Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 145: Text 145 All difficulties are just clouds


Wei Guo has been a complete success this time, and Wenchite can continue to run it, and focus exclusively on the elite... This will also prevent talents from being buried. Www!QuanBeN-XiaoShuo!com

Among the crowd, only Wang Dong was left alone on the beach. Mateas also knew that Massa was indeed very cold. Because they are used to seeing life and death on the battlefield, this kind of person likes to bury his rich emotions deep in his heart. The harsher he is to others, the more he cares for them. As a soldier and a warrior. There must be a sufficient sense of crisis at all times, even in peaceful times. What's more, the current Federation is not peaceful. The unresolved pirate smuggling problem and the elusive Zago tribe are all potential threats. Ordinary citizens can enjoy their own happy life, but as a soldier, they must have the awareness to deal with war.

Although this is a bit harsh for students, strict teachers produce good students, and they also carry the hopes of their predecessors.

In fact, Massa is very measured. He is constantly testing the limits of each student's ability. Once the limit is reached, he will relax and practice more slowly to help students break through. But being so harsh to Wang Dong this time probably aroused his interest.

Very few students achieve this level of success.

Matteas himself is also looking forward to seeing what kind of surprises Wang Dong can give him.

At night, with the boundless sea and the howling wind, maybe God wanted to test him on purpose. Not only was there no moon. The seaside was still covered with dark clouds, and it didn't take long for a violent storm to pour down.

The sea also became turbulent. At this time, the mother sea, who was calm and gentle during the day, became furious at this time. Carrying the surging power of nature, waves hit the shore one after another.

And Wang Dong was alone. It seemed even more lonely at this time.

No one, only one person is facing the darkness that humans fear most, and the terrible nature.


Continuous lightning struck, followed by dense thunder. The dark clouds seemed to be pressing down to the sea level, and a heavy breath came over them.

This is a power that humans need to fear and look up to.

Wang Dong remained motionless. Still maintaining this posture like a stone sculpture, the strong wind swept over it, motionless, and the big waves crashed over it.


But there is always a moment when the waves recede, and what appears at that time is still the stubborn Wang Dong.

He gritted his teeth and could not relax or give up. There was absolutely no way out at this time. As long as he relaxed, all his previous efforts would be wasted.

Every time a wave hits, he has the urge to use the Blade Technique to fight against it, but the instructor has said that nuclear power cannot be used. The meaning of this practice is to improve your limits.

Struggle, fight. contradiction!

It is at this moment that people understand themselves, see themselves clearly, and defeat themselves!

A big wave came inside, and nature was dissatisfied with this young man who dared to challenge its great majesty. It wanted to prove its dominance.


A huge wave of more than ten meters high hit him, and Wang Dong suddenly opened his eyes with a fearless fighting look.


Opening his arms and standing with his legs like iron pillars, facing the waves, Wang Dong also responded with a roar of battle.


"Instructor, Typhoon No. 3 is coming. I'm afraid it will last at least one day and one night. Should we bring that student back?"

the staff member asked.

Massa didn't sleep either. Since the surveillance system on the small island in Typhoon Dalang was temporarily out of action, Massa shook his head slightly.

Because he could still see the last scene of this boy fighting against the waves. Such a guy is very tough and will not die so easily.

Xiaoru couldn't sleep either. She was very worried. There was a storm outside and she could hear it even in the underground base. It was conceivable what was going on outside. God bless her.

Especially the next day. This time Massa didn't call them at Lingwu, but it was still four o'clock in the morning, and the violent ringing of the bell woke up all the sleeping students.

Thanks to the teachings given last time, everyone had a better memory this time and immediately lined up in line within five minutes.

"You're in luck. The weather is nice today, which is perfect for the seventh practice. Let's start the morning practice!"

Everyone picked up their backpacks, and no one asked why they didn't take a break this time because it was raining. In fact, they had already guessed that unless there was a knife outside, the horse-faced devil would definitely let him go.

After a full rest yesterday, everyone has regained their energy. Their concentration has reached several peaks. There are really no distracting thoughts and all their energy is spent on training.

When a person's essence, energy, and spirit are used in one place, that is when they are at their best.

On the playground, the wind was still howling and the rain was pouring. A group of people started running in the rain. Since magnetic instruments could not be used on rainy days, Wang Ben and others had to double their weight.

"Quick, quick, quick. Do you want to imitate pigs? Pigs can run faster than you. This is just rain, not cannonballs!"

Massa held a stick and roared in the middle of the playground. He was not shocked, but his voice was indeed strong enough that even the sound of the wind could not cover it up.

While Wang Ben and others were practicing hard, Wang Dong was also practicing against himself and nature.

He was knocked out by the waves dozens of times during the night, but he struggled back every time.

This kind of stubbornness is beyond imagination, and I want him to die unless he is dead. Even if you die, you won’t admit defeat! No one saw it, no one knew it. Wang Dong fought again and again. People's fear comes from the fragility of the soul. If you are fearless, you will be fearless!

Wang Dong gritted his teeth stubbornly. The fierce eyes seemed to be able to swallow up the waves. He wanted to see who was afraid!

The next day passed like this. With the habits of the first day, the second day is not much better. How can Massa make these boys relaxed and happy? Coupled with the harsh environment, it is indeed easier to consume physical energy. As long as there is no supervision for a while, everyone will be diligent. Practice the exercises vigorously and maintain your physical condition as much as possible.

Fatigue even made it impossible for everyone to forget Wang Dong's existence.

At night. The strong wind continued, but the rain began to change. Everyone also fell into dreams with this accompaniment. They needed a rest so much.

That person is still standing on the beach

On the third day, the typhoon had passed. The scorching sun was in the sky again. After everyone finished their morning exercises, the ground was already dry. After completing the hard training in the morning, everyone was pulled to the beach by helicopter. Yesterday's typhoon made it impossible to practice at the beach, but today they are fine. Obviously they are There’s no escaping that terrifying marathon around the island.

Everyone is also very concerned about Wang Dong's situation. After all, it has been such a long time, who knows how Wang Dong is doing, but whenever he asks the instructors, Massa will always tell them to take care of themselves, and as a reward for talking too much, he will also add a few sets of training.

"Wang Dong, it's him, it's Wang Dong. This kid is still there!"

Hu Yangxuan had already seen the figure on the beach through the window, and couldn't help shouting. Others leaned on the window one after another. Sure enough, Wang Dong was still standing there facing the sea.

The helicopter landed and the students tried to rush over, but were blocked by Massa's stick.

"Are you here on vacation? You want to catch up with old times and wait until the training is over. Put your equipment in order. Don't think you secretly hid food last time. This time I have notified the staff. Anyone who cannot complete the training on time. A fish bone I can’t even eat it!”

Everyone could only look at Wang Dong from a distance, while Massa walked over alone.

This guy must have fainted.

"Wang Dong, if you're not dead, just say something." Massa said. This guy's courage is commendable, but it's a pity that he doesn't have any brains. If you want to adapt to this kind of magnetic ring, you must use nuclear power to maintain it initially, and this is for the special forces. It was prepared by the elite. In fact, he thought it was a bit too much, but seeing how energetic this kid was, he couldn't help but want him to try it.

Wang Dong turned around and smiled slightly, "Instructor, are you going to start training?"

He said and moved his wrist. The movements will appear slightly slower than usual. But it is already active.

Massa's pupils shrank violently, and even though he was calm, he couldn't help but be surprised at this moment. But Massa swallowed back his surprise and praise.

"Hmph, not bad, let's return to the team. The afternoon practice has begun."

"Yes, instructor!" Wang Dong saluted.

He trotted all the way towards the team. It's just that his pace is much slower than before.

Seeing Wang Dong's movements, Massa almost fell down, but this kid can still run, "It's really a ghost!"

Wang Dong didn't think it was anything. He thought that anyone who took this kind of training could do it, and that it took him so long to do it probably poorly. The instructor had no reaction, but it felt good to defeat the sea. When the sea returned to calm and the sun appeared, Wang Dong's mind instantly sublimated, and he had the heart and will to defeat everything.

It was an indescribable victory and satisfaction.

But what he didn't know was. Massa's zombie-like face was unbelievable.

Wang Dong's return to the team was greeted with cheers from everyone, but Massa didn't give them much time to enjoy this kind of team happiness. The cruel training in the afternoon began. Under this kind of heavy physical training, everyone understood the food well. The importance of exercise does not mean that you can practice less if you don’t eat. It will only increase the burden, so you must eat even if you risk your life.

Wang Dong was also hungry. He hadn't felt this tired for a long time, but the torture of nearly two days and two nights was enough for him.

"Now that everyone is here, I have some new rules for the afternoon's social training. Everyone should run their own business, and don't worry about the people around you!"

"Instructor, as soldiers, don't we have to be a team player?" Karl said.

"Hmph, if you understood what team spirit is, you wouldn't ask this question. Let's do it. As long as half of you can complete the training on time, you can all eat. If you can't complete it, you don't have to eat. I'll let you have a good time. Enjoy the team spirit.”

"Okay!" Wang Ben said, obviously Xiao Hu Ben was also a little angry.

"I don't have any objection. It's just a good time to lose weight." Apache stared at Massa with squinting eyes.

Everyone regards Massa as the target of struggle. The horse-faced devil really underestimates their strength. Let him see what a real team is. Don't always think that you will understand everything if you live longer!

Please let the skeleton see everyone's reaction. This is a constant burst of power. Every hour, there is power injected into it. Please give the skeleton strength! ! !

To read the novel, please go to www.QuanBeN-XiaoShuo.com