Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 110: The main text is one hundred and ten explosive kills


(Next update around 8pm)

Without even thinking about it, Apache moved sideways in an instant. Cunbu's characteristic is a straight-line attack. Once he controls the rhythm, life will be difficult. Apache's speed is completely different from Cao Yi. Cao Yi relies on his legs. The main skill is jumping, but Apache can truly master the movement speed and can make all kinds of incredible moves while staying in the air.

Wang Dong's Cunbu really startled everyone, but unfortunately there was no room to use his speed against Apache, because Apache would not face Cunbu's attack head-on. wWw,QuanBeN-XiaoShuo,CoM

But just when everyone thought Apache had escaped, Wang Dong appeared directly in front of Apache like a ghost, and the two came face to face.

Apache was startled and immediately dodged, but Wang Dong was still able to follow him. How could anyone beat him in terms of movement speed

The nuclear force was exploding, moving like a hurricane, and the distance was instantly widened. Apache felt that something was wrong, the atmosphere was not right, and the opponent actually interfered with his thinking. This was not good. He had to use attacks to find his own rhythm.

In a gorgeous right-angle refraction, Apache had already killed him from the side, slashing down with all his strength with a whistling sound of his sword, but at this moment Wang Dong's body moved again.

Apache, who was attacking eagerly, seemed to have been severely injured, and his body suddenly tilted away.

Matthias's hand trembled.

This... is the phantom pace of the Katie people!

It is said that only the body of the Katie people can adapt to the phantom movement. The butterfly step is the focus of concealing oneself, but the Katie people's phantom step is even more terrifying. It is a step that integrates offense and defense, directly attacking the opponent's center of gravity.

Apache was caught off guard, and his key point was continuously shaken forward and backward. The two forces inside him were used incorrectly. This feeling made him want to vomit blood.

Wang Dong's Cunbu had already reached him, and it was a very simple right punch.

It was just right, but everyone felt the terrifying power.


Apache didn't even think about suppressing the surging energy and blood, and the sword blocked the punch, but as soon as the sword touched Apache, he knew something was wrong.


The real attack is below - side kick!

Wang Dong's fist crossed the sword, and he clamped it with his arms. At the same time, he pushed to the right and kicked sideways at the same time. Apache left the ground in an instant. Before he could catch his breath, he was kicked in the head.

Apache could only abandon his knife to protect his head. Wang Dong stepped out ferociously regardless of whether the opponent was protecting him or not. Apache was Apache after all, so he took a deep breath and moved his head a few centimeters...boom!

The whole person was kicked out, but the few centimeters of movement saved his life. Wang Dong used most of his strength to step directly onto the ground.


The ground exploded without any pause. Wang Dong's body shot into the air like a cannonball, falling from the sky and catching up with Apache first. At this time, Apache knew that life and death were at stake and wanted to forcefully move, but his energy and blood could not hold back a mouthful of blood. Squirting out, the speed has not yet increased.


A solid knee hit, and his whole body hit the ground, scraping the ground and dragging him out for a long time.

The martial arts performance hall at the Bernabeu was silent, and the sound of swallowing could be clearly heard. The scene was what everyone expected, but the target was the other way around.

Apache's advantageous speed was met by Inch Bu and Phantom Steps one after another, and Wang Dong caught a flaw, and then everything was over.

Matthias finally understood what the secret weapon was, but it was too late.

From the beginning, no one paid attention to Wang Dong. Everyone's eyes were on Ma Xiaoru, Wang Bi, and Hu Yangxuan. Even after Wang Dong won Best, no one thought he was at this level.

But in fact, Wang Dong is the strongest among them all.

"Boy, you are so cruel. It's a pity that you should make up for it!" Apache stood up, his whole body filled with crazy murderous aura.

This is no longer anger, but madness. Apache, who has experienced countless killings, will generate infinite power as long as he can experience the atmosphere of fighting and the moment his comrades fall.

This is the battlefield!


His eyes instantly turned red, and his mental power broke through 150 without any hindrance, and the core power brought out by his mental power was probably higher than the average level.

Mental power is an aspect that determines the battle. Generally speaking, everyone believes that the degree of nuclear power extraction is about the same, but in fact there is a difference. In this crazy state, the Apache's lethality is doubled.

A crazy spirit can suppress injuries, whether in reality or in fantasy, but there is no doubt that one must cultivate after the war.

No one expected that Apache would go berserk in such a battle. This was very rare. In fact, even Apache himself did not expect it.

His anomaly occurred during a battle. His captain was killed by pirates in order to save him during the battle. At that time, he went berserk and killed all the pirates.

The thought of that moment drives Apache crazy.



Instantly picking up the sword, countless sword shadows slashed at Wang Dong. The madness would lead to a lack of judgment, but it had a great advantage, that is, it could ignore the visual and sensory interference from the phantom steps and inches.

Everyone at the Bernabéu has ignited hope. Madness is not a conventional tactic, it is a type of mental abnormality. Although it is rare, it is by no means rare. If controlled well, this will be a big move.

A warrior in a mad state has only one belief in his mind, which is to kill his opponent. He becomes mad because of the things he wants to protect. He will never stop until he kills his opponent. Madness is the ultimate mental state.


Wang Dong was slashed and flew away, but Apache seemed completely uninjured. The speed had reached a freezing level. There was another round of crazy exchanges, and Wang Dong was completely suppressed.

The current Apache is unstoppable, Mateas and Samantha look at each other, and there are only a handful of examples of going berserk in general TPA battles.

Wang Dong has been hit hard several times in succession. Now Apache is completely a phantom. His body has been completely supported by nuclear force and he will not stop dying.


Wang Dong was finally blasted into the air, but as soon as he escaped less than ten meters, Apache grabbed his feet and threw him back to the ground.


A sword fell from the sky. Before the sword arrived, the sword energy was already overwhelmingly blasted down from the sky and the earth. The thick sword light appeared. This was a sword that broke the defense.

Hu Yangxuan and others were dumbfounded. What a beautiful battle they could have won turned out to be like this...a bit unwilling and a bit cowardly. I heard that madness itself is something that is not easy to control. It will only occur in certain situations. It only appears when stimulated. How could Wang Dong stimulate Apache

Could it be that just being beaten can turn you into a madman? I have never heard of such a thing!

Apache himself didn't know that he was stimulated by Wang Dong's murderous intent. Of course, classmate Wang Dong didn't know either.

Faced with the fatal blow falling from the sky, Wang Dong rose up violently and punched out!


The fist and knife collided again.




The light appeared again.

This was the second time Wang Ben saw it, but he still didn't see it clearly.

Snap... snap.

Apache fell to the ground...this time he really couldn't stand up.


The sound of falling to the ground woke up everyone in shock.

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