Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 155: Text one hundred and fifty-five seized


A large amount of Zago is suicide. When this worm feels that there is no hope of survival, it will slowly shrivel up like a shrinking jellyfish. WWw. QUanbEn-xIAoShUo. COm Wang Dong has encountered it several times. He really hates the chirping sound of this kind of guy when he is dying, especially the bunch of things on his head that can simulate the environment, so he came up with this method of planting green onions upside down. When he was a child, he grew vegetables.

After an accidental explosion, Wang Dong fell in love with this mouthful. It was like the sound of a cannon of victory, although it was a bit boring.

At this time, a special whistling sound came from the distance. This was not the sound of the Zago tribe. So classmate Wang Dong looked at the sky and lay down with a thud.

Why did the army always come when he was finishing the battle

Not long after Bee's private guards entered Paradise Island, the federal army also entered. The armed soldiers started a fierce battle with the insects. It was an accurate clearing battle. The number of insects was not much greater, and the worm in charge was also dead. Pan It is only a matter of time before the army kills all the scattered people.

Zhao Yongzhuo did not dare to neglect. Not all of the army was fighting the bugs, some of them went to rescue people. Wang Ben was not a small person, and General Huben was not someone to be trifled with. Besides, there were other aspects to the matter this time. Although he didn't know why, he would do what was told by his superiors.

I hope these three guys are lucky. But it's very possible that being locked up on an island with so many bugs might have become a delicious meal for Ji Zi.

The primary purpose of Bi's guards is to protect the base. As long as the base is not destroyed, losses can be minimized. Ma Xiaoru and others were looking for Wang Dongzhong and others under the protection of the guards. Everyone was very anxious.

A federal team suddenly discovered a large open area and a mess of Zago corpses, as well as three unconscious young people.

"The long word has been found."


"Three of them have passed out. Their injuries are serious."

"Very good, bring it back immediately." Be careful not to let Bi see it. "

"Yes, sir!"

The soldiers took a look, and someone immediately took out the clothes and put them on for the three of them, then they carried them and flew towards the warship.

On the command ship, Zhao Yongzhuo also breathed a huge sigh of relief. This operation was obviously a strike, but if Wang Ben's life and death were involved, things might change. Knowing that Wang Ben was fine, the next step was to collect evidence. , there must be big violations in the experiment on Paradise Island. If nothing else, the number of Zagos on the island obviously exceeds the standard and the out-of-control incidents are enough to keep the brains busy.

As a young generation of soldiers. The same goes for Zhao Yongzhuo. Zhao Yongzhuo first sent the news about Wang Ben's safety and the current progress to the headquarters. To his surprise, a new order came from the other side soon. This order made Zhao Yongzhuo a little confused, but he still followed it.

About ten minutes after Wang Dong and the others were sent to the Zhao Yongzhuo battleship, Ma Xiaoru also received the information. Matteas and Samantha were furious that the military had detained their students without permission!

"Colonel Zhao Yongzhuo, our students can be on your battleship!" As the principal of the Santiago Bernabeu, Matteas can ask questions without politeness.

Samantha is young after all. Although he is the heir, it is just a commercial company and has no influence in the military. Even if it has some influence, it is because of the family's connection with the Ma family and the Blade Warriors. People give face to them, but they have to tolerate it if they don't give face. But Matt Unlike Aspen, the Bernabeu has trained many elites over the years, and Zhao Yongzhuo dare not not give face to the old principal.

"Principal Matas. Wang Ben, A Mingqi, and Wang Dong are witnesses and suspects of this incident. We will temporarily detain them!"

"Colonel Zhao, are you kidding? The three students just happened to encounter the Zago riots. They are also victims. I hope you hand them over immediately!" Samantha was also angry, and the direction of things became more and more unexpected. Why are students also implicated? The military is simply crazy.

"Principal Samantha, please calm down. I am only following the order. The number of Zagos on Paradise Island is roughly estimated to be around five thousand, which has seriously exceeded the test standards. When we arrived at the scene, more than a thousand Zagos were dead. , things are too strange. We must investigate these three students. As for safety, please rest assured. They enjoy the best medical treatment from the military, and the military will not make any decisions about them without your permission. !”

Zhao Yongzhuo used official rhetoric. In fact, after the incident happened, he sent the news that Wang Ben was in danger back to the headquarters, and the first order he got was to send Wang Ben back. Who would have thought that something would change soon after? Zhao Yongzhuo was not an idiot. He felt that there was something fishy in it, but he didn't understand why it happened to the three students. Maybe it was mainly about Wang Bi, and the other two were trying to hide things from others.

This issue was not something he had to consider, but he was greatly surprised when he saw the battlefield images sent back by the soldiers in front. Zago's corpses were everywhere, and there were countless dead bodies within a radius of several hundred meters. This was definitely not something that three students could do. Those who did it were definitely top experts, but who saved these three students

The anxious look on the competition should not be surprising, but why does the master from the third party appear in the crowd now

Legend has it that there are guardians around the direct descendants of the five great families. Of course, this is just a legend. Zhao Yongzhuo can only collect information, and other things are beyond his control.

"Colonel Zhao, if there is any damage to them, you will be fully responsible!" Ma Xiaoru's face was very cold, and it was obvious that the young lady was angry.

Zhao Yongzhuo murmured in his heart, but as a member of the Golden Eagle faction, he didn't really care about Ma Xiaoru's thoughts, "I'm just following the order. If you have anything, please contact the headquarters."

After saying that, he turned off the communication. The matter did not end just like that. Jimes had already led people to protect the base. It was impossible for the military to intervene when it came to Bee's research secrets, let alone who was behind this incident.

It's okay if Ma Xiaoru is not here, but she can't just sit idly by and do nothing. This matter must be handled properly, otherwise it will be spread to the media. It will definitely be more exaggerated and even affect the Ma family.

Sayansha and Matas didn't expect the military's attitude to be so tough, but they were a little reassured. Zhao Yongzhuo didn't dare to mess around, but what was the military's intention of detaining three students

The two principals looked at each other. Obviously they all saw each other's doubts.

The soldiers of the Golden Eagle faction and the established forces have been at odds for a day or two, so it is normal to have such a reaction, and it is normal to want to catch Bi's tail, but there is no reason to seize Wang Ben and the others.

In fact, both sides were muttering. Things were a little messy, but with some simple treatment. The three of them regained consciousness quickly. Apache and Wang Dong both looked confused. Looking at the armed soldiers with live ammunition around them, it seemed that they were not just saving them, but that they were being detained.

As soon as the three of them woke up, Zhao Yongzhuo got the news, and Wang Ben was picked up alone, "I want to see my father."

"His Majesty the General is waiting for you."

Zhao Yongzhuo connected to General Huben. What appeared in the image was a serious middle-aged man. He looked like he would never smile. When he saw his son who survived the catastrophe, he did not show any emotion. It was Wang Ben who spoke first, "I want to go back."

"Colonel Zhao, please make arrangements."

"Yes, General!" Zhao Yongzhuo must have carried out the order meticulously, what a strange father.

"Would you like to say goodbye to your two classmates?" Although he is not from the same department, General Huben's prestige in the military is quite high.

Wang Ben shook his head slightly and said nothing. Zhao Yongzhuo immediately asked his men to take him away.

Although three people were injured. But they are all internal injuries, not to the extent of fractures. After cell therapy, the external injuries have recovered, and continued treatment can be carried out again.

Zhao Yongzhuo knew that he had caught a big fish this time, and was about to board Paradise Island in person with great interest, when he received another order from the headquarters.

This order was even more inexplicable, and Wang Dong and Apache were immediately called to the headquarters.

Zhao Yongzhuo knew that either these two boys had offended someone, or someone wanted to use them to make some excuses.

As a soldier, he only needs to carry out orders.

On Paradise Island, Zago has been killed by well-trained armed warriors. A whole team of soldiers were conducting a deep sweep and could not let go of a Zago, but the commanders of both sides faced each other at the gate of the base. The military also asked to enter the base to "investigate" but Bi refused.

The Zago tribe has been controlled. Neither side was willing to let go, and the situation suddenly reached a stalemate.

Samantha and Matthias also knew that this was not something they could participate in. What is anxious now is to get the three students back. Their special scraping plan is still going on, but the military has not given any response at all.

Matteas could only use his connections to inquire first. In any case, this matter should not involve the students.

The other students can only stay on the ship at this time, and the special training will continue. The second round of special training is to divide the work into different subjects to understand the technology, the combat skills of armed combat, the tactics of Star Wars, operation, control, awareness, etc. The control of heavy armored combat vehicles and the distribution of physical strength. In terms of information confrontation, Zhang Yan and Zhang Cai Lumi performed very well through today's events. However, information confrontation not only involves attack but also defense. There is no end to learning. The three of them still have a lot to make up for.

Karl and others had no choice but to continue practicing, and left other matters to the principal. Knowing that the three of them were safe, they didn't worry too much. After all, the three of them had broken into places they shouldn't have, and they were still Students can at most be released after interrogation, not to mention there are two principals here.

The confrontation between the two sides lasted for a long time. No one wanted to relax during the day, and at night, Matthias got the news. Wang Ben has returned to Europe, while Apache Wang Dong is detained by the military at the headquarters and is said to be interrogated.

Wang Ben was surprised, and the military was even stranger. The military would not detain Wang Ben, but Wang Ben did not need to go back. Why did he have to come back to report that he was safe? What did the military want from Wang Dong and Apache

To read the novel, please go to www.QUanbEn-xIAoShUo.com