
Chapter 22


In Xiao Ke's opinion, Boss Zhou has a very good quality, and he seems to have never rejected him. No matter what Xiao Ke said, Zhou Xunji would agree. So when Xiao Ke asked him for a rose, Zhou Sin agreed immediately.

"Thank you Teacher Zhou, but I'm not in a hurry, don't rush to draw, just draw a little when you have time." Xiao Ke sat on the chair and said with a smile. He smiled contentedly, with sunshine in his eyes when he laughed. After that, I drew a rose, put a piece of black paper on it, and took a photo.

It was posted on a circle of friends, with the text: "Mr. Xiao is waiting for a beautiful and coquettish rose."

Fang Qiqiu guessed that he was just posting on the Moments, and Xiao Ke received a comment as soon as he posted it, with a big smile.

Xiao Ke ignored him, locked the screen and read the information.

"Mr. Zhou, what do you have for dinner?" Xiao Ke asked Zhou Sin while looking at the computer.

Zhou Sin said, "You decide."

Xiao Ke has a lot of time now and often stays in the store. The two spend a lot of time together and often have the opportunity to eat together. When the relationship was not so familiar before, how could Xiao Ke dare to take Zhou Xu out to eat alone, but now it is different. Now Xiao Ke occasionally goes out to eat alone with Zhou Xu, like a date.

"Let's eat Hunan cuisine. I haven't been to a restaurant introduced by my colleague before, so let's try it." Xiao Ke said.

Zhou Sin sorted out the drawing paper and books on the table next to him, took a book and put it back on the shelf above, "Okay."

The book was placed high on the shelf. Even Zhou Sin's height had to stretch his arms to be able to hold it. If Lu Xiaobei guessed it, he would have to move a stool. He was very close to Xiao Ke, and when his arms were raised, his clothes were pulled up, and his right waist was exposed. Although it was only a few seconds, it was still captured by Xiao Ke.

In those few seconds, he saw that Zhou Sin was wearing the belt that he had given him. Above the belt was a solid body with beautiful muscle lines. When he looked from the side, he could see a little faint mermaid line.

Xiao Ke raised his head again and looked up, and saw Zhou Sin's raised arm, the strength of the arm connecting the shoulder muscles could not be hidden through the clothes. Further up is his neck, his chin, his very short hair, the hair should be very hard, and you can even imagine the kind of touch that feels prickly to the touch.

Zhou Sin put the book down and lowered his arms, and when he lowered his head, he met Xiao Ke's burning gaze, and he was stunned for a while without any preparation. Xiao Ke had just intentionally ingested a body full of male hormones, and his eyes were very hot at the moment. Zhou Sin looked at him for a few seconds, and suddenly he smiled at him.

He smiled and asked him, "What's wrong?"

Xiao Ke licked his lower lip, then turned his eyes back to the computer: "It's nothing, it's just that I used my thoughts to play a hooligan on you."

Zhou Sin was stunned again, looking at Xiao Ke's head, the air suddenly became silent.

Xiao Ke asked him, "Do you mind?"

Zhou Sin turned around and walked away. Before leaving, he reached out and pressed Xiao Ke's hair. Like the previous time, he pressed it and shook it twice. Very relaxed and casual action. Xiao Ke heard him say, "I don't mind."

Xiao Ke smiled and looked back at Zhou Sin, but Zhou Sin had already gone upstairs, and he barely glanced at the back.

That day Xiao Ke and Zhou Sin went to that Hunan restaurant, the taste was good and there were a lot of people. In fact, you don't have to wait that long, but Zhou Sin's car is too big, and there is a parking space that can't be parked, and it takes several laps to find another parking space.

"Why did you buy such a big car?" Xiao Ke asked him when he circled around to find a parking space.

Zhou Sin smiled and said, "I want to know too."

Xiao Ke said: "Next time you come out and drive my car, it's better to park a little bit."

Zhou Sin nodded: "Okay."

In fact, Xiao Ke's car is not very small, it is a normal model, but it is much more convenient than Zhou Sin's. However, his car is usually parked far away. There are too many cars near the store. He is too lazy to drive inside, so he stops outside when he finds a chance.

When the two stopped and walked into the store, Xiao Ke was still saying to Zhou Sin: "You have to occupy one and a half parking spaces yourself, it's a waste of money..."

Before he could say anything, someone behind him suddenly interrupted him: "—Xiao Ke?"

Xiao Ke looked back and saw that he was indeed an acquaintance. He smiled, stopped and said hello, "Wang Gong."

"I haven't seen you for a long time." The man came over and patted Xiao Ke.

"Well, it's been a long time." Xiao Ke smiled and asked him, "Come to dinner?"

"Yes, some friends with me," he looked at Zhou Sin next to him, Zhou Sin put one hand in his coat pocket, and didn't look at them, he asked Xiao Ke, "This is?"

Xiao Ke also glanced at Zhou Sin and said, "It's my friend."

"Ah," the man didn't say much, and walked into the store with Xiao Ke, "How long has it been since we drank together, everyone will call out for an appointment when you are free?"

In fact, this is a polite remark, and everyone knows it well. Xiao Ke laughed at himself and joked, "That doesn't seem to be very convenient. How is Lin Gong recently?"

"You guys don't mean to have any contact at all?" The other party was a little surprised, "You don't know that Xiao Lin left?"

"Resign?" Xiao Ke raised his eyebrows, "What's the reason?"

"I don't know, I won't say it if I ask." The man glanced at Zhou Sin again, smiled and shook his head, and said in a meaningful way, "It was such a good time in the past, it's a pity."

Xiao Ke understood what he was talking about.

This person and Lin An are in the same design institute. They are of the same age. They entered the institute in the same year and have a very good relationship. Xiao Ke was naturally familiar with him before. He and Lin An are known to have a good relationship, Xiao Ke is romantic and direct, Lin An is restrained and gentle, and the friends around him are very optimistic about them.

Zhou Sin looked over and looked at the man.

"What a pity?" Zhou Sin asked lightly. Then he cleared his throat, and walked away with his long legs. Before leaving, he touched Xiao Ke's arm, his hands were in his pockets, half of his face was buried in the zipper of his clothes, and he didn't turn his head back, "Let's go, Teacher Xiao. ."

It's not a pity that Xiao Ke didn't know and didn't have the heart to think. But he clearly knew that Boss Zhou's reaction was going to break his leg. Xiao Ke smiled and said to the designer surnamed Wang, "Then I will go to Wang Gong first. My friend is probably hungry."

"Well, let's go," the other party patted him on the shoulder again, "see you later."

Xiao Ke waved his hand and ran to chase Zhou Xun.

Zhou Sin's reaction today was a bit unexpected. This person is usually as reticent as a wooden man, but he actually took the initiative to take other people's words just now, and the answer was still the same. This made Xiao Ke have to think more. He took a few steps and Zhou Sin was already waiting for him at the door of the store.

Xiao Ke walked up to him and threw out a sentence: "It's not a pity."

Zhou Sin raised his eyebrows to look at him.

The waiter came over and took them upstairs, Zhou Sin walked in front, Xiao Ke followed him and said, "Mr. Zhou, I never look back, my eyes are always forward. There is nothing behind me. Meaning... but I know it's you in front of me."

Zhou Sin turned his head, Xiao Ke smiled at him.

Xiao Ke knew that he was very handsome when he laughed, so he often laughed, especially when he said something important. But he probably didn't know much, some people loved his two-way drooping eyes when he was laughing.