Taoist Doctor

Chapter 72


The topic that the people from Haizhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine opened for Zhou Jinyuan soon attracted many netizens to watch. Originally, the news that he started a class there some time ago attracted many people's attention.

At the beginning, everyone followed these students and praised their principal for being too discerning, and they decided on Zhou Jinyuan before he became popular.

Now seeing the mourning everywhere, they couldn't help... couldn't help laughing out loud!

Let me ask, who doesn't like to see such a reversal

Netizens laughed with a touch of sympathy, and said that strict teachers will lead to high-level apprentices, and one day you will be as good as the suzerain, and the topic was filled with condolences from all sides.

At the same time, in the campus forum of Haizhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, everyone gradually paid attention to another topic, which was more inclined to the topic of Rong Xixue. After all, outsiders don't know who Rong Xixue is.

It is said that Zhou Jinyuan ate in the cafeteria on the day after class, and Rong Xixue who left the class seemed to be a different person, even! She even rubbed her face against Zhou Jinyuan's hand!

Because no evidence was photographed at the time, at least three days before the news broke, most people didn't believe it. They felt that there must be a limit to exaggeration.

You said that Rong Xixue's nickname is Xiaoxue, no problem, and there is a video to prove it, and this is Rongshen's nickname, which is a bit cute, but the family name is justified. It's okay to say that he smiled at the teacher in class, it's impossible for the facial meridian to be abnormal, what's wrong with smiling when he's with familiar people.

— But, you said that you laughed eight hundred times after eating a meal, sometimes gentle and sometimes provocative, and when you were petted, you rubbed each other's hands like a big dog. Isn't this too much? !

At most, the brothers Rong Shen and Mr. Zhou got a little closer. To put it bluntly, they might be discussing how to punish you in the next class.

After the rumors are outrageous to a certain extent, whoever believes them will only think that three people become tigers.

Until someone finally uploaded the picture, although it was a bit blurry, it is said that it was taken by the aunt who was cooking in the cafeteria by accident when taking a selfie.

For a moment, everyone felt that they could no longer look directly at Rong Xixue...

[Rongshen is the elder brother? ? I was so scared that I hiccupped!]

[This is actually true, you are such a god? ?]

[I declare that I am frightened and hurt my kidneys, and my liver is out of order! We strongly urge Zhou Rong to be responsible for this!]

In the early morning, Liang Yue said that when she woke up from her luxurious big bed in Haizhou, the first thing she did was to carefully touch her chest with both hands. Well, it seems to be getting smaller every day, and recently I don't need to tighten it too tightly.

After two courses of treatment, Liang Yue said that her muscles have grown and her muscle strength has also been greatly restored. Walking is still a little unstable, but in fact she no longer needs support, but someone will still come to support Liang Yue.

In addition, the chest has also shrunk significantly. I believe that at this rate, it can return to a flat chest.

Liang Yue said that she woke up in a good mood and was going to Xiaoqinglong for today's treatment.

Originally, he was actually a bit afraid of the cold. He wore a full suit in summer, not just to cover his body. Now, as the yin and yang gradually reconciled, this feeling disappeared, and he felt hot outside without air conditioning. People wear short sleeves and vests, which is the only inconvenience. Fortunately, he will not stay outside too much.

"Sir, Dr. Zhou sent a text message, saying that he hoped not to drive an extended vehicle to pass by today. It seems that their neighbors expressed that they occupied too much space..."

During breakfast, one of Liang Yuesheng's assistants stood aside and said cautiously.

Liang Yue said that the good mood she got up in the morning immediately faded a little, and her picturesque eyebrows and eyes were clouded. But there was no way to resist Zhou Jinyuan, so he poked the egg on the plate with a fork, "...Change. Fix the apron as soon as possible."

"Yes." The assistant hesitated for a moment, and then said with uncertainty, "Also, Dr. Zhou said that recently, during the November 1st holiday event, Xiao Qinglong has a full discount event..."

His words became softer and quieter, and finally disappeared into the air under Liang Yuesheng's cold eyes, and quickly said: "I'll go and prepare a car for you."

Liang Yue said that she took a deep breath and calmed down.

First, he was forced to accept a discount, and now he was forced to participate in the full discount, and he was not allowed to drive an extended car. Is this the torture that he must accept when his body recovers.

Liang Yue said that she changed to a relatively low-key car and drove to Xiaoqinglong Clinic. Zhou Jinyuan happened to be outside, and there were two student-like young people beside him, a man and a woman.

The man and the woman are naturally Qingfeng and Mingyue. They are no longer with Zhou Jinyuan, so they use the rest time to come to Xiaoqinglong to see Zhou Jinyuan.

"Teacher, I heard that your class at the University of Chinese Medicine is very popular recently. We want to go to it next week, but we are afraid that we won't be able to get in."

"Yes, it seems that there are a lot of outer disciples attending the class, right..."

Those who chose Zhou Jinyuan's class were called "Little Qinglong Class" because they were so miserable that they were surrounded by netizens, which led to even more people coming to watch the already lively class.

"It's okay, you will be with me when the time comes, and Xiaoxue will be my teaching assistant just now." Zhou Jinyuan said, seeing that they were going to gossip again, "Okay, I won't listen to the rumors—the teacher invited you to eat ice cream .”

It just so happened that Liang Yuecheng's car drove to the side of the road, and he got off.

When Zhou Jinyuan saw Liang Yue said, he waved to him, "Lord, it's just in time. I'm treating the students to ice cream. By the way, I'll treat you to one."

Liang Yue said: "..."

Neither Qingfeng nor Mingyue knew that Zhou Jinyuan had received this Mr. Liang. They were very impressed with Mr. Liang.

But the teacher didn't say anything just now. Didn't he just invite him to eat ice cream? Could it be that Mr. Liang's illness can't even eat ice cream

Zhou Jinyuan's words may sound nothing to others, but to Liang Yuecheng's ears, they are very different, and they are like adding fuel to the fire.

Liang Yue said that she couldn't bear it anymore, her face was frosty, and she was helped by others to come to the front. After a moment of stressful silence, she said word by word: "I, please, you."

His voice is extremely clear and pleasant, and his skin is even more beautiful, with a cold and alien noble air, and even a compelling sense of oppression. At this moment, there is a bit of hostility in his tone, and such aggressiveness makes him It looks more charming and more aura.

Both Qingfeng and Mingyue were stunned, and at the same time were puzzled:

Charming is really charming... But why do you use this indomitable momentum and tone to treat yourself

Is this something very combative?

"Huh? Since you strongly demand it, that's fine too." Zhou Jinyuan thought for a while, and felt that it's better to satisfy Liang Yuezhi's consumption desire appropriately, and don't let people be overwhelmed. Every time he comes here, he will either get a discount or wipe it off.

Naturally, shopping is at Boss Liu's supermarket next door.

Liang Yuecheng asked them to choose by themselves. Out of respect for Liang Yuecheng, all three chose the most expensive one.

Liang Yue said that she glanced at them, stretched out a long white finger, and nodded, "The three they want."

Then he signaled the people around him to scan the QR code to pay.

"Okay." Boss Liu, who had become numb to all kinds of beauties, local tyrants, and celebrities, was watching TV. He took a little distraction, opened the freezer and took three ice creams, and because he had a good relationship with Zhou Jinyuan, he took a new stick into the milk popsicles.

Boss Liu turned around and gave the three to Zhou Jinyuan and the others, and the remaining small milk popsicles to Liang Yuecheng, and said with a bold smile: "Buy the most expensive ones, Doctor Zhou, you can introduce me to business. Then I will send you a new one." Milk popsicles for you, little brother."

Liang Yue said: "..."

Liang Yue said to the assistant: "...pay."

"Oh, no, no, no, it's a gift, no money!" Boss Liu, who has never lost a fight to buy a bill, never failed to give a gift, put the popsicle in Liang Yuecheng's arms, and started to chase them away, "Doctor Zhou Hurry up, you guys go back quickly! Hurry up and eat before it melts!"

Liang Yue said: "..."

He turned his head to look at Zhou Jinyuan, suspecting that Zhou Jinyuan had instructed him to give him a gift?

Zhou Jinyuan was very innocent. He had already peeled off the package of ice cream, and boasted very carelessly: "Thank you, local tyrant, for treating us to ice cream. You are really rich."

Liang Yue said that today was also the day when Xiao Qinglong died of anger.

Zhou Jinyuan walked into the overcrowded classroom with his three teaching assistants. There were so many people inside and out that the school had specially called campus security to maintain order.

Because I found out that the medical case that Zhou Jinyuan was going to talk about today was about acupuncture and moxibustion, more people came from the School of Acupuncture, Moxibustion and Tuina.

The two new teaching assistants that Zhou Jinyuan brought didn't attract any attention from everyone. They all went to see Rong Xixue. This is, the newly released brother-controlled version of Rongshen.

Not to mention that I didn’t pay attention, but once I said it, it seemed that his eyes had hardly left Mr. Zhou, whether he was looking at the whiteboard or reading a book or Mr. Zhou, anyway, he had never seen us...

Hello, God Rong, do you remember that there are hundreds of living people in the audience

Some people told Zhou Jinyuan about Weibo topics that Zhou Jinyuan didn't know about the school forum, and he didn't even notice. Two new teaching assistants joined temporarily, they are my students in the hospital, Yang Ziming... Yang Ziming, Yang, Zi, Ming!"

"..." Zhou Jinyuan shouted, "Qingfeng?"

Qingfeng was shocked: "Here!"

He and Mingyue were concentrating on taking out the needles from the backpack, and he suddenly came back to his senses, and said in embarrassment, "You are calling me."

Yang Ziming is Qingfeng's real name, but Zhou Jinyuan kept calling him Qingfeng, and he was distracted again, so he didn't react when he heard Zhou Jinyuan's voice the first time!

Mingyue also had a blank expression on her face, and then suddenly realized, "I'm still saying, why is the name Yang Ziming so familiar?"

Zhou Jinyuan: "..."

"Hahahahahahaha!!" The students in the audience roared with laughter.

Many of the people who came to Zhou Jinyuan's class knew about him on the Internet, or were popularized by classmates. The rumors about him in the Third Academy, as well as the things about the two children around him, were also known to many people.

During the formal introduction in class, Zhou Jinyuan called Qingfeng by his real name. Who knew that Qingfeng himself didn't answer... What level is this? After cultivating immortals, are you still cut off from the world

"You." Zhou Jinyuan nodded at him, quite helplessly, "Forget it, I'll just introduce them to Qingfeng and Mingyue. It seems that you all know it."

"Hahahaha!" The students laughed again, and some called senior brothers and sisters.

"Quiet, class will start next, student Su Jing put away the snacks, student Yang Yikang don't lie on your stomach, um, why didn't Zou Yuan come? Do you know him?" Zhou Jinyuan glanced at the audience and asked.

The originally joyful atmosphere froze a bit, and the auditors who came here for the first time were secretly amazed.

Oh my god, it's really like a rumor that has memorized everyone at a glance. And just glanced at it just now, anyone who didn't come would know.

... This is really the type of teacher that would appear in a nightmare.

A student in the audience said weakly: "Zou Yuan is rushing over, so he will be here a little later."

"Okay, more than five minutes is considered late, and more than half a class is considered absent." Zhou Jinyuan nodded, indicating that he understood, and did not do anything else, but clicked on his own courseware.

— There is no need for other actions, such as marking on the roster. All the students in the audience were aware of it. With this memory, they would probably just draw a line in their hearts, and the results at the end of the semester would be clear.

"In this class, let's talk about two medical cases related to chronomedicine, both of which I encountered in Haizhou Third Hospital. The first one is the treatment of post-stroke sleep paralysis with Meridian Liuzhu acupuncture." Zhou Jinyuan Clearing his throat, he began to speak.

Wu Chenyu, an early patient whom Zhou Jinyuan met in the third hospital, suffered from severe insomnia, and he also used the Meridian Meridian Liuzhu acupuncture method to treat him.

Based on the theory of the correspondence between man and nature, combined with yin and yang and five elements, celestial stems and earthly branches, acupoint selection is calculated according to time to find the best treatment time and acupoints. Undoubtedly, this classical acupuncture method of opening acupuncture points on time is very suitable for adjusting the biological clock of the human body.

Zhou Jinyuan introduced the wide clinical application of this meridian flow injection, not only to treat sleep disorders, but also to obtain the best treatment time for many diseases and improve the curative effect according to this acupoint selection method.

Zhou Jinyuan: "Ziwuliuzhu needling method is complex in calculation, and the opening and selection of acupoints are changeable. I usually use a compass to deduce. Considering everyone's computing power, I asked your teaching assistant to make a new acupoint selection formula, which is more accurate than the old chart. Accurate and simple, without ancient stems and branches, you can directly use the year, month, and hour of the Gregorian calendar, which is more convenient—if you are interested in traditional calculus, you can also contact me in private. Next, the teaching assistant will explain the formula to you first."

Rong Xixue came up to the stage in response, and only now did he give his attention to the people in the audience.

classmates:"… "

The pressure is high, and the math class suddenly starts!

"Now let's go back to the medical record. The clinical application of Ziwu Liuzhu should not just select acupoints according to the formula. It must be flexibly used according to the symptoms of the disease, and the acupoints can be added or subtracted according to the syndrome. If the pool is blocked by wind, phlegm and blood stasis, you can add Fengchi, Hegu, etc."

Zhou Jinyuan explained the acupoints, and then released the second medical case, "In addition to acupuncture, you can also start with time when taking medicine. For example, in this case, the patient had a severe headache when he was cloudy. I adjusted the time of taking the medicine according to the syndrome and achieved good results. .”

After stuffing a lot of knowledge to the students like this, they entered the much-anticipated practical session.

Ziwu Liuzhu needling method is not just acupoint selection. In fact, there are certain requirements for the method. Some people may need to get Qi after needling.

However, based on his own experience, Zhou Jinyuan believes that on the basis of gaining qi, he needs to replenish the vent, so that the curative effect will be the best.

"Here you can use the heat-reinforcing method. Burning mountains and fires is still difficult for you to master. The heat-reinforcing method is simpler and easier to implement, but the effect is also good. If you practice well, you may also feel heat." Zhou Jinyuan taught with Qingfeng and Mingyue , suggesting that everyone practice in pairs, and if you don’t want to form a team with others, then it’s the same to stick on yourself.

"There is no shortcut to acupuncture, just practice more to strengthen the basic skills. I suggest that you practice diligently in your spare time, practice finger strength, wrist strength, arm strength, and practice various acupuncture methods."

"Teacher, how do you usually practice acupuncture?" someone asked.

"It's the same as you. I said that there is no shortcut to this. You can only practice the basic skills repeatedly to find the hand feeling. When you can also practice, acupuncture an apple floating on the water surface, after the needle is inserted, the apple does not move at all, then it is a small improvement. It's done." Zhou Jinyuan said.

"Oh my god..." The freshmen who came to observe were especially frightened. Is this just a small achievement

Zhou Jinyuan talked about his own experience: "Practicing on the human body is even more important. Punch yourself, your classmates, and your friends. I also came here this way, pricking your teaching assistants and the teaching assistant's brother."

"Hey, Rongshen still has a brother?"

There is student A whispering gossip below: "If you don't observe carefully, you won't know. Once you observe, you will be shocked. Not only the teaching assistant has been watching the teacher, but the teacher has been cueing the teaching assistant crazy every class since the beginning of the class."

It's the Meridian Liuzhu formula, and it's practiced. No wonder Brother Rong controls it. This must be worshiped since childhood.

Student B in her group cupped her face and said, "Ah, it's hard to say whether it's the teaching assistant who only looks at the teacher and doesn't look at the classmates, or the teacher who likes to mention the teaching assistant to the students but basically doesn't look at the teaching assistant and wants to cover it up..."

Student A slowly turned his head and said in shock: "I'll go, you eat all the orthopedics?"

Student B plausibly said: "They did it first! They rubbed their faces first!"

Student A: "..."

At this time, Zhou Jinyuan on the stage said: "Yes, his brother is also a doctor in our Xiaoqinglong Clinic, specializing in orthopedics."

Student A: "... ...??"

Student B: "Pfft!"

Some students also took the opportunity to ask for confirmation: "Teacher, so you and the teaching assistant are cousins?"

"Oh, no, actually we just grew up together." Zhou Jinyuan explained casually, and before he could finish, the students inside and outside the classroom let out a loud "Oh~~~".

Zhou Jinyuan: "..."

He quickly glanced at Rong Xixue, Rong Xixue didn't look at the students, but turned towards him, caught his gaze, and smiled slightly at him.

"... Cough, is there any question?" Zhou Jinyuan subconsciously looked back, and changed his standing center of gravity a few times.

"Teacher, please give me some confidence! When you masters just practice acupuncture, will you also pierce people and bleed? I always pierce blood vessels, and the blood is soaring!"

"Of course I will!" Zhou Jinyuan immediately said, "Because I was young at that time, too lively and courageous, I liked to study toxic Chinese medicine, and I was very fierce with acupuncture. I often spurted blood when I practiced in the early days, but you don't want to learn this."

He took a glance and found that Rong Xixue was still looking at her, with a faint smile.

"real or fake… "

"Impossible, shouldn't the boss learn it immediately?"

"Really, I asked your teaching assistant if his favorite Doraemon jacket was stained with blood! I was so angry that I cried!" Zhou Jinyuan hurriedly confirmed.

Wu Yangyang's classmate: "Oh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha?!"

Teaching Assistant: "..."

The author has something to say: Zhou Jinyuan: If you flirt with me, I will flirt with your dark history