Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 144: Text one hundred and forty-four special rewards


"When the accumulation reaches a certain level, qualitative changes will suddenly appear. Usually people will say that they are sighing. In fact, this is not accidental, but inevitable. Www!QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO!cOM

Wang Dong practiced scraping very seriously. This kind of scraping training is good for him. It’s been like this for a long time. Shaving your body is only one aspect. He can practice the Blade Art while training, without distractions, and can devote himself wholeheartedly. There are also people who take care of food and housing. As long as there is no money, Wang Dong’s paradise will be anywhere.

Gradually, everyone's pace is changing to adapt to the resistance of the water, constantly adjusting, while changing force and stabilizing the center of gravity.

If you make up your mind. You can really learn a lot. The question is whether you want to waste your emotions on worrying and complaining, or whether you should calm down and feel.

Kind of. It is up to you to decide how to go.

In fact, everyone is not a fool. Soon everyone is looking for their own methods, even Xiao Lumi. She is only fourteen years old and is the youngest sister among them. But this time she came here to really learn how to do it. Got too many things.

Lumi was the slowest, Xiaoru and Sisi were accompanying her, otherwise Lumi would definitely not be able to persist in her condition.

What is a team? What is support? Training cannot be replaced, but it can be shared.

Don't think that slowing down will make it better, there is a time limit. If you don't get back at the designated time, dinner will be ruined.

The first group is also dividing. Wang Dong has been keeping a steady pace. In the eyes of everyone, he is a monster, and he is so tireless. If nuclear power is used, it would be normal to have such a performance, but it cannot be used. If these people knew that Wang Dong was still running the technique, they would be shocked.

Wang Dong discovered a strange phenomenon. That is, if you practice the Blade Art during exercise, the Sixteenth Degree General Outline will become slower. But the details controlled by Dantian have become smoother, and there seems to be a warm current flowing in the body, which is constantly eliminating fatigue.

," As a result, Wang Dong became happier as he ran.

The leading role is obvious, and most of the people here are stubborn people. They all competed in silence.

Of course, Wang Dong's current state would have arrived on time, if it weren't for the detection equipment that confirmed that Wang Dong did not use nuclear power. Massa really felt like he was crazy. This kind of physical strength was simply unbelievable. In order to prevent Wang Dong from cheating, Massa had been paying close attention to him, but there was nothing he could do, so he ran down happily.

After staring at Wang Dong for a long time, this guy even breathed so steadily. Is he still a human

"You can go eat." Massa said expressionlessly, without much praise.

Wang Dong was finally able to put down his backpack, and when he was about to take off the anklets, Massa stopped him, "No need to take them, here. Take these two with you too."

Massa threw out two more weight-bearing rings, "Bei, from now on, you have to carry them around the clock. You are not allowed to take them down without an order."

"Yes, instructor!" Wang Dong saluted.

Massa nodded expressionlessly, and then pressed a button. Silent magnetism was generated, and Wang Dong's hands and feet instantly closed together.

"Simple weight-bearing obviously has no effect on you. This is a special reward for you. Get used to it slowly.

This kid, if I don't give you some clues, you really think we are all in vain.

This is the real function of the weight-bearing ring, which generates huge gravitational force. This is what Wang Dong must adapt to first.

"No use of nuclear force". Massa left a word and went to look after other students. But what Wang Dong didn't see was a rare smile on Massa's face.

Classmate Wang Dong stood on the beach like an idiot. I'm dizzy, what can I do with this thing

He didn't know how far Massa was activated, but it was so powerful!

Of course Wang Dong is not the type to deceive himself. He has to use his body to adapt to this kind of power. But this is really difficult for him.

Obviously the previous test. Massa has already had some understanding of his general condition, so the magnet level added this time is the highest level, and there is no intention of doing it step by step. What is scratching is to tap and stimulate potential. Breaking through the limit will directly give Wang Dong a blow.

Since Wang Dong's strength is one level higher than these students, it's easy to just treat him according to the training standards of the special forces.

The moment Wang Dong successfully finished his run around Wu, it meant the beginning of differential treatment.

About ten minutes later, Wang Ben and Apache arrived. He was also stunned when he saw Wang Dong standing alone like a stake in Haiwei.

At some point, a wooden sign was placed next to Wang Dong, with the four characters "Do Not Disturb" written on it.

Wang Ben and Apache were really hungry, so the helicopter immediately took them back.

The two of them were the only ones who could eat. Cao Yi and Hu Yangxuan should have been able to do the same, but the extra weight affected their speed. In the end, I didn’t come back in time.

Others are even slower. No one was seen at all, but at least they could go back and rest. Today's scraping training was really impressive.

As the sky gradually darkened, students arrived one after another. The two people in the heavy armor department were in a worse situation. Big guys would really suffer from this kind of training.

But I finally persisted and decided to take a plane to transport one. This is just a small island near Paradise Island. There is no canteen.

But Wang Dong, who arrived first, remained where he was. The ice moves. Stretch your legs and feet as far as possible, and close your eyes slightly. Stern expression

The people who arrived didn't bother when they saw the sign above. It was obvious that Wang Dong had provoked Ma Lian Massa.

Horse Face is the nickname given to Massa by everyone.

By the time Xiaoru and Sisi arrived with help from Lumi, it was completely dark. They were the last ones and Lumi was already exhausted. For her, today was beyond the limit.

But there is indeed a strong heart under the weak body. A person's will has nothing to do with the size of his body.

"Okay, you are the last group, go up."

"Instructor, where is the assembly?"

Massa glanced at Wang Dong, who was standing motionless on the beach, with a sneer on his lips, "This is his special reward, don't worry about him."

The helicopter door closed and the last group of people left, leaving only Wang Dong alone on the island.

As if the helicopter's takeoff and landing didn't exist at all, Wang Dong stood there like a stone sculpture.

The doctor has given Lumi additional care. This kind of collapse is not a problem with the current technological conditions, not to mention the medical conditions here are amazingly good, which is why the two principals are not worried.

But the two people who care about Wang Dong the most are on the helicopter. "Instructor, do we ignore Wang Dong? How will he train tomorrow?"

"Practice, haha, if you don't use nuclear power, this kid won't have to move for ten days," Massa said.

This kind of magnetic ring is specially used by special forces. In fact, it requires a little bit of nuclear power to maintain it. Even this is a lot of consumption. The reason why Wang Dong is not told is to kill his arrogance. After all, this kid is too When you are young, it is not good if you develop arrogance.

Xiaoru and Sisi both had unbearable expressions on their faces, but they looked at Massa with an iron-like face. I can only swallow my pleas. This instructor is the type who becomes more ruthless the more you beg for mercy.

The helicopter left with the last group of students, leaving Wang Dong with the boundless sea and an isolated island.

Night has completely fallen.

Wang Dong still stood motionless.

As expected, everyone who went back didn't get any food, but they were more fortunate. Apache and Wang Ben, who went back first, took a sidestep and hid a lot of food secretly. It was really difficult for the two people who were not good at words to ask the staff. But the two of them also knew that if others didn't eat, it would really be the end tomorrow.

Everyone hid in the room and ate up the food they were given quickly, without leaving any evidence. God knows if Ma Lian would suddenly show up, but fortunately, after the training, Ma Lian did not show up. Come to think of it, this guy also needs to eat. of.

No one dared to sleep immediately this time. If they didn't perform the exercises for at least two weeks, they wouldn't be able to recover at all. They would only be more tired tomorrow. This kind of tiredness could no longer be recovered by simply sleeping.

Lumi's condition is relatively poor. Her skills were weak to begin with, but her current physical condition is even worse. It took two weeks for Xiaoru to help her get better. Apart from the five secret arts such as the Witch's Art, I'm afraid there really isn't any technique that can do it.

"Sister Xiaoru. Thank you. I will try my best!" After two weeks, Lumi also gained strength.

"Come on, everyone is working hard." Xiaoru smiled. She didn't expect that this time the special would be to this extent. But also, without such a level, how dare you challenge Capps.

You cannot win with slogans alone. A price must be paid.


, "Sister Xiaoru, what are you thinking about? Where's Wang Dong? Wasn't he the first to finish? Why didn't you see him?"

Lumi asked, obviously Wang Dong already had an unshakable high status in her heart.

Xiaoru told Wang Dong's situation.

"The instructor must have given him extra training. But how can we let him stay alone on an isolated island, where there is no food, no water, and no house." Lumi said worriedly.

, "Don't worry, Wang Dong can definitely do it if others can't. You should go to bed early. Tomorrow's task will not be easy."

No one is playing cards this time. Even if Grandpa, the God of Cards, appeared, he couldn't arouse everyone's interest. After practicing a few tricks, everyone immediately fell into a deep sleep. Today is too difficult for them


To be precise, these two days were unforgettable.

Soon there was a whirring sound in the room.

At this time, classmate Wang Dong was still alone on the beach, motionless. He had to get used to this kind of worship.

His strength can only maintain this state. As long as he moves, it will tighten immediately. Let alone walking, he will definitely fall upside down immediately.

Somehow Matteas felt a sense of happiness looking at this scene. This was probably an achievement as a teacher. Watching his students grow up little by little, he did feel a sense of pride.

, "Senior, I'll leave the rest to you. I'll prepare for the next thing."

"Don't worry, I have full confidence in these kids," Mateus nodded.

When Samantha proposed the plan, he had already thought about the possible improvements, but seemed to underestimate the potential of the students.

Will you be exposed if you say "see you tomorrow"? Forget it, let's see you in an hour, haha

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