Taoist Doctor

Chapter 7


After arriving at the hospital today, Xie Min received a consultation invitation to see a patient with myocardial infarction. The patient suffered from hiccups and the treatment didn't work well. She was asked to try traditional Chinese medicine.

Another doctor saw Xie Min's consultation invitation, "Hey, this is Mr. Huang's father, he was sent here for a heart attack. I remember that when I first came here, many people guessed what kind of grievances it was from a wealthy family, and the old man was so angry Myocardial infarction, there are reporters coming to inquire."

When he thought about it, he couldn't help laughing, "It turned out that the old man was constipated, and he became ill when he defecated too hard."

"I'm getting older, it's inevitable." Xie Min said briefly.


Constipation is common in the elderly, and holding your breath when constipated can indeed cause myocardial infarction. Mainly the expressions on those people's faces when they heard the reason, it's so funny.

It's probably completely different from the wealthy family in their hearts.

When Xie Min arrived outside the ward of the Cardiology Department, Vice President Xiao was talking with the patient's family.

"Director Xie." Deputy Dean Xiao greeted, and said calmly, "The patient is in great pain now, hiccups frequently, and it is difficult to eat." He said, and then thought of something, "Such intractable diseases also bring new ones with old ones. great opportunity.”

As he spoke, he asked Xie Min if she was crying more urgently, and if she had read the test results. Of course, Chinese medicine also looks at data, which can also assist in diagnosis and treatment. Nowadays, many Chinese medicine doctors also prescribe examinations when they see a doctor, instead of simply diagnosing the pulse. Not many follow the simple classical path.

"It's almost the same." Xie Min replied, but he was thinking about what Vice President Xiao said just now, as if he said it casually.

No, when did Vice President Xiao care about the issue of teaching Chinese medicine? It has been a while since these two batches of interns and regular trainees have come.

Xie Min suddenly had a guess in his heart, and immediately called the office, "I'm consulting on a difficult case in the Department of Cardiology, and asked Dr. Zhou Jinyuan and Dr. Liu Qi to come over immediately."

Vice President Xiao gave Xie Min a vague look, which made Xie Min more sure of his inner thoughts. It seems that Vice President Xiao opened Zhou Jinyuan's back door. Vice President Xiao really put his heart into it.

It's a pity that vice president Xiao also created an opportunity for Zhou Jinyuan to learn, and I don't know if he knows that Xiao Zhou meditates in the consulting room...

Xie Min guessed that since Vice President Xiao didn't want to make public, he called Liu Qi to cover up.

"Master, that patient told me yesterday that when you gave her the needle, she actually felt hot?" One morning after work, Liu Qi arrived first, followed by Zhou Jinyuan. He looked at Zhou Jinyuan wiping the table strangely, and asked.

This matter has been on his mind for a day, but Zhou Jinyuan had a rest yesterday, he thought about it for a long time, and decided to ask him face to face today.

Until now, he still can't believe it. In his heart, Zhou Jinyuan is like a younger brother, a colleague in a related household, and a person who is the topic of meditation at work.

"Hot?" Zhou Jinyuan looked at him in surprise, "How did you get your medical certificate? You can't even recognize it if you burn a mountain fire."

Liu Qi: "..."

Damn, did he not recognize it? He dare not admit it!

Liu Qi felt suffocated, "So you really know how to burn mountains?!"

Zhou Jinyuan asked back: "You don't know?"

Liu Qi: "...I can, but I can't burn it!"

If he could create a hot sensation, he would learn from Dr. Mao. He is one of the many doctors who simply followed the method and could not obtain the hot acupuncture sensation without forcing it.

Speaking of Dr. Mao, when he thought of Mr. Mao's face that day, he felt a little embarrassed. After Liu Meilan left, both of them smiled awkwardly, and helped each other out: Oh, it is said that Xiao Zhou is a family-owned medical skill. Maybe he has practiced burning mountains since he was a child. hehe.

"Oh." Zhou Jinyuan nodded.

Zhou Jinyuan's bland reaction made Liu Qi speechless for a while, "Wait, didn't you say anything? You really know? Is it a family tradition?"

The master leads the door, and the practice is in the individual. For subjects like traditional Chinese medicine, the door is quite special. Some things are not taught by hand, and you can't even touch the door. Even if you teach by hand, it depends on your effort and comprehension.

At this time, Director Xie's notice came, asking them to go to see difficult cases together. Liu Qi didn't think too much about it, so he got up quickly. It's a good thing to be able to learn from Director Xie. Let's let Zhou Jinyuan's matter go first.

It was said that it was about to start there, so Liu Qi rushed to the cardiology ward with Zhou Jinyuan who was not very familiar with the road.

At this time, Xie Min was discussing the test results with other Western doctors, and he just nodded when he saw them coming.

Panting for breath, Liu Qi glanced at Director Xie secretly, thinking in his heart that Director Xie probably didn't know that Zhou Jinyuan had this ability, oh my god, why didn't this kid show it at all.

"I'll go get the pulse." After Xie Min said, he led the two young men into the ward, and other doctors followed. Fortunately, the ward is very spacious.

Xie Min noticed that Zhou Jinyuan's face changed a little after seeing Vice President Xiao, and he nodded as a signal. She felt even more sure.

Xie Min looked at the patient's tongue coating, felt the pulse for three full minutes, and then let go. She thought to herself, if it was just the intractable hiccups, she could recall several prescriptions for the symptoms. But for patients with myocardial infarction, the prescription must not only be comprehensive, but also precise and quick-acting!

At this time, she began to think about the medical records of Vice President Xiao's mother. The senior's style is very suitable for the current symptoms. Unfortunately, she didn't know the real identity of the other party.

Xie Min's thoughts just flashed by, and immediately said to Zhou Jinyuan and Liu Qi: "You guys also come and feel the pulse."

The so-called observation, hearing, and questioning, the patient is very weak now, and he must have no strength to answer the question. I heard that he was still inhaling oxygen yesterday. Fortunately, Xie Min has read the medical records of Western medicine, and family members can help answer one or two questions.

Zhou Jinyuan and Liu Qi checked the pulse from left to right, and then exchanged.

"Did you see anything?" Xie Min asked.

The family members in the ward, that is, Mr. Huang, who has donated money to the Third Hospital for a long time, have a delicate expression.

Although he knew that the doctor's teaching was also to cultivate new blood, but the doctor didn't say what he saw after reading it, but he didn't rush to test the two young people first, which made him feel unhappy.

Others also noticed that the family members would not lose their temper if they just wanted to say something was wrong. But seeing Vice President Xiao tilting his head and whispering a few words in Mr. Huang's ear, his expression immediately eased.

Huh? Mr. Huang usually has a bad temper, right? What did Vice President Xiao tell him to make him turn from bad to good

"Uh, the pulse condition is deep and weak, the tongue coating is white and sticky, and the Qi is stagnant—" Liu Qi started scratching his head as he spoke. He felt that he didn't have enough time to think about it, so he simply asked, "Maybe I should add and subtract with clove persimmon powder?"

As soon as Liu Qi said that, Xie Min and Zhou Jinyuan nodded slightly.

It can be seen that Liu Qi's diagnostic skills are not bad among young people, but there is still a gap in dialectics, and the medication is not appropriate.

After Liu Qi finished speaking, it was time for Zhou Jinyuan, this handsome young man with strange eyes and tender face, the other doctors thought he couldn't organize a few words, but they didn't expect to start talking: "The patient is suffering from severe myocardial infarction and is weak. , Constipation not only leads to myocardial infarction, but also the intestinal qi does not drop, which affects the stomach qi and causes hiccups, nausea, and difficulty in eating. At the same time, the stool is still dry and hard to pass. If the gas is not enough, the situation will be worse, such as continuous fever !"

"..." Xie Min looked at Zhou Jinyuan in amazement, still a little confused, no, not to mention the pre-judgment of fever, how did Zhou Jinyuan know that he was constipated before the onset of the disease

She didn't expect Zhou Jinyuan to say this at all. God knows, she just took the hint from Vice President Xiao and asked them to take a pulse and test it. But because they came late, they didn't see the medical records at all.

Even if we knew from the gossip in the hospital that the patient had a myocardial infarction caused by constipation, how would we know the patient's stool condition now

Could it be that Vice President Xiao secretly revealed it to him, or guessed it himself

Xie Min has also diagnosed these symptoms herself, but if she hadn't read the medical records first, she would never have said with certainty that the patient had a myocardial infarction caused by constipation—after all, constipation and other gastrointestinal symptoms may also be associated with the onset of the disease. It happens, especially when the hiccups occur right after the onset of the disease.

On the contrary, the others quickly came to their senses. After all, they didn't pay attention to whether Director Xie's students read the medical records or not, and they didn't have a deep understanding of Chinese medicine theory. It's just that the young man doesn't look very big, but he is very calm and has a good psychological quality. He is a good material for this line of work.

They also agree with what the young people said, it is indeed not good if the symptoms are not relieved quickly. Fever is also possible, and this is also a common complication.

Xie Min came to her senses and nodded, "Very good." It stands to reason that she should talk about her own thinking, but by accident, she asked, "How do you differentiate?"

Dialectical is to analyze and identify the information obtained through seeing, hearing and asking, then summarize and judge its nature, and what kind of certificate it belongs to.

And the syndrome is not a simple disease, for example, a cold is a disease, but it has different syndrome types, such as wind-cold cold and wind-heat cold, and the treatment methods for different syndrome types are also different.

Zhou Jinyuan barely paused, and said: "Qi deficiency and blood stasis, you will not surrender!"

Although they both had hiccups, the causes of Mrs. Xiao's and Mr. Huang's were completely different. In addition, Mr. Huang was suffering from myocardial infarction, so the treatment methods were also different. The only similarity is probably that the hiccup symptoms should be stopped as soon as possible.

Others didn't understand Chinese medicine, and they didn't respond to it. Only Xie Min and Liu Qi felt refreshed after hearing it.

Deficiency of qi and blood stasis, rushing and not falling. Corresponding to the condition, the eight words summed it up clearly.

Liu Qi suddenly realized that it was accurate, the human body is so complicated, it is difficult to differentiate the syndromes of traditional Chinese medicine, and it is even more difficult to accurately differentiate the syndromes, especially without the aid of equipment.

Because it was extremely correct, Xie Min was even more surprised. At any rate, Liu Qi and Dr. Mao knew that Zhou Jinyuan knew how to use mountain fire acupuncture, but Xie Min was confused. It can be said that the previous ones were revealed by Vice President Xiao.

Combined with Zhou Jinyuan's presumed illness, Xie Min suddenly felt that he didn't know this cutie... No, he's young!

She had a hunch that everyone's views on Zhou Jinyuan these days might be superficial.

"Then what should be done?" Mr. Huang asked impatiently.

After dialectical evidence, it's time to treat it.

Zhou Jinyuan said without any pressure: "Of course, it is to invigorate qi and activate blood circulation, and to counteract adverse events. And because of the patient's myocardial infarction, it is necessary to treat the symptoms while taking care of the root cause. The addition and reduction of the dose of Lilac Shidi Powder can only deal with hiccups, nausea, and other symptoms." The patient’s myocardial infarction needs to be taken into consideration. I will prescribe a prescription, one dose can stop hiccups quickly, within a day the symptoms such as constipation and insomnia will be completely relieved, and at the same time replenish qi and activate blood circulation.”

Does one dose work? It's the same as what Vice President Xiao said just now! Mr. Huang was overjoyed, and hurriedly said: "Hurry up and write a prescription!"

Other doctors: "???"

At this point they suddenly felt strange, what the hell, didn't they test the students just now, why did they suddenly ask the students to give the treatment plan!

The family members are also very strange, obviously they are usually very cautious, what kind of medicine they use, they have to ask clearly, and now they are asked to prescribe medicine

The student's tone was even worse, saying that all symptoms were cured after one dose. I don't know if he is an intern, and there is no card to prove his status as an intern, but what else can he be if he is not an intern at this age.

"Wait, should we discuss it again?" Someone almost lost control of the volume, glanced at the patient, and lowered his voice again.

That's what everyone means.

"Ahem." Vice President Xiao coughed twice, and the doctors looked at him, thinking that Vice President Xiao probably had some opinions.

There were also a few people who thought of Vice President Xiao's whisper to Mr. Huang before, and felt that it was not very good.

Vice President Xiao: "Director Xie, do you think this treatment idea is correct?"

Only then did Xie Min suddenly come back to her senses. She was still immersed in the "one dose" of Zhou Jinyuan's treatment thinking just now, her lips moved, and she said in a trance: "It's correct."

Think about Xiao's mother's medical records, Xiao Zhou's relationship and connections in the hospital, and Vice President Xiao's strange behavior just now.

No way. She was a little shocked by her conjecture, and even felt her heart beat faster.

Is Xiao Zhou just...

"Then later you come to review the prescription and decide on the medication!" Vice President Xiao didn't pay attention to Xie Min's state, and only urged.

In fact, at least for this disease, he and Mr. Huang already trusted Zhou Jinyuan a lot.

Just now, Zhou Jinyuan once again showed the insight he had shown when he was treating his mother, he managed the condition very smoothly without looking at the medical records. However, he was still very cautious to ask Xie Min to review the prescription to make sure it was correct.

But the other doctors found it strange. They were obviously looking for Director Xie for consultation, so it seems that the interns took the lead.

"Vice President Xiao, this intern is still Gui Peisheng, so he doesn't have the right to make prescriptions, right?"

"He said that one dose can calm the hiccups, where is the basis?"

"Otherwise, it's safer to ask Director Xie to open it directly. Wouldn't it be a waste of time to open and interrogate the case?"

Everyone commented on it.

Zhou Jinyuan was wronged, "I'm not an intern, I'm a new doctor in our hospital's Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and I have the right to diagnose and treat independently!"

Hey, is this the new doctor? There are not many newcomers in the Department of Chinese Medicine.

A young doctor blurted out: "You are the Golden Core Taoist in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine!"

Mr. Huang:? ?

Zhou Jinyuan: When did Xiu Xiu go up? ? !