Taoist Doctor

Chapter 93


Most of the exams in the colleges of the University of Chinese Medicine are in early January, and elective courses like Zhou Jinyuan still have to be approved face-to-face, so the exam time must be earlier of course. At the end of December, he was giving exams to our students.

"Wu Man's answer to this question is not bad, and you have made progress. It seems that you have carefully studied "Lingshu Zhuzhengfawei." Zhou Jinyuan sat in his office seat and corrected the final homework.

In the group of students in front of them, the students who had been named looked pale, and after hearing clearly that it was a compliment, they got better.

Correcting homework face-to-face is really torturous. When Teacher Zhou bowed his head, he was especially uneasy. The slightest disturbance could scare the students to death, for fear that he would raise his head and ask, why did you fail to learn this important point well.

Their teaching assistant, who is still sitting next to him, seems to have eyesight...

It's almost the final exam, if it's not good, wouldn't it be postponed to the next semester to make up the exam.

This is also a hotly discussed matter in the whole school. With Rong Xixue's delay in getting well, teachers and students are more concerned about it. A blind doctor like Mr. Zhou is hard to come by. If it weren't for their special envoy relationship, some teachers even wanted to ask Rong Xixue to try to treat him. If it can be cured, it would be a face.

Now everyone is guessing when Rong Xixue will get better, and even bet on whether Rong Xixue can take the final exam.

"Okay." Zhou Jinyuan finished correcting Wu Man's homework, and this was the last one, "You can all go."

This group of students came and walked together, even when other students were interviewed for approval, they had to stay and listen.

Hearing Zhou Jinyuan's verdict, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. Teacher Zhou is really scary, and he knows their level like the back of his hand, so when correcting, not only look at the right or wrong answers, but also check whether the symbols meet your personal level, whether you have improved, and whether you have put your heart into it!

"Goodbye teacher." After the exam, the students became more active, "By the way, congratulations!"

"Me? Oh..." Zhou Jinyuan took two seconds to react, "You mean to congratulate Professor Lan."

"Hey, I also congratulate Professor Lan." The student said.

Just two days ago, Professor Lan took his team to go abroad to receive a medical award. This award was established by an international medical organization to recognize and encourage people or teams with outstanding achievements in academic thinking and innovative theory.

This is also the first time since the award was established for more than 100 years, a Chinese medicine doctor has won the award. It is said that in the selection process, Professor Lan and his team's new meridian research results played a decisive role.

Also because of this award, it is said that Professor Lan will also be judged as a master of traditional Chinese medicine when he comes back. In the past two days, most Chinese medicine practitioners have been frantically distributing manuscripts and hanging up banners, congratulating the team of Professor Lan from our school for winning the award.

Professor Lan counted Zhou Jinyuan in his team. He was mainly responsible for some arithmetic calculations and acupuncture practice. In addition to implementing Professor Lan's ideas, he also gave Professor Lan some inspiration from a traditional perspective. Although he joined later, everyone recognizes his contribution.

However, when Professor Lan wanted to ask Zhou Jinyuan to go abroad together, Zhou Jinyuan refused, the reason being that he wanted to give the students an exam.

When Professor Lan delivered his acceptance speech, he also specifically mentioned that Dr. Zhou, who was not in their team, was teaching and educating people. I would like to thank this member. He is really an academic koi and the strongest support.

This live video was sent back to China, and the audience can be heard laughing, especially those who know a little about Chinese medicine, they should know that many high-quality papers on acupuncture and moxibustion have been assisted by Zhou Jinyuan...

And such a person, still staying in school to change homework, is wonderful.

"Teacher, I love you, I will definitely come to class next semester!" The students expressed their hearts to Zhou Jinyuan.

"What did you say on purpose, why didn't I come?" Zhou Jinyuan was a little puzzled.

The students cheered. It's not that Teacher Zhou is getting more and more popular. They are afraid that the principal will not be able to keep Zhou Jinyuan in the next semester. Oh no, maybe it's not the principal who will keep Teacher Zhou next semester, but Rongshen.

"Just come, I still want to attend your class, but this time I want to sit in..."

After walking out of the office, everyone is still discussing, Zhou Devil is really calm, Professor Lan won an award, and he didn't follow to accept the award. However, Zhou Devil is still so young and has a long way to go. It has only been more than a year since he transformed from a private doctor. Maybe he will lead the team to win awards in the future. The future can be expected.

"When the grades come out, my tasks for this semester will be over."

After the students left, there was no one else in the office, not even the other teachers, only Zhou Jinyuan and Rong Xixue were left.

Rong Xixue could hear the relaxation in Zhou Jinyuan's tone, and said with a smile, "I thought you had a good time in class."

"Happy, but it's also a little stressful. Don't mislead your children. These are future doctors. If you teach a wrong one, how many patients will be affected." Zhou Jinyuan said, "However, with the experience of this semester, I can improve the teaching plan next semester. better."

He said, looking at Rong Xixue, "You guys will have the final exam at the beginning of next month..."

"There's nothing I can do if I can't catch up." Rong Xixue joked, "Maybe I will become the only helpless patient under my brother's hands, and I will also take the lead."

"Crow mouth!" Zhou Jinyuan pulled his forearm, "Let's go, we're going back."

Unexpectedly, Zhou Jinyuan was grabbed by his backhand and sat on the desk in his arms.

Zhou Jinyuan was taken aback, and wanted to jump down, but Rong Xixue held his wrist with one hand and his waist with the other and pressed him on the spot. In this posture, Zhou Jinyuan and Rong Xixue were about the same height. Obviously Rong Xixue couldn't see it, but However, Zhou Jinyuan felt like being "stared" by him.

"Brother..." Rong Xixue called out.

This appellation is obviously more weak, but in this posture, there is a little more subtle inversion and oppression.

What are you doing? Zhou Jinyuan's eyes widened, "Wait."

"I don't." Rong Xixue said quickly.

"But..." Zhou Jinyuan's words were interrupted by Rong Xixue, who directly pushed Zhou Jinyuan onto the table.

"Teacher, I don't seem to have an umbrella—"

A voice sounded abruptly, and stopped abruptly.

Rong Xixue: "..."

Zhou Jinyuan sighed, alas, just wanted to say that he seemed to vaguely see a figure.

The student tremblingly reached for the umbrella hanging on the wall, and murmured in embarrassment: "I'm sorry, I'm just here to get an umbrella, so just pretend you can't see me—"

In the middle of speaking, he stopped with a sad face again, "I'm sorry, Rongshen! You don't have to pretend that you can't see, you... I didn't mean that, I meant your eyes... Sigh!"

He sighed heavily, gave up explaining, turned and ran away.

Rong Xixue: "..."

In the twinkling of an eye, it was December 27th, and the Yunxia Community's New Year's Day Gala was held at the Community Senior Citizen's Cultural Activity Center on this evening.

Director He invited a lot of lonely old people and lively middle-aged and elderly residents to participate. As for young people, there are probably only staff members. How can young people want to come to a community party these days.

When setting up the scene in the afternoon, Director He chatted with an elder sister who volunteered to help while moving the table.

"It's so rare, why did you bring Xiao Yin?" Director He was talking about the eldest sister's son, who was helping to mop the floor.

"This kid knows how to go out to play every day. I have been holding him at home these few days and brought him to work." The eldest sister said angrily. She was very angry when she thought that her son was still playing some songs about dancing demons at home.

Director He laughed and said, "That's okay, I think Xiao Yin works very hard." He turned to Xiao Yin and said, "Xiao Yin, you should come to watch the performance at night, your mother wants to sing. "

Xiao Yin: "... I don't want to."

What kind of show are you listening to? God, a group of old men and old ladies are singing and dancing on the stage, and the uncles and aunts are eating melon seeds and chatting. He must be crazy and come to watch this performance.

"No, you have to come! Otherwise, I don't know where you went, so don't try to run away!" The elder sister said angrily.

Xiao Yin shrank his head and muttered endlessly.

Director He saw from the window that several large luxury nanny cars drove up outside, stopped at the door, and then no one came down. He felt strange, went out and knocked on the driver's window, "What are you doing, why are you parked here in our community?"

The driver hurriedly said: "Hello, we are the performance team invited by Mr. Liang and Mr. Zhou of Xiaoqinglong. It is said that you don't have enough room for the rest room and dressing room, so we drove here, and we prepared in the car. "

"Hey, oh, it's you!" Director He also heard about it, they found some foreign aid, and also reported the program list, all in the name of Xiao Qinglong or Liang Yue.

"The other car is also yours?"

"Some are, some are other actors, and they are all invited anyway." The driver explained.

"Okay, okay, that's hard work, I'll bring you some boxed lunches tonight?" Director He said, they don't have much money, they buy some decorations, melon seeds and peanuts, and they are still here to help, and the boxed lunches will also be included in the evening . Although these were invited by Dr. Zhou and the others, since they came to make up and prepare so early, it's better to be polite.

"Uh..." The driver sweated a little, "It's better not to use it, we are prepared."

"Did you bring your own food? All right!" Director He didn't say much, and went back to work again.

At 8:00 p.m., community workers and residents arrived at the elderly cultural activity center in twos and threes. The place has been newly decorated. There are speakers on both sides of the small stage, and a red banner on the back with printed characters: Yunxia Community XX Year New Year’s Day Gala.

The red banner is a little bit faded. It was pasted on another red paper in XX. The color of the material is different. This patch is obvious. Because this banner has been used repeatedly over the years, sometimes the word New Year's Day will be pasted as other festivals.

However, if the lights are dimmed, it doesn't look too old, but the patches are still obvious.

There are also some balloons and colored strips hanging around as decorations, but these cannot be reused, because every time the event is finished, they will be picked up by the elderly with children.

Below are round tables with melon seeds, peanuts, candies and tea, which can accommodate seventy or eighty people, and many more people can stand.

The old people walked in slowly, took their seats, chatted and drank tea.

Of course, the people from the Xiaoqinglong clinic also came, sitting in a corner with Liang Yuecheng. Zhou Jinyuan also looked at the nanny car outside, making sure that it would take their place in the performance.

Originally, the Xiaoqinglong clinic wanted to paddle and sing with the actors, but recently there were too many patients due to flu, and everyone really couldn't spare time, so they had to leave it to Liang Tuhao to arrange it.

On Zhou Jinyuan's left is Liang Tuhao, and on his right is Rong Xixue. Boss Liu's family is also sitting at their table. Xiao Liu is still wearing a costume in a decent way, and will go up to perform later. Although the stage is small, the child is still very serious ready.

Looking around, almost all of them are middle-aged and elderly people, and there are also some brought children. However, there was a young man sitting at the table next to Zhou Jinyuan and the others. He seemed reluctant and kept asking to leave. Unfortunately, he was suppressed by his mother.

That young man was Xiao Yin. He was forcibly brought here. Looking at the rustic stage, he almost died of depression. It seems that I can only play with my mobile phone for one night.

At this time, the young female director of the community also came to the stage wearing a red dress, holding a microphone to make an opening remark, and then said, "Next, please enjoy the program "Songs and Dances" submitted by Xiaoqinglong Clinic. Liven up the night with passionate dance and music . Applause welcome."

The uncles and aunts clapped their hands casually a few times, and the lights dimmed.

Xiao Yin thought he would hear some folk dance music, but the prelude to the music started, and what came out of the stereo was the hit list of a popular girl group recently.

"Damn?" Xiao Yin was startled, all the square dancers are so good now, they even dance the women's troupe.

The next moment, a few young girls in beautiful costumes rushed in from the door, each occupying a corner of the stage, singing and dancing to the accompaniment.

Xiao Yin's initial thought was that the restoration was not bad.

But when he watched carefully—the expression froze.

wrong! ! Why do these people look exactly like the girl group! ! !

Damn, I am! ! !

"Ah!!" Xiao Yin couldn't help shouting.

After shouting, I found that he seemed to be the only one excited in the audience. The old men and aunts didn't know any girl groups, and they all continued to eat melon seeds, and the atmosphere didn't seem to be heated up.

Mom even slapped him, "What are you doing, you yelling!"

"This, this, mom, Xu Xiuxiu!!" Xiao Yin pointed to the lead singer who was dancing.

Mother said vigilantly: "What Xu Xiuxiu, your girlfriend?"

Xiao Yin: "..."

Xiao Yin was fidgeting, and thought of taking pictures with his mobile phone, but he sat sideways, so he simply ran to the front row and asked the uncle at the first table: "Grandpa Liu, can I sit with you?"

Zhou Jinyuan actually didn't know any girl groups, but these girls had a good temperament and a strong stage performance. He looked at it and thought it was a bit weird. He scratched his head and asked Liang Yue, "These are professional dancers, right?" ? It's such a good dance."

Liang Yue said with a vague smile: "Yes. Professional."

"Oh." Zhou Jinyuan nodded solemnly with a clear look, "I'll just say it. Very good, it saved face for our little Qinglong, but everyone's reaction seems to be mediocre, and they don't appreciate it."

Liang Yue said with a smile: "It's okay, this is with atmosphere, and there are middle-aged and elderly people who like to watch it."

David TV's New Year's Eve Celebrations are being recorded, and various internal news are leaking out, as if they are warming up for the broadcast in advance. It wasn't that there was a conflict in the background, or it was said that there was an accident on stage.

Netizens speculated one after another, looking forward to what will happen when it is broadcast, and at the same time wondering even more where the stars who were pried away went. Their huge number of fans are also extremely sad. Could it be that this year is coming to an end and they won't be able to see their idols anymore.

At this time, a small video quickly spread and spread to various platforms, with the title "Fuck, I saw Xu Xiuxiu".

Everyone who saw the video said it must be a fake, it was replaced by AI, and then laughed out loud...

I saw a simple indoor stage full of middle-aged and elderly aesthetics. Xu Xiuxiu's popular girl group was singing and dancing their recent hit singles, all of them seemed to have picked up five million, energetic and working hard.

The patched banner at the back shows that this is the stage for this year, and, judging from the words, this is actually a community's New Year's Day Gala—the stage does meet this specification.

It's unbelievable why they, who have a resident program on Channel A, gave up the TV station's invitation and came to a so-called Yunxia community.

Although they acted enthusiastically and diligently, they were still so beautiful and stylish, but they didn't match the scene at all!

Especially in the last few seconds, the photographer moved the camera away and took a picture of the four words "Song and Dance" on the program list, which should be the name of their performance...

This is not the most ridiculous thing, the camera was brought to the audience below, and they saw "Singing and Dancing" on the stage, at least dozens of uncles and aunts in the audience were eating melon seeds with indifference, "Crack, click, click."

Netizen: I seem to be a little confused? ? ?