Taoist Mind Breeds Demons

Chapter 21: Boy, you are looking for death


Qin Shaofeng didn't pay attention to the looks of other people in the training ground, but was immersed in practicing the Splitting Whale Fist. Whether it was lifting stone locks or practicing the Splitting Whale Fist, it could increase strength and strengthen the body, but Qin Shaofeng didn't know it. Qin Shaofeng still understands the truth that if you continue to practice despite being tired and hurting, it's just that going too far is not enough, and Qin Shaofeng also grasps this degree very well.

After practicing the Splitting Whale Fist for five or six hours, Qin Shaofeng once again felt that his strength had broken through a limit. He felt that he could now lift a hundred kilograms of stone locks. However, Qin Shaofeng did not try because he knew that his current body had reached the limit. I have reached the limit of endurance and need to rest.

At this time, it was evening, and the bearded man greeted the five or six hundred people who were practicing and walked towards the cave next to him. Qin Shaofeng followed behind and went in. When Qin Shaofeng approached the cave with everyone, a wave of heat rushed towards him, and his eyes were filled with rising white mist. But when Qin Shaofeng walked in, he realized that there were actually hot springs of various sizes in the cave. Boiling hot water gurgled outside.

The area of this cave is extremely vast, and there are thousands of hot springs on the ground. The disciples of the Blood Demon Pavilion who had been practicing for a day all took off their clothes and jumped into the hot springs.

The bearded man stood aside, watching Qin Shaofeng come in, and then said to Qin Shaofeng, "You are a good boy. I look forward to you defeating me in a year. Take off your clothes quickly and take a dip. The hot springs here can relieve your body." reduce fatigue and improve physical fitness.”

After saying that, the bearded man also took off his clothes, but instead of walking towards the front hot spring, he walked towards the back hot spring.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng has also discovered that the hot springs here seem to be less in number as you go inside, and the hot spring water that comes out becomes hotter as you go inside. Qin Shaofeng saw the hot spring where the Black Tower is. There are already bubbles coming out, obviously the temperature of the water is not low anymore.

The last hot spring was filled with bubbles as big as a fist, and with the strength of the bearded man, he did not enter the last hot spring to soak, but jumped into one of the few hot springs not far below the hot spring. Go down.

Qin Shaofeng did not rush to soak, but slowly walked inside, using the demon of tactile sensation, feeling the changes in the spring water in each hot spring, and feeling that the hot spring that his body could almost withstand now was located. The place stopped.

But this place is not far from the hot spring where Heita is located. Seeing Qin Shaofeng standing there, Heita said to Qin Shaofeng, "Hey, boy, you are looking for death. With your small body, you won't be cooked even if you go down there." You.”

Although Heita spoke a little irritably, he meant well. However, Qin Shaofeng listened to Heita's words, smiled at Heita, started to take off his clothes, and then entered the hot spring. The scalding spring water immediately enveloped Qin Shaofeng's body.

Qin Shaofeng's somewhat pale body immediately turned red, but all the hot and painful feelings were swallowed up by the demon of seven emotions and six desires, so Qin Shaofeng sat cross-legged in it steadily and enjoyed it comfortably.

The hot hot spring water continuously washed Qin Shaofeng's body. Although Qin Shaofeng did not feel any fatigue during practice, this hot spring can improve his own physique, so Qin Shaofeng would not let it go. Moreover, Qin Shaofeng also grasped it very accurately. The hot spring he chose was just right to improve his physique to the maximum extent without causing harm to his body.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng sitting peacefully in the hot spring and not yelling as he expected, Heita frowned. He didn't expect that Qin Shaofeng's small body could withstand it again. You must know that he has practiced so much here. It took many years to reach this point, but Qin Shaofeng only entered here for the first time and was able to soak in a hot spring not far from him. This made Heita feel extremely weird, but thinking of the competition a month later, Heita snorted coldly and closed his eyes.

After soaking in the hot spring and seeing the Demon of Desire and Sexual Desire coming into play, Qin Shaofeng carefully observed his current physical condition and found that just as Big Beard said, while soaking in the hot spring, his physique was changing. It was improving bit by bit, which made Qin Shaofeng feel relieved.

He immediately began to search for training methods in his mind. Of course, it must be able to increase his strength. Now he is in the stage of strength training and must increase his physical strength to the greatest extent.

If Qin Shaofeng has reached the innate realm now, then he can naturally no longer have such trouble, because the Battle of Heaven and Earth can absorb the natural power of heaven and earth to temper Qin Shaofeng's body and increase its strength and power, but at this stage , Qin Shaofeng can only practice step by step.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng found a martial arts technique dedicated to cultivating strength from the memory inherited by Xiaoyao Demon Lord, called the Great Heavenly Demon Palm.

The Great Heavenly Demon Palm is a body-building exercise for the outer disciples of the Heavenly Demon Sect. It is specially used to train the outer disciples and enhance their physique and strength. It is said that after practicing to the highest level, one can hold up a mountain with one palm. It is extremely powerful. Tyranny is a technique that every outer disciple of the Tianmo Sect must practice. As for the inner disciples, it is not practiced.

Because all the disciples who can be selected into the inner sect are directly raised to the innate realm by the elixir, they naturally no longer need to practice the body-building techniques of the outer sect.

This Heavenly Demonic Palm is the most suitable for the current Qin Shaofeng. Among the many techniques inherited by Xiaoyao Demon Lord, Qin Shaofeng finally chose this Heavenly Demonic Palm, and then began to figure it out in his heart.

This is a good habit for a scholar. No matter what kind of skill it is, you will not rush to practice it. You must first understand it and master the essence. In this case, you will get twice the result with half the effort when you practice it again.

After running in the hot spring for about an hour, the disciples of the Blood Demon Pavilion all got up one after another, put on their clothes and walked towards another cave nearby. Qin Shaofeng also got up and looked at himself, who was red and seemed to be steamed. The prawn-like body, after feeling it, has indeed strengthened a lot.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng's stomach was growling. After practicing for such a long time, Qin Shaofeng was already very hungry.

The cave next to it was a place to eat. Qin Shaofeng walked in and found a variety of food on the stone platform on one side. Of course, meat was the main food. The disciples of Xuesha Pavilion went there to get it themselves according to their appetite.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng saw Heita holding a huge wooden bucket, standing on the edge of the stone platform, constantly putting food into it, until the entire bucket was full, then he walked to the stool on the side and poured food into it. After eating, the bucket of food weighed at least fifty kilograms.

Qin Shaofeng walked to the stone table, took two or three kilograms of meat, and then walked to the stone table and started eating. Qin Shaofeng originally thought that this was his limit, but he didn't expect that after eating, he still felt hungry, so He went to get another two or three kilograms of food. After eating, he still felt hungry. This surprised Qin Shaofeng. Why did he eat so much? In this way, Qin Shaofeng took it back and forth five or six times and ate nearly twenty kilograms of food before he felt full.

At this time, the disciples of the Blood Demon Pavilion present were looking at Qin Shaofeng's small body, and they were all thinking about how Qin Shaofeng's small body could hold so much food. Qin Shaofeng saw so many people looking at him, but he didn't feel any embarrassment. Food was the most important thing for the people, and he just wanted to eat when he was hungry. What was there to be embarrassed about.

Shi Shiran stood up, and Qin Shaofeng walked back to his stone room. After returning to the stone room, he closed the stone door. Qin Shaofeng sat cross-legged on the stone bed to rest. In fact, he continued to figure out the essence of the Great Heavenly Demonic Palm. It was not until the disciples of the Blood Demon Pavilion returned to their stone chambers and began to rest that in the middle of the night, Qin Shaofeng Start practicing the Demonic Palm of Heaven.

Because Qin Shaofeng has practiced the Seven Emotions and Six Desires, even if he doesn't sleep, he won't feel any sleepiness or fatigue. Those feelings will naturally be swallowed up by the Seven Emotions and Six Desires demon. "The Heavenly Demon Splits the Earth", "The Heavenly Demon Holds the Mountain", "The Heavenly Demon Opens the Sea" and other moves from the palm of the Heavenly Demon were used by Qin Shaofeng.

At this time, Qin Shaofeng was like an ancient demon god. Every palm seemed to have endless power, and he could carry mountains and seas, and chase the stars and the moon.

Of course, this is just the momentum created by Qin Shaofeng who has mastered the essence of the Great Heavenly Devil Palm. In fact, Qin Shaofeng does not have much power when he displays it now. However, using the Great Heavenly Devil Palm over and over again makes Qin Shaofeng's power continue to grow. It also improves Qin Shaofeng's physique, making his body stronger and stronger.

The Heavenly Demon Palm is a body-building technique used by the outer disciples of the Heavenly Demon Sect, and the Heavenly Demon Sect is a major sect in the immortal world. Even if it is an outer-sect body-building technique, it is considered a divine skill in this secular world. After Qin Shaofeng figured out and mastered the essence of the Heavenly Demonic Palm, he practiced over and over again. With each practice, he would master the essence of the Heavenly Demonic Palm better.

As he practiced again and again, Qin Shaofeng controlled the Demon of Desire and looked at his body. He found that with the use of this devil's palm, the blood in his body flowed much faster, and his physical strength and strength were both There are varying degrees of reinforcement.

At the same time, Qin Shaofeng discovered that as he practiced the Heavenly Demonic Palm, traces of impurities were being excreted from his body, which further stimulated his physical fitness. This made Qin Shaofeng very happy. It seems that the Split Whale Fist and this Practicing together with the Demon Palm of Heaven, defeating the Black Tower in a month will definitely not be a problem.