanted to defend instinctively, but he held back, "Why are you so fierce all of a sudden?"

Rong Xixue already regretted a little at this moment, it wasn't this action, but the subconscious look in her eyes just now, but it was too late, he forced a smile and said, "I'm just surprised."

This reason is common and not up or down, but Zhou Jinyuan just felt that something was wrong.

They had had far more intimate gestures than they did now, but none of them felt right, subconsciously, intuitively.

"Oh... just kidding...haha." Zhou Jinyuan said dryly, although he was a little uneasy, he still didn't move, otherwise he would seem very cowardly.

"Really?" Rong Xixue regretted it at first, but when he discovered Zhou Jinyuan's subtle emotions, he felt a little pleased. After all, the original relationship between the two was his greatest advantage and also his greatest disadvantage.

Maybe it's overdue? Instead of being afraid, worrying about gains and losses, testing within the safety line, shrinking back, and even sometimes thinking about whether to give up—but, such a risk—

Rong Xixue was a little distracted, but Zhou Jinyuan hadn't noticed it yet. He instinctively wanted to find a topic, so he simply said, "Yes, actually, I promised your principal that I will go to your school next semester to start classes!"

Obviously it was a "surprise" that had been hidden for a long time, Zhou Jinyuan quickly threw it out.

Rong Xixue's mind was pulled back. It turned out to be like this.

"Teacher Zhou." Rong Xixue stared at Zhou Jinyuan closely, and only after a while did she utter a low voice—

Then he got up quickly.

He had already sat back, with his back to Zhou Jinyuan and continued to work.

But Zhou Jinyuan was still paralyzed on the bed, feeling frightened. Just now when Rong Xixue called him that, he felt a jolt, and then his fingertips seemed to be a little numb. I just feel that it is Xiaoxue in front of me, but it is not Xiaoxue.

Zhou Jinyuan sat up, staring blankly at Rong Xixue's back. Impressed.

There is still that numbness in the fingertips... Zhou Jinyuan thought ecstatically, first rule out cerebral thrombosis, neuritis, cervical spondylosis and other diseases, it should be because the hands have been pressed against the bed for a long time to compress the nerves, I immediately moved!

The next morning, Zhou Jinyuan and the others went to the restaurant of the hotel to have breakfast, and most of them were also from this training class.

Zhou Jinyuan was making mung bean porridge, when he looked up, he found You Ziran was pouring apple juice on the opposite side.

However, compared to when we met yesterday, he was full of energy, today he seems to be much haggard, and his face is still a little swollen. What's more obvious is that he still has a few needles on his head and hands...

As if aware of Zhou Jinyuan's gaze, You Ziran raised his eyes and shuddered.

You Ziran's lips moved a few times, as if about to say something, he swallowed it back.

Zhou Jinyuan smiled brightly at him.

You Ziran ran away quickly like a frightened rabbit. After the threats last night, he didn't dare to provoke him again.

These Taoist priests are too insidious - You Naturally thought, he was terribly frightened when he overheard Zhou Jinyuan's words yesterday. Now that he has studied Chinese medicine, he has some understanding of Taoism, and he has also heard some amazing things about old age from his grandfather.

After returning to the room last night, You Ziran turned on all the lights in a daze regardless of his roommate's objection. He was afraid that if he had teased Zhou Jinyuan so many times during the day, he would curse himself or something.

You Ziran was always suspicious of what was going on in the room. In the middle of the night, regardless of his roommate's objections, he climbed onto the bed and slept with him. He only slept for five hours in one night. When he woke up in the morning, his face was swollen like a pig's head. Needle.

Seeing that it really worked, Zhou Jinyuan proudly carried the plate and walked back to his seat.

In the morning, the training class will start at Xiadu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. There are hundreds of students from home and abroad. They gather together and the experts from the training center will give speeches first. There is no doubt that they are all clichés, recall the history, significance and so on of the seminar.

Zhou Jinyuan sat down and was distracted until someone said that Mr. Liang Yuecheng, the funder of a Chinese medicine foundation sponsoring this event, was invited to speak, and there were faint exclamations from all around, then he turned and looked up.

I saw a person slowly walking in from outside the door. The weather was hot, but he was tightly wrapped, wearing a dark suit, as if sick and weak, his movements were relatively slow, and he was supported by others.

His facial features are really astonishing, with an indistinguishable beauty, a pair of red phoenix eyes are like dots of ink, very classical Chinese style, and his lips are not stained but vermilion.

But even with all these conditions, he has an aura that cannot be underestimated in his gestures. Everyone was slow to match him with the funder of the foundation. Is this Mr. Liang Yuecheng

Although the pace was slow, everyone's eyes could not help but follow him, especially those international students. This was the most oriental and most beautiful person they saw after they came to China. Until he walked to the stage, stood still behind the podium, and looked around the audience for a week.

Zhou Jinyuan also looked at him for a few tenths of a second, and the eyes were so clear that it was very refreshing in summer.

This Mr. Liang Yue said that he started to deliver his speech with a pleasant voice like jade knocking. He felt that no matter what the content was, he could brainwash people.

Mingyue was sitting on Zhou Jinyuan's left hand side, she couldn't hide her excitement: "Teacher, my God, this person, don't you think..."

Zhou Jinyuan nodded affirmatively: "Sick! Absolutely sick!"

Mingyue: "..."

Zhou Jinyuan: "I can't walk steadily, and I'm relatively weak. It's just that I can't see what's wrong."

Zhou Jinyuan turned to look at Mingyue, "What do you think?"

Mingyue regretted crazily, why did she compete with Qingfeng for the seat on the other side of the teacher just now, and then she suddenly had an exam.

With tears in her eyes, she said, "Yes, yes, I think it might be a little lack of energy and blood."

After that Mr. Liang Yuecheng finished speaking briefly, the experts officially gave lectures. The first one was a senior from the moxibustion school.

This course is mainly based on practical exercises. Of course, meridian differentiation is also indispensable. The traditional Chinese concept has always been that acupuncture and moxibustion cannot be treated without the study of meridians, and the meridians and acupoints must be emphasized.

For the practical part, the lecturer will directly invite the students present to sign up voluntarily and come up to accept the technique demonstration.

Zhou Jinyuan also listened very carefully, learning is endless, and it is a rare opportunity to learn from everyone's strengths. He also noticed that Liang Yue said that he did not leave after speaking, but sat down in the front row, only one row away from Zhou Jinyuan.

At first, Zhou Jinyuan suspected that he wanted to catch an expert to diagnose and treat him on the spot, but then he thought, since he is a member of a certain Chinese medicine foundation, he usually has contacts with famous experts. He may have been diagnosed early, or he may just be interested.

At this time, a man walked up to Liang Yuecheng, bent down and said to his assistant, "...can you leave Mr. Liang's contact information?"

The voice was not loud, but Zhou Jinyuan had excellent hearing, so he still heard it. He was a little strange. The person who said this to Liang Yuecheng was someone from their foundation, who also appeared at the dinner yesterday. If the two of them were superiors and subordinates, why did they still ask for their contact information.

But it's none of my business, the thought just flashed by.

When it came to the practical session, everyone partnered up and practiced with each other.

Zhou Jinyuan and Rong Xixue didn't do anything, but he encouraged Qingfeng and Mingyue to practice.

It was inevitable that there would be some chaos in the venue at this session. Liang Yuezheng stood up suddenly, supported by others, Shi Shiran walked to Zhou Jinyuan's side, sat down, "Doctor Zhou."

"... hello." Zhou Jinyuan didn't think it was strange, "The Sword of Larington" hadn't been released yet, and there were too many people who knew him.

"I'm sorry, you really don't want to come to see me, so I have to take the liberty of meeting you." Liang Yue said his eyes were still on the front, but he was speaking to Zhou Jinyuan.

It took Zhou Jinyuan a while to realize, "You are Mr. Liang?!"

It wasn't that he reacted too slowly, but that he couldn't match the image of the coal boss wearing gold and silver in his mind with Liang Yuesheng.

It's no wonder that the people of the foundation are also very strange to him. With the flamboyant style of "Mr. Liang", maybe they only became the foundation's patrons in two days...

Liang Yue said that he nodded as expected, and he said in a flat tone: "Doctor Zhou, I want to know if there is any possibility, you can set the conditions, any conditions—"

Zhou Jinyuan was speechless, "Mr. Liang, what kind of disease do you have? Do you want me to treat it? You see, there are so many senior experts and famous old Chinese doctors here, why don't you recruit them on the spot."

Liang Yue said that she didn't directly answer her illness, but said: "If I can, of course I will find someone else. Unfortunately... a while ago, I heard that Dr. Zhou's family acupuncture may be effective. In fact, the first thing I went to look for was Father, father has divination for me and suggested that I come to you."

Zhou Jinyuan: "..."

Hey, Dad... Forget it, maybe Dad doesn't necessarily know about Mr. Liang's flamboyant temper.

"In addition—" Liang Yue said that he turned his head and glanced at Zhou Jinyuan, "I have met Mr. Qu Qingrui once, and he mentioned Dr. Zhou's Zhu Youshu and his patient care for patients, which is also quite commendable."

Zhou Jinyuan was even more helpless, "Then you should have figured it out, this kind of patient care is for all patients. It is impossible to let down other patients who need me for you. You have repeatedly invited me, but I really have my own difficulties."

Liang Yue said she was silent for a moment, unable to hide her disappointment, but she still said: "Seek common ground while reserving differences, maybe we still have room for discussion."

Seeing that he still didn't give up, Zhou Jinyuan asked, "Is it a withering certificate?"

He saw Liang Yuecheng's posture, and thought of him mentioning the Qu family, so he casually guessed whether it might be a wilting certificate.

Liang Yue said that his eyes were flickering, and he was secretive. It seemed that before Zhou Jinyuan's consultation, he would not say what disease he had, so he got up and said, "Goodbye."

Local tyrants are not rich. Knowing that "Mr. Liang" is not what he imagined, Zhou Jinyuan's impression of him is still exaggerated, but now maybe because of his appearance, he has become a little bit more personal...

Zhou Jinyuan came back to his senses, and met You Ziran who was not far away.

You Tianran noticed them just now, and he wanted to lament, what era is this, the gold masters like this kind of popular people, maybe that Mr. Liang just went to talk to Zhou Jinyuan about cooperation.

Caught off guard by Zhou Jinyuan's gaze, You Ziran immediately looked away in a panic.

Zhou Jinyuan smiled secretly, it seemed that this guy was really scared.

The construction history of Xiadu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine is not long, so it is not particularly remote, but it is still some distance from the most prosperous area of Xiadu. Xiadu is both a metropolis and an ancient city, so it is worth visiting.

When classes are not in session, many experts and students make appointments to visit the city.

Zhou Jinyuan was no exception. He took Rong Xixue to visit Xiadu together, but he didn't go with Qingfeng Mingyue. It's not that he didn't take these two with him, but that they had already made an appointment with a friend of the same age that they had met in the past two days.

Zhou Jinyuan was a little puzzled at first, "I'm the same age as you, so why not carpool together?"

Qingfeng said in horror: "The same age belongs to the same age, so you are also a teacher. Is it okay to suddenly come up with a question while playing?"

Zhou Jinyuan: "..."

He wanted to refute that he wouldn't, but quickly shut up again, no, he really might.

So Zhou Jinyuan and Rong Xixue took a taxi to go to some famous places in Xiadu. When they got off the bus, Zhou Jinyuan subconsciously stretched out his hand: "There are so many people—"

But the moment Rong Xixue held his hand, he felt a little regretful again, and he couldn't tell the details. But soon, this bustling city attracted his attention away, habit took over, and he pulled Rong Xixue towards the faintly visible scenic spot ahead.

You Ranran was enjoying the relaxation of wandering alone in the city streets, when he turned his head inadvertently, he saw Zhou Jinyuan and his assistant who had seen the devil walking in the same direction hand in hand, and they also saw him.

Zhou Jinyuan even showed an evil smile.

You Naturally: "!!"

Day by day, Xia Du is so big, how could it be such a coincidence, he must have let the kid follow him!

You Ziran's mentality almost collapsed, but the road is so wide, and he really didn't want to be too shameful, so he could only bite the bullet and walk faster, thinking that I would turn away at the intersection.

There is a traditional Chinese medicine clinic on this street. You Ziran didn't respond when he caught a glimpse of it. He walked faster and faster, but someone rushed out of the door in a daze, and bumped into You Ziran, who had no time to avoid it, muttering something in his mouth. Words, "It's over, I'm over, I'm hopeless..."

You Ziran was startled, "Friend, what's wrong with you?"

The man glanced at him, and still cried to himself: "The hospital can't cure it, and the Chinese medicine can't treat it well. I can't get better. I'm ruined!"

You Ziran's heroic courage immediately swelled up, and he said calmly: "I am also a doctor. Tell me about your illness, maybe I can help you."

This is his favorite sentence after practicing medicine. Every time he says it and realizes it, he feels a sense of accomplishment.

The man cried very sadly, "What can you help—I'm done—the hospital said that if there was a tendency to necrosis, an operation would be required—Oh my god, it's been a full month, and it hasn't stopped!"

What, has he been sick for a month? You Ziran didn't understand what he was talking about, so I have to ask again.

However, Zhou Jinyuan had almost come here, seeing You Ziran was tearing up with others, he didn't know why.

Although Zhou Jinyuan and You Ziran didn't have a good relationship, he didn't want to turn a blind eye to You Ziran's accident, so he asked, "Doctor You, are you okay?"

With this sound, the crying man also looked over. Although he was separated by a distance, he still recognized this person. It was because of this person that he decided to turn to a famous local Chinese medicine doctor after receiving no treatment in the hospital. .

The man suddenly exclaimed: "Expert Zhou?"

Could it be that this is the way of heaven and earth, let him meet a famous doctor on the street!

He is suffering from a strange disease, and a certain organ below has continued to be elevated since a month ago, and has never subsided.

The swelling is increasing day by day, and it even makes it difficult to urinate, which is extremely painful, not to mention the mental stress. He was treated in the hospital three days after the onset of the disease, and many methods were used to no avail.

A high-spirited night is what everyone dreams of, and a high-spirited month is a nightmare! !

Now the color of this place has become very dark. Even if it is cured after thinking about it, the function may be damaged, and the man feels even more desperate.

You Naturally: "..."

Although he knew that Zhou Jinyuan was famous, but seeing this person neglecting him, You Naturally was still very upset.

Looking at Zhou Jinyuan again, he was already a little confused, and seemed to want to come over.

"It's okay!" You Ranran shouted subconsciously, should Zhou Jinyuan get all the limelight, leave it to me!

You Ziran whispered to the man again, "Tell me what's wrong with you, don't make a fuss when you see Internet celebrities. I am the successor of a master of traditional Chinese medicine, and I can help if he can! Let me tell you, if you miss it, you will never have another chance." Already!"

The man stared blankly at him, as if stimulated by some keyword, and shouted: "What a fuss? I've become like this! Help me? How can you help me!"

Every sentence became louder and louder, which shocked half of the people in the street.

I don't know how many passers-by looked over and looked at these two people strangely.

You Naturally reacted a little later, with a terrified expression on his face, unable to argue: "... ... #@&%*!"