Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 137: Text 137 I let you rely on me


Wang Dong knew that these people were not prepared and sighed. If he had known it, he would have brought more. "I have five lunch boxes and ten bottles of water. Now I will distribute them to everyone. Try to save some drinks. www.QuANbEn-XiAoShUo.Com

The way everyone looked at Wang Dong was a bit like looking at God.

"Oh my god, do you always take this with you when you go out?"

Wang Dong was helpless. Anyone who had learned from Norton Star would be a little more prepared, but he didn't expect that it was still missing.

With this kind of reserve, the probability of survival is quite high with Wang Dong's strength, but the difference between humans and the Zago tribe is that they will not give up on their friends.

There is a bottle of water for each person and a lunch box for two people. It is the cheapest kind in the school cafeteria, but it is definitely more brilliant than a diamond here.

"Captain, you are such a genius, a must-have for home and travel!"

With food and water, everyone also gained hope.

"Everyone should adjust the dosage, save as much as possible, rest for three minutes, and then start again." Wang Dong knew that the longer he stayed, the more unfavorable the situation would be.

Everyone drank heavily. They were really tired and thirsty. It wasn't that they didn't want to endure it, but they couldn't bear it at all.

Wang Dong wanted to stop it, but it was too late. He overestimated the restraint of these people. Wang Ben and Hu Yangxuan were indeed trained. They just took a sip and closed the lid.

Wang Dong put the water away, but he could still withstand it. In this environment, hope is a hundred times more important than temporary pleasure.

After eating something and drinking water, everyone swam towards the black spot in the distance again, but this time not only the physical strength, but also the distribution of nuclear power had to be appropriate. The few guys who were able to flip just now were still doing fancy swimming. , all are honest now.

Maybe when we get serious, the situation has indeed become different. Everyone is moving much faster, and no one is chatting anymore. Now they are all concentrating on moving forward.

But the problem is that an hour later, the black spot is still at the same distance, and it seems that it is not getting closer at all. Or, as they move forward, the black spot is also moving forward!

Wang Dong also had to stop and let everyone take a rest. After an hour, everyone showed signs of fatigue.

The hunger level was not bad, but the thirst was uncontrollable. Karl, Dida and others took out water and tried to drink it, but Wang Dong shouted to stop it.

"You two only have half a bottle left. Are you going to wait to die after drinking it?"

When Wang Dong said this, the other people's work also stopped abruptly. The situation was too wrong.

Karl, Dida looked at the water and could only take a sip to moisten her lips that were exposed to the sun.

Others also learned to drink in small sips, but the more they drank, the thirstier they became, but they could only endure it.

Wang Dong, this situation is wrong, why can’t we see the shadow of Paradise Island? "

"Did the principal fall by mistake? Let's ask for help!" Chiaru couldn't bear it anymore. It would be nice if he could get some help.

"No chance, Tianxun has no signal." Sisi said helplessly.

"Xiaoru, don't you have the specific location of Paradise Island?" Wang Dong asked. Everyone looked at Ma Xiaoru eagerly, really hoping that she could give a clear path.

Although Xiaoru has the Witch's Art to protect her body, she is lacking in practical combat. She is also very tired now. "If I knew, I would have gone long ago."

Everyone's last glimmer of hope was shattered. This obviously didn't feel like a test. It was very possible that Samantha had made a mistake, because Xiaoru's condition was also very bad. If this continued, something would really happen.

Wang Dong knew that he couldn't let everyone continue to think about it. Regardless of whether it was a mistake or not, he needed to make a clear judgment now.

"Everyone cheer up and listen to me. We have no choice. If we want to survive, we must find Paradise Island as soon as possible. And our only way is to swim forward. Now the water must be managed uniformly. Everyone hand over the water to Xiaoru , take a break every half hour, the girls drink first, then us!"

Wang Dong was the first to take out his own bottle, and everyone drank it. Wang Ben, who had the most left, also drank a fifth. Dida, Karl and others drank most of it.

And Wang Dong has a whole bottle that has not been opened, and he has not taken a sip of water yet.

Ma Xiaoru took them one by one. She knew that this water was everyone's hope.

At this time, you can't think too much. The more you think about it, the less hope you have. The more you rest, the more tired you become. Five minutes later, everyone set off again.

The blazing sun in the sky is radiating heat crazily, the sea is still so blue, and the sea water is like a fatal temptation. These are all water. Will you not be thirsty after taking a sip

Lumi's physical strength has been exhausted, and the stronger ones take turns to carry her. At this time, it is no longer a matter of weight. No matter how light Lumi's weight is, it will seem very heavy when everyone is tired.

Everyone's speed obviously slowed down a lot, and the rest time gradually became longer. Ma Xiaoru took out a bottle of water and gave Lumi a drink first. When the water flowed into her lips, it seemed like the most wonderful picture in the world.

Then Xiaoru took a sip and handed it to Sisi. Everyone passed it on one by one. When it was time for Wang to move, he put it to his mouth, licked it gently, and then gave it back to Xiaoru.

At this moment, perhaps due to hallucination, Lumi wanted to drink sea water, and Wang Dongyan caught it.

"Can't drink!"

"Thirsty..." Lumi said sadly, "I'll just take a sip and try."

"Shut up, you all listen to me. Don't touch the sea water. Drinking it will only make you thirstier!" At this time, Wang Dong didn't have a good expression. "Wang Dong is right, we are the elite of Yalang, damn, Fight!" Karl yelled, but his voice was hoarse, and at this time, his leak was still there.

"Wang Dong, Lumi is in poor health. Let her take another sip. Something will happen if this continues."

Xiaoru looked at the dying Lumi and said worriedly.

Wang Dong nodded.

Who doesn't want to drink water at this time? Dida and others were also thirsty. It has to be said that everyone remained rational in this situation, restrained themselves, and simply stopped looking.

Xiaoru also tried hard to suppress the urge to drink water, capped the bottle and put it back into the space crystal.

Wang Dong waved his hand, which was a signal to continue on the road. Stop talking if you can.

The group of people slowly headed towards the paradise that seemed to be forever in the horizon.

It was probably noon, more than eight hours had passed, and this was also the hottest time of the day. Even if you didn't move, your body was evaporating water like crazy. Don't let Wang touch them. The last thing they should do was The movements at the beginning were too big, and the use of nuclear power was very taxing on the body. If we had been prepared for a protracted battle from the beginning, the situation would have been much better. Who would have thought that the paradise island that we thought we could reach in half an hour would still look like that? A small dot in the distance.

But fortunately there is a small point, otherwise everyone would be in despair - Ma Xiaoru opened the space crystal and took out a bottle of water, a full bottle. This was Wang Dong's bottle, and it was also their last bottle.

But the situation has become even worse. Wang Dong and others, who are the most powerful, are now in dire straits. It is actually easier to buy and sell in one fell swoop. This kind of consuming one's will little by little is the most difficult thing for the body.

The lack of water in the sea is more terrifying than the desert. There is no temptation in the overflowing sand. At most, you can see a mirage. But the sea is full of water, which is a temptation in itself.

There have been several times when people tried to drink water secretly, but Wang Dong discovered them all. At this time, even Wang Ben and Hu Yangxuan could only maintain their own restraint and had no energy to care about others.

The sun was scorching hot, seeming to laugh at the struggles of these weak humans.

In the sunlight of everyone, Ma Xiaoru opened the last bottle. He would die sooner if he didn't drink. He put the bottle to Lumi's mouth, but Lumi didn't open her mouth like before this time.

"Lumi, drink."

Lumi closed her mouth tightly and shook her head.

"It's okay, we can still withstand it, you can drink."

"You guys drink, I... consume at least -0" Lumi closed her eyes stubbornly.

Ma Xiaoru looked at it and said, "I can still hold on. You guys can drink."

Sisi also shook her head.

"You don't have to be brave, just drink. If you don't drink, you will die. No matter what, it's only a little while longer." Wang Dong said, if Xiaoru and Sisi don't drink, others will not drink, and he We are very aware of everyone's situation. If we don't drink, our physical strength will get worse, and we will be unable to move forward in the future.

"Wang Dong, you drink, you have to take us away." Wang Ben said. It is obvious that only Wang Dong has survival experience among the people and can still remain calm at this time.

"I'm okay, you drink first!"

Damn, Wang Dong's voice has already been on fire, but his physical limit is indeed stronger than others.

"Captain, you drink. We know that you didn't drink much at all!" Chiaru said. Everyone else would take a sip more or less. Wang Dong was actually just drinking.

"Wang Dong, don't hold on anymore. You are the most likely to survive among us. You can drink it. Besides, this water belongs to you!"

Hu Yangxuan showed a smile that was uglier than crying. At this time, the handsome guy couldn't do it anymore.

"Captain, you drink, you take everyone away, leave me alone." Lumi struggled to say. She knew that her existence brought a huge burden to the team, not to mention that she drank the most water.

"Don't mention this matter. We all came together, so let's live together. Stop talking nonsense. The more you talk, the thirstier you get!"

Wang Dong said decisively.

"Wang Dong, I'm convinced. If I still have my life to go back this time, you will be our forever leader from now on!" Karl said hoarsely.

But...it's more likely that this group of people will die together.

"This is not the way to go. Wang Dong has the best physical strength. I have a suggestion. Let him take this bottle of water to find Paradise Island, and then come to rescue us. If we continue, we will have to die together!" Sisi said.

Everyone looked at each other and said, "I agree with this method, but now I can only give it a try!" Wang Ben nodded.

"Everyone will vote by a show of hands!" Xiaoru said.

Everyone raised their hands. Hu Yangxuan patted Wang Dong and said, "It depends on you. If I can go back alive this time, we two brothers can go pick up girls together!"

Wang Dong knew that this was the only way at the moment. He took the water and took a sip. This was the first time he had taken a real sip of water in a long time. This sip was probably a fifth of the water, but he It’s better to return most of the bottle of water to Xiaoru.

"Xiaoru, Wang Ben, Hu Yangxuan, I leave it to you, I'll take the first step!"

Wang Dong didn't waste any time, activated his nuclear power, and rushed out instantly.

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