Taoist Doctor

Chapter 77


How to answer this question...

Under Zhou Jinyuan's comment, the girl racked her brains, "It's also for the couple... Cough, no, double, look, double, double the god of learning!"

Zhou Jinyuan looked at her book: "But you study marketing, right?"

The girl went "uh" for a long time, and she managed to find an explanation: "That's what I said, but our college doesn't have big men like you, so I'll just follow suit!"

"...Really?" Zhou Jinyuan always felt a little far-fetched, but it seemed that he couldn't find a better way to say it. After all, there were still two people above, and it was impossible to say that she had a crush on him.

"Hahahaha." The girl laughed a few times, and then asked boldly, "Teacher, it seems that Rongshen and his majors have gone to the wild to collect herbs. Will you visit him?"

The girl is not the first person to ask about this matter. Zhou Jinyuan put his pockets in his pocket and said coldly: "No. Why should I go, he is such an adult."

After he finished speaking, he turned and left, feeling very chic.

The rest of the students looked at each other on the spot, and whispered: "The teacher is so cute."

Zhou Jinyuan almost staggered, but he blamed himself for having too good hearing.

"Boss, it's time to eat!" Shao Jingjing walked to Zhou Jinyuan's side and reminded him to eat.

"Oh, wait a minute, I'll finish sorting out the medical records." Zhou Jinyuan said absently.

Shao Jingjing was a little anxious, "Rongshen said, we can't delay, what should we do when the meal gets cold later!"

Zhou Jinyuan looked at him in surprise, "Since when did you become his little brother, who is going to pay you?"

Shao Jing looked at the sky and said: "Then I don't want to be poisoned, I don't listen to him, what if he poisons me, anyway, I'm afraid of him."

In fact, Shao Jingjing is a typical idiot, and because too many people are stronger than him, he falls in all directions.

One day scolding the bald donkey with Zhou Jinyuan, and the next day making fun of Zhou Jinyuan with Rong Shouyun.

Zhou Jinyuan stretched out two fingers. Shao Jingjing didn't even know when and where he got them, but there was a long needle between his fingers, which seemed to be shining coldly, "Then are you afraid of me?"

Shao Jingjing took a step back in fright, "Mommy, I was wrong."

After Zhou Jinyuan frightened him, he was not in the mood to procrastinate any longer, so he put away his things and ate his meal first.

"Hey, Ah Jin, are you afraid of being alone at home, do you want me to accompany you?" Rong Shouyun asked. As the real old man next door, he lives in the single room next door, so it's convenient to drop by.

Zhou Jinyuan said sincerely: "A bald, you are a bit disgusting."

"I also see that you haven't been in a good state these two days. Is it true that your elder is not used to being taken care of by anyone?" Rong Shouyun felt aggrieved, but he was doing it for Zhou Jinyuan's good.

"I'm in good shape." Zhou Jinyuan scolded him.

In fact, Zhou Jinyuan was a bit unnatural. Rong Xixue had been out for three or four days. During this time, Xiaoxue felt weird when she was there, and she always wanted to find other people to be there, but Xiaoxue left, he was a little out of his mind.

"Poisonous insects, snakes and ants are indispensable in this field..." Zhou Jinyuan felt that he was worried about Rong Xixue's safety, so he sat in the room and made a video call to Rong Xixue while eating a box lunch from the restaurant next door at night.

It took a while for Rong Xixue to pick up, "Brother."

The lights are very dim, and their herb collection site is in a relatively remote countryside this time, and they live in a fellow villager's house at night, and the conditions are relatively average. Rong Xixue's hair was still steamy, obviously just after taking a shower. The signal is also quite average, and the picture sometimes freezes.

"Well... How was it in the wild? Are you tired these days?" Zhou Jinyuan asked.

"Fortunately, I picked a lot of herbs. The terrain here is more complicated, but the teachers have stepped on it in advance, and everyone has taken safety measures, so there is no danger." Rong Xixue said, "The landform is similar to that of Yingzhou. It’s still not the same, and the distribution of snakes is also different…”

He smiled, "We were bitten by a poisonous snake when we were collecting medicine in Yingzhou."

"Haha, yes." Of course Zhou Jinyuan also remembered, "At that time, I was young, but I was extremely courageous, and both of us were bitten, so we quickly got a few needles, and the two poisoned people helped each other to rush to the hospital. Because It was a long way down the mountain, I counted the time it took for the poison to occur, and almost thought I was going to die together, I feel very guilty for not taking good care of you."

When I was about to arrive at the hospital, I felt chest tightness, almost crawled in, and felt nauseous, lying on the bed, I reported my symptoms, asked them to treat myself with anti-snake venom and anti-infection, and added some detoxification and liver-protecting soup, and intervened in the first aid...

It really scared the people in the hospital enough. I have never seen such an assertive emergency patient.

Rong Xixue was a little surprised, and then smiled, "Brother was also very scared at that time? But you handled it decisively and calmly, and I didn't worry about my safety at all."

"... Every time you worship Patriarch Hua Tuo, I always think in my heart, I just need to pray to you."

"Why are you like those students who secretly begged me not to fail?" Zhou Jinyuan thought of the students who begged for his own photo before, "I'm not that omnipotent."

"That's right." Rong Xixue said thoughtfully, "I also discovered that there are some things that praying for is useless."

Zhou Jinyuan always felt that there was something in his words, and he was thinking about it. At this moment, the screen froze twice. Rong Xixue seemed to hear something, looked back, and then said something.

But Zhou Jinyuan couldn't hear clearly at all, and the voice and picture were frozen and fragmented. Rong Xixue had put down her phone and hurried out.

"Xiaoxue? Xiaoxue?" Zhou Jinyuan shouted a few more words, very worried, Rong Xixue was rarely in such a hurry, she must have encountered some unexpected incident.

They now live in a mountain village, at least an hour's drive away from the city, who knows what accidents will happen.

But Rong Xixue didn't even bring her mobile phone, let alone heard Zhou Jinyuan's voice.

What's going on, natural disaster or man-made disaster, Zhou Jinyuan's heart is beating wildly, Xiaoxue just said that he pondered over and over again, but there is still something he can't ask for, why is it so like a flag, don't let it go for a second and regret it Something happened in a second.

The more Zhou Jinyuan thought about it, the more frightened he became. He almost asked Liang Yuesheng to borrow a helicopter. He calmed down a bit before he remembered. He quickly looked through the school's address book, found the number of the teacher who led the team, and called him.

"Hello, teacher Ning? I'm Rong Xixue's parent. Excuse me. He left suddenly during a video call with me just now. It seems that something happened. I'm a little worried." Zhou Jinyuan said quickly.

Teacher Ning, who accompanied the team, immediately responded, "Is it Teacher Zhou? It's okay. He is with me now. Just now, a female classmate of ours was bitten by a centipede and yelled a few times. Now everyone has caught the centipede. But it’s big, the forearm is so long, we plan to take it back and make it into medicine! Hahaha!”

Zhou Jinyuan: "..."

It seems that because of his concern, he got confused, and if something serious happened, Rong Xixue would not put down her phone.

Not only was Teacher Ning not in a hurry, but his tone was even a little excited. After all, it is rare to see such a big centipede alive in the city.

Centipede is also a commonly used poisonous traditional Chinese medicine. The active ingredients contained in it can relieve spasm and antifungal, but overdose will cause local redness, swelling, burning pain and other poisoning symptoms, and in severe cases, central nerve paralysis may also occur.

It is also considered unlucky for this centipede. It is not good to bite anyone. You bite a student of the University of Chinese Medicine, or a Chinese medicine major.

"That's good, is the student who was bitten okay now?" Zhou Jinyuan asked with concern.

"Fortunately, the skin of the bitten child is red and swollen. One of our professors is using acupuncture to detoxify her and reduce the swelling. She also said that she should do it herself when it is cooked." Teacher Ning said.

He has experienced too much to be so calm. After all, every time students go out, even if they take various safety measures, there will be more or less similar accidents, and their emergency handling ability has also been exercised.

"Okay. Can you let Rong Xixue answer the phone?" Zhou Jinyuan said.

Teacher Ning responded and gave him the phone.

Zhou Jinyuan could still hear the excited cries of the students when they put the centipede in a container, and then Rong Xixue probably walked away a little, and became quiet, "Hello?"

"The signal was not good before. I didn't hear what you said. I called the teacher and found out that someone was bitten by a centipede. Remember to check the room before going to bed. There are no other centipedes." Zhou Jinyuan said that's all. Nonsense, there is no need for Rong Xixue to pick it up, he paused for a moment, and then asked, "You said before that some things are useless to pray for, did you mean something in particular?"

"Yes." Rong Xixue said, he was a little surprised that Zhou Jinyuan would ask, could it be that he was aware of it.

An impulse surged up from his heart, making him say something to Zhou Jinyuan, "Brother..."

"Hello? What?" Zhou Jinyuan only heard the sound of the electric current getting worse. He vaguely heard something like brother or you. "Say it again, what?"

Rong Xixue on the other side was silent for a while, she didn't know what she was thinking about, and just said: "Next time, it seems that the signal is not very good."

"...Okay." Zhou Jinyuan replied hesitantly.

Xiaoqinglong Clinic Consulting Room

"Doctor Zhou, I think it seems to be flatter." Liang Yue said to Zhou Jinyuan after touching her chest carefully again.

Seeing Zhou Jinyuan in a daze, he insisted on shaking him.

"Huh?" Zhou Jinyuan came back to his senses, looked at Liang Yue speechlessly, and said, "Mr. Liang, don't touch it so many times a day anymore. The effect of the medicine can't be strong enough to produce obvious changes every day!"

Liang Yue's illness must be adjusted slowly, and there have been quite a few changes now, but the changes within a day... Anyway, it must be impossible to feel it with hands.

Liang Yue raised her eyebrows, "But I think so."

Every day is a little bit smaller.

Zhou Jinyuan: "I don't think so."

"How do you know?" Liang Yue said indifferently, "I'm dressed so heavily."

Zhou Jinyuan didn't want to talk to local tyrants anymore, he was already a patient doctor, but after explaining to Liang Yuecheng 10,000 times, he insisted on touching his chest, forcing Zhou Jinyuan to show him whether he was getting smaller every time he came over. up.

Liang Yue said that he was too thoughtful, which is probably the characteristic of his success, but it is a pity that it is the doctor's annoyance when it comes to treatment.

Liang Yue said that seeing Zhou Jinyuan ignoring her, she became more energetic and grabbed Zhou Jinyuan's wrist. He may have the beauty of being indistinguishable between male and female, but his strength is not inferior to others. Zhou Jinyuan has practiced Taoist Kungfu, but he has not escaped it. He immediately realized that Liang Yuezhi had definitely practiced it too.

"What are you doing, making trouble at the doctor?" Zhou Jinyuan looked at Liang Tuhao warily.

Liang Yuecheng grabbed his hand and stuffed it inside his coat, Zhou Jinyuan struggled desperately, he grabbed Zhou Jinyuan effortlessly, and said slowly: "Doctor Zhou, come, help me palpate."

Zhou Jinyuan: "..."

Zhou Jinyuan: "Fuck, I don't! Let go! Let me go!"

"What are you struggling with?" Liang Yue said calmly, "Shouldn't you be doing a physical examination for the patient?"

Zhou Jinyuan tried to push Liang Yuecheng away, but Liang Yuesheng took the lead, and he didn't like to fight with patients: "Wake up, okay? Next time, I'll add a wish to you." treat!"

The two were in the middle of tugging, when the door was suddenly pushed open, and Shao Jingjing yelled, "What's wrong, boss?"

He vaguely heard Zhou Jinyuan calling for help outside, and thought it was wrong, how could the boss call for help if he was so cruel, but Tuhao Liang seemed to be very powerful, so he plucked up the courage to open the door.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she opened the door, she saw the boss's hands in Liang Tuhao's clothes. Shao Jingjing looked confused, not knowing what the boss was shouting just now!

Liang Yue said that when she saw someone, she immediately let go of her hand and adjusted her clothes to make sure that she would not be noticed.

Zhou Jinyuan withdrew his hand full of resentment.

Shao Jingjing originally wanted to quit directly, but after thinking about it, she said: "Boss, this is not good... If Rongshen comes back and finds out..."

"?" Zhou Jinyuan: "What nonsense are you talking about. Get out."

"Oh!" Shao Jingjing immediately closed the door.

Liang Yue said that she picked up the antique tea set she brought, took a sip of tea and said, "Student Rong is going out?"

"The school organized to go to the mountains to collect medicine." Zhou Jinyuan looked defensive, but Liang Yue said that he did not continue to be mad.

"Really?" Liang Yue said with a slight smile, "It seems that he still has some complaints about your usual diagnosis and treatment methods?"

"What criticisms? Why do you have to criticize my diagnosis and treatment techniques? My techniques are perfect." Zhou Jinyuan snorted, "And it's not that I don't want to check you up. It's counterproductive to keep checking like this."

Liang Yue said that she took another sip of tea. She didn't care what Zhou Jinyuan said about herself, and said calmly: "That's my misunderstanding. After all, Shao Jingjing said that. I thought that even Rong, who also studied medicine, would be a little bit concerned about the person he admires touching other people's bodies." unhappy."

"Cough cough cough!!" Zhou Jinyuan was startled, and looked at Liang Yue in disbelief.

"...Are you really a foreigner? You invested in the emergency department of the Third Hospital, right?"

"I didn't expect you didn't know." Liang Yue said with a sudden smile. Although he only met Rong Xixue a few times and didn't even talk to her directly, but with his eyesight, there are some things that are enough to gain insight.

Zhou Jinyuan stood up and stared at Liang Yuecheng for a while in disbelief, feeling a little angry.

Liang Yue said she smiled at him again.

Zhou Jinyuan: "This course of treatment does not require money, I do charity."

After all, he left proudly.

Liang Yue said: "..."

Liang Yue said she couldn't believe it: "Zhou Jinyuan??!"

Elena raised her long hair and solemnly signed her name on the contract.

After signing this familiar new contract, she will be promoted to the principal dancer again in the new performance season of the L City Ballet Troupe.

"Congratulations, Elena." Elena's teacher was also in the office, hugging her with tears in her eyes.

Since Elena was young, she studied in the dance troupe school, and was selected by her to join the dance troupe. She is like a born star, shining brightly from the beginning, born to set various records. Neither dance awards. Still on the way to promotion, she broke the age record for the chief dancer of the dance troupe.

Then, her injury and fall made everyone sigh. The teacher felt sorry for her for a long time, but he didn't expect to see her come back again, and even climbed to the peak step by step against many difficulties.

In the eyes of the teacher, this is even more amazing than her teenage fame! Make her weep!

"Thank you." Elena breathed a sigh of relief, and a new journey followed—

This time, only she was promoted to the chief dancer, and several other dancers who became solo dancers had a difficult journey, but compared to Elena's deeds, they paled in comparison.

"Call the person you've been thinking about." The teacher shook Elena's hand and said, she already knew.

"Yeah." Elena walked out of the office, along the way, everyone secretly looked at Elena. For Elena, everyone's feelings are too complicated. No one can be jealous of her along the way. Ask yourself, even if they have the same talent, they don't have such perseverance, and they can't write such a legend.

The video dialed, and it was nightfall in Huaxia on the other side.

"Elena?" Zhou Jinyuan beckoned, "How is it?"

"Doctor Zhou, I have obtained a new contract and become the chief dancer again." Elena said.

"Congratulations!" Zhou Jinyuan was also overjoyed, "That's great!"

"After the start of the new show season, it's my first show, can you come and see it? You promised." Elena leaned forward a little, looking very urgent.

Zhou Jinyuan was a little embarrassed when he heard the time, "But during this time, our experiments cannot do without me, and there are still some patients..."

Elena's expression was gloomy for a moment, but after restraining her excitement and thinking about it, she was not surprised that Dr. Zhou's patients were getting more and more.

For the doctor, of course the patient is more important, strictly speaking she has been cured.


Zhou Jinyuan saw Elena's weakness visible to the naked eye, and hurriedly said: "Don't worry, I will try my best to find a way, maybe I can't see it in the first game, but..."

"Doctor Zhou, I will fight for an opportunity to participate in a world tour! I remember that there is an arrangement to go to China in the new season!" Elena slapped the table hard, her eyes burning, "I must make you proud of me! "

Zhou Jinyuan was frightened. Although separated from the screen, Elena's expression was... full of confidence.

He said with a dry smile, "... that's fine."

Although he didn't understand, when did he agree that he must be proud! He just wants the children... no, as long as the patients are well!