Taoist Doctor

Chapter 97: Extra two


Haizhou Municipal Hospital

The new batch of nursing school students have been here for an internship for a while, and they are assigned to various departments for rotation.

The well-known male intern nurses transferred to the emergency department this time, because men generally have an advantage in physical strength, they are still very welcome in departments with a lot of work like the emergency department.

Especially the teaching teacher has heard from friends in other departments that this young man named Shao Jingjing is very serious and caring in his studies, and has a relatively low error rate, and he will basically never make mistakes again. He is their favorite kind of student .

Moreover, this young man has a particularly good temper when facing patients. Whether it is a grumpy, weird patient, or a patient who is not very expressive and difficult to communicate, he can handle it. From this point of view, he is not like an intern, just like a senior nurse who has been in the outpatient clinic for a long time.

As soon as Shao Jingjing came, his teacher Xu Li led him to introduce the department's environment, instruments, system procedures, etc.

Seeing the residential address filled in his profile, he said with a smile: "Live in Yunxia Community? That's a local tyrant, isn't the housing price getting higher and higher?"

Although it is an old town with old houses, it may be demolished in a few years, but there is a Xiaoqinglong clinic there, which makes the surrounding housing prices unique.

Getting along with her personally, Xu Li felt that Shao Jingjing was really easy to learn, and whenever she talked about some knowledge, Shao Jingjing wrote it down with trepidation, recited it over and over during breaks, and sometimes recited words while eating.

Xu Li thought it was funny, "Xiao Shao, you work so hard, and I didn't test you so quickly."

Shao Jingjing smiled wryly, someone wants to test him.

Xu Li said, "Are you doing well in school?"

Before Shao Jingjing could speak, the interns from the same school as him had already spoken, "Yes! It's from a top student!"

Shao Jingjing said quietly: "I was also...forced. I don't want to, I have to memorize so much."

The intern complained: "Crazy memorization every day, and before the exam, I have to knock the hole sage pillow pill, and just say that I was forced, are you all so hypocritical? Every time you say you have a good temper, you also say No, in the end you don’t lose your temper with any patient!”

Shao Jingjing choked speechlessly: "...that was me before you didn't know me."

It's all from exercise, and he really doesn't want to eat big hand-rubbed balls, as soon as he mentions it... vomit!

After hearing this, Xu Li laughed and said, "So, you didn't like to study before, and you only felt the charm of the profession later? That's not bad, the prodigal son will never change his money!" Moreover, she was very humble, and refused to admit that she was Straight A student.

Shao Jingjing: "..."

It doesn't seem to be wrong, but I always feel that it's weird to say that.

Because he is a man, he does most of the physical work of lifting and lifting. After all, he saw a senior nurse who had a herniated lumbar intervertebral disc at a young age, and he still had to lift patients like this.

"Fortunately, I bought the plaster from the Xiaoqinglong Clinic, and I can continue my life." The nurse with a herniated lumbar disc also showed her own plaster, "I bought an upgraded version. Last time my husband suffered from shoulder pain, I put it on him." After a while, it is also very useful.”

A few years later, the once simple Xiaoqinglong plaster looks more formal, no longer like a dog skin plaster, but the effect is still so good, although the price has increased a little, but it is by no means expensive, and the price is very high. Now it is not only sold in Haizhou, after opening an online sales platform, patients from other places can also shop online.

It is often out of stock, and once it is on the shelves, it has to be rushed.

Of course, if it is serious, it is better to go to the orthopedic doctor there. The nurse said that one of her patients was so painful that she wanted to have an operation, so she asked Dr. Rong to prescribe medicine, and the pain disappeared after just one application.

Shao Jingjing nodded silently, "It's very useful."

"You also have a herniated lumbar disc?" the senior asked.

"Uh, no... I just know." Shao Jingjing said.

Just as I was talking, a group of patients came to the emergency department where there were not many people. They were all young people, and they still smelled of alcohol in broad daylight. They still had injuries that could be seen from a fight. The nurses and doctors rushed to treat their wounds . When other patients saw this kind of person, they hurriedly stayed away.

Shao Jingjing also stepped forward to bandage the patient. He had quit drinking for a long time, and only after he got into this business did he realize that drinking is really not a good thing, alas.

The female classmate next to him treated the wound of another male patient who smelled like alcohol, and the smell made her frown uncontrollably.

The male patient pouted and said, "What, what are you doing, you dislike me? The smell is not good?"

He just said what he said, and he still leaned over.

Shao Jingjing's classmate had just started working, and she pushed her body violently, and the cotton swab in her hand was also a little harder, and the other party immediately yelled, "Hey, I'll go, what are you doing!"

Shao Jingjing quickly wrapped up the patient under her hand, and stood in front of the female classmate, "Sorry, let me handle it for you."

The female classmate gave Shao Jingjing a grateful look.

The patient rubbed his face, and said dissatisfiedly: "I want the little nurse to bandage me—"

Shao Jingjing smiled patiently: "Sir, I am a nurse."

patient:"… "

Patient: "Nonsense."

"It's really a nurse, an intern nurse." Shao Jingjing showed him her work ID card.

The man glanced drunkenly, and immediately forgot what happened before, staring at Shao Jingjing and asked, "Are you a nurse? Damn, hahahaha, a male nurse? Why don't you wear pink, yours?" Where's the horned hat, and the stockings—"

Shao Jingjing: "..."

Because he is a man, the clothes issued to him by the hospital are more similar to those of doctors, white, and he is not required to wear a hat. Even if he wears a hat in some departments, it is similar to that of a doctor.

It is actually common to be misunderstood as a doctor, but this is the first time I have been asked this kind of question.

Xu Li glanced over from the other side, thinking whether to help out, whether the young man would be angry when he heard such words, but she only saw that Shao Jingjing continued to bandage the other party very calmly and gently, and answered his questions meticulously. question.

The other party asked a few more rude questions, but Shao Jingjing pretended that she didn't hear it, and quickly packed up and started to deal with the next patient.

Xu Li sighed in her heart, Xiao Shao is really well-mannered and has a gentle temper, he really lives up to his name.

This afternoon, after work, Shao Jingjing went to have dinner with her colleagues.

"Have you all signed up for the nurse qualification exam?" Xu Li asked the trainee nurses under her.

Everyone nodded, they basically planned to continue to engage in this business. As long as you have completed your studies, including this nearly one-year clinical practice, you are eligible to take the exam.

"That's good, study hard, the test is actually not difficult." Xu Li said a few words of experience.

"Hey, Brother Jing is sure to be fine. You have already memorized all the books, right?"

Shao Jingjing smiled weakly when she heard the words, "Almost."

If this can't be done once, he wiped his neck and committed suicide.

"Oh, by the way, Jing Jing, you might as well be admitted to our hospital after your internship is over. I think you have a high chance of staying." A senior from Corey also came over and said.

What she didn't say was that she felt that if Shao Jingjing could come in, there would be a high probability that she would be sent to the emergency department, how useful...

This child is gentle and quiet, works hard and has such a heavy workload, he has never complained of suffering, and even said that he was also very tired in the past. It can be seen that he has had a hard life, and he knows how to cherish it.

"Uh, no, I've already decided to work elsewhere after graduation." Shao Jingjing said.

"Is that so..." The senior said regretfully, "Is it a public hospital or a private hospital?" Judging by the tone, Shao Jingjing's family still has this relationship.

Shao Jingjing said implicitly with a hint of complacency: "It's a clinic."

Everyone: "..."

Everyone immediately showed expressions of "Are you stupid?" As far as his grades are concerned, they must be rushing to ask for it wherever they go. Hearing that he said it was settled, they thought it was a big hospital.

"This clinic...is your family running it?" A colleague asked, "Where is the clinic?"

She asked what was on everyone's mind.

Shao Jingjing: "The Xiaoqinglong Clinic in Yunxia Community."

Everyone was suffocated, and it took a long while to react, "Damn, Xiaoqinglong Clinic! That's not bad!"

No wonder he didn't want to stay with them. He was very proud when he mentioned it just now. It turned out that there was a way to get into Xiao Qinglong.

The female classmate was even more envious: "That's great, I want to work there... I want to go too, but I don't think I can pass the exam." The scale of expansion and recruitment are very cautious.

"You have passed the exam, come to our clinic to sign up and have a try." Shao Jingjing encouraged, "Let me say a few good words for you, maybe you can get in. Nurses are not as demanding as doctors."

"Brother Jing, you haven't even entered yet, so everyone said 'our clinic'." The female classmate teased, because Shao Jingjing was a little older than her classmates, so everyone called him Brother Jing.

She covered her mouth and smiled, "Then I can thank you first, you are so kind."

Although Brother Jing always hypocritically said that he is not a schoolmaster, does not like to study and has a bad temper, but it is obviously the opposite.

Shao Jingjing laughed twice.

"Hey, hey! Little nurse! Little nurse! Is that you?"

The new guests at the next table were all teenagers, and suddenly they yelled at them.

Everyone here is either a doctor or a nurse, and they all turned their heads to look, not knowing who it was called.

I saw that person winking at Shao Jingjing, and said to the person next to him, "That's the one, man, he's a nurse, really..."

Shao Jingjing: "..."

He also doesn't have the perverted memory of some people. He sees so many patients a day, and he really can't remember which one it is.

"Why, you don't remember me?" The other party was quite surprised, "Tsk, you bandaged me that day, and I asked you if you have a pink uniform skirt, hehehe."

Although I drank too much, I vaguely remembered that the little nurse seemed very forbearing and shy, and thought that since she was shy, why did she still work as a nurse? Male nurses are really rare, haha.

When he said that, the other companions also laughed strangely.

Colleagues comforted Shao Jingjing one after another, knowing that he had a good temper, "Don't worry about it, some people just have dirty mouths!"

"Crazy kid!"

Anyway, it's not the time to go to work now, so they talk a lot more casually.

The teenagers on the opposite side were still smiling and "slightly slightly" at them.

But before the consoling words were finished, Shao Jingjing rushed out like a whirlwind, grabbed the man's head, and punched him on the nose, causing tears and snot to flow from the man.

His movements are simply too neat, it looks like he has been fighting all year round, his hands are so dark, and he even strikes at places where people suffer pain, his arrogance is even more amazing, no one reacted for a while.

Shao Jingjing pressed the man on the table and untied his belt, and the man grabbed his pants crying, "Damn, what did you just say? Hmm!"

"Do you think you have privileges if you are brainless? Who are you playing hooligans in front of?"

"You were still eating shit when your dad was messing around with the emergency doctor, you know? I think you need your dad's beating!"

Shao Jingjing even pointed at other people with a folded belt and scolded them, but no one dared to reply, for fear that he would whip herself with the belt. This person is too arrogant! And it looks like a senior!

"Get out, let me hear your dirty mouth one more time. Dozens of brothers...classmates come to you with just one phone call. Believe it or not?" Shao Jingjing spoke harshly skillfully, "I want us to send you to the emergency room again. , and then help you bandage yourself?"

The other party lifted his pants, nodded first with teary eyes, and then shook his head.

"Then get out." Shao Jingjing patted his dog's head.

Shao Jingjing threw the belt into the trash can, sat back, and smiled meekly: "Continue to eat?"

Stunned colleagues: "..."

Shocking, I never expected that Shao Jingjing, the student with the highest praise during the internship period, the most tolerant, and the best work attitude, would be like this in private.

Xu Li couldn't believe her eyes!

The female classmate swallowed her saliva, and then she believed it. During school, Brother Jing kept saying that she had a bad temper. She said in a daze, "Brother Jing, you will go to the Xiaoqinglong Clinic...Actually, you will be a security guard, right?"

Shao Jingjing said: "Where, I am called the head nurse."