Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 10: Don’t miss me (recommended vote~~~)


(Happy May Day, let’s relax during the holidays, and play hard if you can!)

Time flies. It has been about a year. Wang Dong's skin has become darker and his body has become stronger. He no longer feels any strangeness to Norton Planet. It is all around him. In the past year, he and the Zago tribe have also He forged a great feud, and the Zagos who died in his hands were of all kinds. Basically, Wang Dong couldn't even name them. He could only distinguish them by big bugs, small bugs, flower bugs, flying bugs, etc. Anyway, he died. Everything was the same, and another discovery was that these bugs are also edible. www!QuanBen-XiaoShuo!CoM

If it were a year ago, just hearing about it would probably make you want to vomit. However, the environment can change anyone. Either starve to death or eat. There is no choice. Although the shell of the bug is very hard, there is still organic matter inside. It is definitely eaten raw. No, doesn’t this contain nutritional supplements? In addition to the plants from Norton Star, it can be considered a combination of meat and vegetables. I don’t know if it has any poison or side effects. Anyway, Wang Dong is living well.

Wang Dong has also been packing his bags these days. He can't sit still and wait for death. There are fewer and fewer artillery fires in the air. It seems that either humans are retreating or the insects are defeated. And recently, there are indeed fewer insects. Maybe it's time to take a risk and take a walk. If you stay here, God knows when reinforcements will arrive.

Sitting on the ruins, looking up at the sky, the clouds in the sky turned into a big burger. Although he was not hungry, Wang Dong's saliva really felt like it was flowing down three thousand feet.


Auditory hallucinations


A small reconnaissance spacecraft flew over. God, it was not an illusion, it was really a human spacecraft!

Wang Dong jumped up almost as fast as lightning and quickly climbed up to the flagpole he had erected. On top was his homemade simple national flag, hoping that someone would find him.

Wang Dong climbed up to stare at him, waved his tattered shirt, let go of his throat, and shouted in an almost crazy voice: "SoS...SoS..."

He wouldn't mind dancing with his underpants if necessary.

The spaceship passed... Wang Dong was so sad that he almost fell down, but soon the spacecraft drew an arc and flew back, stopping for a while above Wang Dong's head and slowly landing. The ups and downs in life are so exciting.

Wang Dong went crazy, really almost crazy. For a whole year, he was nothing but a bug. He felt like he was almost turning into a humanoid bug.


The spacecraft slowly came to a corner, and..., the elevator plate fell, and Wang Dong rushed over with almost tears streaming down his face, "Thank God, you are finally here!"

The two soldiers were not very old, the man was in his mid-twenties, and the woman was probably younger. It was hard to tell because they were wearing straight military uniforms, and their expressions showed surprise. On the one hand, Wang Dong was a bit young, and on the other hand, he was also surprised. There are survivors here.

"Hello, I am Lieutenant Rios, and this is Second Lieutenant Zhang Jing, subordinate to..."

Before Rios could finish speaking, Wang Dong rushed up to hug him, "Thank you, thank you, thank God. I thought I was going to live with the bugs on this planet forever."

Zhang Jing on the side smiled slightly, "We won. The Zago tribe retreated. We are now cleaning up the remnants and rescuing survivors. You are the only survivor we have found in more than ten days. Congratulations."

"Haha, same joy, same joy." Although classmate Wang Dong often talks to himself, it feels good to talk to normal people.

"How you survived is a miracle." Rios asked curiously.

"Haha, I hid in the mine. The door is surprisingly thick. I have been relying on the nutrition machine to survive this period. If you don't come here, I will go crazy."

The two smiled slightly, as if they could feel the excitement, "Let's leave quickly. The search and rescue operation is over, and the military will launch a military sweep."

The latent power of bugs is very strong, and they must be cleaned on a large scale while the army is here. The development difficulty of Norton Planet will increase in the future, but humans have long been accustomed to it.

The spaceship rose slowly, looking at the ruins below that were getting smaller and smaller, Wang Dong felt very emotional in his heart, he was finally going home.

Outside the window, countless Zagos poured out of the ground, howling crazily at the spacecraft, obviously hating someone above them. Wang Dong waved his hand and said silently, Goodbye, bugs, don't miss me.

Wang Dong was not the only one who survived by chance, but the vast majority of people died in this Zago attack. That is, less than a hundred people survived. Most of them had weapons in their hands, or were armed fighters themselves, or Being prepared and hiding well to survive is really rare like Wang Dong, but no one asked anything, and it was almost assumed that Wang Dong was also an armed warrior.

The survivors took a good shower, had a physical examination, and were sent back to Earth. In order to shut their mouths, the Federation still met their modest demands one by one. After all, this was related to the Federation’s face and image. The Ge tribe came quietly, but it is obvious that the blame for such a tragedy cannot be entirely blamed on the insects. The federation is also partially responsible. This pension payment also caused great pain to the federation. Fortunately, the war was won and these survivors went back. There must be no more trouble. The media's attention is now focused on this victory. A small sacrifice in exchange for greater political benefits is obviously what politicians are willing to do.

Wang Dong's request was very simple. He wanted to go to school with free tuition. The official who received him readily agreed. As expected, young people are easy to deal with. The official gave him a letter of recommendation with the federal seal, and what was promised? If you have any questions, you can go to the municipal department of your city and ask for help.

The official smiled brightly and patted Wang Dong on the shoulder, praising him for being a good citizen.

good citizen

Maybe, Wang Dong just wants to go home quickly.

Their return trip was not the shabby spaceship they came on. This time the spacecraft was very stable and luxurious. It had a cinema, a cafe, billiards and other entertainment facilities. They did not need to go to a sleeping cabin. The return trip was a trip, with a beautiful sky. The service lady will serve them throughout the process and enjoy a rich person's journey.

Everyone is very happy to be able to return home alive, and the Federation has promised good conditions. It can be said that a happy life after escaping from the catastrophe is coming. The Federation seems to want to use them to hype up, meaning how dedicated they are to saving everyone. Citizens, these kings are not interested.

For some reason, he left Norton Planet, and his heart was still a little empty. After all, he had lived there for a year, and it had changed his life. Maybe one day, he would come back.

"Are you Wang Dong?" A beautiful female voice sounded in Wang Dong's ears. In fact, Wang Dong now sounds very nice as long as it is a human voice. Listening to the vulgar tenor of the god of war all day long is going crazy.

"Who are you?" Wang Dong looked at the beautiful girl in front of him, feeling a little dazzled and he couldn't find any words to describe it.

The girl chuckled, "I'm Zhang Jing. We've just met each other a short time ago. Am I so hard to remember?"

Khan... Wang Dong was overly excited at that time. He only knew that he was seeing human beings, but he could not remember anything else.

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