Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 109: Text One hundred and nine fierce battles


Suddenly, a big goose egg could be stuffed into the Bernabeu student's mouth. Dida and others were completely dumbfounded,...how could this happen

No one has ever regarded Wang Dong as a master. People like Didalumi and others still looked down on Wang Dong a little at first. This man has no ability and hangs out with Ma Xiaoru and others all day long. This is not a clear intention to take advantage of others. I was still very unhappy in my heart, but when I saw Wang Dong's performance in Star Wars, everyone was convinced. Just one move was enough to defeat Yalang's invincible opponent. However, they never expected that Wang Dong's armed combat would be so awesome. fierce. wWw.QuAnBen-XIaoShuo.CoM

"What a good boy, you really have some skills."

"More than just two hands, I will let you know how many abilities you have." Wang Dong shrugged and didn't care.

With a loud laugh, Apache struck out with his sword without any politeness. This is the characteristic of the actual combat faction. As long as he is sure that the opponent is an opponent, he will use his strongest strength to completely kill the opponent.

The horse-killing sword came whistling, but Wang Dong had no intention of using a weapon. He greeted it with a fist, protected by nuclear power. The fist was like a weapon. Wang Ben knew this best. He had been seriously injured by Wang Dong inexplicably.

The fists and knives clashed with each other, making a banging sound. Wang Dong did not lose at all against Apache, who even gave Hu Yangxuan a headache. What's strange is that Apache was completely different from the last time and actually took the initiative to attack.

Masters like Ma Xiaoru certainly understand what this means.

Although they have good strength, they still have little experience. Wang Dong hides well, but for people like Apache who have gone through bloody battles, they can smell the same kind of scent with just a little test.

Strike first, strike later and be controlled by others. When they feel threatened, everyone wants to take the upper hand.

Five minutes, five crazy minutes, the two sides went back and forth, attacking each other without giving in. Apache showed his true strength in the martial arts.

Extraordinary attack speed. If Wang Ben's skill is characterized by strength, then Apache is speed. It exceeds the opponent's movement speed and attack speed. The combined effect of these two is very powerful. His hands are sometimes urgent and sometimes slow, sometimes light and sometimes heavy. There is nothing particularly fancy about his moves, but the use of force is quite complicated.

Faced with such a violent attack, Wang Dong actually withstood it!

It can be seen that Apache's attack is quite methodical. It is a perfect combination of practical combat and theory, and at the same time it brings out its own strengths. However, Wang Dong's attack looks very scattered, rambling, and nothing special. It's a standard routine, but it can detect tricks and attack and defend in an orderly manner.

This is not a matter of winning without tricks and having tricks. If the routine is useless, then everyone will be a master. The so-called winning without tricks but having tricks is another realm. It is obviously not something that Wang Dong can understand at his age.

His chaotic and unconventional moves always saved the day, forcing Apache's crazy attacks to pause.

Apache flew into the air and struck down the mountain with his sword. Wang Dong drew an arc in a strange way without taking any action. This move made all the students change their views.

Krampus Arc Kick!

While dodging the sword, he kicked Apache in the waist. It was a very rapid change. But the problem was that Apache's terrifying explosive power came into play at this time. Before Wang Dong's attack could be implemented, his body forcibly changed direction. His left hand hit Wang Dong's leg, and he used the force to bounce it away.

In an instant, the distance between the two of them widened by seven or eight meters.

The breathing of the two people became slower, which was a sign that they were completely in a fighting state. It was obvious that Apache had regarded Wang Dong as a powerful enemy.

It seems scattered, but the moves are very vicious. The kid in front of me is indeed very problematic. Some of the moves are quite insidious, and they are all aimed at the vital points. It is obvious that this junior is very different from the others.

Apache rotated his zanma sword, which felt like a part of his body in his hand. "The audience can't wait, let's let them see a real battle."

"Senior has a lot of nonsense." Wang Dong smiled slightly.

Apache was stunned for a moment, with a playful smile on his face. It was the first time he was teased. This feeling was indeed... not very pleasant!


Apache starts up, bang...bang...

With super terrifying speed, he arrived in front of Wang Dong almost instantly. He hit Wang Dong with a knee strike, and Wang Dong was knocked away. Apache caught Wang Dong in mid-air, turned his body violently, and grabbed Wang Dong. Hitting the ground, this must be a real hit. Unless you have a headache during practice, you will definitely finish the game.

The most fatal thing is that Wang Dong's neck is still pinned with the sword. As long as he pulls it down, the battle will be over!

Apache classmates are here for real!



Almost everyone was shocked by Apache's cruel killing method that was completely beyond the scope of students. Wang Dong was facing a double kill and was bound to die.

This is the bloody killing force unleashed by Apache, who has faced countless death tests for more than a year!

Those who are timid in the face of this killing force may not even be able to move their bodies.


The impact only lasted a moment, and Wang Dong's figure actually broke free. The one who was hit was Apache himself, holding his hands on the ground. It was obvious that Apache had completely borne the impact just now.

Apache licked the blood on the knife, and a scratch appeared on Wang Dong's neck, with blood oozing out.

An electric moment.

Wang Dong managed to avoid the fatal throat slit and bit the knife with his teeth. His body was twisted strangely and he knocked Apache out.

Wang Dong wiped the blood from his neck. Most people would have cramps in their calves and make their bodies weak after going through such a process, but Wang Dong acted as if nothing happened.

Apache knew that when he met his opponent, it was definitely not because of the illusion that made the opponent fearless, because in such a realistic situation, fear is irresistible, unless the person has no fear at all.

This guy is either born without fear or is a lunatic.

Wang Dong smelled the smell of his own blood. This man really... shouldn't be like this.

Wang Dong's eyes were slightly red, and he suddenly started!

This is Wang Dong's first active attack since the fight. His speed is not as fast as Apache's, but what kind of pace is this? Why is the distance between each step so strange? ?

It's completely a visual illusion. When you think his steps are long, the distance is not as long as you imagined. When his steps are small, he spans a long space.

The four major military steps of the Anti-Humanity Federation.

The elegant butterfly steps of the Ewent people, the fierce thrust of the Martians, the dreamlike phantom steps of the Katie people, and then the inch-step steps of the Earth Federation!

Square and round are all in the size!

It may seem easy on the outside, but it may be too difficult for students to actually do it and apply it in actual combat.


(Next update, around 4 p.m.

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