
Chapter 43


This person offered to be a model for him, but Lu Xiaobei refused without thinking.

The little boy repeated again: "I can really do it, you can't find a model, am I ready?"

Lu Xiaobei didn't lift his head, wearing a mask he could only see his drooping eyes: "It won't hurt you."

"I'm not afraid of pain, it's alright." The little boy squinted and smiled.

Lu Xiaobei looked up at him and said lightly, "If you're not afraid of the pain, don't shake."

The little boy looked down at his legs and stopped talking.

The boy's name is Lin Cheng, who is just a freshman, studying architectural design. He had made an appointment with Lu Xiaobei to make a rainbow flag today, and the tattoo was on the inner thigh, in order to cover a scar from his childhood.

Lu Xiaobei painted a fan. The color of the rainbow flag is on the fan, and there are scattered stars around it. It looks very new and absolutely beautiful. Now that the fan has not been cut all the way around, the child is sweating with pain on his forehead. As Lu Xiaobei dropped the needle, his legs twitched from time to time in a conditioned reflex, very sensitive skin, the edge of the thread would immediately turn red as soon as the thread was hooked. The complexion is so white, the redness looks a bit scary.

Lin Cheng wore loose shorts with one trouser leg rolled up to the bottom of his leg. He watched Lu Xiaobei lower his head and fiddle at the base of his legs, holding a machine in one hand to cut the thread, and a cotton pad in the other to wipe off excess paint at any time. Lin Cheng had two legs spread apart, one curled up and the other straight, while Lu Xiaobei pressed him for a tattoo.

This action is very common for tattoo artists, and there are many more awkward positions in more private parts, which are nothing. But it is still a bit difficult for customers to let go, and they will feel a little ambiguous.

The edge of the fan's outer ring was hooked. Lin Cheng took a piece of paper and wiped the sweat from his forehead, and whispered, "Brother, I want to take a break."

Lu Xiaobei was just changing the needle for fogging, he tilted his chin slightly and said, "Go ahead."

Lin Cheng simply wanted to take a break, but didn't want to do anything. It was so painful, it was several degrees higher than the previous wrist pain. He didn't change his posture, just closed his legs and watched Lu Xiaobei play with the machine. After a while he smiled and said, "I'll rest."

Lu Xiaobei made a sound of "um", stepped on the ground and forced the chair to move forward, pulled off the mask before putting on the gloves, and said, "If the pain is unbearable, just say it."

"Okay." Lin Cheng nodded, looking good.

Whether fogging is more painful or cutting is more painful, everyone has a different opinion. In fact, they both hurt, but one is sharper, and the other is less irritating, but continues to squeeze people's menstruation, and some people find it particularly annoying.

Lin Cheng may take the initiative to talk to Lu Xiaobei in order to distract his attention to relieve the pain. He didn't speak in a low voice, and his voice was unsteady because he endured the pain: "This picture is beautiful, what style is mine?"

"No style," Lu Xiaobei replied, "Just a little fresh, you can be a ne school, but not all."

Lin Cheng nodded and said with a smile, "It's beautiful."

When Lu Xiaobei was working, he still didn't like to talk. Later, when Lin Cheng talked, his answers were very brief.

Later, when the main body of the fan was finished, there were still the last few scattered pieces. When Lu Xiaobei was changing the needle tip, Lin Cheng suddenly raised his hand and lightly touched Lu Xiaobei's black earrings.

Lu Xiaobei paused and raised his eyebrows to look at him.

Lin Cheng's Adam's apple slid slightly, and he also realized that his movements were a bit abrupt. He retracted his hand, and pulled the corner of his lips into a far-fetched smile: "Brother, you... It's beautiful."

Lu Xiaobei didn't move, he kept staring at him, the mask was buckled on his face, and there was no expression on his face, so he didn't know what he was thinking.

These eyes made people nervous, Lin Cheng's eyes were dodging, and he didn't dare to look at him. He pursed his lips tightly and looked very uncomfortable. He was about to say "sorry" when he heard Lu Xiaobei speak.

He was still like that, looked up at Lin Cheng sideways, got a little closer, and said to him in a volume that only the two of them could hear, "Don't tease me blindly."

This time Lin Cheng's face was completely red, and he made a big red face.

When Xiao Ke came over from get off work, Lin Cheng had just made this picture, and Lu Xiaobei took a towel and wiped the foam off his legs. Ask him, "Are you satisfied? See if there is anything to fix."

"Satisfied, don't fix it." Lin Cheng smiled and shook his head, "Thank you, brother."

Lu Xiaobei nodded, he had taken off his gloves and mask, put away the machine, moved the worktable, put a film on the place where he had tattooed, and said to him, "Don't take a bath today, go back to the medicine I gave you last time. Then apply it, after a while to make up a color, and then make an appointment."

The other party nodded, Lu Xiaobei sent the person out, bumped him on the shoulder when passing by Xiao Ke, and said hello.

Xiao Ke patted his arm, walked over to Zhou Sin, and said with a smile, "Good evening, Teacher Zhou."

Zhou Sin raised his head and smiled at him: "I'm about to do something, sit down for a while."

"Well, no hurry." Xiao Ke said, "I want to think about what to eat at night."

Zhou Sin said "good".

Xiao Kelai didn't want to come over today. Zhou Xun was busy and he was also busy. Once he came, it would still disrupt Zhou Xun's life rhythm. But he has to go on a business trip again tomorrow, and it will be three or four days once he goes out, or maybe even longer, so he still came over.

In the evening, Xiao Ke said that he was going on a business trip for a few days, and Zhou Sin asked, "Where are you going?"

"Go to Shanghai," Xiao Ke said with his eyes closed, leaning back on the sofa, "the exchange meeting."

Zhou Sin said "um" and asked him, "Have things been packed?"

"Well, put it on the car." Xiao Ke sighed, "I won't see you in the next few days, Teacher Zhou remember to call me."

Zhou Sin rubbed his forehead and said, "I can't forget it."

This is definitely unforgettable. If the two are not together, they will make a phone call before going to bed every night and say something casually. Sometimes even Zhou Sin didn't hang up when he was exercising, and Xiao Ke liked listening to it.

The scale of this exchange meeting is not small. Several universities jointly held it. A total of seven people from Xiao Ke and his school went to the school, and the dean also went. It was originally scheduled for three or four days, but I didn't expect to be invited to Xiamen in the middle, and it was already a week after returning to Shanghai.

After all the tossing, it made people very tired. Xiao Ke was lying on the hotel bed at night and told Zhou Sin that he was a little tired.

Zhou Sin said on the phone, "rest early and be back soon."

Xiao Ke called while his colleague was taking a bath. He and his colleague lived in a room. So his voice was a little low, and he hummed twice, pretending to be pitiful with his boyfriend.

Zhou Sin liked this trick very much, and his heart suddenly softened. He smiled and said, "Waiting for you."

"Okay," Xiao Ke sighed again, sticking to the phone, "going to see my doctoral supervisor tomorrow, I'm going to scold me again."

Zhou Sin didn't say anything, and Xiao Ke didn't have to say anything, so Zhou Sin just listened. Xiao Ke thought of something and said something until his colleague came out of the shower. Xiao Ke said, "Then I'm going to take a shower, you go to bed earlier."

"Well, I'll wait for you." Zhou Sin said he didn't mean to hang up, he whispered after a few seconds, "You hang up."

Xiao Ke knew that this person was actually reluctant to hang up and didn't say it, but he missed him in his heart.

So after Xiao Ke came out of the bath, he still gave Zhou Sin a kiss and coaxed his teacher Zhou.

Lu Xiaobei was also in Shanghai. I heard that Xiao Ke was going to come back and he didn't do it anymore. He didn't care about the exhibition in two days. He went back with the model and had to take the same flight with Xiao Ke. Anyway, he has been there for the first three days, and there are not as many people coming later, so he has seen everything that should be seen.

Lu Xiaobei didn't bring his own works, he just played for Zhou Sin, got a chair and sat on the field of Zhou Sin's studio and played with his mobile phone. When someone comes over to talk, they usually don't make a sound and don't respond. Only when he is asked if he is Zhou Sin will he answer: "I am not, I am his apprentice."

Tao Xiaodong was indeed able to toss, filling Zhou Sin's things, and hiring several models that Zhou Sin had tattooed, and poured a lot of money into it. The exhibition is held every year. The really amazing group of people are actually familiar to everyone and have seen it. They just want to see if there are new pictures this year. But Zhou Sin was different. It was his first time to exhibit in a serious manner, and he was still in the center of the venue, next to the organizer.

But in fact, Zhou Singen did not specially prepare for this. The pictures are all those that he usually tattooed, and they are displayed at will, and people do not show up.

But that's enough.

Zhou Sin has a tattooed back, which is a tiger. Not to mention the colored background, almost all the tattooists in the audience came to see the tiger. That was the thinnest job Zhou Sin had done last year. When the lines should be rough and free, they were arrogant and wanton, and when they were delicate, they could even see the fur on his body. The tiger is domineeringly lying on its side, the tiger's head and teeth are fierce, and a pair of tiger eyes are buttoned on the human skin as if it were really alive.

The old traditional tune is too clear, both the artistic conception and the technique are top-notch, and the simple color blocks on the edge are domineering.

This man who was full of Zhou Sin had done more than 200 hours at the beginning, and it was also because the client's eldest brother was really good at money. The package price that was directly negotiated was 1 million yuan, and it was only possible to dig and grind it so carefully without charging according to the current price. Otherwise, it is rare to be so meticulous when making big pictures. After all, you are running money every hour. Customers don’t need you to be so meticulous, and Zhou Sin will not design this style.

The difference between the pictures specially prepared for the exhibition and the pictures usually made for customers is here. The style and theme are not discussed, and the level of detail is much worse.

In addition to this picture, there are also half-blade lions, robotic arms with mechanical legs, calf elephants, totems of alien beasts, and a landscape with a full back. These are unique in style and can be seen at a glance. There are also some slightly common styles, such as European and American black and gray and old Japanese traditions, which are all placed in it.

The picture of Zhou Sin at this year's exhibition turned out, which was the biggest surprise presented by the organizer to the industry. Most of the other booths are team exhibitors, and there are some shocking ones, but that is the result of the entire team. Everyone has their own preferences and can do the best in the field they are good at.

Only Zhou Sin is the one who supports a pavilion. He has come to any style, he is good at all, and he is top-notch.

There are still some people in China who know about Zhou Sin. After all, Lu Xiaobei usually manages Weibo with tens of thousands of followers, and many tattoo artists in the industry pay attention. But the international friends really don't know it at all, and have never heard of this person. Domestic tattoos started very late, and they have been imitating the styles of other countries, and there is no independent thing. In terms of tattoos, foreign tattoo artists actually look down on the domestic tattoo circles more or less, and feel that the level is still not enough.

Zhou Sin's things were placed next to the organizer, and the whole town held up very well, and he had a long face when he took them out. All the great international masters have come to see it, and they have made no secret of their appreciation.

Lu Xiaobei originally meant to bring a box of business cards, but it was gone after a while, and he was too lazy to print it again. The force is very high, and I disdain to communicate and contact more. My eldest brother didn't want to be famous, all the olive branches of communication are useless, we don't want to develop, we don't want to make big money, and we don't want to be famous. I came here to save Tao Xiaodong's face, to see that he really got angry and saved the scene.

Before, Lu Xiaobei was sometimes anxious for Zhou Sin at home, and he was angry and unwilling to see him so desperate. But when I really came out, I felt that it was just like that. Looking at the big groups at the exhibition, the leaders were posing as big bosses. In fact, they had to be courteous everywhere, leading 180 apprentices, and the annual optical fee was 100%. Even if you charge 18 million, you may not have learned anything. Live very empty and tired. Zhou Sin is not suitable for living like that, and it is really unnecessary.

So Lu Xiaobei lifted his butt and left, going home with his brother Xiao.

As soon as the two met at the airport, they felt that each other was thin. Xiao Ke touched Lu Xiaobei's bald head very smoothly, and asked him, "How do you feel?"

Lu Xiaobei shook his head and said with a "sneer", "There are not many that can catch your eye. It's too rubbish. It's too damned, and I won't come again in the future."

Xiao Ke smiled and said, "It's hard work."

When they checked in, the two chose a seat next to each other. After boarding, Lu Xiaobei's face was very ugly and his lips were a little pale. He sat next to Xiao Ke and said to him, "You should never come to this kind of exhibition. Brother Xiao. Really, I vomited three times on the first day I got tattoos, no exaggeration. This is more scary than a fancy dress party, and cospy is too gentle compared to this."

Tattoo exhibitions are naturally full of tattoos, and all kinds of tattoos are everywhere. When these things are squeezed into one's eyes, it can really cause physical discomfort. Lu Xiaobei and the model he brought over threw up several times in turn, and their faces turned yellow.

There is a tattoo fanatic who is full of tattoos from the top of his head to his heels, and even his entire head is tattooed like a zombie, and his mouth is tattooed all the way to the base of his ears. When this person came over, Lu Xiaobei couldn't help but turned his back and retched a few times. For the first time in his life, he was afraid of tattoos, and he would faint if he looked at it one more time.

Xiao Ke wanted to laugh when he heard what he said, comforted him a few words, and then said: "There is no way, you have to accept this when you enter this industry. Fortunately, your master is indifferent to fame and fortune, so he can experience less."

"Well, I guess this is the last time." Lu Xiaobei leaned on the back of the chair, looking weak, and said to Xiao Ke, "I'm not worried about this, to be honest, Brother Xiao, my brother will never will be involved in these.”

Just as Xiao Ke was about to say, "I know," Lu Xiaobei went on: "He is not in the circle, but Tang Yaning is in the circle. All the old people in the circle know him and know him. I heard this this time. A lot of people have mentioned this name, and by the way, they will talk about the rambling rumors from outside. It has been a hundred years old and can now be turned out to say that the worship and jealousy of Zhou Sin's ability make them hold on to it. If you don’t let go of a piece of history, it seems that you can lower the abilities of others with your mouth.”

Hearing the name suddenly, Xiao Ke paused, not knowing what he wanted to say.

Lu Xiaobei's disdain was on his face, he sneered, closed his eyes and said, "I only really hope that my eldest brother will be a great fairy forever. He's just a piece of junk when he's got that kind of guy."

Xiao Ke also closed his eyes and leaned on the back of the chair for a while, then twitched the corners of his mouth and said to Lu Xiaobei, "Even if there is no surname of Zhou Xun, it would be like this. Forget it, the dead are respected, Don't say too much."

Lu Xiaobei said: "I'm never afraid of being disrespectful to anyone. Every time I mention it, I want to say that he is really trash. Everyone has to be responsible for their own life. You live as a trash, why should you want others? Burden this life. From his death to now, my elder brother has lived under his cloud, and I feel sick just thinking about it."

He opened his eyes and looked at Xiao Ke, then frowned and asked him: "Brother Xiao, in fact, I never dared to ask you, nor did I find a chance. Now that I mentioned it, I wanted to ask... Are you and my eldest brother there? Sleep in a bed?"