Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 134: Text 134 Wang Dong was suspicious


, Sass smiled. wWw.QUanbEn-xIAoShUo.CoM There is a coldness in the smile. Fortunately, the bug did not bite Shangzhen Shenzhen. Otherwise, humans will really just have to wait to die. Listen up. The advantages of Green-Eyed Zago are obvious, but they are low-level bugs after all. What they will do is pass back what they see and then launch an attack. This feature also allows us to make some changes according to the situation.

"Just follow the plan?"

"Well said, just use the trick. Don't underestimate the ability of bugs, but don't overestimate them. Green-eyed Zago is just a low-level guy. They can only read and not analyze whether the intelligence is true or false. And the task of analysis is It's their brainworm

After Netsas explained this, everyone generally understood. At least they knew what Green-Eyed Zago was about. Large forces fought. This kind of intelligence confrontation did not require a single soldier to worry about. The human army also had its own reconnaissance force and analysis department. The advantage of us humans is that the information transmission is unimaginable by insects. However, in the past ten years, there have been few large-scale battles with the Zago tribe. Basically, the battle needs to be dispersed. At this time, the soldiers must pay more attention to this aspect. This may not be related to the entire battle situation, but to personal life and death.

Everyone is nodding. This is the lesson of Netsas. It can definitely make everyone clearly understand the truth. When you face this kind of Zago, Li Hui will know how to deal with it.

Wang Dong's eyebrows twitched and he hesitated to speak.

But this small change was still caught by Netsas.

"Wang Dong, do you have any opinions?"

Wang Dong thought for a moment, "Teacher, I have read a lot of basic information about the Zago tribe recently. But I always feel that it lags behind a lot. Some of the things you mentioned are not in the textbooks. Or some of them are no longer available. used."

"Hmph, guys like the Federation are busy enough just expanding their armaments. A few of them will focus on education, but generally they are not out of line.

"I have seen this kind of green-eyed Zago, but it seems that the green-eyed Zago has also evolved into insects. This green-eyed Zago is a bit bigger, about one meter only. Its body is not the common green color, but It is dark red and has extremely weak attack power, but its flying speed is twice that of the ordinary green-eyed Zago. A rough estimate is that the sprint speed should be 200 kilometers per hour, which is quite fast. I don’t know if this Zago is considered a green-eyed Zago. Eye Zago's line."

When Wang Dong finished speaking, Netsasi was also stunned. The other students seemed to be listening to fantasy. He is an expert in this field. Not only is he a teacher, but he also has many comrades and friends who are constantly updating his own information to facilitate teaching. .

Not every teacher is as motivated and hard-working as he is.

"Is there such a thing as Zago?"

"It looks very similar on the outside, but it's hard to tell the specifics. This guy usually doesn't participate in battles and is very timid. Judging from certain things, I suspect he is a commander type."

Wang Dong said that he didn't have any evidence, it was just the feeling during the battle.

Netsas was silent for a while, "Let's talk about this issue after class." He motioned to Wang Dong to sit down. Netsas continues to analyze some of the problems with Green-Eyed Zago.

"You seem to know everything. Xiaoru said with a little admiration.

"No, it's just that I have better luck." The address of this site has been changed to: Please log in to read.

Ma Xiaoru really couldn't see through this person, and it seemed that he wasn't just pretending. But what he did was beyond the ordinary. Other students had never seen Zago with green eyes, let alone any variant.

However, everyone has been taking classes with Wang Dong for a while, and are used to his shocking words.

As soon as the bell rang, Wangsas called Wang Dong and left. Obviously, Wangsas himself was also very concerned about this. This topic was beyond the scope of what ordinary students need to know.

"Sit anywhere you want." Netsas's office is relatively simple, but surprisingly not messy. "If you want something to drink, I only have water here."

"Just water

"Let's talk about the strange green-eyed Zago. There is no such type in the existing Zago family map." Netsas Yanran was very interested.

Wang Dong told what he saw. The more he talked about Netsas, the more strange he felt. "It's a miracle that you came back alive from Planet Norton."

"Teacher, I have been thinking about a question during this time, and I don't know whether I should say it or not.

"When did you become a mother-in-law? There's nothing I shouldn't say to you."

"I feel that the Zago tribe is using the Norton planet as a test base. In the later period of hiding in the mine, I was also observing these bugs. Their types are now very complicated, and there are also fights between bugs. According to biologists' understanding of bugs , Bugs should be naturally evolved types, but I feel like they are like a controlled biological garden, where bugs compete and choose among themselves. There are quite a few Zagos in there that I can’t find any comparison in the illustrated book.”

Netsas lit a cigarette, and the smoke filled the air. "What you said is completely different from the information we got. The Federation spent more than a year defeating the Zago tribe's troops. When cleaning up the remnants, they did not find you. If what you said is true, then the Zago tribe is most likely brewing a huge war.

"Teacher, I'm not sure about this. If the Zago tribe did this intentionally, wouldn't their wisdom have made a qualitative leap

"It's hard to say. The evolutionary capabilities of these bugs are indeed incredible. But all I can do about this matter is submit a report to see if my old friends can help. As for whether the federation will pay attention to it, I won't tell you. It’s known.”

"Haha, to be honest, what I saw may not necessarily be the overall situation. After all, I could only move around the mine when I was trapped, and the area was not large.

"Actually, that's why I'm worried. Such a small area is like a zoo. The pyramid system of insects exists completely. This is the conventional method of the biological research system. But you have a good memory. You can remember it so clearly. "

Netsas praised that although some of the information Wang Dong provided had no evidence, Netsas believed that this student was definitely not lying.

Gonzas also had doubts about the Zago tribe's attack on Norton. The Zago tribe had been suppressed for these years. After being dormant for so long, they suddenly attacked Norton. However, they only lasted for a year. It seemed like thunder and rain. If this was the case, Isn't it pointless to waste a large number of accumulated Zago troops

The Federation always preaches that the fighting power of humans is extremely powerful. I feel that this is too underestimating the insects. To be honest, if it weren’t for General Li Feng’s superb tactics, the ultra-cutting-edge technology brought by the company, and the god-like The Blade Warriors dealt a fatal blow to the Zago tribe in the early days of the war. How could humans be as comfortable as they are now, but even so. The bugs are still not eradicated. Their tenacity far exceeds that of other life races. As long as they are given a small satellite, they can survive. Even a swarm of meteorites can do the same, especially the mother nest that represents the highest secret of the Zago tribe. This thing even The ability to travel through space, and the ability of living organisms to travel, is also the reason why humans cannot completely destroy them.

In the battle with the Zago tribe, humans are constantly researching, and the evolutionary direction of the Zago tribe is becoming more and more targeted at humans. The greatest ability of humans is learning and research. But will the Zago tribe also evolve this ability

It is not that no one has thought about this problem, but it can only be unfounded worry, because this is beyond human control. If they really evolve this ability, it will definitely be a disaster for the entire Yulei.

"It's not that I have a good memory. It's just that there's nothing to eat there, so I'll take Zago back to make meatballs. If I eat one kind often, I'll get tired of it. So I eat it differently."

Wang Dong was a little embarrassed.

Rao is a tough guy like Netsasi. Hearing Wang Dong's words was a bit creepy. Can that thing be eaten

"Boy, I want to impress you. Besides, you better not talk about this everywhere. The Federation is now in a period of self-satisfaction with victory. Some remarks may attract the attention of the special department, not to mention you are one of the survivors."

"Understood, thank you teacher."

"Go ahead and don't relax at any time. There will definitely be a time in the future when you can show your talents. Any preparations you make now will be used in the future."


Looking at Wang Dong's back. Netsas was also a little pleased. He stayed away from the power struggle to become a teacher just so that he could be out of sight and out of mind, but at that time, he destroyed the last force of the Zago tribe in the solar system in one fell swoop. I thought there would always be decades of peace, but who would have thought that in less than ten years, the Zago tribe would make a comeback.

Netsas moved his wrist, wondering if his bones could withstand the torment.

The advantages and disadvantages of human beings are always obvious, but humans without their shortcomings are no longer human beings. Contradiction is the root cause.

Netsas thought about it. He still wrote something. Anyway, he wanted to remind some people that there are still many smart people in the Federation.

In the past few years of peace, the old forces headed by the five major families, coupled with the strength of the new military and political power, inevitably started economic and power disputes. As long as humans had nothing to do, they always had to find something to do.

Wang Dong received a message from Samantha not long after he left Netsas' office. This was the first time he received news from her after returning from the Bernabeu.

However, Wang Dong had no other ideas. She knew very well that Samantha should have returned to normal long ago and was now busy preparing for the big event against Caps.

Sure enough, it's about scraping.

When Wang Dong arrives. Ma Xiaoru, Wang Bi and others had already arrived. After Wang Dong arrived, everyone smiled. After a while, Dida and Chiarou also came. The ten people were the same group that went to the Bernabeu last time. It seemed that they were going to deal with it this time. Capps still has to rely on this lineup.

But if the opponent is Caps, it is on a completely different level than the Bernabeu. In the past few years, the Bernabeu has lost all their games to Caps. In the game, only Apache can win once, but in the overall situation, it is completely It was because they were overwhelmed by their opponents. I heard that Capps didn't show up with the first lineup at all.

After one hour? See you there or see you”

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