Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 103: Text 103 Don’t worship me!


Soon Bst established an unshakable advantage, and the huge fleet completely surrounded Wang Dong's poor fleet. www,QuanBen-XiaoShuo,com

"Boy, you also want to use cloning. I will give you a chance. My fleet is ten times larger than yours. You only have two seconds. I want to see how you can save your dying life!"

Bst laughed wildly.

"Principal Samantha, in battle, you still have to use your strength to speak for yourself." Matas said to Samantha with a lesson, and the two principals gradually became angry.

"Principal Mattas, the winner is still undecided."

Zhou Sisi was the best in Star Wars in the freshman class, but she said that Wang Dong was much better than him. I hope she was right. This loss was expected, but it was unbearable. Don't go down.

In space, Bst's fleet has assembled and is already pressing towards Wang Dong's camp.

"Hey, kid, learn how to operate, and the only thing left is an A!" Bst's voice was cold, but it revealed extremely arrogance. It is true that his operations and overall situation are famous in the military academy, even if The first and second players must also admit this. If the operation is done well, the fleet will automatically attack and win, so there is no need for any operations.

The ID Bst was also given to himself after he won the Best Operation.

The firepower of all the fleets is concentrated, and a full-scale attack is about to begin. As the defender, Wang Dong can indeed launch the attack two seconds earlier, but facing a force ten times his own, Wang Dong has no chance of winning.

Only Zhou Sisi and Ma Xiaoru felt a little confident, and Wang Dong, who had been careless, finally made a move.

…Wave… … …

There was an almost ear-piercing explosion, and Wang Dong's hands disappeared.


In an instant, the sky was filled with light, rumbling, and rumbling...

Bang... in the light of the fire, wINNER—Wang Dong appeared on the screen!

"No, that's impossible!"

Get up, remove the line, there is something wrong with the bullshit machine, he has 213 battleships, how can they all be locked, even the top masters of the Katie people can't do it!

No one believed it, including Samantha, who felt that there was an error in the system, because only when all the warships on one side were destroyed and no one was left, the situation of being directly killed would only occur.

Is there really something wrong with the system

Bst looked at his fleet on the screen blankly, and all the red dots in the sky disappeared...how is this possible!

One clone locked 213 warships!

The hall was quiet. It was possible that this person was from the Royal Military Academy of Katie, but this guy was just a piece of trash from Class F of Yalang.

As a Star Wars master, Bst knew very well that the best score for the freshmen at Katie Royal Academy this year was only 209, but he actually achieved a score of 213!

Bst was stunned and didn’t understand how the other party did it. He was a human or a Kitty!

Wang Dong moved his slightly sore fingers and smiled slightly, "You have learned how to operate, do you still want to operate?"

B** sat on the chair, his eyes distracted. This was simply a bug-like operation, and his huge advantage was instantly wiped out.

It's not that he has never failed, but he has never failed so miserably and unwillingly!

In particular, this operation completely destroyed his business philosophy.

All Star Wars players have always understood that operations come first.

This is a disruptive operation.

Mateus almost couldn't catch his breath, and his mouth felt quite dry. He paused for a long time before announcing the result with difficulty.

The unarmed matches are all over, and the Bernabeu has a slight lead of 3 to 2. The most important thing is that this game has completely reversed the momentum. The Bernabeu has completely suppressed Yalang's momentum in the previous game, which has laid a good foundation for the following games, but this time The game completely turned the situation around. Although they were still a little ahead, it had already raised Yalang's hope of winning. Moreover, they also had masters like Ma Xiaoru, Wang Bi, and Hu Yangxuan. They only needed three more games to win.

Taking a deep breath, Matteas forced a smile and said, "Everyone will go to the restaurant to eat first. The remaining five games will be played in the afternoon."

At this time in the past, these words would have been greeted with cheers from the Bernabeu students, but this time, the students lowered their heads and whispered, leaving their seats, and kept glancing towards Yalang.

"Damn, Wang Dong, it's so happy. I'm convinced. I take back what I just said!" Dida hugged Wang Dong directly.

"Sure enough, the master is still awesome!" Sisi smiled, her eyes full of admiration and love. At that moment when her firepower was at full strength, she felt that she was completely conquered.

"After learning how to operate, do you still need to operate? Damn, it can be collected as a classic quotation. Classmate Wang Dong, I found that you are very talented in acting!" Hu Yangxuan yelled, shoulder to shoulder. Obviously, he had already suppressed his passion. Full of anger, this kid was finally happy.

Bst followed the team away dejectedly. This blow was indeed very heavy for him. The opponent not only won a victory, but also destroyed his source of confidence. If he could not adjust, he might be finished. .

Samantha gave Wang Dong an approving look. Although she didn't know what the final result would be, at least she could have lunch today!

Apache was the last one to leave the Bernabeu. Originally, he came here mainly to target Ma Xiaoru and Wang Ben. If Wang Dong could also participate in the armed battle, he would be more interested in letting Wang Ben out.

For a strong man, the most exciting thing is to kill another confident and unique strong man!

In the restaurant, Yalang, who was lagging behind, ate happily and kept praising the food and enthusiasm of the Bernabeu. However, the leading Bernabeu felt like they had eaten coptis. Matteas and Ofuro could only smile with them. I'm afraid this taste Only they can know.

But as the old saying goes, let’s see who laughs last!

(The update is completed today. We will continue to fight tomorrow. It will be even more explosive later. Those who haven’t spent their tickets yet, hurry up and do so.

All works included in www.QuanBen-XiaoShuo.com are uploaded and shared by enthusiastic netizens for free!