Taoist Doctor

Chapter 70


Shao Jingjing was shocked, Qingfeng and Mingyue were still shocked.

You, the head nurse, are here to compete for the top position, you have never practiced qigong—no, you are not even a disciple of Teacher Zhou.

"You are in nursing, what are you doing as chief!"

Shao Jingjing took out her conversion certificate, not joking, he really has a Taoist conversion certificate.

He agreed before just for the sake of eating chicken, and then there was a conversion conference held by Xianglu Guan. Under the leadership of Zhou Jinyuan, he took his identity to attend and obtained the certificate...

Qingfeng and Mingyue: "..."

The two of them were speechless when they saw it, and they were convinced. This is really irresistible.

Zhou Jinyuan looked at him coldly, he felt that Shao Jingjing just refused to admit defeat.

"Boss, I..." Shao Jingjing turned her head to show off, but when she saw Zhou Jinyuan's gaze, she immediately faltered, and wiped the table while chanting sutras.

After Zhou Jinyuan finished his meal, he saw that Qingfeng was getting better, his upper body was naked, and the skin on his back was flushed from the pot, so he pinched his spine again.

Qingfeng feels that he is not so uncomfortable anymore, and if he rests, he should fully recover.

"Okay, you guys go back, I have something else to do." Zhou Jinyuan took out his laptop, ready to revise the lesson plan for the class at Haizhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. He has almost compiled it, and he also showed it to Principal Luo. The school is about to start, so let's go over it at the end.

"Mr. Zhou, what is this?" Mingyue saw Zhou Jinyuan's "Selected Readings of Classic Medical Cases" written on the first page.

"I want to take an elective course at Haizhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine." Zhou Jinyuan pointed, "At their School of Traditional Chinese Medicine."

Haizhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine has many schools, such as School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, School of Pharmacy, School of Acupuncture and Massage, School of Integrative Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, etc. Zhou Jinyuan's class is taught in the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

When Qingfeng heard it, "Isn't this the true - the establishment of a sect, and soon we will have younger brothers and younger sisters."

"Wow??" Mingyue was also shocked, "But based on my experience in taking elective courses, the name of this course sounds... a bit unremarkable!"

Not outstanding, ordinary, very unlike Mr. Zhou's way of naming, and more theoretical.

And based on Mingyue's understanding of Zhou Jinyuan, she thought that if the teacher started the class, he would teach hard core topics such as "Teaching You Meridian Liuzhu Acupuncture in One Semester", "Practical Clinical Classical Prescriptions", and "Compendium of Diet Therapy for Immortals". Every course, she would really like to take it!

"Whether it stands out or not, it depends on the class." Zhou Jinyuan said something very correct, which made Qingfeng and Mingyue nod again and again.

The name of his course is indeed very featureless, as if it does not reveal the main points, but in fact, it is precisely because there are too many important points that he had to choose such a name.

"Ah, let's go and listen in then!" Qingfeng said, if he knew that Zhou Jinyuan could still be a teacher, he would probably have desperately applied for the Haizhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine from the very beginning. Having a good teacher is really important in this line of work.

Mingyue thought of something, "By the way, then you and Rongshen are in the same school."

Zhou Jinyuan said: "That's right, I have to make an exception and select you 'Rong Shen' as teaching assistants."

Mingyue immediately said: "Then I also want to find a chance to attend, I want to see the fear of the younger brothers and sisters being ruled by the bully...!"

Just thinking about it makes her look forward to it.

The next day, Zhou Jinyuan was at the Xiaoqinglong Clinic all day, and when he was taking out the trash, he was stopped by the director of the community and said a few words about sponsoring a few big balls as prizes for their square dance competition.

"Across from you, it seems that a building has been bought, the whole building." Director He casually mentioned.

opposite? The building opposite is huge, something flashed in Zhou Jinyuan's mind, "Oh."

When Zhou Jinyuan went back, he saw the opposite side, and saw a stretched luxury car parked outside the clinic. People came and went to pay more attention, and some even took pictures.

Needless to say, it must be Liang Tuhao. This person's behavior style and temperament really don't match.

At this time, Liang Yue said that she was bringing a chair that looked like it was moved out of the Forbidden City. She was sitting in the clinic with two assistants in black suits standing beside her. screen.

"Lord, do you really don't want me to help you with treatment? I can massage, it can also help you." Rong Shouyun asked him while packing medicine for his patient while he was idle.

"No, I'll wait for Dr. Zhou." Liang Yue said coldly.

"Tsk, Ah Jin also asked me a lot about massage. He is excellent at both acupuncture and medicine, but adding massage wouldn't be the icing on the cake." Rong Shouyun started boasting mode, "I think back when I was in Yingzhou..."

Liang Yue said hesitantly glanced at him, only remembering that he was holding a bowl of strange ointment yesterday. He had actually investigated all the people in the clinic, and knew that Rong Shouyun's teacher was really good, but he really didn't know if Zhou Jinyuan had learned massage from him.

Liang Yuezheng's eyes fell on Rong Shouyun's hands, saw a few dark pieces, and asked, "What are these?"

"This? This is amazing." Rong Shouyun squeezed a piece, "My brother specially prepared it, a thousand-year-old mouse shit!"

Liang Yue said: "..."

Liang Yue said calmly and moved back, "Impossible."

"It's impossible, my younger brother is quite powerful, and Ah Jin has to concoct some medicinal materials." Rong Shouyun said.

Liang Yue said that the corner of her mouth twitched, but he was not referring to this at all, "...it can't be a thousand-year-old rat shit."

Rong Shouyun: "Oh, yes, these are, crushed decoction."

Liang Yue said that after looking at his face, she couldn't find any flaws, or Rong Shouyun's psychological quality was too good, but Liang Yue said that she believed in her own identification. A second later, he stood up covering his mouth, stumbled and rushed out.

Zhou Jinyuan happened to be outside, and Liang Yuezheng thought he might be running at the speed of light, but in fact, he usually walked unsteadily and relied on others to support him. In Zhou Jinyuan's eyes, his so-called dashing was basically equivalent to a snail walk.

Zhou Jinyuan pulled Liang Yue and said, "What are you doing?"

"I don't understand. I can understand earthworms, toads, centipedes... being used as medicine." Liang Yue said that when she saw him, she collapsed, grabbed his elbow and said, "But why, can the excrement of a thousand-year-old mouse be used as medicine?! "

It's so rare to see a local tyrant so gaffe... He was so steady when he even talked about his illness.

Zhou Jinyuan coughed lightly: "Calm down."

Liang Yue said that he couldn't calm down. When he thought that he was less than half a meter away from the rat shit just now, his mood collapsed.

"No, calm down and think about it, do I have to dig out rat shit to determine if it is a thousand years old?" Zhou Jinyuan said speechlessly, why the local tyrant looks smart and collapses so easily. It's just a picture. Did Rong Shouyun tell you?"

"It's that monk." Liang Yue said that after knowing the truth, she still couldn't accept it, and calmly analyzed, "Is he resenting me for not wanting to sit on the plastic stool he moved after I came in?"

"You think too much. The old medicine gang in his family has been used to it since he was a child. The names of some traditional Chinese medicines are different from the current regular names." Zhou Jinyuan saw that he was cornered, and persuaded, "Besides, you also know that he is Monk, I have to say it, monks are all merciful, and they are very generous. Let's go."

"Okay." Liang Yue said heaved a sigh of relief, regained his composure, and followed behind Zhou Jinyuan.

Zhou Jinyuan led Liang Yuecheng back to the clinic, and he walked in front. As soon as he entered, Rong Shouyun threw a wrist pillow over: "Eat my magic pestle! Let you flick my bald head when you just left!"

Liang Yue said: "..."

Zhou Jinyuan: "..."

Zhou Jinyuan: "...he has returned to vulgarity."

Liang Yue said: "..."

Zhou Jinyuan referred to Liang Yuecheng's medical records last night, including the medical records of other patients in his family, and also consulted some relevant materials for reference.

He has sorted out Liang Yuecheng's treatment ideas, using both acupuncture and Chinese medicine. A three-month acupuncture treatment period was tentatively set, but it was not three consecutive months, but ten days as a course of treatment. Every ten days, he could rest for three to five days at will and only take medicine.

Afterwards, he had follow-up visits and treatment every year. Although Liang Yue said that the onset was relatively early, the course of Kennedy's disease progressed slowly enough, and Zhou Jinyuan was still confident in delaying his symptoms to the maximum extent.

Liang Yue said that she studied Chinese medicine overnight last night just to discuss her treatment plan with Zhou Jinyuan.

"In acupuncture and moxibustion, I use the Ren and Du vessels to select acupoints, acupuncture first and then moxibustion. The Ren vessel governs blood; the Du vessel governs qi. The Ren vessel governs the yin qi of the whole body; The balance of qi and blood and the harmony of yin and yang. I differentiated your illness yesterday as deficiency of both yin and yang, so I took these two channels and supplemented both yin and yang." Zhou Jinyuan explained to Liang Yuecheng.

Even though Liang Yue claimed that he had just learned a little bit, he could tell that the plan was reasonable and refined. It would not destroy the balance of the body like the medicine he had used before, and it would have a two-way regulating effect. "What about the medicine?"

After what happened just now, Liang Yue said that he was more concerned about what kind of medicine Zhou Jinyuan was going to take. In case there was something particularly disgusting... Ugh, he could only make mental preparations early.

"Oh, we use herbs such as Morinda officinalis, Cuscuta, and pilose antler to warm the yang, and herbs such as rehmannia glutinosa, cistanche, and dogwood to nourish yin and replenish essence. Medicines that nourish qi, blood, yin and yang." Fortunately, Zhou Jinyuan didn't mention any strange medicinal materials.

"You have understood the plan, so let's do acupuncture first." Zhou Jinyuan remembered the building opposite, and when he saw Liang Yue said, he had an inexplicable guess, "By the way, local tyrant, you know the building opposite Has the building been bought?"

"I bought it." Liang Yue said.

It really is him. Zhou Jinyuan said, "You are exaggerating too much. You bought such a big building just for treatment."

As for mental illness, Zhou Jinyuan has already seen it, and Liang Yue said that there must be one. But it seems that they are all reflected in spending money, cleanliness, etc. Zhou Jinyuan doesn't know how to treat this kind of thing, or whether he should treat it or not.

Besides, just talking about spending money, what is normal squandering and what is sickness for local tyrants? The standard is quite vague, how to cure, hello, I want to treat you to the point where you are only ordinary and will cost money

"I don't live here, I'm not used to it." Liang Yue said, he even felt a little unnatural sitting on Xiaoqinglong.

"Huh? Isn't it? Then what is this for? You can't buy it for me, I don't want it!" Zhou Jinyuan said immediately.

"... Doctor Zhou, I'm not exaggerating that much." Liang Yue said he glanced at him, "You don't have to worry, I just bought and changed the helicopter, and I will work and treat it later, so it is convenient to come and go."

Zhou Jinyuan: Isn't that an exaggeration

Look, this is confusing again. You say it's sick, but it doesn't seem too much for local tyrants. They are also very sincere and hardworking, just for work.

Zhou Jinyuan felt that he really couldn't cure this, "...Take off your clothes! I got an injection!"

Zhou Jinyuan used the method of tonic, and gently inserted the needle. After getting the needle feeling, he then applied moxibustion and left the needle for 30 minutes.

"Rehabilitation training, I don't need to give special instructions. You should hire a professional rehabilitation therapist and nutritionist." After the needle was given, Zhou Jinyuan said, "You can also massage your limbs more."

Liang Yue said that he had put on his clothes, and Zhou Jinyuan helped him out.

"Thank you, Dr. Zhou, I feel much better." Liang Yue said that this is obviously a psychological effect, but this is a good thing, which proves that he has strong confidence, and belief is very important when treating a disease.

Director He was standing outside. He came to get the big meatballs as a prize. He had made an appointment with Zhou Jinyuan just now. When they met, they nodded and greeted each other. Zhou Jinyuan asked Shao Jingjing's younger brother to give him the prepared meatballs.

"Okay, you're welcome, you go back, I'll give you the medicine too." Zhou Jinyuan said to Liang Yue, motioning for Shao Jingjing to bring the medicine, "Also, please settle the cost of the first course of treatment, one thousand and eight what."

Liang Yue said that she frowned, looking very embarrassed.

Zhou Jinyuan knew at a glance that it was definitely not expensive enough. Xiaoqinglong Clinic's non-arbitrary price increase has always been a major point of praise from everyone, but Liang Yue said that he felt uncomfortable all over.

"Hey, what's the matter with this young man, is there not enough money?" Director He asked with concern, "Have you brought your mobile phone with you? You can use your mobile phone to pay."

— It is worth mentioning that after long-term exercise, the residents of this community will not be in a daze for more than three seconds even if they see someone with outstanding appearance in Xiaoqinglong Clinic. Director He's anti-shock ability has also been greatly improved.

Liang Yue expressed her astonishment, and immediately replied simply: "Enough, I just don't think the price is suitable."

"The medical expenses of the Xiaoqinglong Clinic are the most fair. If you ask for 1800 yuan, you will not be killed. Besides, I don't think you seem to be short of money—now young people like to take out loans and consume in advance. If you want Have restraint." Director He muttered.

"It's okay, what a big deal." Zhou Jinyuan stopped Director He, otherwise he would continue to say that Director He can read for another half an hour, "I'll just give him a 5% discount."

Liang Yue said: "???"

Shao Jingjing filled out the form, "The original price was 1800 yuan, and the discounted price is 1700 yuan - I will erase the zero for you."

Liang Yue said: "..."

Director He looked at his expression, "Hey, why are you still not satisfied! This is a bit too much..."

Zhou Jinyuan: "Mr. Liang, you will listen to me when you talk about treatment."

Why are you forcing me. Liang Yue said it was indescribably uncomfortable, and she had to grit her teeth to pay, "Thank you...you gave me a discount..."

Shao Jingjing: "I even wiped the zero for you."

As Xiaoqinglong's head nurse, Shao Jingjing already has this authority, and he is quite proud.

Liang Yue said humiliatingly: "...Thank you."

Liang Yue said that she felt uncomfortable all over, she never thought that there would be a day when she would be forcibly discounted...

Haizhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

"Look in the group, the schedule of elective courses has been released, go and have a look!"

"Damn it, I must set the alarm clock and watch the class selection this year."

The elective course of Haizhou Traditional Chinese Medicine is the first week of school, and the class starts from the second week.

At the beginning of the new semester, course selection is also a very important thing. Everyone began to discuss which courses to choose, and asked the seniors and sisters which courses were more interesting and which courses were easier to pass.

Naturally, some people noticed the "Selected Readings of Classic Medical Cases" on the schedule. The school of the course is the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and the class is held in the lecture hall every Thursday afternoon-it is still a big class, with a full capacity of 100 people.

However, what does not match it is the professional title of the instructor.

In view of the characteristics of the school, there are two possibilities for the title column, one is professor, associate professor, lecturer, and the other is chief physician, attending physician, etc.

But the title of the teacher of this "Selected Readings of Classic Medical Cases" is: Physician.

That is to say, he only has a licensed medical certificate, the most common general doctor. Like this level, how could it be possible to appear in that column.

At the first glance, many people think that they have read it wrong, and then look at other information, so they will see the teacher's name at the second glance: Zhou Jinyuan.

This will make them feel even more wrong!

Zhou Jinyuan may not be the Chinese medicine doctor with the highest professional title and the most brilliant resume, but he must be the Chinese medicine doctor with the deepest impression on the public recently. This all depends on the publicity of the "Larington's Sword" crew everywhere.

Everyone has heard a lot of urban anecdotes about him, such as the rising housing prices around the Xiaoqinglong Clinic opened by Zhou Jinyuan, local tyrants spending huge sums of money for medical treatment, and so on.

There are still many activities that want to invite Zhou Jinyuan, and poach him to go to other hospitals, but in the end Zhou Jinyuan only participated in one training class, and it is said that it was led by an old senior.

With such a premise, how could their school invite people to teach elective courses when they are so popular! Just the principal's stingy virtue! !

The course selection schedule was made public, and not only the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine, but the entire Haizhou Chinese Medicine Center found out about it, and started to discuss it frantically, calling the principal's hotline frantically, and even went to the Academic Affairs Office to inquire. Could this Zhou Jinyuan be that Zhou Jinyuan

After getting an affirmative answer, I still have to question, how did you invite him here? Can you afford that money? Didn't it mean that Dr. Zhou declined all kinds of activities

After getting the answer, the students of Haizhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine started to go online to carnival.

[I'm going to make a fuss about our principal, what a koi! It is said that when he went to attend a seminar, he was very optimistic about a young man, so he poached him to come to our school to teach. He was declined, but the principal persevered and invited him repeatedly, and the other party was finally moved and agreed to come to our school to take elective courses. Not long after that, the young man became popular! That's right, this young man is the little Qinglong Zhou Jinyuan!]

Not long ago, Zhou Jinyuan went to a training class to teach foreign students to sing scriptures and was turned around. Netizens immediately surrounded the lucky Haizhou TCM college students.

[What is your principal's vision? You know it too well. I've made a profit, now I'm going to invite Zhou Jinyuan. Spending money is a trivial matter. If you don't have a lot of face, you won't be able to invite him at all. I don't know how long it will take to register.]

[May I ask what kind of class Zhou Dashen taught, traditional Chinese philosophy-interpretation of the Book of Changes, can I post it?]

[Want to hear him talk about "Teaching You to Make Balloons"]

[Only me the most honest? Shouldn't it be the syndrome differentiation and treatment of tumors?]

The last thing I read was "Selected Readings of Classic Medical Cases", and everyone was at a loss. Some netizens don't even know what a medical case is. The title of this class seems a bit boring, and it's completely different from what they imagined.

In fact, not to mention laymen, even the students of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine saw it and felt that there was nothing bright about it. It should be the same as the various similar courses they have attended. It will talk about famous medical cases and analyze ideas.

But the class alone is very exciting, celebrity effect ha.

On the day of the official course selection, the online course selection starts at 12 o'clock in the morning. In the middle of the night, a group of students would rather go to bed late, or set the alarm clock, and get up to rush to select courses.

As a result, the moment the class started, there might be too many people who were online at the same time and chose Zhou Jinyuan's class at the same time, and the website was stuck.

Although it was only a class taught by a teacher with a professional title of doctor, compared with those big names in the academic world, it was even more popular.

Everyone scolded and frantically refreshed the course selection. In just a few tens of seconds, look again, the number of people has already been selected. There are fast hands, but there are slow hands.

After choosing the class, the circle of friends was full of complaints in an instant, similar to why only the boss in the whole dormitory chose Teacher Zhou's class, and he was already excluded, etc.

The next day, Principal Luo even called Zhou Jinyuan jokingly. It took a few days to select courses, and some courses were filled up in an instant, and some courses had not yet met the minimum number of students. The difference is really a difference.

In the second week of school, Zhou Jinyuan should go to school.

He walked with Rong Xixue, and Rong Xixue had to be his teaching assistant, and this matter would not be reflected in the class schedule, so many people didn't know.

When I arrived at the large lecture hall where the class was held, there were still ten minutes before the class started, and it was already full of people. Not only were all the seats full, but even the steps were filled with paper.

This class is limited to 100 people, and this classroom can accommodate 200 people, but there are definitely more than 200 people in the classroom now. And it's not the official class time, maybe there are still people on the way.

These were all the students who didn't choose to attend the class, and there was no class at the moment, and the students who wanted to watch Zhou Jinyuan's class were not limited to the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Zhou Jinyuan was a little surprised that it was so lively, "... okay, let's go forward."

Zhou Jinyuan walked to the front door, Rong Xixue opened the door for him and walked in front.

Just the fact that Rong Xixue walked in was already very attractive. Rong Xixue is quite famous in the School of Pharmacy and even in the entire University of Chinese Medicine. After all, sometimes she publishes papers and conducts experiments across majors and schools, and she has an outstanding appearance. It is also notoriously cold and hard to soak...

Some people have also heard that Rong Xixue's elder brother seems to be Zhou Jinyuan, although no one knows exactly how the brother is or whether they are related by blood.

Now that Rong Xixue came in, everyone was in a commotion, and at the same time guessed that Zhou Jinyuan might also be here.

Sure enough, the next moment, Zhou Jinyuan came in right after him.

The classroom was noisy for a while, and then applause broke out, spontaneously welcoming this teacher who didn't even look older than them. Many people were just to join in the fun, and immediately took out their mobile phones to shoot small videos—unexpectedly, they also recorded a clip that became popular in the whole school.

"Thank you everyone. The students in our school are really enthusiastic." Zhou Jinyuan said with a smile on his face. He walked to the podium and found that the air conditioner was not turned on. There were so many people and it was quite hot. Xue said, "Xiaoxue, find someone to take down the remote control and turn on the air conditioner."

The classroom has long since returned to silence. Zhou Jinyuan's voice rang out in the large classroom with excellent sound amplification. I don't know if it was the illusion of the students present. The word "Xiaoxue" seemed to echo in my ears.

Shocked my whole class! ! A pharmacy school onlooker holding a mobile phone thought dumbfounded.

Earlier, students in Rong Xixue's class also mentioned that Rong Xixue's nickname was Xiaoxue. At that time, he scolded you for talking nonsense, so he ignored it.

Thinking about it now, he was really too young and naive!

In the next five minutes, the live-shot video spread throughout the school, causing more students who didn't intend to come over to rush to the classroom, just wanting to watch Zhou Jinyuan call God's nickname online.

When it was time to start class, there were even people standing outside the door.

Zhou Jinyuan had no choice but to appeal to everyone to tell other students not to come here anymore, what a crowded place it is.

"Okay, now the class is officially started. Let me introduce myself. I am Zhou Jinyuan, the teacher of this elective course "Selected Readings of Classical Medical Cases". I work in the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of Haizhou Third Hospital. Dear students... students who are enthusiastic to observe, then I also want to emphasize that you can observe, but you must also abide by classroom discipline."

Although Zhou Jinyuan has never been a teacher officially, he has taught two classes and has a little experience. Standing on the podium, he looks good, "I want to explain in advance, this class, the first class I will Take one roll call, and I won't count for the rest of the class."

Only one roll call? Everyone cheered, that was really easy! Sure enough, the boss's class is so unique!

"But I will approve all the final assignments face-to-face. That is, when you come to my office, I will correct, ask questions, and guide you face-to-face, so that I can understand your real mastery and use it as a reference for your grades." Zhou Jinyuan didn't wait for them to be happy. , and said something very scary.

The whole classroom fell into a deathly silence. They had never heard of the elective course, and unexpectedly, they had to face the final assignment.

Why was it rumored that the boss was so busy, so this class might be very easy?

The boss has a personality and has a personality, but it seems to have gone to the other extreme.

Everyone who chose this course was lucky and envied for a long time, but now... Shocked my whole class again!

The students who were watching all showed sympathetic expressions.

"Then now we will start the only roll call. The teaching assistant of this course, Rong Xixue, a sophomore from the School of Pharmacy next door, will be in charge." Zhou Jinyuan handed the roster to Rong Xixue, and Rong Xixue was among the sluggish classmates The roll call has begun.

At first, some people thought that this teacher Zhou looks so cute and can make jokes, so they can take advantage of class time to ask about Arthur and Jin Chuoxian, and even ask him and Rong Xixue how they became brothers. .

But Zhou Jinyuan's demeanor just now scared them back. How could they dare to make fun of them? The classroom full of people was surprisingly quiet.

Every time Rong Xixue called out a name, Zhou Jinyuan would take a look at it when someone below responded.

After the roll call, Zhou Jinyuan clicked on the PPT, and the concise course title appeared on the screen, and he officially started his lecture, "Medical case! It is also called pulse case, medical record, which is our medical record. Why do we have to To learn medical records, Mr. Zhang Taiyan once said that the achievements of Chinese medicine are the most famous. If you want to learn from the experience of the predecessors, the medical records are the most clues to find. Follow this study and get twice the result with half the effort. For empirical medicine, such records are even more important. It's important. Read medical records, read the principles, methods, prescriptions, and medicines of famous masters of the past, and use them for your own use. This is the best way to learn!"

All the students came back to their senses, and silently made expressions of agreement. This course can only be taken by sophomores and above, and the auditors who have just entered the school will not mention it. Most of them understand the importance of medical records, although not everyone Individuals can master how to learn.

But it is very rare and valuable to listen to the analysis of classic medical cases by wise doctors and masters.

I don't know which famous medical case Mr. Zhou will start the first class with.

Zhou Jinyuan clicked, and the PPT turned a page, "Let's learn the first classic medical case, which comes from what I encountered when I was practicing medicine at the age of sixteen..."

Everyone: "..."