Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 100: The gardener who turned the stove upside down


(The fifth update is over, students who have tickets don’t be lazy, let’s continue fighting tomorrow ^_^)

At this time, Apache has caught up with the second group, and all the Bernabeu students seem to be trying their best to attract the attention of the bugs and make space for Apache. As long as there is space, he can easily pursue with his speed and experience. wWW!QUAbEn-XIAoShUo!CoM

Apache's method of waiting for five minutes first was quite good. On the one hand, it showed the generosity of the senior, and on the other hand, it also took advantage. Others could open all the Zago tribe's formations, and he could attack. Don't fall into complete passivity.

Fighting relies on the mind.

Apache held a piece of grass in his mouth, very relaxed. A sickle Zago fell from the sky, and an We are almost approaching the first group.

The students at the Bernabeu were very excited. If Yalang didn't have a bug like Ma Xiaoru, no one would have been able to break through the A-level illusion.

Players from both Yalang and the Bernabeu have died in battle and quit. Without armor, once they are surrounded by the Zago tribe, it is almost a dead end.

Now Ma Xiaoru is still in the lead. Although Apache is also very strong, it seems to be a bit difficult to catch up with Ma Xiaoru. If so, Yalang will still win, but Matathas is not in a hurry.

In the environment, Cao Yi's movements suddenly changed, and his whole figure was like a leaping scythe Zago, quickly shuttling through the jungle...

In an instant, he escaped from the siege of Zago. He chose to attack from the outside. The Zago he faced was of a lower level. The most important thing was that he could also avoid the Zago group just right. Although the road was much farther, he was Very hopeful that it will arrive within the stipulated time.

Two to one, this is the result Mateus wants.

Wang Ben, Hu Yangxuan and others all encountered difficulties. It was not because of their lack of strength or tactical mistakes, but because they were lacking in certain aspects.

Neither of them can completely avoid the Zago group. As long as they encounter one, trying to escape will consume a lot of energy and time. Encounter after encounter will only make their journey more difficult.

This Cao Yi looks silly, but is really surprising. He stands out from the first group and heads towards the destination from the periphery.

"Haha, Principal Samantha, it looks like I'm going to get the first round."

Matteas stroked his beard and smiled. It was completely within his calculations. This Cao Yi is a rare hard-working talent. He has a deep understanding of Zago, not only the basic information, but also some habits and Zago's. Smell judgment, judging from various traces, the success rate of avoiding the Zago group is quite high. Coupled with his strong strength, he is the most promising to complete.

Six people from Yalang have been wiped out, while there are only two people at the Bernabeu, and the others are still persisting. This is a matter of face. It is one thing not to be able to complete it within the designated time, but if you give up easily and perform poorly, it is equivalent to being a principal, in all Being embarrassed in front of classmates is a competition and a self-challenge.

"Senior Matteas, it's too early to say whether we will win or lose." Samantha looked at the screen and smiled.

At this time, the field of view switched to another person... When did this kid run here!

Matteas's smile immediately froze. At some point, the gardener also surpassed the first group, following Ma Xiaoru and Apache, and faster than Cao Yi.

"This is impossible, when did he arrive!" Ofuro's mouth opened wide. They had forgotten about this student. This man started slower than the Apache.

Classmate Wang Dong was scurrying around like he was strolling in a garden, but he kept a straight line and sprinted towards the destination. The reason why he was so fast was because he had not had a single battle from the beginning until now!

"Zoom in!" Although Matteas's expression was still calm, his eyes were no longer pretty.

Wang Dong in the field of vision is not like Apache who will slow down and observe once he encounters a suspicious place. This kid's speed cannot be said to be very fast, but it has not changed. Once he encounters the Zago group, he will immediately avoid it, as if... It's like looking at the map.

Occasionally, Zago was lurking, but Wang Dong was clearly within the attack range, yet he turned a blind eye and wandered past.

As the principal of the Bernabeu, I have seen a lot of strange things, but I have never seen anything so strange.

Without the obstruction of bugs, it becomes a non-loaded cross-country race. The speed is amazing. The closer to the destination, the greater the pressure on the players. Ma Xiaoru and Apache also encountered heavy resistance. At this stage, it is impossible to rely on strength. Impossible.

Ma Xiaoru's Witch Technique and Apache's Saber began to kill. The periphery was just a curve. To enter the destination, you must still go to the center. This was just to avoid the large army, that is, Cao Yi also encountered the crazy attack of the insects. , but the level is lower than that of Ma Xiaoru and Apache, but the distance is much further.

Obviously, Cao Yi's goal is very clear. He does not consider time issues, as long as he can complete the plan and arrive within the limited time.

But... that kid is still moving forward unimpeded.

Apache's sword was not entangled with Zago. He killed the leader and quickly got rid of it by taking advantage of the chaos and terrain. However, as soon as his eyes moved, a figure rushed past, but the insects turned a blind eye and only focused on besieging him.


Zago was chasing after him in a circle behind him, and he had to leave here immediately.

Matthias almost vomited blood after seeing this. The damn gardener lured Zago around, but the result was all left to the Apaches.

Samantha's smile was extremely beautiful, "Principal Mattas, I will consider letting him minor in the horticulture department when he gets back."

Mateus didn't speak. He was hoping that the damn boy would fall at the last level, because before reaching the destination, he had to fight his way through in one go.

Although this kid has a keen sense of smell when it comes to avoiding the Zago tribe, it does not mean that he has the strength to rush over.

But the problem was that Ma Xiaoru broke out. She had gotten rid of the entanglement of the Zago group and faced the Zago group on the last bridge.

This is the last level. As long as you pass it, you will win, but a group of eager Zago are patrolling and guarding this passage. If you get entangled, it will be a dead end. The difference between the A-level test and the S-level is that if this is an S-level, There is only one way to kill them all, but if you are A-level, there is still a way. As long as you can rush away in one breath, there is still a first line of passage, but if you move slower and wait for the Zha brothers to surround you, it will still be a dead end.

Ma Xiaoru took a deep breath, focused her core, and the long sword in her hand burst into light. The insects were immediately attracted to their attention, and at that moment, Ma Xiaoru took action.

—Tian Mo Wu!

The purple light burst out, like a rainbow on the plains. After the rainbow, a road paved with Zago's corpse appeared on the bridge.

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