Taoist Doctor

Chapter 74


Zhou Jinyuan kindly reminded them, but the students who were watching laughed and didn't care. After all, they had never heard of the legend of fairy chickens and fairy ducks.

"They eat theirs!"

"Teacher, it's not enough, it's a pity that I can't eat it, but it's only two hours before lunch time, so I won't be particularly greedy."

"Oh, I understand, there are so many people. Of course, only those who have chosen courses can eat, but avoid them? No need."

There are a hundred people who choose the courses, and there are no special circumstances for the students in Zhou Jinyuan's courses, all of them arrive. There were more auditors, and they were still standing outside the door. Today, Zhou Jinyuan realized with conscience that he would give everyone a diet therapy class and make medicinal food, but thinking about it, it is impossible for everyone to eat it.

The students who chose the course had to bear so much, and the whole network sympathized with them, so it was time for them to take advantage of it. This was unanimously agreed by the auditors.

Seeing this, Zhou Jinyuan couldn't persuade him, "That's fine."

He stopped trying to persuade him, but someone muttered below:

"How do I remember that someone posted in the circle of friends, saying that the homemade Kong Sheng Pillow Pill made by Xiaoqinglong Clinic tastes very bad..."

"That's right, isn't that popular in various schools now? My local roommate bought it for his sister at home, and rolled his eyes when he ate it."

"That big ball...wasn't it Mr. Zhou who rubbed it with his hands! Wow, I knew it was the little dragons who were miserable!"

Everyone is studying medicine. Although I have never eaten this big ball, but after knowing the ingredients, I can imagine how unpalatable it is. It is not a delicious medicinal material.

Although Kong Sheng Pillow Pill is a medicine and not a medicinal diet, but it has such a great reputation, just like everyone in Xiaoqinglong Clinic back then, it is easy for the students to make up something on their own.

Everyone seemed to see through the truth, and whispered to each other strangely. For a moment, there was an undercurrent in the classroom, and the disciples of Xiao Qinglong's class all showed fear in their eyes.

I thought the teacher's conscience had discovered it, but I didn't expect...

Of course, some people immediately thought of something else, "Hey, I don't know if the teacher forced Rongshen to eat meatballs back then, and I want to hear the teacher talk about the past."

"What are you talking about? The more you talk, the more energetic you are. Why don't you come up and talk about it?" Zhou Jinyuan hadn't studied it before, but this teacher-style cliché came out naturally.

He looked at the twittering in the audience and didn't know what to say, so he casually nodded to the next few auditors who were talking enthusiastically, "You guys, stand up to the front and listen to the class! Help me later!"

"No, teacher, I'm still punished to stand when I'm an adult..." The auditor stood up bitterly and begged for mercy.

"How old are you and you still talk in class, what did you just say?" Zhou Jinyuan said.

The auditor immediately shut up, he was arranging the teacher's cooking just now... He walked to the front and stood there. Speaking of which, he was about the same age as the teacher, so he was trained to be obedient.

"Then let's look at it next—who can tell me how to differentiate the syndrome based on the patient's diagnosis results?" Zhou Jinyuan asked.

There are still many bullies in Xiao Qinglong's class, and someone immediately raised their hands and replied, "Lung and spleen deficiency!"

"Correct. Then let's talk about food, invigorating the spleen, nourishing qi and nourishing the lungs, you can use ginseng soup, schisandra soup, etc., according to different emphases, you can also make other medicinal diets. What I want to demonstrate today is pomelo chicken soup." Zhou Jinyuan said.

Immediately, some people moaned in the audience. This University of Chinese Medicine also has courses like "Medicinal Diet", or there are people who like to study food. They know that the grapefruit chicken soup tastes bitter and astringent!

Sure enough, the devil is still the devil...

"In addition, I also prepared some glutinous rice. This beef lung glutinous rice with ginger juice can also nourish the lung deficiency." The sweet and warm beef can nourish Qi and strengthen the spleen. Dispels phlegm and appetizers. In everyone's mind, this dish is much more normal than grapefruit chicken soup.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Jinyuan didn't know that the students were complaining that he might have to cook a dark medicinal meal, so he ordered the auditor who was punished to stand to peel the grapefruit, "Peel the grapefruit flesh clean, otherwise it will be very bitter."

The auditor secretly slandered, no matter how clean the strips were, there would still be a little bit of them. The white pulp, inner skin and seeds of pomelo are all bitter.

More importantly, even if you peel it clean, the pomelo meat will be bitter after cooking...

"The skin is also washed, and the outer skin is planed. Later, I will make grapefruit peel candy." Zhou Jinyuan instructed the students to finish processing the ingredients.

The beef lungs are cleaned, cut into pieces and then blanched to remove the blood. Add some glutinous rice and simmer over low heat. Ginger juice is added together with the seasoning when it is almost cooked.

Considering the large number of students, Zhou Jinyuan cooked quite a lot. If so, it is estimated that there will be only a few mouthfuls per person.

The raw material of Yuzu Chicken Soup is the pullet hen that Zhou Jinyuan asked Shao Jingjing to buy. In order not to be too oily, a lot of the skin was removed, and a proper amount of cooking wine was smeared on it. Wash the pomelo meat, sliced ginger, green onions, candied dates, etc., and stuff them into the chicken belly. Add some water and steam.

Zhou Jinyuan took advantage of this time to talk about diet therapy in detail, and it was a classic long paragraph of endorsement. "Synopsis of the Golden Chamber" and other classics all mention the role of nutrition and diet therapy. Many medicines are both medicine and food. Paying attention to diet regulation can also prevent diseases... "

He also ordered a few classmates to discuss food from their physique, and what kind of food should be eaten for their physique. Even if you eat, you should pay attention to the selection of ingredients after differentiation.

"Teacher, what do you usually cook for the teaching assistant? Do you often ask him to eat at your house?" Student A raised his hand and asked.

Zhou Jinyuan stared at Student A.

Student A was able to smile at the beginning, and even glanced at it, and found that the teaching assistant looked down at his book as if he didn't notice what was going on here, screaming inwardly to cover up.

However, being watched, she fidgeted, "uh..."

At this time, Zhou Jinyuan said slowly: "You are so curious, then you stand up, give your assistant teacher a pulse, and tell me what kind of physique he is and what he is suitable for."

Student A: "..."

Zhou Jinyuan: "Come on, I'll tell you what you say."

"..." Student A said sadly, "Teacher! I'm a foreign language major!"

This time it was Zhou Jinyuan's turn to be speechless: "...? You are from the School of Humanities and Management? Then what are you doing in my class!"

Student A: "Sense, interest..."

If it wasn't for Amway, I became interested in your CP for a while, and I wouldn't come to "Selected Readings of Classic Medical Cases"! It's two class hours in one sitting, and I can't understand it at all!

Zhou Jinyuan almost suspected that the student had deceived herself for not answering the question, until someone testified for her.

"Okay, since you're interested, use your professional language to translate this PPT page. If the translation is good, I'll answer." Zhou Jinyuan still didn't let the student go.

Student A: "... OK, OK!"

Fight hard, in order to get CP, fight hard!

Fortunately, she usually has good grades, and she really knows some professional translation vocabulary of Chinese medicine, so she successfully translated that page of PPT.

"It's okay." It is reasonable for Zhou Jinyuan to answer her previous question at this time, but after thinking about those two questions, he suddenly felt a little unnatural, and subconsciously felt that something was wrong. He tapped the podium with his fingers, hesitating what to do wording.

On the other hand, Rong Xixue, who had been staring at the book, suddenly raised her head at this moment, and answered for Zhou Jinyuan: "Never. At home, I always cook for Teacher Zhou, and he only cares about eating."

Zhou Jinyuan quickly glared at Rong Xixue.

The audience was in an uproar.

No, this amount of information is a bit large!

What do you mean at home, do you two live together? Also, you are usually very cold and go home immediately after school every day. Is it because you are rushing to cook? How many little secrets do you have, Rong God? !

Also, so to speak, Mr. Zhou really doesn't have much cooking experience. In that case, that pot of chicken soup and glutinous rice... tsk...

From Zhou Jinyuan's angle, he had to turn his head to see Rong Xixue. Not only did he not turn his head, but he also turned his head to the other side, making a gesture to look at the screen, "Cough... so you know how happy you are?"

Yes, yes, you didn't cook anything for the teaching assistant, you cooked for everyone. The students suddenly felt that it was inappropriate to dislike the teacher's dishes before.

In fact, many students still want to continue to ask questions about Rong Xixue's answer, but the question seems to be tested, so there is only a hesitation, and it is during this hesitation that some unusual smells have already emanated—

It is the fragrance of pomelo chicken soup, and the sweetness of glutinous rice...

I don’t know if the taste is bitter or not, but this yuzu chicken soup smells very fragrant, and it is not greasy or greasy. It is not rich, but it is very attractive.

Especially this autumn tiger has not yet left, and the appetite is somewhat affected by the weather. This fragrant but not greasy taste makes people's index fingers twitch, and it is a challenge to people's willpower.

At first, only the observers who were punished to stand could smell it, but then the front row, the back row, and outside the door all smelled it!

It's unscientific. Isn't it true that Mr. Zhou doesn't cook, but also likes to make dark balls? Is this incomplete color and fragrance


It was only halfway through the afternoon, and someone's stomach was already ringing.

Zhou Jinyuan still had to go over, lift the lid, and pour ginger juice into the glutinous rice. The sweet taste suddenly became more intense. It was the unique sweetness of glutinous rice. It was special because of the addition of beef lung and ginger juice. Fascinating.

Now that Zhou Jinyuan said anything, almost no one could listen to him, and he began to stare at the two pots of food that were about to be cooked.

The students who were punished to stand unconsciously put their hands on their legs and bent over to sniff closer. Standing next to the food, he was undoubtedly the most tempted, swallowing wildly.

And his classmates have already started calling him: "Lao Zhang, stay away from my meal!"

"Hey, Lao Zhang didn't take classes at all, don't smell it, it's useless."

The student who was punished to stand suddenly woke up, and turned to look at Zhou Jinyuan, "Teacher... Actually, my... lungs are not very good, cough cough..."

Zhou Jinyuan gave him a funny look, "Well, then you can eat some grapefruit peel later."

student:"… "

Zhou Jinyuan opened the lid and looked at the chicken soup again, taking advantage of this opportunity, a lot of heat and aroma escaped together. It has been stewed for a class, and it is completely delicious.

It can be seen that the crispy chicken is soaked in the light yellow and delicious soup. On the top is a half-cut chicken leg, with meat hanging from the joints, which is mouth-watering.

Zhou Jinyuan took a sniff, and following his movements, he heard the sound of breathing in and out of the classroom.


The auditor outside the door leaned on the door frame and shouted out in a voice that was not without bitterness, but also full of desire.

This is also chicken, but it is quite different from the steamed chicken that Zhou Jinyuan made for Elena in Xiaoqinglong, it is clearer and more fragrant, but for Shao Jingjing, it is also a fairy chicken!

"I reminded you before, avoid it." Zhou Jinyuan shook his head, "Why don't we all go to the playground to calm down now?"

"Don't go, don't go!" Those in the classroom refused to go out, and those outside the classroom didn't want to stay away, they were already fascinated by the fairy chicken.

Now there are only two words in my mind, annoyed.

—Why couldn't the hand speed be better at that time, and I was selected for the Xiaoqinglong class. The audit students don't have to hand in their homework, but you don't have a share of the food!

The classroom is already overcrowded. In order to smell clearly, the students outside the classroom tried their best to probe inside, poking the probes of the students in front of them, wishing to crawl in.

"The glutinous rice is ready to eat. Let the chicken soup simmer for another ten minutes and add some salt." Zhou Jinyuan put the salt in at the end, sprinkled the salt, covered it and continued to steam the chicken.

Glutinous rice is scooped into disposable bowls. Zhou Jinyuan called his names one by one, and those whose names were called rushed up to take away his bowl.

It was at this very moment that the auditor's jealousy reached its peak...

I could only watch helplessly as the people in the Xiaoqinglong class took a sip, took a bite of the shiny, moist, soft, glutinous and sweet glutinous rice, the sticky texture was just right, and it was especially layered, every grain of glutinous rice was full of flavor.

The ginger juice is poured in at the end, and the portion is moderate, so there are more faint flavors, but it makes the taste more delicious and appetizing. The beef lung has been processed somehow, it has no fishy smell, and the taste is smooth, tender and crisp.

It's a pity that one person only eats a few mouthfuls, but it's better to eat a few mouthfuls than to just watch.

"The head of the dormitory, you have to share with me!" There were many people who came together, but only one of them chose to attend the class, which became a touchstone of friendship, "Do you remember the night we stayed up together that year?"

"Is it still my good friend? Did I teach you to climb over the wall to find food?"

Zhou Jinyuan started cooking his chicken soup, and everyone had glutinous rice. This chicken is definitely not enough to feed a hundred people, so he came up with an idea to divide the chicken into fifteen portions and add a little soup.

"Students with excellent answers in the previous classes will each have a portion of meat. They can also share ten portions of soup. I will ask a few questions, and the answers are first come, first served."

A few words will cause more people to regret it, why not be more active in the first few classes!

Also aimed at the next question, um, first served, first served—

The worst thing was the observer student who was punished to stand. He was the closest to the pot and bowl, and he couldn't eat. He could only watch Zhou Jinyuan share the food. At this moment, he was dying and asked, "Teacher, do we still have a chance? If we answer the question too?" Give it a chance, auditors are human too!!”

"I'm sorry, you didn't take my class after all." Zhou Jinyuan's words made them burst into tears.

After the fifteen lucky students got the chicken, they stood in front of it and ate it. Also said that pomelo chicken soup is bitter? Not bitter or astringent at all!

The fragrance is attractive, delicious and not greasy. I don’t know if it’s its effect. Bupleurum physique, so I have the physique of pomelo chicken soup!"

The auditor straightly picked the table, staying to see it was torture, and was reluctant to go out, causing his expression to twist and stare at him with green eyes.

"Then please listen to the question..."

"Teacher Zhou, what are you doing here?" Someone tried to squeeze into the classroom with difficulty, but those auditors who couldn't ask for it, blocked each other in front of them, refusing to give in.

When his shoes were almost squeezed out and fell in, everyone realized that the guy who squeezed into it was Principal Luo.

"I smelled it all the way. Just now when I came down from upstairs, the students above also smelled it, and they were still complaining about whether the soup was cooking in the cafeteria. It smells so fragrant." Principal Luo said with a smile, "So it's you ah."

"Yes, make some medicinal food for the students." Zhou Jinyuan said, "Principal Luo, would you like a bowl..."

Before he finished greeting, the students made all kinds of strange voices anxiously, "Puff—No—"

Especially the auditors, said angrily: "Principal Luo didn't choose a class either!!"

"..." Headmaster Luo was taken aback and took two steps back, "I won't eat, don't get excited!"

He swallowed, the fragrance was very fragrant, but the students with green eyes were also scary, he had better go to the cafeteria.

At this moment, everyone still doesn't know that at the same time, there is already a picture circulating in Moments:

[What's the situation, a large wave of zombies appeared in Deye Building? ? will whine]

The picture shows outside the lecture hall, a group of auditors piled on top of each other, squeezing into it with their teeth and claws open, their heads raised, their eyes green, and their mouths wide open. They really looked like zombies...

[? ? Surprised by Zombies Surrounded by Traditional Chinese Medicine]

[Scary, what are they doing, can you pay attention to expression management 233333]

[... Isn't this the classroom where the Little Azure Dragon Class starts?]

After eating the meat and drinking the soup, Zhou Jinyuan began to teach everyone the detailed steps, including how to make the pomelo chicken soup fragrant but not bitter, and how much ginger juice added to the glutinous rice is appetizing and delicious.

Seeing that the Xiaoqinglong class has turned into a new X Fang culinary training class, Zhou Jinyuan said: "I think this class is quite interesting, and I will add it to my teaching plan in the future."

Everyone: "..."

So in the future, the abuse of auditors will become a fixed process

This also led to the fact that after the fairy chicken became widely known, those students who went out of the Qinglong class from the small Qinglong class would have an 80% chance of being asked a question if they mentioned that they had attended Zhou Jinyuan's class, not "Do you know some kind of classical?" Acupuncture?" It's not "Can you draw symbols", but:

"Can you make fairy chicken?"

"Teacher, you think it's interesting, have you ever thought about our feelings? Learn to cook while hungry."

"Hahaha, there's nothing you can do about it. You can't do so much. Go back and experiment a few times, and you'll get a similar taste." Zhou Jinyuan was about to finish class, "That's all for today, the remaining grapefruit peel It takes a long time to soak to make candy, and you can’t eat it in class.”

"I have to take it home and make it." Zhou Jinyuan glanced at the grapefruit peel, then turned to Rong Xixue, and asked, "...do you eat candy?"

Rong Xixue was packing her things and looked at him. Zhou Jinyuan asked this because Rong Xixue liked to eat it when she was a child, but she hasn't eaten it for a long time now. But Zhou Jinyuan said in class that he was a little suspected of continuing to ruin Rong Xixue's image.

The two made eye contact as if no one else was around.

Before Rong Xixue could say anything, there were already a group of students pounding the table and saying, "Eat! Ah, I'm so sweet!"

Yes, teachers and teaching assistants are very sweet!

Zhou Jinyuan was startled: "??"

Was it driven crazy by him, eating hairy, the sugar is not ready yet.

The author has something to say: Zombie: I'm hungry! ! ! !