Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 122: Text one hundred and twenty-two The combination will benefit both sides


"Me?" Wang Dong pointed at his own voice and dragged the elder away. WWw.QuANbEn-XiAoShUo.COm "It can't be a mistake."

"How could there be a mistake? It was delivered to me personally by a girl. Don't you know that you have become a famous figure in Yalang recently?"

"Ahem, is it there? Why didn't I feel it?"

"Haven't you noticed that there are many people watching you secretly?" Zhou Sisi poured herself a glass of water without ceremony...she used Wang Dong's cup.

"It seems so, but I thought it was focused on Hu Yangxuan and the others, haha."

Zhou Sisi rolled her eyes at the giggling Wang Dong, who was sometimes terribly slow, "Hu Yangxuan and the others are indeed celebrities, but you underestimate yourself too much. In this battle at the Bernabeu, you are completely famous, no less famous than Wang Ben and the others, you won the victory after all!"

"Oh, really, haha, it turns out that becoming famous is not a special feeling." Wang Dong said with a smile.

"That's because you have a good attitude. How are you? Are you interested in this girl? She is very beautiful." Zhou Sisi asked. It's just that the little beauty cares a little bit, even though she pretends to be nonchalant.

Wang Dong smiled and shook his head. He was not even inferior to Hu Yangxuan. Student Xiao Hu was also a little greener, but had no bad record. They had more important things to do.

"Haha, that's fine, let's go. You have to help me train my cloning skills. One day I will surpass you!"

"No problem, come on, give Master a shoulder first. Oops, I'm so tired lately." Wang Dong said with a deliberate hum.


"Khan, I'm just joking, don't take it seriously, I haven't reached the point where my arms and legs are old yet." Wang Dong waved his hands quickly.

Zhou Sisi seemed to have guessed that Wang Dong would have such a reaction, so she dragged Wang Dong and set off. She liked the feeling of training with Wang Dong very much. Life was so fulfilling and training did not feel tiring.

Wang Dong's seriousness during training can also affect her. When he is focused, he is really focused on nothing else. Sisi feels that she needs to study hard in this aspect.

Zhou Sisi's cloning technique is limited by her own mental power and other factors, and she cannot reach the level of Wang Dong immediately, but she can practice it diligently for now. The focus is still on the balance of the hands. If there is no genius like Wang Dong, it can only be strengthened repeatedly to form an almost instinctive level, so that it will be effective in actual combat.

After giving Zhou Sisi some guidance, Wang Dong began to focus on moving his hands. If he could control the core power of his hands to a subtle state, it would not only be useful in combat, but could even play a role in Star Wars operations.

Control of force and speed.

Wang Dong was thinking while practicing. Generally speaking, increasing strength means increasing speed, but this is only a limited law. If the strength of the movement of the fingers is too strong, it will actually be at the expense of reducing speed, or it will hinder the movement of fingers. Frequency, because the space is too small, in actual combat, if these two things can be enhanced at the same time, it would be really scary.

Applying nuclear power to control requires more precise nuclear power control. After all, the control keys do not make the operation faster if you have more strength, but just the right amount of core power.

Wang Dong felt that he had opened up a new world of control.

However, he needed a target, so Wang Dong pulled off a button and used nuclear power to do the movement he needed. However, he found that what he thought was easy was actually very difficult.

The more difficult it was, the greater Wang Dong's interest became, and Wang Dong played with the buttons for an hour.

"What...are you doing?" Zhou Sisi looked at Wang Dong inexplicably.

Wang Dong smiled and said, "You can also try to practice the sensitivity of nuclear force. I think it will be helpful in many aspects of operation."

"Could it be the reflection after watching yesterday's game?"

"Haha, have you read it too? I am also deeply inspired by Siskoko. It is not necessary to achieve that kind of attack power. There will be many benefits in practicing it."

Wang Dong said as he flicked the buttons seriously.

This is what Zhou Sisi admires about Wang Dong. This man is already very strong, but his thirst for knowledge is even stronger, and he doesn't have the arrogance of a master playing cards.

In fact, people like Hu Yangxuan and Wang Ben, who look like masters when they appear, will attract some people, but it does not mean that everyone likes this type. Zhou Sisi still inherits the traditional oriental aesthetics, and the power of depth is beautiful.

With Wang Dong, there is a kind of never-ending progress and enrichment.

In silence, Zhou Sisi covered her mouth to prevent herself from laughing out loud. She decided to take back the compliment she just gave. Her cheap master was really too... rough sometimes.

"What's wrong? Is there any problem?" Wang Dong stopped operating the buttons.

"Yes, where did you get your buttons?"

Wang Dong was stunned. He just subconsciously needed a small thing, and then he touched something and pulled it off. ...I was wearing a T-shirt,...God, it was on my pants.

There is a wide open door underneath someone.


The temperature soared, and Wang Dong's face immediately became familiar, "Ahem, don't look at anything inappropriate, don't look at anything inappropriate!"

Wang started to tidy up hurriedly. He was so focused just now that he made such a big mistake. Fortunately, no one around him paid attention to them, otherwise it would have been embarrassing. At least he is now a well-known figure in Yalang.

"How are you practicing?" Wang Dong quickly changed the subject. It was obviously forbidden for children and could not continue.

"I don't feel much, but I will work hard. Drops of water will penetrate the stone. I don't believe that I can't practice well!" Zhou Sisi waved her fists and was full of fighting spirit. The battle at the Bernabeu made her realize her shortcomings. In fact, this is a good thing. She I gained a lot. I know where there are gaps, especially after seeing high levels, I have a goal to catch up.

"Master. I feel that you should also strengthen your overall view and control. Although tyrannical technical operations are very fatal, it is too risky." Sisi thought for a while and said. As a good friend, Sisi felt that it was necessary to remind Wang move.

"What you said makes sense. In fact, I realized it after fighting Best. It's just that it's not all about talent. The school can't give us enough help in this regard. How we can compete on our own is limited."

Wang Dong waved his hands helplessly, knowing more. I found that the more I didn’t understand, the victory over Best seemed to be extremely satisfying, but in fact there was no other way. The key point was that the opponent underestimated the enemy, otherwise there were N ways to kill Wang Dong directly, without any operation at all, just rely on This operation is not advisable and will not be allowed in actual combat. This ultimate move is only used to deal with crisis situations and is a desperate move.

But both of them knew that Yalang's situation was very poor. Although Samantha brought excellent hardware, the teaching staff could not catch up in a short time. For schools like S-level colleges or the Bernabeu, they would have many years of experience. The accumulated special training methods will provide targeted training for outstanding students. There will be special plans and special coaches. Otherwise, how could Best be so strong and become a master just by relying on talent? The school would have closed down long ago.

Some things must be honed and brainstormed.

Yalang doesn't have this aspect at all. In other colleges, especially S-level colleges, various special teams are lined up in rows and the levels are quite high. But in Yalang... there is nothing. Wang Dong can learn some fixed skills through the school's database. Technology, but systematic things such as tactics, lacked too many conditions.

"How about we set up a study group?" Zhou Sisi said suddenly.

"This is not bad. I'll talk to Xiaoru. I think other people are also interested." Wang Dongyi clapped his hands and said.

If everyone is interested and train together, the effect will be much better than if one person trains alone.

"Master, do you like Ma Xiaoru?" Zhou Sisi suddenly asked. A pair of big eyes stared at Wang Dong.

Wang Dong shrugged. If Zhou Sisi had asked this question before, Wang Dong would not know how to answer, but now he is very clear, "It is normal to like her. After all, Xiaoru is indeed so good. I am also a normal person, but I am just a friend. At least for now.”

This answer was not completely satisfactory, but Sisi still breathed a sigh of relief. At least Wang Dong did not rush to her like others. Otherwise, she really didn’t know what would happen to her. She would probably be very sad. Only Wang Dong could resist Ma Xiaoru’s charm. .

Even as a girl, she really can't find any reason not to like Ma Xiaoru. Facing such a girl, jealousy seems very low-level. If Wang Dong likes Ma Xiaoru, she may have no choice but to bless him. But now, Wang Dong It doesn't seem like that kind of infatuation, just appreciation.

When she thought of this, Sisi became happy.

"Okay, you are responsible for training Ma Xiaoru, Wang Bi, Hu Yangxuan and the others, and I am responsible for gathering some like-minded people. As long as we work hard, we will always make progress!"

"Well, let's gather all our friends who are going to the Bernabeu this time."

"That's inevitable!"

While Wang Dong and others were working hard to plan, Samantha was not idle. Even Wang Dong and Zhou Sisi saw the problem. Samantha had no reason not to see it. And now she is doing exactly this, but her The plan is much bigger than Wang Dong.

Wang Dong's approach can indeed increase a certain level of enthusiasm, and mutual learning can also improve, but there is a limit. If you want to break through, you must bring in a higher-level training team.

In order to revitalize Yalang, Samantha must not only improve the overall level of the students, but also establish a brand name. The more the better, Xiaoru and Wang Ben alone are not enough, especially Xiaoru, Sa Mansha knew her too well. She didn't like to be competitive, which meant that Xiaoru would not be able to become a general, and everyone else was lacking.

Although Wang Ben is strong, it is difficult to shake the S-class academy. Matas actually knows this. Samantha does not think that Yalang is enough to challenge a giant like Caps just because he defeated the Bernabeu. .

On the contrary, through this battle, she saw the gap, so she had to make a deeper plan. Doing it alone lacked competitiveness, so she wanted to join forces with the Bernabeu.

This is a situation where cooperation benefits both parties.

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