Taoist Doctor

Chapter 86


At first, everyone thought that the person in the video just looked like Elena, except that her movements were from Huaxia classical dance, and more importantly... the painting style didn't match!

How could a talented ballet dancer from country B thousands of miles away go to a small square in Haizhou to dance with the aunts

Isn't this weird? The places she usually performs in are century-old theaters like the L City Grand Theater, which were built by the former royal family of country B and have produced countless masters.

In contrast, an ordinary girl who came to China to study dance is quite acceptable even though her painting style is not right.

But now the reasoning of Chinese medicine college students is too tenable, and it cannot be said to be completely convincing, but it is much more reasonable than the stories made up by marketing numbers.

The rumors were opened up, and the rumors were broken. This rumor caused a shock, but the spread was not as wide as the previous rumors. Fortunately, the tour team was going to be interviewed.

The performers of Elena's dance troupe cannot accept interviews in private during the performance, and even completely avoid communicating with the media, so as not to affect the mentality of the dancers.

But this time it was a tour, so it was different. After they arrived in China, the organizer arranged for everyone to be interviewed by the exclusive media.

As the heroine, Elena received the most questions.

The reporter did some homework, and finally took out his mobile phone and played the video, "Eileen, this is a video that has been widely circulated on the Internet in our country recently. It is said that it is a girl who is very similar to you. When I saw a How do you feel about someone who is so similar to you?"

I made an appointment in advance and only asked questions related to the performance. The staff originally wanted to stop it, but after seeing that the content was dancing, it seemed that I could handle it, so they didn't stop it.

"What?" Elena laughed, "This is me, where can there be a girl who looks like me?"

"...Wow." The reporter confirmed that she was not joking, "So, you have really been to Huaxia a long time ago, and you have also learned some classical dances and square dances?"

"Of course. My colleagues all know that I used to treat injuries in Huaxia. At that time, I lived in Haizhou and often went to Yunxia Square. I found that people in Haizhou are very fond of dancing. They dance there every night. It's so warm and beautiful, I will join in. Their movements are blended with some Chinese classical dance movements, which are very beautiful, so I also learned a lot of movements, and I also taught them the movements in ballet. It's an exchange!"

Elena mentioned it with joy, and described those elder sisters and aunts who seemed to love dancing from the bottom of their hearts, and just found an open space to dance, "I think it's a very good warm-up dance, and it's very Chinese. Come back And then I taught it to my friends."

Her colleagues nodded when they heard it, as proof that they had indeed learned it.

"...cough!" The reporter heard a more exaggerated answer than he imagined, and the amount of information was too much, "Wait, I think I need to ask, so you are seeking medical treatment in Haizhou because you Does your leg hurt?"

Elena nodded.

The reporter's eyes lit up, "Is that related to the opening of this tour in Haizhou?"

Elena nodded again, "Of course, our performance company and my teacher have heard about it, and they think it's a meaningful choice to be in Haizhou."

The reporter brought out the photo of her hugging Zhou Jinyuan again, "Then, you are seeking medical treatment at Dr. Zhou from Haizhou Third Hospital, right?"

"Hey, when was this filmed..." Elena glanced curiously, nodded readily, and changed the language to Chinese, "Yes, Doctor Zhou helped me out of the haze. Huaxia, I got together with Dr. Zhou again. I had invited him to watch my performance in country B. It’s a pity that he couldn’t go because he was concerned about his patients. But now that I’m in Haizhou, I hope he can see it with his own eyes. to my dance."

The reporter was taken aback. They used to communicate in foreign languages before, but now Elena suddenly spoke Chinese fluently, which surprised him, "Your Chinese language is really good, this is just living in China for a while. The fruit of time?"

"That's right." Elena smiled, "Since Dr. Zhou and I met in L City, we started to study on our own. After living in Haizhou, we made rapid progress. The environment is very important."

She even added a few words of Haizhou dialect.

The reporter couldn't help but look back, confirming that the photographers had taken pictures, "Then dance, what other square dances do you dance? Will it be performed as an encore for everyone?"

Elena laughed loudly and said, "Well, we're really not prepared, haha. I don't think we danced neatly enough, maybe I'll take them to Yunxia Square."

The reporter also laughed, and asked her if there were any other videos of her dancing.

Of course Eileen knew that he was talking about square dancing, and she really had it. Those aunts had photographed it for her, and immediately passed a few paragraphs to the reporter.

The reporter had a detailed chat with Elena, and returned with a full load, and wrote a long report after returning home.

Let's talk about the dance troupe's tour first, and then start with the heroine Elena, and talk about her indissoluble bond with Huaxia. After being injured in her career, she met a Chinese doctor—that is, the one who was so close that people thought they were lovers. After being injured, Elena's mental state was not good, so she relied on the doctor in this way.

When the whole world was paying attention to the Xiaoqinglong Clinic, they didn't know that she was actually there. No one knew her. She received acupuncture every day, learned Chinese language, watched Chinese dance, and finally joined them.

What everyone doesn't know is that the birth of "Little Qinglong Piano Solo" is also related to Elena. Jin Chuoxian's initial inspiration was obtained when Dr. Zhou used scripture rhymes to relieve Elena's spirit.

And now, Elena has become the chief dancer again, and she also tried her best to promote the tour of the dance troupe. The leaders of the dance troupe were also very moved by her experience, and set the first performance in Haizhou...

This report clearly summed up the whole story, and the overseas media that failed to interview Elena for the time being all translated and reprinted it like a treasure, so that audiences at home and abroad can carefully understand the cause and effect.

[? ? ? ? ? Elena's Chinese is better than mine!]

[Eileen is dancing in Huaxia Square? Can you say that again?]

[I felt the plot was very familiar when I watched the first half, until I noticed Zhou Jinyuan's name... Xiao Qinglong, it's you again!]

[Hahahahahaha, why did I laugh out loud, so that girl is really herself, the chief dancer of the world's top century-old dance troupe is dancing square dance in Haizhou! Take it!]

[I love dancing, everyone is an artist... I always feel that something is wrong, but I can't tell what is wrong.]

[Dimensional wall is broken...]

[Look carefully at the back of the video and there is a new dance video. She learned classical dance moves and square dance by herself, and also taught the aunts ballet moves. I seem to have seen the aunt doing the deformed Atidide 233333]

[Hahahaha is really attitude, the aunts are so elegant in doing it, their body balance is better than mine, a famous teacher makes a good apprentice!]

Such a down-to-earth lead dancer, everyone who was staring at her stage photos was shocked by the contrast, and shouted that it was interesting. Miss Sister's career was saved by our Huaxia medical skills, and the roots are deep.

Moreover, Elena spared no effort to praise in Chinese in the interview, and learned by herself. It seems that stage art and square art have had a collision of sparks.

Some people began to expect Elena to dance Chinese classical dance.

Some people also went to interview the aunts in Yunxia Square...

The aunts who didn't use the Internet were shocked: "This girl is a dancer? No wonder she learned so fast and so well!"

"Xiaoai said that she learned to dance, haven't you heard of it?"

"Oh, Xiaoai and her father always came to the square to play. What? You said she was paralyzed? Yes... It seems that she was indeed in a wheelchair at first. I thought it was a broken bone."

"It turns out that Xiao Ai is so difficult, this girl is so pitiful! Then we have to buy tickets to support Xiao Ai!"

Needless to say, the tickets for the tour were sold out not only in Haizhou, but also in the first few shows.

Originally, this performance was rare, and dance fans from all over the world accounted for a large part. After various news came out, there was another batch of new audiences who came to enjoy it, and it was suddenly hard to find a ticket.

The performers were all overjoyed, the publicity they spent money on was not as good as the hot spots caused by Elena herself.

As for overseas audiences, they don’t know the status of square dancing in China, they care more about other aspects, no wonder Elena can create miracles—it turns out that it’s not about falling in love or converting to religion, but thanks to traditional Chinese acupuncture and moxibustion .

With Jin Chuoxian's incident as a precedent, many people don't need to repeat popular science. Ren Lan and the others are not familiar with him, and they don't know what happened to him, so Eileen is the second instance for them.

Originally, after Jin Chuoxian, traditional Chinese medicine has received a lot of attention, and this time it has really attracted more attention. Because this is more in line with the consistent application of Chinese medicine and acupuncture by overseas people. With such a drive, more people may choose acupuncture for rehabilitation.

Not only Zhou Jinyuan, but Eileen sent tickets to everyone in the Xiaoqinglong Clinic, thanking them for their help.

On the day of the premiere, Zhou Jinyuan closed the clinic early, and everyone went to the theater to watch the performance together.

Half an hour before the performance, Zhou Jinyuan and his party had already arrived at the theater, and the audience had already started queuing up to enter the arena, and they also took their tickets to the back of the queue.

The two passers-by in front of them chatted, and the content caught Zhou Jinyuan's attention.

"... If I had known that when I was going to university, I should have studied traditional Chinese medicine. In this way, I might be the one who healed the goddess!"

"That is, if you cure the goddess, she may still fall in love with you."

"Hey, it's a pity that the goddess loves that little Chinese doctor surnamed Zhou. I don't think they are compatible!"

Zhou Jinyuan asked curiously, "Why don't you deserve it?"

Passers-by said jealously: "Look at his baby face, his thighs are not as thick and powerful as my goddess, don't he deserve it?"

Passers-by turned their heads and met Zhou Jinyuan's innocent eyes, "..."

Zhou Jinyuan: "Does your goddess know that you hate her so much?"

Thick and powerful thighs... Ballet dancers are muscular and normal, otherwise how can they make difficult movements, but did you say so!

Passers-by obviously recognized Zhou Jinyuan and hiccupped in fright, "Uh!... Uh! Why are you, uh! I'm just joking!"

His companion heard the sound and looked over, and was also startled, "Uh! What's going on! Is it uh?"

The two hiccupped one after another, trying to hold their breath to stop, but unfortunately their bodies still shrugged.

Everyone in the Xiaoqinglong Clinic also noticed the movement, and looked curiously: "This is...?"

"As soon as I saw me, I was so scared that I started to hiccup." Zhou Jinyuan said speechlessly.

"Boss, what did you do to him? It's too cruel!" Shao Jingjing shouted.

"They said they hiccupped when they saw me, and I didn't do anything." Zhou Jinyuan was really innocent.

The two said intermittently: "Why, uh, why can't I stop uh, wait for the opening uh, what should I do if I'm still hiccupping uh. Do you want to go, uh, buy some medicine now."

"I don't know, uh, is there a pharmacy near here, uh!"

Both of them were shaking when they spoke, like two geese. Zhou Jinyuan wanted to laugh when he saw it, "Why are you going to a pharmacy? Didn't you recognize me?"

The two passers-by suddenly realized, shit, yes, there is a famous doctor standing here.

"It should be the hiccups caused by panic, and I need to calm the liver and calm the nerves." Zhou Jinyuan took out the needles from his pocket, temporarily avoided the side of the team, and gave them a few needles.

Because of this acupuncture action, other audience members also recognized it and took pictures one after another. Once passed on to ten, ten to a hundred, and to the back of the team, Zhou Jinyuan used acupuncture to rescue the audience who had a heart attack because they were too excited to watch the goddess's performance...

The hiccups gradually subsided, and the two thanked Zhou Jinyuan. They only felt that the way he gave the needle just now did not feel old at all, and was particularly imposing, making people willing to trust.

"It's okay. But I have to refute the rumors for Elena, she is not in love with me." Zhou Jinyuan laughed.

He said and returned to the team.

The passer-by said in a daze: "But I'm going to fall in love..."

Zhou Jinyuan: "???"

Rong Xixue gave Zhou Jinyuan a hand, "The ticket has been checked."

"Oh." Zhou Jinyuan handed the ticket to the ticket inspector, and went through the security check again. Once there were too many people, the two sand sculpture passers-by could not be seen. "My God, it's too fast for them to move on!"

Rong Xixue said expressionlessly: "It can be seen that I just said it casually."

Zhou Jinyuan couldn't help laughing, always feeling a bit sour.

A group of people took their seats. After a while, the lights dimmed. This time there was a live orchestra. The conductor bowed after entering the venue, and the performance officially started. The curtain opened and the stage setting was very gorgeous.

"The Silent Angel" is a dramatic ballet with a romantic and classical style. Angels are actually metaphors rather than real myths. It was created by an artist who was born in the company at the beginning of the century. She started out as a dancer and later became a playwright.

Since its creation, this play has been prosperous for a long time, and it is one of the representative plays of the dance troupe.

The prologue is that the heroine is in the court, and everyone is playing and having fun. The innocent and happy she lost her voice because she witnessed the murder of her mother.

It was the first time for Zhou Jinyuan to see Elena on the stage. He was sitting in the front row, not far away, and he could even see Elena's exquisite makeup clearly, but Elena was already immersed in the performance, and did not get along with her. He has eye contact.

Zhou Jinyuan had never enjoyed a ballet before, but this time he enjoyed it very much. The stage setting was beautiful, and the movements of the actors also showed the beauty of the human body.

Especially when the classic dances in the play appear - there is a saying that music is the soul of dance and the basis of all ballet creations. The music here is extremely dynamic.

The heroine dances with the beautiful string music, her dancing posture is stretched and elegant, and her perfect rotation shows her superb body control ability. Every point is accurate and full of emotions. The beautiful body language shows that the heroine has finally broken through herself. At the moment of making a sound and regaining the honor, the speed of rotation became faster and faster, and the music became magnificent.

The moment she jumped, she seemed to be stagnant in the air, and her figure was clearly imprinted in the eyes of every audience!

After the accident, Elena has a deeper understanding of dance, and her talent and sweat allow her to perfectly integrate it into her skills.

When Elena finished this difficult move and landed silently, there was already excited applause at the scene.

Normally, the audience would applaud only after the end of each act and the whole dance, but now seeing Elena's excellent skills, the audience couldn't help but applaud this angel who fell into the world in advance.

This is the strength of the youngest principal dancer of the L City Grand Theater Ballet.

Just like in L City, some people once questioned whether Elena was able to support the performance of the chief dancer after being injured, and even suspected that she relied on sympathy points, but after the opening season performance, all doubts turned into a flood of praise .

Zhou Jinyuan also watched with emotion. He doesn't know dance, but he understands the human body. There is so much sweat behind these precise and perfect movements.

In the darkness, Zhou Jinyuan felt a hand reaching out and placed it on his own. He immediately recognized that it should be Rong Xixue's hand, and shook it back.

This is Zhou Jinyuan's habitual action, and he has to hold his brother when he goes out. But after holding him this time, Zhou Jinyuan felt something was wrong again. The main reason is that he read some online posts in order to understand this knowledge.

I didn't know it before, but now I know Xiaoxue's thoughts. Before it is clear, isn't it good? Maybe Xiaoxue will be awkward in the future!

Zhou Jinyuan immediately wanted to pull out his hand, but he heard Rong Xixue whisper: "Brother... don't move, okay?"

There was a bit of pleading in his tone, and Zhou Jinyuan immediately thought of his brilliant and cute (Student Haizhou: not cute!) smile during the sports meeting, and his heart was a little complicated, and he felt sorry for Xiaoxue. Especially after he sorted out Xiaoxue's actions, he was even more emotional. Xiaoxue still had a deep and forbearing side when he didn't know it.

Zhou Jinyuan didn't move, and even pinched Rong Xixue's fingers with his backhand, the numb feeling spread again, and the feeling of sitting here was different immediately. This is not the feeling and mentality of holding his brother, and Zhou Jinyuan will no longer think that he has neurasthenia.

When the dance drama ended and the actors took their curtain call, the applause lasted for 20 minutes.

Whether they have been fond of ballet for a long time, or have just entered the pit, or invited audiences like Zhou Jinyuan who know nothing about it, they were all moved by this art.

Presenting flowers is a tradition of the dance troupe, and when they came to Huaxia, it was no exception. Some dance fans have prepared bouquets with long handles and threw them on the stage vigorously.

Numerous flowers flew in, and the flashing lights kept flashing. Elena picked up a bouquet of lilies from the flowers all over the floor, and curtseyed to the audience with a smile. Lilly responded to the audience's applause. Bright lights reflected in her lake-green pupils, and the applause and whistles also reached a new peak.

She deserved this performance.

The applause hadn't stopped yet, at this moment, Elena made an unexpected move, she jumped off the stage holding flowers!

The whole audience exclaimed, and the audience looked up. Could it be that Elena was so excited that she jumped off the stage, and wanted to shake hands with the audience? This is really unheard of.

I saw Elena, who was still wearing a dance skirt, jumped off the stage and ran lightly to a young audience sitting in the front row.

She moved her right foot behind her left foot, bent her knees, lowered her body, her back was still straight, her upper body was tilted, her head was slightly lowered, her long hair was coiled up, revealing her slender and beautiful neck line.

Elena's right hand was still gracefully placed on her abdomen, while her left hand stretched out the bouquet.

With this curtsy, she presented the flowers to Zhou Jinyuan.