Taoist Doctor

Chapter 75


# Chow Kam-yuen is the magic word # Xiaoqinglong’s cooking class has started, let’s show off the pomelo chicken soup you made~ I added some more ingredients on the basis of the teacher’s recipe, which is more suitable for my own taste.

# Chow Kam-yuen is magic? # If you want to do CP, come to Xiaoqinglong class, it’s super sweet!

# Chow Kam Yuen is magic #? ? ? What's going on, the topic is full of strange creatures, it's alright, I know you are genuine dragons, it's amazing, please open a topic of #周锦远是天使呀 and talk about it yourself, here is reserved for rewarding the devil's behavior.

# Chow Kam-yuen is magic words # This zombie wants to open the mic, it’s really miserable, I’m in the "Chinese Medicine Zombie Tide", my expression is distorted. I was so greedy that I cried in get out of class. After class, I found myself swiping the screen in Moments. Even the counselor posted the picture. I... ... ...

# Chow Kam-yuen is magic words # Same, that day after class, all of us zombies rushed to the second cafeteria, and there were five minutes before the meal, we stood there waiting, the aunt in the cafeteria was scared to death by us.

# Chow Kam-yuen is magic words # Anyway, I regret it now, I made up my mind to sit in from the beginning, because there were other classes I really wanted to choose, and I helped my classmates to grab the class when I was free. I'm really cheap, I don't choose courses by myself with this hand speed.

# Chow Kam-yuen is magic words # Am I the only one who cares about the remaining grapefruit peel candies? I declare that if Rong Xixue steals grapefruit peel candy, they will both be devils.

# Chow Kam-yuen is the Devil? # I am the worst, okay? ? I’m just an innocent marketing dog. I was forced by my friends to sell Amway to watch the scene. I said some nonsense like “Come to listen to a Live and you’ll fall in love with this CP”. If you go there, you will be critized, hello, you guys eat chicken and I eat farts

# Chow Kam-yuen is magic words # Slot, I will die laughing, the one who leads people to listen to the optional medical case reading course is the most coquettish 23333333

Zhu Qing is a student of Haizhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine's combined undergraduate and master's degree in Chinese medicine. He is a junior this year. Although there is no one in his family who is engaged in the Chinese medicine industry, or he has nothing to do with the entire pharmaceutical industry.

However, his family is very supportive of his choice, which probably has something to do with the fact that they often choose Chinese medicine for treatment.

Since his first year in college, every year when he returns home for the holidays, Zhu Qing will feel the pulse and give needles to his relatives.

As the middle-aged and elderly people at home become more proficient in using mobile phones, their requirements and questions become strange from time to time, so Zhu Qing has to take on the responsibility of popularizing science.

Like today, Zhu Qing made an appointment with his classmates to go to Xianglu Mountain for fun, and take some photos of Hanfu. He saw in Xianglu, where there are ancient buildings, and he himself was wearing a dark blue gown.

As a result, he ran into his aunt and uncle on the way there. He wanted to say hello and leave, but they caught him in the same sightseeing car. It's okay to travel with him, but my uncle has been asking him to see the Feng Shui of his new home.

"Uncle, I really don't know how to read Feng Shui! I'm studying Chinese medicine!" Zhu Qing said speechlessly, and sent text messages to other students, telling them to come later and meet relatives, "Wait, wait There will be a Taoist temple up there, and there will be a specialization in the art industry, so you can ask the Taoist priest to show you."

"You're dressed like a Taoist priest!" Uncle said puzzledly, "And yesterday I went to a Chinese medicine clinic, and the doctor told my fortune, and he said he knew everything about this business."

Zhu Qing: "...that was a thing in the past, and most of them really understood it before. Also, the one I wear is a long gown, which can only be said to be worn by priests, but there are still some differences!"

They don't care so much, "But you usually talk about yin and yang and five elements. You said that medicine has the same origin, and the internal organs are metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. The other day, your uncle and I saw an article in the circle of friends, Say who..."

The aunt was obviously on the side of her husband, recalling: "Sun Simiao, do you recognize him?"

Zhu Qing: "... I know."

My aunt began to talk: "Really! Sun Simiao said that good doctors can read Feng Shui. Aren't your test scores very good? Can you use what you have learned?"

There are so many slots, Zhu Qing looked up to the sky and sighed, "Auntie, the same origin is the same origin, we really don't know how to read it now, unless we are interested in understanding it. Also, I suspect that this is not Sun Simiao's original words."

"It's almost the same meaning. Oh, forget it, you don't know how to do it. Didn't you learn it in junior year?" Auntie said regretfully, "Why aren't you interested in learning about it?"

Zhu Qing laughed and said: "Okay, then I'll go and see next time if there is an elective course for "Book of Changes."

He laughed twice but didn't dare to laugh anymore, he was panting too much from crawling, and he was afraid of getting out of breath. When the sightseeing car reached the top of the mountain, he still had to walk a flight of stairs to reach Xianglu Temple. He had not exercised all year round, so it was hard to avoid.

They are climbing up, and the people on the right are going down. Suddenly someone called Zhu Qing: "Student Zhu Qing?"

Zhu Qing was so exhausted that he bent over and climbed the mountain like a dead dog.

Hearing the sound, he raised his head, and saw a young man in Taoist robes, his sleeves fluttering in the mountain wind, his aura was so dusty, he almost didn't recognize him at first glance. Everyone wore similar styles, Zhu Qing only felt that he was being made a pig's head and a pig's face.

And he took a closer look, and quickly stood up straight, recognizing that the person in front of him was Zhou Jinyuan, the teacher of his elective course, "Hello, Teacher Zhou!"

As soon as he said it, he knew that he was wrong, so fuck it.

Sure enough, both aunt and uncle squinted at him: Not only do you dress so much like a Taoist priest, but you have also taken lessons from a Taoist priest, and you said you didn’t understand

"..." Zhu Qing was also crazy and speechless. Although he knew that Teacher Zhou was a Taoist doctor, it was still shocking to see him appearing on the mountain in a Taoist robe, not to mention that the teacher unconsciously tricked him.

Looking at it again, Teacher Zhou is still following the teaching assistant, that one level younger than him but very perverted teaching assistant, the two of them are really inseparable from Mengmeng, "Cough, let's teach assistant."

Rong Xixue nodded.

"Haha, what a coincidence, you can relax a little outside of school, you are dressed very retro today." Zhou Jinyuan said cheerfully.

"Yes, yes..." Zhu Qing was ashamed, how could it be easy to meet you, he introduced to his family: "This is Mr. Zhou from our school, and I have taken his "Selected Readings of Classic Medical Cases"."

He also wanted to emphasize that I didn't learn Feng Shui from my teacher. Our course is called "Selected Readings of Classical Medical Cases", okay

But you can tell by looking at the eyes of his family members. I guess he is sure now that he has learned his skills to be lazy and not show it to his family members...

"Teacher, you really know how to take care of yourself!" Zhu Qing's uncle greeted Zhou Jinyuan in surprise, and sincerely praised, "You look so young!"

Zhu Qing's aunt's eyes were even brighter, "So I said that people who study Chinese medicine know how to take care of themselves. Teacher, don't tell me, let me guess how old you are, thirty?"

Zhou Jinyuan: "..."

Zhou Jinyuan: "Well, I..."

"Isn't it right?" Uncle was also shocked, "Isn't it thirty-five? It doesn't look like it, it really doesn't look like it."

Zhu Qing almost didn't laugh out loud. Mr. Zhou and him are the same age. He went to school relatively late. Strictly speaking, Mr. Zhou was probably only two months younger, so he deliberately said, "It's still not right, you can guess again."

Uncle felt that he knew a little bit about it. Haizhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine has only recruited doctoral students for the past few years, and they are at least in their early thirties after graduation. It was logical for them to guess thirty or thirty-five, but Zhu Qing actually looked very wrong. Uncle was shocked, and after a while he tried to say: "...Brother Zhou?"

Uncle thought, thirty-five is not right, so he has to go to forty, this is simply childish, and he himself is only in his forties, so it is normal for brothers to match each other.

"... Ouch." Zhou Jinyuan almost fell down the stairs, but fortunately Rong Xixue helped him up, "Uncle, I'm twenty-four years old!"

Zhu Qing immediately reported: "Mr. Zhou, you are two years old!"

Zhou Jinyuan: "..."

Aunt Zhu and Uncle almost fell down the stairs together, what's going on, it turned out that it wasn't an underestimation, but an overestimation!

Preconceived ideas, of course they think that to be a university teacher, you have to be of a certain age, besides, the University of Chinese Medicine is not without old Chinese doctors with dark hair at a young age, white hair and youthful face, well-maintained, and people who know how to keep healthy.

"Misunderstood, Mr. Zhou was really young and promising!" Uncle blushed, and just shouted wrongly. He was obviously about the same age as his nephew and son. "This is a jump of many grades."

Aunt Zhu couldn't hide her disappointment, and touched her face, "I also want to ask, how do you take care of your skin, why are all the masks useless to me?"

Zhou Jinyuan glanced at her, "What do you mean by face dust? Face dust is related to viscera. Before applying a mask, you still need to adjust your body."

Zhu Qing whispered to her aunt about science: "Face dust is melasma."

Aunt Zhu started to develop chloasma recently, and she never thought that Chinese medicine can treat it, otherwise she would have asked Zhu Qing to show her, and immediately said: "Ms. Zhou, how can I adjust it? What medicine can I take? Tell me, I will let Xiaoqing decoct the medicine for me."

"It depends on the pulse to know the specific cause. In fact, it's better to add acupuncture. I once gave my mother acupuncture, and the spots basically disappeared." Zhou Jinyuan simply turned around. He was almost at Xiangluguan, and he just came out. "Since you are Zhu Qing's parent, why don't you sit on the top and let me feel your pulse."

When the parents of his students still have this benefit

Although Aunt Zhu didn't know Zhou Jinyuan, since she was already a teacher at the University of Chinese Medicine, it wasn't easy to get ahead. She immediately forgot the fatigue of climbing the mountain, and jumped up, "Okay, okay, come on!"

"Zhu Qing, come here." Zhou Jinyuan smiled kindly at Zhu Qing, "I'll test you on your aunt's case..."

Zhu Qing: "..."

Uncle was overjoyed when he heard the words, and patted Zhu Qing, "Xiaoqing, don't follow closely, and help the teacher! The teacher is teaching me!"

Zhu Qing shrank his neck and stepped forward to support Zhou Jinyuan's elbow, just like a little eunuch, answering while supporting him while walking.

The little Taoist priest from Xianglu Temple went down the mountain and saw Zhou Jinyuan who had left to be helped, and asked in a daze, "Did the uncle fall?"

Zhou Jinyuan: "..."

Zhou Jinyuan: "... fuck you."

But after walking a few steps, Zhou Jinyuan could tell that Zhu Qing had been exhausted for a long time, and the hands holding his sleeves became heavier and heavier, and finally they all ended up holding him.

"Your physical strength is not enough. To be a doctor, you must have good physical strength. After sitting in the outpatient clinic for a day, you have to fight when you catch up with the doctor." Zhou Jinyuan educated, "Don't you practice boxing and kicking in physical education?"

Zhu Qing said with a sad face: "Practice, so I'm not an old man..."

"That's right, look at you Teacher Zhou, you are as light as a swallow!" Uncle's voice came from behind.

As he walked, Zhou Jinyuan asked Aunt Zhu a few words as a consultation.

"Well, Zhu Qing, tell me again, your aunt's chloasma is dark in color and relatively regular in shape. It is distributed on the forehead, cheeks, nose, etc. It is more likely that there is something wrong with some internal organs?" Zhou Jinyuan asked.

"...Teacher, there are actually some students here, I'll call them over to listen to the class together." Zhu Qingxin said that there are blessings and hardships, and Xiaolongren will take elective courses together and go together.

Zhou Jinyuan didn't think too much about it, "That's good."

Zhu Qing's classmates also just arrived, all dressed in various Hanfu, resting in the courtyard of Xianglu Temple.

Someone even invited a friend from another school who loves photography to come over and take pictures of them later. At the moment, everyone is discussing what kind of scene they can take later, laughing at each other, making concave shapes, and calling Zhu Qing when they see him , "You climbed pretty fast, I thought it was going to wait for you for a long time."

"No, no, um, I'll take you to meet a cutie, there's a bargain..." Zhu Qing said in a naive voice.

"Meet a cutie? Lori, oh, can we borrow it to take a photo."

"I think Zhu Qing is weird, how cute is she?"

That being said, everyone still followed Zhu Qing.

"It's like this, my aunt has chloasma..." Walking to the backyard of Xiangluguan, Zhu Qing suddenly said something without thinking.

The students looked puzzled. Why did you suddenly say that your aunt has melasma? What's wrong with melasma

Then they saw Rong Xixue standing at the door, playing with her mobile phone with her head down, and when she raised her eyes to look over, everyone she knew was stunned for a moment. Why is Rongshen here

As soon as this idea came out, I shivered. No, Rongshen can't be cute.

Someone came to his senses and quickly said: "I see, since Rongshen is here, there must be Teacher Zhou who grew up within ten steps!!"

other people:"???"

At this time, the window opened, and Zhou Jinyuan stuck his head out when he heard the voice: "Hello, students."

"Oh, I'll go!" Scared everyone, it's really within ten steps!

Thinking about it again at this moment, cutie... take advantage... I'll go! It's this cutie!

"Everyone is dressed beautifully. Is there anything wrong now? Let's come together to treat Zhu Qing's aunt's chloasma." Zhou Jinyuan said with a smile.

other people:"… … "

Such a cheap, free course...

As soon as Zhou Jinyuan turned his head away, they held Zhu Qing and beat him up. Then they grabbed the toga and sleeves and went into the room. By the way, they whispered to the photography classmate: "This class must be taken, wait a minute."

He had to listen to the class, but Zhu Qing still had to give him a beating! Look scare them!

The photographer from the school next door was still carrying equipment, and he couldn't feel his pulse, so he could only stand by. He hasn't realized until now, why did a teacher appear, and he was too young to be ridiculous.

Under Zhou Jinyuan's command, the students took Aunt Zhu's pulse one by one.

The photographer looked at it for a while, and the more he looked, the more harmonious it became.

This house was used by Taoist Guannei for Qing repair. Although it was built later, it has maintained the same style as the original ancient building, and it has a history of many years. The furnishings are also antique. There is even a wooden medicine box, which is usually used by priests for moxibustion and applying medicine.

Looking at the scene in front of him, the photographer suddenly had a surge of inspiration, "Damn, why didn't I think that this scene should be taken!"

They sat reclined on the couch one by one, their pulse-taking postures were natural and focused. Thinking about it, I am a student of the University of Chinese Medicine, wouldn't it be the most relevant to take this as the theme of shooting


The classmate who took the photo glanced at Zhou Jinyuan: This Mr. Zhou, this outfit is really too fairy-like, so stylish!

His clothes are not like other people's, there are no patterns, and he doesn't even have hair, but his aura is different, and he acts as if he is really a Taoist priest - of course, the photographer didn't know that Zhou Jinyuan was indeed a Taoist priest.

The photographer's heart was pounding, "Teacher, that... actually we are here to take pictures today, can I take pictures of their pulse diagnosis here?"

"I just said that you are so beautifully dressed, of course it's okay, as long as the patient doesn't mind." Zhou Jinyuan didn't care, because it's not time for class now.

"We only need to take pictures of the patient's hand, otherwise there will be a drama, haha." The photographer did not expect Zhou Jinyuan to be so easy-going, and the students' attitudes were obviously so afraid of him.

He set up the equipment, and the more he looked at Zhou Jinyuan who was standing aside with his hands behind his back, the more itchy his heart became, and he tilted his head and asked, "Teacher, can... I also take pictures of you?"

Zhou Jinyuan looked at him strangely: "What are you filming me for?"

The photographer said honestly, "I just think it looks good."

"Forget it." Zhou Jinyuan was not interested, "I don't know how to pose."

He refused, and the photographer had no choice but to take pictures of other people unfortunately.

The students all gave their own judgments one by one. Zhou Jinyuan stepped forward to grasp Aunt Zhu's pulse, flicked his right hand, gathered the sleeve of his robe, and put one hand behind his back, saying: "Ji, the tongue is pale, the fur is white and greasy, and the pulse is thready. Liver and kidney yin deficiency!"

Zhu Qing immediately picked up a pen and wrote it down beside him, feeling amazing.

The photographer was hit again in an instant. Teacher Zhou said that he can't pose, but he has a natural temperament. Looking at this corner alone, it looks like a martial arts movie or a fairy tale movie.

"Teacher... please, let me pat you!" The photographer couldn't hold back, and spoke again.

Why did you ask for it? Zhou Jinyuan looked at him in surprise, "You can just play by yourself."

When the photographer thought about it, his tone became a little seductive, "Teacher, I have quite a lot of fans on Weibo. When I post the photos, everyone will see, wow, you are so good-looking at a young university teacher, you will be popular." La!"

In fact, Hong can't guarantee it, but he really thinks that the quality of this film will be very good, and it can be popular no matter what.

All the students: "..."

The photographer took a step closer and said half jokingly and half seriously: "Teacher, what do you think?"

"No, I think this kind of thing is very illusory." Zhou Jinyuan said without interest.

Photographer: "Oh, teacher, don't be so unenthusiastic at such a young age!"

"I can't help it," Zhou Jinyuan touched his face, "I'm young, and I've already passed five times."