Taoist Mind Breeds Demons

Chapter 25: Forging the body with real fire


The bearded man looked at Qin Shaofeng walking into the stone room, smiled, and then said, "What a madman. I can't even enter this stone room to practice now, but he, a boy who is in the realm of muscle training, can actually go in. Damn it!" It’s incredible.”

In terms of strength, Big Beard can now pin Qin Shaofeng to death with just one finger, but this is only when Big Beard uses his huge inner energy.

After Da Beard cultivated the inner breath, he put most of his energy on the cultivation of inner breath and seldom worked on the physical body. Therefore, if we just talk about the strength of the physical body, Da Beard's The physical strength is not necessarily stronger than Qin Shaofeng's current physical body.

In comparison, because Qin Shaofeng has a strong relationship with the Seven Emotions and Six Desires, and the Seven Emotions and Six Desires demon knows his own situation very well, this gives Qin Shaofeng a great advantage in beating the physical body.

Because of the existence of the Demon of Seven Emotions and Six Desires, Qin Shaofeng's grasp of the situation of his physical body is almost abnormal. It is precisely because of such accurate grasp of the situation of his physical body that Qin Shaofeng's strength can grow extremely quickly.

After entering the stone room, Qin Shaofeng immediately felt overwhelming heat rushing toward him, and he was suddenly sweating like rain all over his body. Practicing in such an environment definitely has an extremely powerful effect on tempering his physical body. This makes Qin Shaofeng very happy. Looking at the ground that is almost fiery red, Qin Shaofeng feels the sound of the flowing magma below and clicks. He nodded and immediately started practicing.

The Demon of Seven Emotions and Six Desires absorbed all the hot and painful feelings that Qin Shaofeng felt in this stone chamber. Qin Shaofeng practiced the Great Heavenly Demon Palm in this stone chamber over and over again.

As he practiced, a large amount of sweat evaporated from his body, and there were traces of black substances in the sweat. They were impurities discharged from Qin Shaofeng's body. Qin Shaofeng's physique was being forged by the earth's fire magma. down, constantly improving.

In this way, Qin Shaofeng lived in the stone chamber built on the earth's fire magma, and began to practice hard every day. In such an environment, Qin Shaofeng's strength improved every day.

Qin Shaofeng's progress has also stimulated many people such as Heita. After all, they have been practicing longer than Qin Shaofeng, but now they are surpassed by Qin Shaofeng. Such a blow will naturally make them practice desperately. Such a situation The bearded man was very happy.

In this world, there has been a unified standard for measuring power since ancient times, and that is horsepower. As for the standard horsepower, it is calculated based on the most powerful black and yellow horse in the world. When the black and yellow horse is at its strongest, it can reach ten thousand kilograms, so this is used as the standard to calculate how powerful a warrior is. the power of.

The strongest at the ninth level of training is usually one horsepower, and those who exceed one horsepower are peerless geniuses. At the ninth level of muscle training, one can have three horsepower, while at the ninth level of bone training, one can have five horsepower. As for the ninth level of marrow training, one can have eight horsepower, and at the peak of the ninth level of blood training, Capable of possessing ten horsepower.

This is the standard that a warrior wants to achieve in the process of cultivation. Of course, some with lower qualifications may not be able to possess such power even though they have reached the realm, while some with good qualifications can Break this boundary and have greater power.

As for the calculation of the acquired realm, it is different, because after cultivating to the ninth level of blood training, you can practice various techniques to generate inner breath.

Different skills will have different effects on the growth of strength. If the skills are good, the increased power will naturally be strong, while if the skills are poor, the increased power will naturally be poor, so here After the acquired realm, there will be great differences. Of course, regardless of the difference, the way to calculate power is in terms of horsepower.

Qin Shaofeng began to practice in the stone chamber built on the earth fire magma with peace of mind. In addition to practicing with Heita and others every day, Qin Shaofeng would practice in the stone chamber. He continued to make breakthroughs in the realm of muscle training and his strength continued to grow. His physique was also constantly improving, so after half a year, Qin Shaofeng had entered the realm of bone training, and in this realm, Qin Shaofeng already had the power of four horsepower.

Half a year later, Qin Shaofeng's height has reached about 1.85 meters. This is the result of Qin Shaofeng's efforts to control it. Otherwise, with Qin Shaofeng's perverted appetite, Qin Shaofeng would be taller. Qin Shaofeng naturally does not want to change like Heita. He looks like a monster, so he tries his best to control his height. After reaching the realm of bone training, Qin Shaofeng has to work harder to control it, because this realm requires tempering his own bones.

Half a year later, Qin Shaofeng's skin is still fair, and his body is slender and well-proportioned. He has not become too strong due to the increase in strength, and Qin Shaofeng's improvement has become less sickly than at the beginning. No matter how you look at Qin Shaofeng now, He looks like a handsome young man and a good man in troubled times.

On this day, Qin Shaofeng was practicing in the stone room. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Qin Shaofeng stopped practicing and opened the stone door, only to find a bearded man with an inexplicable smile appearing in front of him.

And when the bearded man saw Qin Shaofeng, he felt the aura on Qin Shaofeng's body, and immediately said in surprise, "Oh, your boy has actually reached the realm of bone refining? It's not easy. But we still have to work hard, there is still half a year to go. , If you can’t defeat me in half a year, you won’t be able to stay here.”

Naturally, Qin Shaofeng still remembered this bet, and in order to achieve this goal, he naturally practiced very hard. Most people can reach the realm of bone refining after practicing for half a year. This is definitely a genius among geniuses, but Qin Shaofeng's goal is to reach the peak acquired realm within a year. It is actually very difficult to achieve this goal, but Qin Shaofeng has Have confidence that you can definitely accomplish it.

Nodding to the big beard, Qin Shaofeng asked the big beard, "What do you always want to see me for?"

After listening to Qin Shaofeng's words, the bearded man remembered the purpose of coming here, with an inexplicable smile on his face again, and then said to Qin Shaofeng, "Miss, please come over. It seems that I still want to find you." Let's talk about it, but this time you have to be merciful. The eldest lady was beaten so hard by you that she couldn't get out of bed for a long time, but you really dare to do it. "

The eldest lady had been practicing hard since she was defeated by Qin Shaofeng. Because her qualifications were indeed very good, she soon broke through to the realm of muscle training, so she asked Qin Shaofeng to compete again, but Qin Shaofeng's strength was always stronger than that of Qin Shaofeng. This eldest lady was much stronger, so she was defeated by Qin Shaofeng every time. And after that lesson, Qin Shaofeng also avoided the sensitive places of this eldest lady.

It's just that this eldest lady is very stubborn and refuses to admit defeat. She always pesters Qin Shaofeng and asks him to compete with her. He competes with her every two days, which also makes Qin Shaofeng annoyed, so he strikes harder, which makes the eldest lady ten days. Since she couldn't get out of bed for half a month, she couldn't compete with Qin Shaofeng anymore.

Qin Shaofeng just nodded after hearing what Big Beard said, and then said to Big Beard, "Let's go, I have my own sense of discretion."

When the big beard saw what Qin Shaofeng said, he couldn't say anything else. He led the way towards the cave where the eldest lady lived alone. After arriving at the entrance of the cave, the big beard left, because Qin Shaofeng had been here many times. , so I went in directly.

Approaching the cave, the corridors on both sides are also stone chambers. Qin Shaofeng doesn't know what is in these stone chambers, and Qin Shaofeng has never explored it. His thoughts are now focused on cultivation.

After walking forward for a while, there was an extremely vast training ground, which was specially opened for this young lady. This young lady usually practiced here.

When Qin Shaofeng came here, the eldest lady, who was wearing a fancy dress and still wearing a black gauze mask, was practicing the Splitting Whale Fist. After seeing Qin Shaofeng coming, her eyes suddenly lit up, but then she gritted her teeth and said, "Qin Shaofeng , you are a scoundrel, you broke two of my ribs last time, this time I will take revenge and break all of your ribs."

After saying that, he rushed towards Qin Shaofeng, and at the same time, he punched Qin Shaofeng with an angry whale out of the sea.

Looking at the eldest lady who rushed up, Qin Shaofeng said with a smile, "It seems like you say this every time, but you fail every time."

As he spoke, he also used the punch of Angry Whale Chuhai and hit the eldest lady. Of course, Qin Shaofeng also controlled the power of this punch. It would only break the eldest lady's two ribs again. He continued to let her go. She couldn't get out of bed for ten days and a half.

The eldest lady is extremely talented and is willing to practice hard, so she has made rapid progress. At the age of fourteen, she has reached the peak of the ninth level of muscle training and has a huge strength of 35,000 kilograms. This is definitely possible. He can be called a peerless genius.

But it is far behind compared with Qin Shaofeng, a monster. After all, Qin Shaofeng has only practiced for half a year, and now he is already at the first level of bone refining, with a huge power of four horsepower.

Therefore, this competition has been doomed for a long time. Because Qin Shaofeng possesses the Seven Emotions and Six Desires, he can clearly feel how much power the eldest lady has used, so he has a good grasp of his own power. Every time, he just hits the eldest daughter. The young lady was defeated and she couldn't get out of bed for ten days and a half.

This time there was no exception. The two fists intersected, and huge power burst out. With a click, Qin Shaofeng hit the eldest lady's ribs again, breaking two of them. This time I didn’t forget to take advantage of the competition to eat the lady’s tofu!