Taoist Doctor

Chapter 71


After Zhou Jinyuan finished speaking, the audience was silent for at least ten seconds.

... There is a feeling that I really want to complain, but I don't know how to complain after thinking about it carefully.

I thought I would see Ye Tianshi, Shi Jinmo, or a famous old Chinese doctor in modern times, maybe Professor Mo would do it too. As a result, Mr. Zhou put away his own medical records, and he practiced medicine when he was sixteen years old, sixteen years old!

But if you want to say that his medical records are not up to the word "classic" because of his age, it is not quite right. After all, Mr. Zhou is only twenty-two or three-years-old, but he has already become famous. If you dare to question your age, you may be slapped in the face in the next second.

So think about it carefully, what are you complaining about, just feel the fear of being ruled by the god of learning!

Not only the classic medical records belonged to Mr. Zhou himself, but also the expressions of him and teaching assistant Rong Shen were very natural.

What are people doing at the age of sixteen, and what are we doing at the age of sixteen? Even if people come from a medical family, there are many families in their college who have practiced medicine for generations. There are many generations of doctors in this profession, not all of them are like this.

"This is a case of insomnia. The patient is a female in her early thirties. When I met you at your teaching assistant's home, she came to visit and mentioned her illness. At that time, I hadn't officially opened the case, but I boldly treated it. Convinced the woman that one dose had a dramatic effect."

Zhou Jinyuan's PPT was relatively simple. He just put his original medical records on it. When he read it out by himself, he added some details.

Rong Xixue turned her head to look at Zhou Jinyuan, probably thinking of how Zhou Jinyuan fooled him back then, and smiled a little.

Students in the audience: "Oh—"

This oh, oh, why is there a medical case and a teaching assistant, and they go home, are the two really distant relatives? Is this family all abnormal genetics

Moreover, Rongshen laughed so much that there was a slight gasp from the audience. For some reason, some people instinctively told them that the two did not look like relatives.

When Zhou Jinyuan talked about these details, it was not to show off his relationship with the teaching assistant, but the focus was on his attitude when he was practicing medicine.

Nowadays, the general public has doubts about young doctors, and some young doctors themselves do not have much confidence. After leaving school, they often dare not prescribe prescriptions, and do not know how to start clinically.

In fact, it is enough to be bold and careful, especially since there are teachers everywhere, and the atmosphere is more open now than before.

"The patient's main complaint is that for the past two months, around 7 o'clock every night, he will find it difficult to fall asleep involuntarily. No matter what he is doing, no matter what position he is in, he may suddenly fall asleep. An hour later, he will wake up naturally. No matter how hard you try to control your drowsiness, you will always fall asleep at seven or eight o'clock. She has tried many prescriptions and treatments, and even suspects that she is possessed by evil spirits."

This page of the PPT only contains the patient's chief complaint and diagnosis.

Below are Zhou Jinyuan's four diagnosis records, such as the patient's pale red and thin tongue, deep and firm pulse, dry stool, occasional chest tightness, etc. There is nothing particularly uncomfortable, and there is no other abnormal condition.

Naturally, everyone fell into thinking. What a weird disease, I fell asleep regularly for an hour every day, and couldn't control myself... No wonder it was included in the classic medical case of the big brother after being cured.

There were students of several ages present, and their levels were different. Some academic masters could actually figure out a lot from the medical examination records.

Generally, the ancients with hypersomnia considered it from Yang deficiency, but the patient was not only lethargic, but also woke up after sleeping for an hour. And according to the tongue and pulse conditions of the diagnosis, the patient may have yin deficiency, blood dryness, and clear yang does not rise...

In fact, having medical examination records is already a very difficult beginning, especially pulse diagnosis.

Zhou Jinyuan is good at pulse diagnosis, but for many people, it is "easy in the heart, hard to understand in the hands", this is a very easy to learn but difficult to master. Fortunately, there are other three-diagnosis co-registrations, which can now be assisted by modern medical equipment.

Although there are accurate records of the four medical examinations, most of the students at school are still unable to sort out a clear idea for a while, to identify what is going on in this medical case, and how to treat it based on syndrome differentiation.

"My dialectical method at that time was very simple, and it was all in the book." Zhou Jinyuan explained, "I don't know if you have learned it. Drowsiness is often related to the dysfunction of the heart, spleen, and kidneys. Kidney yin deficiency, liver blood dryness, chest tightness."

Because the medical records Zhou Jinyuan selected were good and the symptoms were strange, hundreds of people inside and outside the classroom listened very intently, as if they were suspenseful reasoning, and they really wanted to know the result and how many of their guesses were correct.

"In the "Jingyue Quanshu" mentioned insomnia, it is said that "the deficiency of kidney yin, which cannot be used to help the heart, will cause the hyperactivity of heart yang and abnormal sleep at night." First yellow, abdominal pain and more lying down, body heat, heat contention, then wild words and shock, hypochondriac pain, restless hands and feet, unable to lie down'. The patient's chest tightness is related to the lungs. The "Huangdi Neijing" says, 'All qi belong to the lungs '. All kinds of qi, including Wei Qi. How does "Lingshu" describe, "The Husband Wei Qi moves in Yang during the day and moves in Yin at night. Therefore, when Yang Qi is exhausted, Yin Qi is exhausted"! "

Zhou Jinyuan recited a large section of the original text of the medical book in one breath, which was not in the PPT. Not to mention the pause, the speed even accelerated, but it was very clear, and the words caught my ears.

"Drowsiness is related to the heart, spleen, kidneys and other lungs, also because they can affect the Wei Qi. If the circulation of Wei Qi is abnormal, sleep will be abnormal. Patients will fall ill at 7 o'clock every night, and it is precisely Wei Qi that flows from Yang When it turns into yin.

"So the evidence is intertwined, and I can conclude that the crux of the problem lies in the defense qi. Yin deficiency and blood dryness, clear yang does not rise, so when the defense qi wants to move yin, lethargy, and the way to move yin is not smooth, wake up !"

The entire judgment process, from Zhou Jinyuan's mouth, was very clear. The classics of medical books come out as soon as you open your mouth, without even stuttering, obviously you are familiar with them by heart. Since he could think of it at the time, it must be at least sixteen years old and he knew it by heart.

"Oh—" There was applause from the audience, there is no one worthy of a great reputation, this dialectical process is really well-founded, and very refreshing!

The boss has been familiar with the classics since he was young, and he can immediately think of the corresponding classics and refer to each other when he is certified. Look at the essence through the surface and find out the crux of the problem. Clearly clarify the seemingly strange illness.

The boss claims that it is very simple, and it is all in the book, but in fact it is a special expression of skill. There is only one word to say: service.

"So here I want to change the topic and remind you that it is very important to study medicine. Read a lot of books and cultivate the thinking of Chinese medicine. Only with a solid theoretical foundation can we practice better." Zhou Jinyuan said truthfully, "This is also what I have learned. one of the reasons for it.”

Zhou Jinyuan said very bluntly, "My father's medical skills are also very good, and the family has practiced medicine for generations. Some people may think that it is easier for me to achieve success because I have taught from my family since I was a child. However, there is another saying called The master leads the door, the practice is in the individual, and the doctor must have the strengths of all the families. If I only learn the family tradition, then it is difficult for me to surpass my father. Similarly, even if some students do not have the family tradition, they can also Through diligent study, he will become a wise doctor.

"In fact, I was a little confused back then. Your teaching assistant made a statistic. The ages and methods of famous doctors in ancient times were different. In other words, the time and method of studying medicine are not the most important. The data that really dominate the overwhelming majority, the biggest common point is that these famous doctors are diligent in studying classics and focusing on clinical practice. So since then , I memorized all the medical books at home—of course, everyone did their best, I know not everyone can memorize them, at least read them well and read them extensively.”

Hearing the front, all the students were a little moved to drink chicken soup.

In the last few sentences, I couldn't hold back. So not only are you familiar with the classics, but you have memorized them all? Really fake, what kind of memory is this!

This ability is generally only seen in news and novels.

"Mr. Zhou, can you really memorize them all? How much have you memorized? Are they as fluent as those paragraphs just now?" A student raised his hand and asked.

"Student Tan Ming. I've recited everything I can see anyway, not to mention memorized backwards, but there is no problem with dictation." Zhou Jinyuan said.

The student who asked the question was shocked, how could the teacher know her name? Didn't you just call the roll just now? Could it be that she is so outstanding that even the teacher noticed her and wrote down her name

A smart student has already guessed the clue, and tremblingly said: "Teacher, do you remember my name?"

"Student Shao Feng." Zhou Jinyuan glanced at the person who spoke, and said immediately without thinking.

The whole audience is boiling, let me go, it's true or not, I will remember this all.

People in every corner who chose to attend the class but did not choose to attend the class began to raise their hands, wanting Zhou Jinyuan to say their names.

Zhou Jinyuan was definitely not fooled. Those who didn't take his class could recognize him at a glance, and those who took his class could name him right away. This seat was taken at will today, even if Zhou Jinyuan memorized the roster in advance, he still had to match his face!

A student in the front row couldn't help saying: "I'm tired of saying something, it shocked my whole class! Teacher, your skills are too good!"

From this point, they believed that Zhou Jinyuan could really memorize a lot of medical books. This should be due to his inborn excellent memory.

"Really? Thank you." Zhou Jinyuan said with a smile, as if casually reminding, "So if you want to skip class, you should think clearly."

Everyone's excited smiles froze on their faces, and the lively classroom fell silent in an instant, only the teacher was still smiling like a devil.

... Come on! ! !

It's no wonder that a teacher who is going to face-to-face at the end of the semester will be tolerant and say that he will only roll his name once!

Feelings are not that you will not check people in future classes, but that he will remember it once you click it, and you will know who is coming and who is not.

Zhou Jinyuan ignored everyone's terrified expressions, and said happily: "Let's continue to talk about this drowsiness case and how to use the medicine. The prescription I prescribed at that time was to adjust the lung qi with almonds, asters, and persimmons, so as to improve the circulation of the defensive qi." Improper behavior, at the same time, cohosh is used to help promote clearness, raw land, rehmannia... "

In the following whole class, Zhou Jinyuan continued to interpret the medical records, took everyone into his own thinking, and shared a lot of dry things.

After the students were severely attacked by him twice, it took the second half of the class to recover from the sea of knowledge.

When class was over, some students asked weakly: "Mr. Zhou, what will the final homework be like? Is it difficult to write a paper?"

It's all for the credits, an elective course that you think will be easy to pass, don't fail it!

"Why do you all care about the final homework? Don't worry, the final homework only accounts for forty percent." Zhou Jinyuan said with a smile.

Only then did everyone heave a sigh of relief, "So the rest is the usual performance points, not being late and absent from class, and actively answering questions, can I get extra points?"

In all fairness, Mr. Zhou doesn't have much teaching experience, but when he starts class, he thinks clearly, takes care of them, and speaks very well, which is very suitable for students. It should not be difficult to be active in class.

Zhou Jinyuan originally planned to ask the teaching assistant to tell the students, but he replied: "I can add points, and the remaining 20% is the class attendance, classroom discipline, and 40% is the classroom practice score." .”

Everyone: "???"

Hello, teacher, are you also out of your guard, otherwise why are you talking in your sleep? You are an optional medical case course, why do you still have practical exercises

"Although the title of the class is 'Selected Reading', the following classic medical cases also include methods such as the teacher's use of acupuncture and moxibustion. Wouldn't it be a pity not to teach on site. This was suggested by your teaching assistant." Zhou Jinyuan still smiled authentically , "I don't know how well you have learned "Acupuncture and Moxibustion". You must work hard to lay a good foundation."

Everyone: "..."

TA Proposed... TA Proposed... TA Proposed...

"Then the teacher is leaving first. See you in the next class, hehe...cough." Zhou Jinyuan waved his hand and took Rong Xixue away. He was going to visit the canteen of the University of Traditional Chinese Medicine today, and I heard it was very good.

Zhou Jinyuan has gone far away, and the lecture hall is still petrified: Teacher, did you almost laugh just now? !

The auditors are fine, and they even have time to reply to the message on the mobile phone asking "how is the big brother's class, is it wonderful?", saying: It's hard to say!

The petrified people are mainly those who choose to take classes, and they are the ones who are really bound by all the rules.

Just before class, they are the lucky koi that the whole school and even the whole network envy.

After a while, a girl sobbed, "Hey, Rongshen, the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the School of Pharmacy have no grudges in the past, and they have no grudges in recent days. Why do you want to harm us!"

When Zhou Jinyuan and Rong Xixue arrived at the cafeteria, the news had already spread all over the school.

So no matter where Zhou Jinyuan went, people looked at him and Rong Xixue in fear. How could such a lovable person behave so horribly.

Those who chose "Selected Readings of Classic Medical Cases" are all stupid, but it is too difficult to get two credits.

Even those who were not selected felt the same after hearing this experience. In the nightmare of contemporary college students, there is not a teacher who can be checked every class and approved at the end of the semester

There is also Rong Xixue, when this class first started, everyone was still spreading the small video, and the nickname of the male god of Chinese medicine was Xiaoxue. Now they feel that it should be Xiaoxue, which is in line with his cooperation with Zhou Jinyuan's bloody behavior.

Today is not only the beginning of Zhou Jinyuan's new image, but also the beginning of Rong Xixue's reshaping in the hearts of teachers and students in the school.

Rong Xixue has never had a meal at school since her first year of freshman year. She always goes home immediately after school, and basically does not participate in any party activities. That is to say, he is called Gao Leng, and ordinary people would probably say that he is withdrawn...

It's just such a person, and his nickname is Xiaoxue. When he and Zhou Jinyuan were eating in the cafeteria, they almost scared the students at the next table to spit out their food.

It was cooking, soup, cleaning the table and moving the stools, and changing the vegetables, and the smiles were more than they had seen in this year, as if they were pierced by the soul.

— There are also hot posts on the campus forum, which is to prove whether Rong Xixue can laugh or not.

This post is now a town altar god post, and its direction is very magical. At the beginning, it was still gossip, which means that this male god is too high and cold to communicate, let alone smile at you.

Afterwards, it became more and more magical, and became a battle for academic masters, discussing whether it was because of the abnormal operation of the meridian qi on the face, and the incompatibility of qi and blood, which caused the expressionless face? Is it a syndrome of wind-cold invasion, phlegm and blood stasis blocking collaterals, or deficiency of Qi and blood? If you want to save Rongshen, should you use acupuncture, stone needles, external application of traditional Chinese medicine or massage

Zhou Jinyuan also noticed the looks from his surroundings. His school life was quite sloppy, and it could even be said that he hadn't experienced the life of an ordinary student much.

On the contrary, now that I am a teacher, I still have a sense of campus life, which is very interesting.

After eating, Zhou Jinyuan stood up first, and took advantage of his height to stroke Rong Xixue's head a few times.

Gasps sounded from all around: "Hiss—"

Rong Xixue slowly raised her head.

Zhou Jinyuan's hand was still resting on his head, seeing him slowly raise his eyes to look over, he immediately let it go, didn't take it back, thinking that he wouldn't contradict his brother because of the collapse of people here.

But the next moment, Rong Xixue tilted her head, raised her face expressionlessly, and rubbed her cheek against his palm.

Zhou Jinyuan: "...!"

[# Chow Kam-yuen is the magic word for you # Who built this super chat? Are the people from the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine crazy?]

[# Chow Kam-yuen is magic words # I just finished "Selected Readings of Classic Medical Cases" by Mr. Zhou Jinyuan. I have a lot to complain about, and I hope everyone can comment! As soon as the class started, he told us that the final assignment of this elective course was face-to-face approval, face-to-face approval! May I ask when did you hear that elective courses are still subject to face-to-face approval?]

[# Is Chow Kam-yuen magic? # I also bring a topic to make fun of, the face-to-face review is fine, the face-to-face review only accounts for 40% of the total score, and the remaining 40% is the classroom practice score, 100% The twentieth is the class attendance. That's right, you heard it right, classroom practice, although this course is called "Selected Readings of Classical Medical Cases", it will actually teach you various acupuncture techniques in practice, are you surprised or surprised? The remaining 20%, do you think you can relax? No, you are wrong, although the teacher said that only the first class roll call will be done in the whole semester, but this time, he has already memorized the names and faces of all the students! It is impossible to skip class, and it will be discovered at a glance. It’s impossible to sleep, so call your name immediately~]

[The Acupuncture Institute next door sent greetings, the appearance of your celebrations is still vivid in my memory. #Zhou Jinyuan is the devil#]

[# Chow Kam-yuen is the magic word for you # I heard it too hahahahaha I died laughing, how could it be so funny, so miserable but so funny hahaha]

[# Chow Kam-yuen is the Devil?] Zhou Jinyuan is the big devil, Rong Xixue is the little devil, that Rong Xixue from the School of Pharmacy! He is Zhou Jinyuan's teaching assistant, and that's the way he suggested to the teacher to score! Elective courses, as for us? ?]

[# Chow Kam-yuen is the magic word for you # Netizens from Yingzhou Province came to watch. Is Zhou Dashen so fierce in class? How about the content, is it classic enough?]

[# Is Chow Kam-yuen magic? # If you don’t tell me, I didn’t think about it. The medical cases currently used in this "Selected Reading of Classic Medical Cases" are all Zhou Jinyuan’s own [laugh cry] I’ll ask you if you’re convinced]

[# Is Chow Kam-yuen magic? # Take a look at the super talk of the Xiaoqinglong class, no matter what major you come from, as long as you choose the Xiaoqinglong elective class, you are a family]

[# Is Chow Kam-yuen magic? # Who would dare to take his class in the next semester? The number of people is not enough for this class to continue? ?]

[# Is Chow Kam-yuen magic? # However, this class is really good, so there are probably some top students who are not afraid of death who will choose it, and yesterday I heard people from the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine conceived, at worst, it could be drawn by lottery. Select a group of people to sacrifice their ego to take his class, and others to sit in safely]

[# Chow Kam-yuen is the magic word for you # Please remove the word "do", thank you.]

The author has something to say: Zhou Jinyuan: Campus life is so interesting^_^