Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 136: Text One hundred and thirty-six It’s too big


As for FFc, the triangular relationship with General Li Feng and Blade Warrior was the biggest secret of that era, and it is also a myth now. WWw.qUAnbEn-xIaosHuo.COm

Of course, these are not important. The key is that humans have benefited.

After so many years of progress, FFc still plays an important role in the field of armed armor, but it is no longer the monopoly it held back then. People on the Moon, Mars, and Kitty all have their own military factories, and they are not lagging behind in technology. Armed armor? It has not been around for a long time, and even the most difficult technologies to conquer have now been mastered. What matters now is innovation.

There are six levels of armed armor, but these are only for ordinary soldiers. It can be said to be universal, but this is not the limit of human beings. What the military wants is an almost godly power like the Blade Warrior. Since the Blade Warrior could If you do it, it can be copied.

Humans have discovered the use of genetic nuclear power, which is like opening the way to heaven. This power has no end. Now, on the one hand, it is to discover oneself, and on the other hand, it is what humans are best at, that is, with the help of tools, Human beings ruled the world with tools, and it is the same now.

Of course, the base where Wang Dong and others go will definitely not have top-secret things. There are many such bases. The reason why this place is suitable for special purposes is that "on the one hand, the facilities are complete, and on the other hand, there is also the Zago Base on Paradise Island." , understanding the enemy is also a way to develop yourself.

The Zago tribe has also given humans a lot of inspiration. If their endless life code can be obtained, maybe humans will really become the strongest race in the universe.

The journey will not be boring at all. Principal Samantha’s special plane is very luxurious. “Dear students, there is a voluntary form that you need to sign.”


Everyone was stunned when they saw it,...Does it need to be so serious? It turned out to be a life and death voluntary letter. This special training will be very harsh. Wang Dong, Wang Ben and others signed it without hesitation. These two are not afraid of death, and their strength is also The strongest one has the lowest chance of accidents, but what is surprising is that the timid Lumi did not hesitate. Lumi signed, and the others looked at each other and stopped talking nonsense. Now we are riding a tiger and it is difficult to get off. We can't let everyone else go. Special "I will go back with the chartered flight 0 bar."

Samantha is very satisfied with everyone's attitude. If you want to defeat Caps, you must have this kind of awareness!

Everyone chatted for a while and then went to sleep. The plane did not go directly to Paradise Island. It seemed that there would be some changes and it would arrive in the early morning of the next morning.

Although everyone was in high spirits, it was obvious that the smartest choice for training the next day was to sleep to maintain sufficient energy.

With Principal Samantha's personality, their trip will definitely not be a tourist trip. Boom, boom, boom, five o'clock, the sky is already bright near the equator, and the blue sea is boundless. Just looking at it can inspire people's ambitions.

Everyone was woken up by the sound of a broken gong.

"What's wrong? Why are you here? Did it crash?" Karl rushed out in his underpants.

Soon everyone else came out slowly.

Samantha is fully dressed, with her charming smile still on her face. "Students, your destination has arrived. Next, you will be tested by Principal Matas. I wish you all success."

Dida looked out the window and said, "Teacher, is there the sea below us?"

"Yes, this is still three kilometers away from where you live."

"Oh my God, you don't want us to swim over, do you?"

"Haha, classmate Carl is really smart, then...goodbye!" Samantha smiled and waved her hands, and then everyone discovered that the deck under their feet was actually alive.

A shadow was showing its teeth and claws in the air.

Everyone knows it won't be easy this time, but it doesn't have to be so cruel...it was so scary in the beginning.

In the air, everyone detonated nuclear power. Otherwise, if they fell like this, they would definitely die suddenly. The problem was that Lumi's mental power was too weak, and this girl actually fainted from fright.

Wang Dong had the best view of the overall situation and hugged Lumi. "Everyone, pay attention, stabilize the nuclear power. Karl, what are you doing?"

Karl was still grabbing his hair in mid-air. Although the nuclear power exploded, it was very unstable. If this continued, he would be injured.

"God, I don't know how to swim, who can teach me!"

Dida on the other side also screamed, "Damn it, why does the heavy armor department have swimming lessons? Help!"

Wang Dong is also one of the top two, and Samantha is really...

Seeing that he was about to fall to the sea, Wang Dong slapped it with a palm, and at the same time increased his nuclear power, trying to slow down the speed of descent. He was fine, but Lumi's physical condition was the worst among everyone, and he didn't want to fall into the trap right after the special training started. An injury number appears.

The speed when the two fell into the sea was no longer fast.

Wang Ben's whole body was as straight as a javelin. Just when he was about to fall into the sea, he heard an explosion and punched out. A huge vortex-shaped wave exploded on the sea. Wang Ben's figure stopped suddenly, turned over and slowly fell into the sea. .

Hu Yangxuan is similar.

Ma Xiaoru was the most carefree. The more unexpected the situation, the greater the effect of the technique. Ma Xiaoru almost walked slowly to the sea surface.

As for the others, almost all of them were thrown into the sea one by one. Fortunately, the boys were thick-skinned and thick-skinned, so they could still withstand the impact.

Wang Ben and Hu Yangxuan fished out the struggling Karl and Dida. These two guys couldn't swim. They were really convinced. As military students, basic survival skills must be all-round.

"Count the number of people!" Wang Dong shouted. It was indeed Samantha's style. The special training had begun. It was not the formal teaching they imagined, but special training. "I'm afraid arriving at the training base is the first test.

"Wang Ben." Yes! "Hu Yangxuan!" No problem! "Hu Yangxuan waved his finger very coolly.

Finally, everyone was here. Lumi woke up after being hit by the sea water. Ma Xiaoru and Zhou Sisi had already said, "Karl, Dida, just learn now. This distance is not close!"

Wang Dong said that if you only bring two people, they can barely rotate, but who knows what is waiting for them when they arrive at their destination, and they must maintain a certain level of combat effectiveness.

Most people would definitely not sell it, so I thought, but Wang Dong was educated on the Norton planet. If he didn't make more comprehensive preparations, he would be in trouble by then.

A desperate counterattack? That's fart!

The others are not at a high level. With the help of nuclear power, it is not a problem. Teaching Karl and Dida in a short period of time can also reduce the burden on the team.

Ma Xiaoru is responsible for teaching Lumi, while Hu Yangxuan is responsible for the two landlubbers. Carl is okay. Dida is indeed not a good swimmer, and her physical condition is not suitable, but with the help of nuclear power, she can swim for a while, at most, she has nuclear power. Exhausted people take a section.

Others checked the direction and saw a small dot in the distance. The sun was far away. Ten minutes later, everyone set off.

Carl's family had just learned to swim, and he was excited again. He was messing around. After ten minutes, he began to feel tired, but his destination was far away.

Lessons are the best teachers.

He must understand the truth. On the battlefield, if you are not good enough, not only will you die, but your teammates will also be implicated.

Ten minutes later, everyone felt even more tired. Except for Wang Dong, Wang Bi, Ma Xiaoru, and Hu Yangxuan, everyone was almost paralyzed.

Half an hour... Except for Wang Dong, everyone else felt that their bodies were getting stiffer, but where was the damn island? ?

Ten people gathered together, all exhausted. At first, they thought the direction was right, so everyone tried their best to swim and arrived as soon as possible, but the black figure in the distance never came closer.

"Are we going in the wrong direction?"

Not only is the body tired, but soaking in sea water for a long time is not a problem. Xiaoru is relatively strong and can protect his core for a long time. Sisi and Lumi are a problem, especially Lumi.

The sea, which had just felt like a unique scenery, has now become like a nightmare. The most disgusting thing is the sun above the head, which is emitting heat without any fatigue.

Everyone’s space crystal is filled with clothes, especially girls, who prepare a lot of cosmetics. Who would want to bring food

"The direction is correct. The surrounding area is completely white, except for the shadow of an island." But why haven't we arrived yet? Could it be that the principal miscalculated the distance? "

At this time, people's will will become fragile, and their originally firm attitude will begin to loosen. "What should I do?" Except for Wang Dong, who has really faced a desperate situation, other people, even Xiaoru and Wang Bi, have never encountered this kind of problem. The so-called Strict training and facing real difficulties are two different things, but their performance was quite calm.

The blazing sun can make people irritable, angry, and powerless at the same time. It is constantly taking away the water in everyone's body.

Wang Dong knew very well that he had to make a judgment at this time. Something would really happen if he continued like this. Now it was no longer a question of whether the principal had failed or was intentional. What he had to do was face an existential crisis.

But this is not Norton Star. If he was alone, this matter wouldn't be difficult to handle, but he couldn't ignore these people.

"Who among you brought food and drink?"

It was okay if Wang Dong didn't ask. This question made everyone feel hungry, because everyone was left without breakfast.

Lumi's big eyes blinked as if she wanted to cry. The others shook their heads and said they had brought everything except food and drink.

"I brought some snacks." Lumi whispered. The desperate environment was a bit too much for her who was already timid. Don’t talk about snacks at this time, as long as you can eat it, it’s good!

When Lumi took out the snacks, everyone sighed. It turned out to be puffed food. Now the stomach is still in the second place. Fresh water is the key. Eating this will only make you thirstier. Who can bear it.

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