Taoist Doctor

Chapter 99: Episode four


I saw that Liu Jun took the cinnabar, didn't have a brush, and was afraid of being called unprofessional, so he put his hands on the cinnabar and drew amulets on the wall with a deliberate look.

He drew a long vertical talisman, and the family members held their breath and dared not make a sound, for fear of disturbing others and affecting the quality of the five thunder talisman.

Liu Jun finished the painting in one go, and he staggered a bit, but fortunately he supported the wall with his hands.

Zhao Bing had already followed into the play at this time, and when he saw this, he cleverly stepped forward to help Liu Jun go away and sit down, and shouted: "Senior Brother, Senior Brother, are you okay! After drawing the Five Thunder Talisman, the spiritual energy is exhausted. Weak, you must be careful not to be invaded by Yin Qi!"

The family members gasped: "Hiss—"

Zhou Jinyuan's original look at Zhao Bing's hatred of iron and steel has softened a lot. It's not bad, I'm a little bit behind-the-scenes, but I will add my own settings.

He took out a small box and poured two small black balls to Liu Jun.

After Liu Jun ate, he immediately looked much more comfortable, "Thank you, Master!"

In fact, what the Five Thunder Talisman is, Liu Jun doesn't know, Zhao Bing doesn't know, and the family members don't even know. It just sounds like it has a lot of background, coupled with Zhao Bing's affectation just now, it looks even more powerful.

At this time, Zhou Jinyuan's actions were seen in their eyes, and they felt that the medicine was terrible. After taking Xiaodaotong, who was still weak, he became energetic all at once. I'm afraid it's not a Shiquan Dabu pill.

A woman couldn't help but said: "Master, is this a panacea? Can you buy... ah, please bring one back to my son?"

"You don't even ask what the effect is, but you just want to stuff it in your son's mouth?" The person next to him may be her husband, and he rolled his eyes at her.

"It must be good... you stupid..." the woman muttered.

"Haha, it's okay." Zhou Jinyuan poured out another pill and fed it into her son's mouth with his own hands.

As soon as it entered the mouth, the child cried. Too - unpalatable!

This stuff is the small Kong Sheng Pillow Pill, isn't it unpalatable

The room was filled with the wailing of children, and his mother hurriedly took him away so as not to disturb the patient.

On the other side, Rong Xixue took two students and went outside with the guide to dig some local herbs, as the saying goes, poisonous cabbage, cows and horses will foam at the mouth after eating it, because it is poisonous. However, it can be used in combination with licorice and other medicines to attenuate the poison and help weak stomach qi. Zhou Jinyuan prescribed this medicine for first aid.

After the medicine was collected, it was immediately cleaned up, and the students in the other group also prepared the Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction and were boiling the medicine.

The two decoctions were boiled and fed to the two patients respectively.

Not to mention the daughter-in-law who drank the Xuefu Zhuyu Decoction, she needed two doses of the medicine to recover, and she could only see the effect when she was sleeping. The old man was supported to feed the soup little by little. He hadn't had any water or rice for a long time, but at this moment he had the will to drink the medicine.

After drinking a whole bowl and resting for a while, what surprised and excited all the family members happened. The old man was able to speak!

Before he was holding Zhou Jinyuan's hand, he was so excited that he couldn't utter a word, but now he thanked Zhou Jinyuan slowly in local dialect.

The family members translated it to Zhou Jinyuan, and they were very pleasantly surprised. The headlights and footlights were all lit. I thought the old man would not survive tonight, but he met an expert and brought him back to life!

Several students took turns to feel the pulse of the old man again, and they all gave happy eyes to confirm that he was out of danger.

"Next, it's the last thing. Please find someone to guide us. I'll go to the pool to do it and subdue the jiaojing." Zhou Jinyuan said.

"It's so late, Master, how about..." Zhao Bing wanted to say that he would go out during the day tomorrow, how tired it is to go out at night.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, other people looked at him with contempt: this person is not good at learning, and he is still timid.

Zhao Bing: "..."

Oh forget it...

The eldest son of the old man's family was obliged to take a very bright miner's lamp and lead them out. Before leaving, he was told to be careful by his family crying, and he said trustingly: "It's okay, Taoist Zhou is here!"

"That's right, let's go, finish killing Jiao early." Zhou Jinyuan urged.

The road to the water pool is not as scary as the students thought. There are still many people in the village going to the water pool to fetch water. Although it is not a concrete road, the green brick road is also very smooth.

"Here we are, right in front, look, there are iron pillars," said the eldest son.

There are no stars or moons in the sky, the clouds are very thick tonight, and the light from the miner's lamp is swept away, but there are some small green lights in front, surrounding the iron pillars, which is very strange.

"Ah...!" A trembling voice escaped from the throat of a female student, this, could this be the legendary will-o'-the-wisp!

Zhou Jinyuan put his hand on her shoulder, "Shut up!"

The female student was about to cry. She was playing the Taoist boy very professionally and came out to exorcise evil spirits, but when she saw this scene, she was so frightened that she couldn't care less, and she cried and said: "Old, teacher, let's not go there. Alright..."

Fortunately, these are "Tao boys", and there are one or two who are not proficient in business, and those who are timid can be forgiven.

This time, before Zhou Jinyuan could speak, the eldest son of the family said first: "Don't be afraid, Mr. Daoist, those are fireflies."

Female student: "..."

She took a closer look, and it seemed to be the same. Although the color was a bit weird, it was too small compared to the will-o'-the-wisps in urban legends, more like fireflies.

It was embarrassing, but she thought quickly, and immediately said: "Why do you think the fireflies gather there, and why do they fly in this way?"

Eldest son:"!"

This time it was the eldest son's turn to be shocked and dare not move forward, "My God, could it be..."

Female student: "Yeah!"

other people:"… "

Uh shit!

Especially Zhao Bing, complaining crazily, you are all good at acting.

Zhou Jinyuan almost laughed, coughed and said, "Okay, let's go there."

The deep water pool has existed for hundreds of thousands of years. There are nine iron pillars by the pool, connected with nine chains, dragged into the water, but many iron pillars have been worn out for a long time.

Zhou Jinyuan took a photo with a flashlight, and there were a few lines of words written on the iron pillar: The iron pillar is a red boat, which will last for ten thousand years. Afterwards, there are schemers who will not end their lives.

The handwriting was covered with spots of rust, and it was already a little blurred.

Zhou Jinyuan touched it, "Okay, let's put the bill on."

When the students heard the words, they immediately arranged the tables, fruits and other things brought from the man's house. At this time, a gust of wind blew by, and the sound of the wind was like the chirping of some animals.

A large number of fireflies also seemed to be disturbed, and they flew up, and their reflections made it look like there were thousands of stars in the pool.

It was originally a very beautiful scene, but it made the eldest son of the family tremble, "Mage, I, this, my yang energy seems to be weak..."

"Then you should look at it from a distance." Zhou Jinyuan said immediately.

"Thank you, thank you!" The eldest son hurried away, standing on the side of the road with his sleeves folded and looking over here.

Seeing under the light, the Taoist master was busy drawing talismans, he was relieved for a while, and he was not so afraid when he heard the strange wind.

"Teacher, teacher, I wanted to ask a long time ago. How did you know that someone was sick before? The light is so dim, I can't tell the expression on the person's face." Zhao Bing asked immediately after watching the person run away.

"I ask casually, if there is no one, I will say, not now, but soon." Zhou Jinyuan said.

Everyone: "..."

The corners of their mouths twitched, the teacher is really skilled...

"If any of them happened, sick, lost money, etc., they would automatically rely on that. Besides, his daughter-in-law was really sick, and she reacted the most at the time, so I asked if it was She's sick." Zhou Jinyuan was really like a magic stick, relying on his observations, he restrained the family.

"The teacher is really bold and careful!" Immediately, a student reacted and patted rainbow farts.

"Okay." Zhou Jinyuan smiled, and deliberately amplified his voice to chant sutras, "... those who move, should play the emperor's conjuration, summon thunder and pray, serve all gods, eliminate evil and cure diseases, save births and save births, rise up dragons and kill dragons, the sun and the moon are thinning Eclipse, yin and yang imbalance, burn it to the sky!"

He was chanting scriptures here, and the students also burned the yellow paper as instructed, made some noises, and even played some sound effects on their mobile phones, which combined with Zhou Jinyuan's formation, could really bluff people.

After a ceremony was finished, the students' fear of the dark and the deep pool had almost disappeared—

"Okay, you guys go back with him first. After the show is over, tell him that only I can be here for the last step, and you will be completely worry-free after it is done." Zhou Jinyuan said, "Don't be scared on the road. Walk while singing."

"Oh! Bye, teacher!" The students glanced at Zhou Jinyuan in admiration, a professional magician... er, Taoist medicine, it's just different.

They walked up to the eldest son of the family, and when they talked to him, the other party really became more convinced that a capable magic stick is like this, especially when they do it, they have knacks, and they can't let you see it. Spirited.

"Then let's go!" He hurried back with the Taoist boys, but the miner's lamp flickered twice, and the electricity was out.

The students were so scared that they almost screamed again. Fortunately, thinking of what Teacher Zhou said, they turned on their phones one after another. Zhao Bing turned on the music player tremblingly and played a song.

"When the happy pond is planted, the dream becomes the ocean, with bulging eyes and big mouth, and also singing loudly..."

Liu Jun slapped Zhao Bing on the back of the head, "Misplaced it! This song is too magical!"

Zhao Bing was in pain, "Oh! Brother, you just say it."

He pressed the phone, and the music cut immediately: "I have horns on my head, and a tail behind me. No one knows how many secrets I have. I am a little green dragon..."

The students all chorused together: "Little Qinglong, Xiaoqinglong!"

"I have a lot of little secrets..."

"Little secret, little secret!"

Accompanied by the brisk singing and the inexplicable look in the eldest son's eyes, the group left.

By the pool, Zhou Jinyuan laughed a few times as he listened to the gradually disappearing singing voice, "It's really singing."

Only he and Rong Xixue were left here. Rong Xixue wiped the apples on the table just now and handed one to Zhou Jinyuan.

The two sat on the ground by the pool, and the thick clouds were blown away by the wind at some point. Looking from the mountain, the stars were twinkling, and there were fireflies around them.

"Is there really one more step in the final act of killing Jiao?" Rong Xixue asked.

"Are you asking knowingly?" Zhou Jinyuan laughed loudly, "Obviously I left you here to watch the moon and stars."

Rong Xixue also smiled, the sound of the wind passing by like a long chant, although it was a bit weird, but this place is really beautiful, the dancing fireflies are actually courting.

They were dotted in the grass, reminding Rong Xixue in a trance that today is Qixi Festival, no wonder Zhou Jinyuan would keep him.

Even though they have been together for several years, when facing Zhou Jinyuan, Rong Xixue is still easily emotional, he circled Zhou Jinyuan, "Thank you..."

"Thank you for what?" Zhou Jinyuan leaned against him and asked.

"Thank you for inviting me to watch the stars." In return, Rong Xixue kissed him.

Just in the dark, and only kissed the corner of the lips.

Rong Xixue and Zhou Jinyuan said at the same time: "It was only half."

Half and half come, the time is still very long.

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