Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 147: Text 147 The legendary power


The scene suddenly became quiet. wWW, QuanBeN-XiaoShuo, and cOM followed with earth-shaking cheers. Throwing it into the air, this little girl unexpectedly completed it at the critical moment!

Massa turned his head and continued to look in the direction he was looking at, with a slight smile on his lips. In fact, Sisi was suspected of using nuclear power at the last moment, but it was definitely not intentional at that time.

His purpose is to practice. It's not torture, so just pretend you didn't see it at all and give these little guys a little sweetness.

The sky gradually darkened. Others also arrived one after another. It was already eight o'clock when Lumi arrived, and Wang Dong seemed to be still behind.

Wang Dong is struggling to move forward. , It’s really torture, I’m so hungry. My eyes are a bit dazzled, I'm so tired, this damn practice, it seems that the old man's teachings are really right, you should keep three points when doing things.

Everyone was waiting anxiously. Wang Dong's figure finally appeared in sight. Massa's face was ugly. It was eight o'clock in five minutes.

"If Wang Dong can't arrive at eight o'clock, you can accompany him to lose weight at night." Massa said expressionlessly.

"What's this? Isn't it what you said? Do you want to regret it?" Karl jumped up immediately.

"Repent? When did I regret it? I only said that you can eat if you have more than half of it, but now a condition is added that everyone must complete the practice before Guangdian. This is called team spirit. Isn't he a member of your team? "

"You!" Karl really wanted to go up and slap this bastard, but Wang Ben and Hu Yangxuan quickly stopped him.

"Calm down, there is still a chance now."

"Wang Dong, hurry up, you have less than four minutes left!"

Everyone shouted together, hoping that Wang Dong could hear it, but Wang Dong was completely half-conscious at this time. He was so hungry and tired. Why wasn't it over yet

Massa on the side seemed to be a little interested, as if he was a villain. Everyone was gritting their teeth.

The precious time was passing by second by second, but everyone's calls did not attract Wang Dong's attention at all.

Sisi's mind suddenly changed as she was being supported by Xiaoru, and she suddenly shouted: "Wang Dong, the roast duck is almost cooked!"

The originally slow Wang moved. Suddenly a surprise appeared, "Roast duck, roast duck, where can I find roast duck!"

"Hurry up, or Wang Ben will eat them all!"

"Ah, leave some for me!"

Wang Dong was like a kid whose tail had been stepped on, and he rushed over crazily. His tiredness and hunger were completely gone, and his speed could only be described as astonishing.

"Duck, where's the duck? Wang Ben, why don't you leave some for me, even bones!" Wang Dong was so anxious that he was spinning around.

Everyone looked at Wang Dong like a monster, while Wang Ben couldn't laugh or cry, "Dizzy, why is it him!"

Sisi proudly made a victory gesture, hehe, genius!

The ultimate secret - the power of roast duck!

Wang Dong discovered that they were still on the beach. Where was the roast duck? Ding Zhuo could roast the sand.

Massa snorted coldly, "Get on the plane. Go back and eat!" Damn it, could roast duck be considered a kind of will power

Looking at Massa's defeated back, everyone cheered for victory on the beach. They finally gave the horse-faced devil a lesson.

Roast duck, I want to eat roast duck,

The first "defeat" against Massa. This made the students very excited. After having a big meal, they quickly entered their dreams. Even if they had heads on their breasts, they knew that the horse-faced instructor would never make it easy for them. Now that the "battle" is still going on, We cannot take it lightly until the final victory.

Maybe it's because of Wang Dong's return. Some people can finally sleep peacefully.

The joy of victory made everyone realize for the first time that the friends around them can be trusted. This feeling is very good.

Wang Dong quickly fell into a dream and fell into a deep sleep. He was not a loose person, so the torture of the past two days was enough for him, but what made him happy was that. He finally got used to the four "jewelry" on his body.

At four o'clock in the morning, the bell rang on time. Massa looked at the time and waited for the students to get up, but these guys finally looked a bit like soldiers, and everyone was finished within five minutes.

And unlike before, I finally wasn't careless, it was obvious that I was well prepared.

Perhaps in order to "reward" everyone's efforts, Massa's training volume has increased, and it is quite targeted. The more challenging he is, the more dissatisfied he is, and the greater the amount of exercise. For example, someone like Carl has no strength, nonsense And there are so many, Massa will tell him with reality. People should do things commensurate with their own strength!

Being young means being fearless!

The more this happened, the more stubborn Karl became. As long as he couldn't die, he wouldn't be discouraged, so in the subsequent training, Karl was even worse than Lumi and even fainted twice.

As for Wang Dong, needless to say, he was caught alive and the use of the magnetic ring was not used on others. Wang Ben and others also continued to increase the weight, and Wang Dong's pain was that he had to add weight on top of carrying four rings. In fact, everyone also guessed what Wang Dong might be targeted, but no one knew what it was. , but Wang Dong seemed very tired.

This kind of magnetic ring is not something that ordinary people can get. It is used by special departments of the military. Especially its binding function is aimed at some people with special potential. This is why Wang Dong has reached this standard. It was originally prepared for Wang Ben. of. But the current situation of Massa and Ben was unable to achieve this goal. Wang Dong became more diligent with the addition of this thing. There is no way, since there is this thing, it means that he is definitely not the first to use it, maybe there are monsters more perverted than him. These industries are really big, and Wang Dong feels that there will be many competitors in the future.

It's not easy to be a space landowner these days, so he decided to work harder and fight for his "dream."

Now there is no need to ring a bell. From one to four o'clock, everyone will get up on time. The first four days of the Internet are indeed very tiring, but everyone is young and their strength is indeed outstanding. This kind of long-term physical training has stimulated everyone's potential.

The effect of improving physical fitness is not just about improving endurance. In fact, the human body is the foundation, and the body is better. The comprehensive conditions in all aspects are improving, even the spirit, although the improvement in mental power is minimal. But the effect is indeed in other aspects, everyone feels this way, and the greater benefits are yet to come.

Just like that, on the morning of the tenth day, everyone gathered on time at four o'clock without waiting for the bell to ring. However, they waited and waited but no instructor came. This was simply unbelievable. Now that they got up together, they couldn't see Massana. I'm really not used to such a bitter and resentful face.

After 4:10, Massa still did not come, but Principal Matteas appeared.

"Students, gather together, your first phase of physical training has come to an end today. The basic training in the future will be insisted on by everyone, arranged by themselves, according to their own circumstances. The master will lead you in, and practice depends on each person. "

Matthias said that he could see the changes in the students, maybe they didn't know it yet. But when the comparison network came, today's students look like real soldiers.

Change happens unconsciously.

When I heard that the physical training was over, everyone was completely empty for some reason. Everyone had always hated the horse-faced instructor. It was the most enjoyable thing to compete with him every day, but now I heard that the instructor had left. , there was reluctance in my heart.

"Principal Mattas, this instructor is too irresponsible. How could he give up halfway? Didn't he say he wanted to teach me? I'm still not convinced!" Karl said.

Matthaas's insightful eyes could see through Karl's stubbornness at a glance, and smiled slightly, "You are ready to go. You have completed the basic training. Instructor Massa is very busy, and he has sacrificed his rest time this time. He who trains you, if you can achieve something in the future, don’t forget him!”

"Principal, who is this instructor?" Roman Man also asked curiously. Judging from the training during this period, Massa's techniques are extremely clever. Not only the seven-training method, but also the psychological grasp is quite accurate. Some students use encouragement, such as Lumi. The instructor would often inadvertently give a few words of praise. Although it was very pale, to him who only knew how to suppress, it was like a sound from heaven. This also made Lumi's fragile character learn to be strong.

For someone like Karl, who is relatively lazy, Massa will stimulate him with every move, which is extremely exciting. Because of this rough line, I will never feel inferior or give up.

For a potential sect like Wang Dong, just give the strongest killer copper directly, without any nonsense. Because Wang Dong knew that the communication between the two was almost zero. Because at this level, there really is no need for too many words.

Only when you lose it do you understand the meaning of preciousness.

"I shouldn't have told you, but I also hope that one day you will meet again. Massa is the captain of the Earth Federation Forces and the ace of the special forces."

Everyone couldn't help but be surprised, and Karl even opened his mouth. "Really or not, just him, and a colonel? The ace of the special forces?"

Indeed, these days there is no clue that Massa is actually a master.

"Haha, you are still students after all. If one day you really become a member of the special forces, then you will know what it means to be a devil. The training these days is actually quite gentle."

Matteas smiled and suddenly looked at Wang Dong. "Wang Dong, instructor Massa has a message for you."

Wang Dong was slightly stunned. Others also looked at Wang Dong. In fact, everyone now understood that Wang Dong was most likely the strongest person in the team.

Some things don't require fighting to determine the outcome.

"The Army is your paradise."

Wang Dong smiled and said, "Thank you, instructor Massa, for your kind words."

Matthias didn't expect to hear such high praise from Massa, that's what he meant. Wang Dong is a born soldier. As long as you join the Army, you will be like a fish in water.

It's just that classmate Wang Dong is not very interested in joining the army. After all, his goal is to become a captain. Space Landlord. The salary was high and he was promoted quickly. Of course, he had to admit that after meeting Massa, he liked the feeling of being a soldier.

"By the way, principal, what should I do with this thing?" Wang Dong pointed to the things on his wrists and feet.

"Instructor Massa said he would give it to you as a gift."

"Karl, the instructor also has a message for you." Matteas said, not to mention other people, even Karl himself did not expect that he, the bottom of the pile, actually had a message.

Take a breath, there are four consecutive explosions left, starting at six o'clock

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