Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 120: Text One Hundred and Twenty Struggles


It seems that the God of War has successfully turned a peaceful night into an unstable one. It's just luck.

The excitement was different, and it was more shocking. wWW. qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo. Com

After being shocked, everyone burst into enthusiastic cheers. This was the joy of the IPA players. For them, it seemed that the God of War had become their tacit spokesperson at some point. This was an overwhelming victory, shocking. victory.

This night became a carnival night. The data of DREA2 can clearly show that the number of online people not only did not decrease because of the end of the game, but had a steady upward trend.

Because everyone has a power in their hearts that needs to be vented. Many people are eagerly waiting for the final scene of the miraculous martial arts skills. What kind of kung fu actually defeated the elite of Caps, so-called Capps' No, "level warrior, who had extremely strong psychological quality, fell like this.

Different from the carnival of IPA players, most of the TPA players kept calm, because this game touched them, rather than a simple excitement. There were too many things in it that made people think deeply. Who is this seemingly God of War? What does he want to do

How did a sixteen-year-old do it

Looks like a god of war-!

Does he really look like... a god of war

Anyone who watched this game could not leave, because everyone was eager to know what the problem was, why and how he won, and why Sisko looked like that.

The people in Caps were very quiet, and no one disturbed Siskoko. Siskoko never came out. He sat quietly, holding his head, not even caring about the result.

This blow was too heavy for him, and it suddenly broke his psychological endurance.


This time the decomposition took longer than before. Cao Yi and Emma were also doing it. It was more difficult for them because the last scene was too difficult to decompose and the technical requirements were too high.

But everyone is waiting willingly, because everyone knows that the longer you wait, the more exciting it will be.

It took half an hour for the official to take the lead in launching the illustrated screen.

The warrior students who had seen the last scene felt even more breathtaking and shocked. Sissenko was really a genius. When everyone was aiming to make the nuclear power stronger and stronger, he made the nuclear power delicate and delicate. When used to the extreme, that kind of detailed control is definitely unique and strong. This is also related to his talent. Only those long and powerful fingers can complete such amazing attacks.

The Uzhong Sword is like a night elf in his hand, but it seems that the God of War can actually do the same... It should be a more difficult and terrifying response. After all, Siskoko controls the hilt, while it seems that the God of War controls the handle. Swords, strength, and positional difficulty cannot be measured with data.

But he can actually do this kind of high-speed confrontation.

The fingers are like phantoms, and the nuclear force is so delicate that it is indescribable. Each finger can control the nuclear force independently.

...How did you train Lei? "

It will only be more shocking after seeing it. This is the true face of the sword in Siskoko's palm, and it is also the reason why he has always been invincible.

Because he gave the maximum attack a soul, which is a completely different approach from Tiger Boxing, but it is all for increasing the maximum damage. In a certain aspect, Siskoko is simply a genius and created a new approach.

But such a genius fell like this. That punch was not a fatal injury, but the fatal injury was in the soul. The sword in his palm was taken away, which was worse than killing him.

Some people who originally looked down upon Siskoko also shut up, because it wasn't that Siskoko wasn't worthy of Caps N-level... it was because the God of War seemed to be too strong!

And in the end, it seems that the God of War's last move to seize the sword...even the official can't dismantle it. If it is dismantled in depth, it will lead to the collapse of this program.

The official never expected that such a thing would happen, and from the perspective of optimizing resources, they would not prepare for such difficulty.

Caps' people slowly dispersed, because after seeing this situation, they had nothing to say, and everyone's face was heavy.

The excitement has just begun. The more unsolvable and mysterious the thing is, the more it attracts everyone's curiosity. Even the official can't unravel it, which can only increase people's expectations for what looks like a god of war.

Cameron knows that it seems that the God of War is his savior. With such a being, all he needs to do is cooperate and not try to dominate. He has a feeling that this person is definitely not trying to impress people, but is unwilling to be exposed for some purpose. , but he really couldn't explain the real reason for this possibility.

"The data growth of IPa is much higher than that of TPA." A staff member said.

Cameron nodded. This situation is normal. After all, I don’t want to make money from TPA. People in TPA don’t need to indulge in illusions. For them, this is just a communication platform without worries, and IPA is DREAN. The key to survival, TPA drives II)A, this idea and strategy is right, but it has not achieved the expected results because they have gone into a mistake.

District, TPA and are two-way people.

However, it seems that the emergence of the God of War suddenly built a bridge between the two. Somehow, it seems that the God of War has won the hearts of many players.

Suddenly, Cameron figured it out.

It's respect.

Treat others how you want others to treat you.

It seems that the God of War gives players the respect they crave most, and IPd players will respond to them.

Heart support.

They felt the sincerity in it, without any falsehood. This could not be faked, and perhaps even those who supported the seemingly Martial God themselves might not realize it.

This kind of contagion seems easy to achieve, but in fact no one can do it.

All the gimmicks and hype are so funny when you think about it.

The excited voices of the staff seemed to disappear in my ears. It seemed like the God of War... what can you do

To what extent

No one knows the cruelty of reality better than Cameron. When it seems that the God of War has won this game, it means that some people who usually do not appear in TPA start to pay attention.

The rain is coming and the wind is blowing!

Wang Dong returned to his dormitory and lay on his bed, unable to sleep anymore. This victory made him fall into a psychological struggle.

right or wrong

How to achieve the best training results.

These are the choices you must face during the growth process, and every choice is important.

"Boy, hey, hey, brat, talk to me!" A unique rough voice sounded like a god of war appeared.

I don’t want to talk!” Wang Dong turned over, this guy always appears when he shouldn’t.


"Boy, your emotions are very confusing. Let's talk about it and ask this Martial God to prescribe anhydride for you!" The Martial God seemed to be very interested in saying it, as if he believed that I would have eternal life.

Wang Dong rolled his eyes and looked like a god of martial arts, but he really needed to have a chat and explained what had just happened.

"You're so stupid. What do I care about? Such a simple problem is troublesome."

"Mao, this is a problem I need to face. If I hadn't used the Blade Technique somehow, I would have

Very likely to lose. "

"Is Blade Art your ability?"


"Then it's over. What's there to worry about?"

"The thing is, I go to fight to learn various techniques and perfect my fighting skills.

able. "

Stop it, isn't it very clear? Since you find that you have a problem with the technique, it is not enough to strengthen training to solve it. Fighting is not only for learning, but also for discovering flaws. What does victory have to do with failure? ? "

Wang Dong was stunned,...This guy really has the ability to put complex problems into simple words, which is very similar to the old man.

"The fact that you use the Blade Technique naturally shows that you have been working hard recently. I don't know the efficacy of this technique, but one thing is certain. It is better than before, but you still have a long way to go in perfecting your combat skills. If so, you are at the primary stage now and have not yet realized it.

"Elementary? My recent opponents are all very strong!"

"Strong? It's hard to say that this kind of thing is strong. Boy, take a long-term view. Everyone's destiny is different. He is strong to others, but not to you. However, the level has indeed risen slightly recently. At least you can find it. There is a limit somewhere, so you should be happy and not waste your time by tossing and turning!”

"Tch, he's starting to brag again. This Sith's various skills are unique. Shouldn't I be able to

Learn everything. bar!"

If you have to practice every aspect, wouldn’t it be exhausting

It seemed that the God of War had no explanation, so he stretched out his right hand, and the phantom exploded instantly, causing Wang Dong to shut up immediately.

"Boy, this is the basics, so you are a beginner because you haven't fully understood yourself yet.

Self, when you discover your own direction, you will be considered a beginner. "

Wang Dong rolled his eyes, "It seems to make sense... By the way, why are you out? Aren't you very busy?"

"Damn it, you think I'm thinking, as long as your mental state falls into chaos, I will be ejected, grandma, what kind of bastard locked me in this damn place, and still has to serve you, a rookie!" It seems that the God of War is angry! said.

"Maybe it's God. You can go back. I feel very happy now!"

It seems that the god of war Bai Bai** looked at the sky with contempt, and disappeared in a flash. It seemed that he had reached a point. Although he didn't know what changes would happen, it was definitely a change for him. For someone who had long suffered He looks like a god of war who remains unchanged, and he is willing to try no matter what changes he makes.

Untying the knot in his mind, classmate Wang Dong began to wiggle his fingers enthusiastically. Suddenly, his confidence doubled. He actually had no special training in this area. He just adjusted the flexibility of his hands for the cloning technology, so after talking to Siskoko I am a little unskilled in the fight, so I take this opportunity to train my hands, mainly on the subtle control of nuclear power.

It really made him happy to be able to discover the blind spots that he had not trained on.

He must work hard, come on, and struggle!

For most people, this is an unattainable ability, but for some individuals, it is still considered a flaw.

On one side is Wang Dong who is working enthusiastically to make up for his shortcomings, and on the other is Kai who is confused.

Pussy genius.

Reality often tells a story, and its theme is called cruelty...

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