Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 114: Text 114 S level


At the Bernabeu, Cao Yi is already preparing. He who believes in "learning is power" will never miss the seemingly martial arts game, so he is also waiting, not to mention he can't sleep. It was his failure at the critical moment that made him He was defeated in the end. Since he was defeated by the seemingly martial god, he added stronger rotation force in the final beheading, but when faced with Wang Ben's invincible Tiger Ben Fist, he still fell short. wWw,QUAbEn-XIAoShUo,CoM

It can't be said that there is no progress, at least his sword energy has broken through Wang Ben's defense. You must know that Wang Ben is the new star of the Earth Federation. It is surprising to reach this point, but that is not what Cao Yi wants. He is also a Persistent people are naturally insensitive to fame, and will become addicted to it when it comes to martial arts.

Martial arts also requires inspiration, and inspiration comes from the accumulation of bits and pieces in life, and fighting is particularly important.

Although he lost, the principal not only did not blame him, but also reflected on himself. This moved Cao Yi beyond words. The only thing he could do was to improve his own strength, hoping that one day he could repay the principal for his kindness.

Not only was he like this, but so was Apache. After the defeat, he had no plans to return to the space anti-smuggling team. Obviously, this defeat also made him reflect. In the past, he thought that his mental strength and basic condition were enough, and the rest was It was enough to accumulate experience and slowly cultivate mental strength, but this battle exposed many shortcomings, so Apache also decided to stay.

The students of Matteas all have such a quality, which is why Bernabeu students have been so popular in recent years. The students of this school are very resilient.

When things go too smoothly, you always think you are invincible, so what can make people grow are failures and lessons.

Cao Yi summarized while waiting for the seemingly Martial God to make a choice. Although he really wanted to fight the seemingly Martial God again, it was obvious that the current seemingly Martial God was already an idol-level existence and needed a stronger opponent. I hope there will be people like this to challenge.

It would be ideal if those masters who disdain him could also appear, but this is basically impossible.

Wang Dong finally opened his eyes. He was determined not to accept the official invitation. Maybe he missed a huge temptation, but after denying it, he felt relaxed, which made him no longer burdened in future battles.

Because what he has is freedom!

When he thought of this, Wang Dong felt very good and started to look through the battle list. He couldn't help but feel a little proud. It seemed that his ability to resist temptation was quite strong.

Money is something external to the body, how could it become the same thing as the old man!

The terrifying number of players, Wang Dong casually ranked them according to the 100% winning rate... There are dozens of players in this state of complete victory, but most of them are IPA players. It is difficult to obtain a real high winning rate, but it is still possible to create a high winning rate. of.

Opening another system notification, there are a few simple sentences to the effect that the system has expanded the challenge scope of the seemingly Martial God, which means that it ignores the level. This is a treatment that exists for special people. Of course, he can also choose to refuse, just click on Negate. This treatment can be canceled at the touch of a button.

Of course Wang Dong has to accept this. He comes here just to be unconstrained. The stronger he is, the better. Who can he find fun with today

Wang Dong shook the sorting method randomly, and accidentally changed it to sorting by ID length. A very eye-catching name appeared in Wang Dong's eyes. To be precise, it was because it was too long. He was afraid that others would not know that he was Kai. Like a student of Puss.

Xisco—No.1—Capes S·LV·Two

Wang Dong couldn't help laughing when he saw such a weird ID. He had zero record, which meant that this person was not a PA player at all, not even a TPA player. He was full of pride.

Because this ID means that I, Siskoko, am the second-year No. 1 student in the Armed Combat Department of Caps S-level Military Academy!

This is not unique to Caps. In fact, all major S-level military academies have this title. Each grade and department will mark a leader. This person is the benchmark. Other students should aim to defeat him. It can be said that They are all genuine elites among the elites, and in the future they will be the aces among the army's aces. As long as you have been ranked No. 1 in the S-class military academy, you will definitely be the target of competition among the major legions after graduation.

It can be said that it is normal for such people to disdain small games like TPA. They will definitely not lack training and battles, and they do not need a platform like TPA.

It's very simple. Siskoko came here just to challenge the seemingly Martial God!

Caps? It seems that Capps will be challenged in a while. This is also the battle that Samantha is most worried about and concerned about. In order to win this battle, she is even willing to team up with the Bernabeu to fight Capps.

Confidence and ambition are good, but to face the reality, Caps is a giant to the Bernabeu and Aaron. From a certain point of view, Caps did not take them seriously at all, and did not even send a third team. A first-tier player.

Even with Ma Xiaoru and others, Samantha is not arrogant enough to think that she can fight against Caps with just these few people.

Wang Dong clicked on the ID of Xiscoco, just in time to try out what level Caps No. 1 was.

At this time, in the virtual warfare demonstration hall of the Capstone Arms Department, several students were still staying up late, and all of them were very nervous.

"Stoke, it seems there is no chance. Although Boss Sisko has a great reputation, the chance of him seeing this one among so many challenge letters is too low. Let's not wait any longer."

"I have been waiting for two days. Now that it has appeared, why do I have to wait to see it?"

"Yes, even if there is a 1% chance, we have to give it a try. It seems that Martial God is quite awesome. Maybe he will really see our challenge letter!"

"Yes, the boss has specially made time today. Let's wait a little longer."

Stoker and others are not from the armed forces department. Their major is subspace information transmission and interference. At this age, it would be too shameful for such fragile combat power to be from the armed forces department, but a person majoring in scientific research is With such fighting power, that's another matter.

Because Siskoko has a wide range of interests and is a second-year No. 1, he got to know Stoke. Stoke has been paying attention to the seemingly Martial God after his defeat, and finally sent the video of the seemingly Martial God to Siskoko.

Siskoko was originally not interested in flashy and shady guys like TPA, but after watching a few battles, especially the one where the God of War seemed to be able to use the Tiger Fist, he asked Stoker and others to contact him, as long as they could arrange a fight. If he succeeds, he will teach this guy a lesson.

(Next chapter around 4 p.m.

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