Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 124: Text One Hundred and Twenty Four IPA


From the time man landed on the moon to the present, it has been a great interstellar voyage. The rate of human evolution is far slower than it can be.

It is human imagination that ranks first in the universe. Www,QuAnBen-XIaoShuo,CoM

This is what General Li Feng said. Human fantasy is the driving force of development. Never kill this fantasy at any time, because one day it will become a reality.

Karl is also a very strange existence. Although he has the least special skills among everyone, and even he himself does not understand why he was selected, he is not inferior or discouraged at all, and always has a strong fighting spirit. The project he prepared has a very loud title - Karl Flow.

Don't know what it is yet. But the name is not small, he has already used his own name


Student Carl started to perfect his thesis with great interest.

This is probably what Gonzas likes about Carl. He has an unfettered imagination. Such a person may make hundreds of jokes, but only one of them is correct. That would be enough to change the world.

Of course, that person may not be Karl, but people with this kind of personality will always do amazing things.

Gonzas's approach is. It is better to praise a thousand by mistake than to let one go. A person's talent can be learned the day after tomorrow, as long as he has infinite fighting spirit.

Yalang is in a very good learning atmosphere, which is what a high-level military academy should have.

The teachers also feel that during class, they find that the students really want to learn something. This atmosphere is especially prominent among grade levels.

Defeating the Santiago Bernabeu makes them willing to improve themselves and not bring trouble to the school.

Wang Dong no longer needs Ma Xiaoru to teach alone. If he has any questions, he can ask them during class. The most important thing is that the basic things have been passed. Wang Dong does not intend to cover everything and become an all-round genius. As a student of the command department, he still needs to To focus on the key points, armed combat and star wars are the most important. Secondly, the knowledge of the Zago tribe related to these two, star maps, etc. is to expand the knowledge. As for things with deep principles, it does not need to be too outstanding. After all, he is a warrior, not a scientist.

On the contrary, people like Lumi are very poor in armed combat, almost zero to be precise, but her specialty is information confrontation. If she needs to study it in depth, she can even make her own inventions.

In this way, a week passed quickly,

For Wang Dong, there were almost no extracurricular activities during the week after studying. However, Wang Dong himself didn't feel much. He was very busy, not only practicing his nuclear power control, but also practicing his umbrella skills. Most people would have been exhausted by this high-intensity process, but Wang Dongji I guess I am full of energy and have endless energy every day.

I don’t know which wise man said this. If a person wants to succeed, he must at least have energy that exceeds that of ordinary people. Wang Dong has had the foundation of the Blade Technique since he was a child. When he is not enlightened, it has no special effect, so he has a little more energy than ordinary people. Wang Dong also complained before that for such a small effect, he had to practice hard every day, which was really not worth the gain. But now, it seems that the benefits of the Blade Art are being fully reflected, which not only laid the foundation for him to practice the 256-degree Blade Art, He also adjusted his physical condition to the greatest extent.

It can be said that Wang Dong is a child. He will not have any high-tech equipment to adjust his genes, nor will he have the help of geniuses and treasures, nor will I, the God of War, help him clear his circulation. His greatest wealth is actually what the old man has given him since he was a child. Keep practicing the Blade Art.

Young people don’t know what it’s like to be sad. Being young is indeed good. Occasionally, I think of the old man, but Wang Dong doesn’t.

I'm too worried, because the old man looks like he's not a short-lived man, and he will live a good life no matter where he goes.

Due to victory over Bernard Bird. Every participating student received a scholarship, and Wang Dong, who got two first places in the monthly exams, also received a scholarship for a single subject. Some students may not care about the money, but for Wang Dong, it is With timely help and money from part-time work, as long as there are no unexpected events, it won't be a problem in a year or two. The only sad thing was that the police station only commended him and Zhou Ensi, but did not give any bonuses, which made Xiao Qidong murmur in his dreams.

Wang Dong only goes to Dream Paradise on weekends, not because he has no time, but because he doesn’t want to waste money. After receiving two scholarships, classmate Wang Dong also became a "rich man". So after receiving the bonus from the teacher on Friday, classmate Wang Dong I decided to sell grain to satisfy my desires.

He didn't eat in the cafeteria. Instead, he went outside the school to buy some daily necessities and tidied up the dormitory. In fact, with Zhou Ensi's help, the whole room had become neat and tidy, which made Wang Dong very comfortable, so he had no objection to Sisi being able to enter his room at will. , anyway, he has nothing to be ashamed of. Of course, Wang Dong also did his best to guide Sisi’s cloning technology.

Saturday and Sunday are the first meetings of S. Everyone takes it very seriously, and everyone has been preparing for it for a week. If there are too many things to do, it may not be able to be completed, so Friday is the only one left. During the private event time, Wang Dong decided to go to Dream Paradise for a walk after a hearty meal -0

The boss nodded and smiled when he saw Wang Dong. Young boy Jing actually wore a new dress this year. It's really hard.

Yes, he wears the same T-shirt every time he comes here, and he never buys drinks or anything here, just

The boss didn't know why he was in a good mood when he saw Wang, and this guy seemed to bring him good luck. Anyway, it was good at the beginning.

Once you appear in your own playground, your business will gradually improve.

"My classmates are gone again. Hall 5 is still empty. Go quickly. Those crazy people will be gone soon."

After that, you won’t be able to grab it. "The boss laughed.

"Haha, thank you boss, is PA so popular recently?"

"To be honest. More than a month ago, there seemed to be rumors that DREAN was preparing to gradually reduce its service area because of the high cost of PA and the failure to achieve the expected results. TPA would not cost money, and these people were unwilling to communicate with IPA players. As for the number of people online in the game, which continues to decrease, a game that looks like a god of war has been released recently. It has made PA crazy all of a sudden. It seems that DRcAN is ready to continue. My small shop relies on it to make money, so it cannot be closed down."

The boss handed Wang Dong the boarding card and smiled.

"Haha, I really like PA too. You can't turn off such a good game."

"That's right." As long as rAN has a big business, making less money is still a profit. If he closes it, what will happen to our small businesses?"

The boss said happily, but soon a lot of people came in to turn on the phone, and the boss had no time to spare. These people came here for only one purpose, and they began to wait for Wu Xi to appear.

"It's all your fault. I didn't hold on last week and missed the classic battle.

"Damn, how can you blame me? It was my queen mother who urged me, and I didn't want to either.

"Did you get your mother to go there this time? →" My love, "Don't worry, I said I'm going to your house to learn how to cook!" "...I mean I'm going to your house. "

The two looked at each other. In the end, I didn’t care. Anyway, as long as both parents are not communicating, they can’t be found.

Wang Dong shook his head. This kid is really persistent, and it seems that he is somewhat famous.

As soon as I logged into PA, I found that the interface had been replaced with a new one, which was very good. Maybe PA was a good earner, but the investment was huge and the income was not as much as expected. No wonder the board of directors of DRE;2x complained about such a large investment! $ You can make money like a snowball wherever you put it. Although there were a large number of TP¢, they could not force TPA and IPa to compete. They tried many methods to no avail, but it seemed that when the God of War appeared, everything came alive.

Because of his existence, two incompatible groups began to want to understand each other.

But the most important thing is the existence of what looks like a god of war.

Ten entered PAo and Wang Dong saw his mailbox that was about to explode. However, he didn't want to fight too much today. He opened the mailbox and it looked like it needed to be cleaned. Upgrading the mailbox would cost money, and Wang Dong had no money, so he wanted to All useless letters have been deleted.

However, you still need to check the system information.

This time Wang Dong was a little interested. The latest system letter actually contained tens of thousands of challenge letters.

The ten most distinctive ones were sorted out in the letter for Wang Dong’s reference.

This is what Wang Dong wants. After all, he doesn't want to waste time fighting a meaningless halberd.

Out of ten people. Three umbrella IPA, five TPA, it seems that there is no official discrimination, and Wang Dong has no requirements for this. Both have their own characteristics and TPQ, and the direction they want to learn is different. Since it was TPA last time, I will choose IPA this time.

The five people's records, detailed information, and even official comments are included, which is extremely detailed.

Wang Dong quickly set his sights on a challenger with the ID of Sky Wings. He was thirty-six years old and possessed the Illusion Armor Throne of Power.

What attracts Wang Dong is. His short fighting scene was the final KO scene, a gorgeous combination of punches that directly killed the opponent.

Since returning the ball. Wang Dong had always avoided using weapons to prevent him from going violent. After being exposed to Hugui Quan, he became very interested in rigid boxing, but he did not want to learn rigid boxing. At the same time, I also want to crack, not crack for the sake of cracking. Rather, in the process, he gained a deeper understanding of how to use Xuan Liqi and gained a deeper understanding of martial arts.

...This is not something Wang Dong could have thought of himself. It was seemingly said by Wu≤), but Wang Dong felt that

Wang Dong thought for a while. He wanted to rest today and didn't want to fight. It was rare that he received a scholarship but he wanted to have some sex. He just came here for a walk. He thought he would have time on Sunday night, so we would talk about it then. However, he suddenly remembered that he had just met a few people. If he did this, they would have to wait for two days.

Classmate Wang Dong is still very kind sometimes, so he sent a reply to the other party at eight o'clock on Sunday night, so that both parties had time to prepare.

After replying to the letter. Wang Dong quit PA and casually browsed some other information. When it comes to playing, Ta'e is really not good at it. Playing also requires money. Obviously, the old man will spend every cent on drinking, and feels that others are infatuated. He was completely uninterested in things like drunk idol stars and various movies. After two breaths, he fell down.

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