Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 158: Text 158-160 Zhang Jing’s suspicion


One hundred and fifty-eight shocking news

Xibeiguo also laughed: "This kid is so smart. How do you know I'm not a ****? You know many people have quirks. www.QUAbEn-XIAoShUo.cOm

"Sister, it's not like you are afraid. It's just that you wouldn't point it at me. I'm a poor student and it doesn't matter what I do. Could it be that you're attracted to me?" Wang Dong said to Du Dao.

Xibeiguo showed a bright face and said, "Tsk tsk, are all students nowadays so good? First of all, I want to correct a problem. Don't call me eldest sister. I'm not that old yet. Secondly, I'm here for you. As for the reason, ..." The Xibei guy showed a sly smile, "I won't tell you.

Only then did the others realize that they had been completely fooled, and how could they let it go? A riot followed, but after the leading guys were dealt with, the others all withered.

It was obvious that this Xibei guy had a mental strength of 400 ropes. He could eat these people alive without losing a single hair on his head.

Wang Dong squinted his eyes. It was also his first time seeing it. Take action with this powerful mental power.

Xibeiguo took out a tissue and wiped his hands, then threw it away. He walked to the door and knocked a few times rhythmically. The door slowly rose. Xibeiguo looked back and said, "We will meet again. Move classmates, be careful.


After saying that, he left under the auspices of the prison guards. It seemed that it was a drama from the beginning.

The supporting characters are a group of gay men.

Even the stupidest person calmed down at this time. It was obvious that Wang Dong was also a dangerous person. Wang Dong himself was also wondering, was he really here to test him? It doesn't seem like it. I don't know this woman at all, and she has nothing to do with the military.

Grandma is a bear. Forget it, never mind, there are too many things in this world that are difficult to figure out. One more thing is not a lot, and one less thing is not a lot.

The conflict on Paradise Island obviously did not resolve so quickly. Both the military and FFf sent special negotiators. This matter would inevitably involve entanglement with each other. In this case, the special training would definitely have to be moved to another place. Fortunately, the first A round of training has been completed, and Mateas and Samantha decided to train at the Bernabeu.

On the one hand, the Bernabeu's facilities are comparable to those of Yalang. Of course, this is not the key. The key is the environment. The Bernabeu has a relatively complete training system and sparring staff. Yalang is far behind in this aspect, especially in Star Wars and Information confrontation.

However, Samantha and Matteas also have headaches. One is Wang Dong and Apache, who have already contacted the military. They have agreed to release them, and through investigation, they have confirmed that the two students are not related to the Paradise Island incident. The principals of the two houses were also very angry about this, but there was nothing they could do about it. Life is like this, and it is impossible to do everything according to your own ideas. Of course, Samantha and Mateus still complained to the military. At least an explanation must be given, and we cannot just let it go easily. However, the military can only punish a few people. It is insignificant and both sides can save face.

The other one is Wang Bi. Wang Bi actually asked to transfer to another school. Ordinary students certainly don't come and go casually, but Wang Xuan is indeed special. Samantha does have a headache when she transfers from Yalang to Caps. This makes Samantha who was not optimistic at all The situation became more serious. Wang Ben left without giving a reason, which made Samantha confused, but this is the reality that must be faced.

Wang Ben's strength is definitely among the top three among the military training students, and his progress is even more rapid. It can be seen that these days of special training have made him and Wang Dong gain quite a lot. In particular, his potential is what Samantha values. Wang Ben was originally placed as an important part of rebuilding Yalang, but now it seems that everything has been ruined.

Samantha was also thinking about how to tell the students, but she still had to wait until Wang Dong and Apache returned safe and sound. There are some things that we have to face sooner or later. It’s just that the Aaron Bernard Bird Alliance, which was already stretched, has now become strapped for Star Plus^

Jing Ling Miao Shan Xin prays: Hui ": Hao; having one more Wang Ben is just the icing on the cake, and one less Wang Gongfu won't make much difference in terms of strength. It's really raining all night when the house is leaking.

Fortunately, Samantha still had a good mentality. No matter whether she won or lost, she had to exert her energy. No one thought about knocking down Capps in one go.

Everyone waited on the boat for a day and a night. Wang Dong and Apache were sent back by the military boat in the early morning. Seeing that both of them were safe and sound, Samantha's anger was half gone. People had gathered, and Samantha Tell him about Wang Ben's transfer to another school.

"Transfer to another school, go to Kaiwujin, damn, did this guy make a mistake!" Karl jumped first

Come out, "Is Wang Xuan crazy? How can he go to the enemy's side!"

Others were stunned by the news.

Wang Dong and Apache also looked at each other. They were a little worried at the beginning. The lack of wings was more serious than they thought.

"Principal, did you make a mistake? How could Wang Ben..."

"That's right. Huanshi's reason is unknown, but due to Wang Ben's special situation and the agreement made when he enrolled, the school agreed to his transfer, and Yalang doesn't need such a person. Maybe it won't take long for you to transfer him. You met him in Caps, but you were your rivals at that time. Sa Shengsha said.

"Traitor. Traitor. Convert!" Carl was so angry that he banged the table, and the others shook their heads. The reason for such a violent reaction was that everyone was a whole, fighting together and sharing adversity.

**'s sudden departure really touched the hearts of everyone on stage.

Wang Dong behaved quite calmly. Although he was very surprised, based on his understanding of Wang Ben, he believed that there must be some last resort reasons. In fact, whether leaving or staying, as long as Wang Ben felt it was right, he should do it.

Samantha glanced at Wang Dong and found that this kid was really calm. "With Wang Ben's strength, he will definitely receive the highest level of special training. It will definitely not be a problem to participate in this exchange meeting, and he will We are very familiar with our sharpness and combination. In a word, the difficulty of our challenge to Caps has increased infinitely.

The old fox Mateus was watching everyone's reactions, including the students on the Bernabeu side, who all expressed a sense of helplessness. Several failed attempts at picking halberds had actually made the Bernabeu students lose their confidence. This time Cooperation with Yalang, p>L and special training finally accumulated confidence, but Wang Ben's "surrender" made it all come to nothing.

Looking at everyone's expressions, Wang Dong smiled and said, "Principal. Challenging Caps, the calculations are not very good to begin with. If there were not enough reasons before, then at least we have one reason now."

Wang Dong looked at everyone, "Zhan, Caps, tell Wang Ben that his choice is wrong!"

"Karl. Anger is an expression of weakness. What do you want to say? After defeating Capes, you

You can tell Wang Ben personally!"

"We are all nobody - there is nothing to be afraid of!"

"Fight them!

"To hell with despicable Caps!"

Everyone thought it was Caps who was behind the scenes, but in fact the reason was no longer important. Such a serious situation required everyone to pay higher attention.

Samantha could see that despite the clamor of everyone, she still lacked confidence in her recommendation. This was normal. No one would have confidence in facing Caps.

"The second part of the special training will go to Bernardo. Principal Mattas has arranged your training plan. What I want to say is that if you want to prove that Wang Xuan's choice is wrong, you must get Give 200% effort!”

Samantha said that Wang Ben's departure was also a trauma to Yahu. The media may think that Wang Ben felt that Yalang's level was too low to provide him with the conditions for growth.

It can be said that in a battle with Caps, no matter whether you win or lose, you must fight with Yalang's spirit. If you don't win, you will really lose both the opponent and the team.

"I won't go into details about the situation. You are facing a group of geniuses. A group of hard-working geniuses. If you want to defeat them, you must work harder. Don't regret it!"

Matthias said this group of students 'must face this threshold. As long as they step forward, they are unstoppable.

Those who should be mobilized were also mobilized, and a group of people flew to the Bernabeu on a special plane. But on the plane, no one spoke, and everyone fell silent. Even Karl, who had always been active, stopped talking. In fact, what everyone cared about was not the strength, but the inability to bear Wang Ben's betrayal.

At this age, there is nothing more important than friendship.

Wang Ben in the distance was even more painful and silent. He could only train constantly, exhausting his body endlessly. So tired that my brain doesn’t think about those things.

But some bits and pieces can never be erased. He doesn't understand the happy life in Yalang, playing with friends, fighting together, and crossing the Beng Pass together. He also doesn’t understand why Lei’s feelings, which he considers so precious, are worthless in his father’s eyes and can be easily betrayed or exploited.



Wang Xuan punched the wall one after another. His hands were already bleeding, but he still suppressed it. At the critical moment, Wang Dong naturally blocked a blow for him!

Wang Ben was about to bite his teeth into pieces, but there was nothing he could do.

The double oppression indeed caused Wang Xuan to fall into a conflict that he could not surrender himself to.

Through the window, Wang Jingjing looked at his painful son, a famous general of the Earth Federation, a legendary general who had stepped from a soldier to the position of a general. There is an expression on his face that cannot be described in words. Nothing can withstand time.

When the special training team arrived at Bernardo, everyone was very quiet, and the batch training plan for the second phase had been handed out. This time we have invited a professional team to train these students systematically and teach them the correct methods. As for how far they can perform, it depends on their own understanding and training.

The master leads you in. Cultivation is personal.

Early the next morning, everyone started their weight-bearing morning exercises, which had become a habit. Wang Dong was not as serious and stressed as everyone else. For his students, facing Caps was a major life event. It represents a lot of things, but to Wang Dong, it doesn't matter at all. It's not that he has the confidence to sweep Caps, but that he has suffered a lot since childhood and narrowly escaped death on the Norton planet. This kind of thing really doesn't happen. Let him care too much, all he needs to do is do his best, and he is more interested in trying the master of Caps than the pressure.

Through Massacho's explanation, he gained a new understanding of Dao Duo Jue, which was his own understanding, which made him more comfortable in practicing it.

One hundred and fifty-nine, the best palm in the world

Wang Dong wants to train in two aspects. One is armed combat, and the other is Star Wars. These are two important courses in the command system. In fact, Wang Dong has many problems in the overall view and operation of Star Wars, but his superb cloning is enough to make him a Star Wars One of the alternatives is really amazing.

The first day of the course was also very full and very devilish. This devilishness does not lie in torturing your body, but in terms of your will. The teacher taught a lot of things, and what he will teach on the second day is still based on the first day. , that is to say, no matter what method you use, even if you are digging your head into the ground, you must understand these things, otherwise you will not be able to keep up the next day.

Perhaps because of Instructor Massa's suggestion, Carl also participated in the special training of Star Wars. However, judging from the first day of the course, this guy was even more of a rookie than Wang Dong, and he was indescribably good.

I just let him listen for now. Fortunately, classmate Carl has a good fighting spirit. No intention of backing down at all.

Due to Wang Ben's departure, the special training felt a bit sad. To a certain extent, the training can be more focused. It is a good sign to not be distracted. All of this is under the observation of Matteas, and there is no rush. To adjust the students' mental state, they have to overcome this difficulty on their own. As for improving their confidence and having follow-up plans, everything must be done step by step.

In so many years, this is the first time that Matteas has seen the possibility of defeating Caps. He does not want to miss it. He is old enough. His only wish is to see the Bernabeu defeat Caps while he is in office. Even...just once,...even with foreign aid.

After a day of training, Wang Dong threw himself onto the bed. He was really tired. The training of armed combat skills was not difficult for him. It was easy to complete the instructor's training plan, but there were so many things in Star Wars, one set after another. The tactics he used were almost overwhelming Wang Dong's brain, but if he wanted to become a captain, Star Wars ability was much more important than armed combat. This is equally important to Wang Dong, who dreams of becoming a small landowner in space. Yalang's training in this area is very weak. He can only learn some techniques by self-study, such as cloning, but tactics, tactics, overall view, and operations cannot be self-study. of.

Its complexity is equally terrifying, and the best performer is Best. This person's No.3 is really well-deserved. Apart from Apache, he is the only one who has hope at the Bernabeu. Unfortunately, Capes happens to have it. No. 1 and No. 2 in the Star Wars world, Best can only end his journey with failure every time. He does not want to fail this time, especially his defeat to Wang Dong, which was considered a shame and humiliation by Best. This also made him He attaches great importance to operation and practices it hard, as long as he is improving in this aspect. He has hope of winning, even if it is a victory!

The second child is uncomfortable even for ten thousand years, let alone the third child.

Wang Dong's mind was filled with battle tactics over and over again, and he finally couldn't help but jump up, "Sun, I'm almost suffocated!"

"Pee if you hold it in, and no one will stop you!"

It seems that the God of War appears in a leisurely manner.

"Ah, why did you show up again!" Wang Dongle said. Seeing the seemingly Martial God in such a depressing moment really made him happy.

"What do you mean it's come out again? As a great person, of course I come out when I want to!"

"How are you practicing? When will you become a super martial god?" Wang Dong teased.

"I'm so suffocated by how awesome you are, boy, let's go have a fight and let me have a good time too!"

"Damn, I'm in training. Do you know what training is?"

"Come on, don't pretend to be stupid with me. When did you, kid, become so obedient? Come on, come on, aren't you bored too? Go out for a walk." It seemed like the God of War encouraged him.

Wang Dong was actually depressed. Wang Ben's incident did make him a little depressed. Everyone was working hard to fight against Caps. His sudden departure really hurt morale, and he didn't look like him in any way. This kind of person will do it.

"Okay, let's go. By the way, I'll let you see my progress!" Wang Dong bared his teeth.

"We haven't seen each other for a few days. We haven't grown together yet, so my tone has become louder!" It seemed that the God of War curled his lips in disapproval.

Although the two like to quarrel, they are actually the only ones who can share secrets and talk about it casually. It seems that the appearance of the God of War actually makes Wang Dong very happy, but of course Wang Dong, who is in the rebellious stage, expressed it in another way.

Fight, forget your worries with fighting!

It seems that the God of War is online.

Wednesday, not the weekend, this is the first time in the past half month that the God of War seems to be online.

Wang Dong and what looked like a god of war looked at the officially recommended challenge list together, "Boy, you are treated well."

"That's right, I'm a celebrity now!" He wouldn't be polite when talking to a seemingly martial god.

"Blow it, let me choose one for you this time."

It seems that the God of War started to read the information with great interest. Wang Dong was actually very curious. What kind of world is inside the space crystal? Nothingness? Wouldn't that make him crazy? It seemed that the God of War never mentioned it, so Wang Dong could only suppress his curiosity.

"Boy, don't say anything. Tell me. What's new recently?"

"Nowhere, it's still the same."

"How can you be the same as me? You can say whatever you want. This is such a bad song. It's so ugly. Turn it off."

"Uncle, you are out, this is called popularity." Wang Dong smiled, but still turned off the background music. In comparison, the voice of the God of War was still more nostalgic. Wang Dong briefly talked about what happened recently.

"It's interesting. You should be careful." It seems that the God of War didn't give much advice, because Wang Dong did a good job. If it were him, he probably wouldn't be able to endure it.

As he looked at it, his beard, which looked like a god of war, suddenly stood up, "NND, I'm not dead yet, yet you dare to have someone called the best palmist in the world, just him, kill him!"

It looks like an ID chosen by the God of War, "the best palm in the world".

Wang Dong knew that the God of War seemed to be practicing palm skills, or something he was good at.

"Don't be angry, this kind of virtual world can be called casually, so why take it seriously."

"Damn it, if he doesn't have the strength, let him change his name. If he doesn't change, I'll beat him to change it!" It seems that the God of War has the momentum to pull out the opponent and beat him up.

Wang Dong looked at the man who looked like a god of martial arts. Suddenly he had an idea and sighed, "Generally, the ones recommended by the official are masters. Maybe the other person is really the best in the world. How about we change it."

"Fuck you, that's it, I'm going to beat him until he doesn't even know his mother!" Seeing Wang Dong's cowardly appearance, he looked like a God of War and got even more furious, especially since Wang Dong was still holding his ID.

"Well, it's not like we can't help you with our friendship. It's just that we had a big battle on Paradise Island not long ago. I haven't recovered my strength yet, and I just want to use the Sixteen Degree Blade Technique. Tsk, tsk, if I'm bullied by this person , Aren’t you going to be so angry?” Wang Dong waved his hands helplessly, still unwilling.

"Go away, I taught you two tricks, and you were slapped to death... Wait, damn, why did you suddenly change your gender? It turned out to be my idea!"

"You can't say that. If you think about it, who knows when you will disappear into thin air. Wouldn't it be a waste to keep all your unique skills? Pass them to me and I will help you carry them forward."

Wang Dong knew that the God of War seemed to be very strong, but this man was extremely cunning and good in all aspects, but he just refused to share his moves.

"Oh, I'm so tired. I'm going back to sleep." Wang Dong looked like he was in a hurry to leave.

"You are so cruel, I admit it this time. I will only demonstrate it once. Whether you learn from it or not is your own business!"

"Come on, who is afraid of whom!"

Wang Dong smiled and said that he already possesses the Blade Art, which is said to be the strongest in mankind. In terms of skills, he only needs to practice and understand them step by step. However, in terms of moves and special killer skills, he is still quite lacking, such as the skills of Wang Bi and General Huben. The method is not top-notch, but Tiger Ben Boxing is a unique skill that can optimize nuclear power. Almost all top masters have such a trump card, and the secrets in it are all single passes.

He had seen Huben Boxing several times and was even able to imitate it, but Wang Dong always felt that something was missing. There must be something special about Huben Boxing, but Wang Bi couldn't show it now, otherwise General Huben would never be able to do it. Become one of the top ten generals of the Federation.

But such a secret was definitely passed down from son to daughter, and he had no way of finding out.

There is a ready-made master next to him. No matter whether he is a real Martial God or a fake Martial God, there should always be a chance.

Wang Dong chose "the best palm in the world".

Information travels in all directions instantly at the speed of light.

It seems that the God of War has appeared!

The fans who looked like God of War who had been waiting for a long time all appeared immediately. It seemed that it was only less than half a month, but for them it was really like a year. Many people were waiting for such a battle to release the whole weekend. Maybe you don't feel much pressure when it's there, but once it's gone, you feel like something is missing for a week, which is really uncomfortable.

This time it seems that the God of War has chosen his opponent very readily. The best palm in the world has all kinds of titles in PA, such as Huntian Demon Lord. You can name him casually, but the one with a loud name may be a rookie, but he can be officially selected. It is obviously not recommended.

Cameron was about to cry. It seems that martial arts is equal to performance. After finally improving his performance, he suddenly disappeared. It was really painful.

The launch of the seemingly Martial God gave Cameron a shot of stimulant, and the same for everyone else. The entire operating system was immediately put into operation. They had already arranged everything for the seemingly Martial God, and each of the ten recommended warriors had already been completed. Preparations, no matter who the God of War seems to choose, they can handle it.

The best palm in the world!

Undoubtedly the best choice.

ID, the best palm in the world, TPA player, formerly known as Jiang Long, from Ywente people, Lunar Ray S-level human college, third-year student No. 1, family tradition of Paiyun Palm, Paiyun Palm is known as the top ten secret skills of Ywente people, indeed it has Known as the best palm in the world, its reputation is similar to that of the Earth Federation's Tiger Ben Fist.

Zilong. Nineteen. He is also a genius who has been noticed since childhood. The remaining items are sent to... Just like the competition between Caps and Yedun on Earth, the competition between the light on the moon and the starry sky is also fierce. Jiang Long is undoubtedly one of the representatives of the younger generation.

Exquisite cloud-dispelling palm. He was undefeated and firmly ranked in the third grade. Siskoko's defeat attracted the attention of masters from other grade academies to the seemingly martial god.

"Boss, it seems that the God of War has chosen you."

Jiang Long had just warmed up last night and wiped his sweat with a slight smile on his lips, "Very good, he has a good eye!"

Without making people wait for long, the best palm in the world also responded. If it was arranged by Cameron, the fight would definitely be postponed in accordance with the principle of commercial interests. Unfortunately, it seems that the God of War will not take this into consideration and can only do its best to promote it.

The decisive battle officially started half an hour later.

The personal information of the best player in the world was also released on the official website. It seems that the experts really can't sit still.

There was a large influx of students from Guangguang Academy, which was a bit surprising. It was understandable that many students from Starry Sky Academy also came. The opponent's battle was a good opportunity to observe.

Half an hour was enough for Jiang Long to get ready. He was not very interested in this person who looked like a Martial God. In fact, it didn't matter whether he looked like a Martial God or a rookie. It was just that this person's reputation was really loud, for Siskoko. Jiang Long didn't care at all. The Yiwente people were already very proud. They were both at the same level, and they looked down on Caps and Ye Dun. What interests him is that it seems that the God of Martial Arts has defeated Tiger and Ben Fist, and seems to be able to imitate Tiger and Ben Fist. What makes him have the idea of fighting is that it seems that the God of Martial Arts has fourth-level mental power to defeat fifth-level mental power. You have to know that to do this The first step is to have advanced methods of using nuclear power.

The same nuclear force. The lethality and effects exerted by different methods of use are different. Tiger Ben Fist, Paiyun Palm, etc. are called unique skills, which have unique ways of operating nuclear power.

That's why Jiang Long was interested in killing such a mysterious guy.

In the Starry Sky Academy, a special person is also paying attention to this game. The most famous person in the Starry Sky Academy is Patroclus, but this person does not look like a warrior at all, but more like an artist, and never participates in any challenges. Moreover, he is not from the command department or the armed combat department, but from the music department. This makes countless beauties happy. However, only people from the Doyle family dare to do such weird things. Generally, direct heirs of the family must be integrated. Although Patroclus holds the family mantle, it is said that Patroclus, who mastered the Heavenly King's Art, has no interest in fighting. It is not known whether it is true or not. Some people even suspect that Patroclus did not master it at all, so he deliberately concealed it from others.

Patroclus is a low-key existence. Wherever there are descendants of the Doyle family, there will be another family, and that is the Zhang family of the Iron Curtain.

As the two pillars of the Yiwente people, the Zhang family of the Iron Curtain has penetrated into every corner of the moon. Zhang Jing, the descendant of this area, is a second-year student of Starry Sky Academy and a student of the command department.

Zhang Jing is quite enthusiastic and very popular among students. She is also the first freshman in the history of Starry Sky College to be elected as the student union president. The Zhang family's operation is unparalleled.

Zhang Jing's dormitory is very normal. The facilities in the dormitory alone are enough for classmate Wang Dong to work until death, but he can't afford it.

Zhang Jing is looking at a series of data about the seemingly Martial God. There is no way. Recently, the name of the seemingly Martial God is too loud. Although no one has connected him with the Blade Warriors, there is always a certain flavor. As a person who witnessed history back then. One of the family members, Zhang Jing, is also a little interested, but of course she knows that the possibility is zero. What happened that year was not a miracle, not a legend, but a myth.

If a miracle occurs once a hundred years, then a myth may occur once a thousand years.

This time Jiang Long's challenge to the God of War seems to have attracted Zhang Jing's attention. The Zhang family's intelligence is the best in the world. Jiang Long is of course also an important figure, including all the elites of the Yiwente people, especially the future Dongliang. The Zhang family is very concerned about it and provides possible help to a certain extent. The same is true for the five major families. The characteristics are all different.

The characteristic of the Zhang family is always to be a consultant. The interests of the family and the interests of the Yiwente people are always together. If necessary, they will help any force, as long as it is helpful to the development of the Yiwente people, regardless of the individual. However, it is precisely because of this long-term purpose that the Zhang family is in a unique position among the Yiwente people. This cannot be achieved overnight. But once it is formed, the Zhang family has a unique position. Among the five major families, the Zhang family is the only one that does not arouse jealousy.

But Zhang Jing was also a little surprised when she saw a collection about a seemingly martial god. What was surprising was not the strength. She had seen too many masters, not to mention she was one of the few people who knew the strength of Patroclus. In her opinion, Come on, no one from the younger generation, probably except Li Shimin of the Li family, can fight with him.

What caught Zhang Jing's attention was the seeming Martial God's growth rate, his continuous upgrading of other people's skills. This was the scariest thing, and it led to the most critical question, which is what kind of skills did this seemingly Martial God practice

Zhang Jing understands human beings, Yi Wen... One, including the tens of thousands of techniques of the Katie people, but there is no technique that can be imitated by others without fear.

What exercises have such compatibility

Watch the battle video. Zhang Jing fell into thinking for a while. People in the Zhang family like to think the most. The Zhang family's Tianxintong is not strong in combat, but it has incredible abilities.

For Zhang Jing, solving problems is a kind of fun. Anything in the hands of the Zhang family will change from complicated to simple, just like spinning a cocoon to record it, especially since she has the most detailed database.

He is well-informed and could not be more suitable to be used on the Zhang family.

reasoning. Exclusion, no problem cannot be solved.

Zhang Jing soon got the answer, and the answer was so simple that she was surprised.

Only the Blade Art has such compatibility, but what Blade Art has such combat effectiveness

The descendant of Blade Warrior

Zhang Jing felt her heart beat violently.

It is the regret of every young man today that he was not born in that mythical era. What did that god-like man look like

Zhang Jing is willing to sacrifice her life in exchange for an answer. This is probably the idea of many descendants of the Zhang family, if possible. They are willing to sacrifice their lives for an answer.

Zhang Jing quickly calmed down, because when a person's desire takes over, the things they think about are distorted.

A quiet word, very ordinary. It is very popular, but Zhang Jing understands the meaning of her word. Only by understanding this word can she reach the highest state of Tianxintong.

In the history of the Zhang family, only Zhang Linjing, a contemporary of the Blade Warriors and the creator of Tianxin Tong, has reached the highest state of Tianxin Tong, "meditation and selflessness"

There are some plots in the secret history of the tribe that seem to imply that Zhang Linjing also has a special relationship with the Blade Warriors, and it was with their help that he entered meditation and selflessness. Unfortunately, after defeating the Zago tribe, Zhang Linjing also disappeared. These are things that outsiders cannot know. secrets.

How to achieve tranquility and selflessness has become a difficulty that the Zhang family cannot overcome.

At this time, Wang Dong held his breath and concentrated all his energy on the seemingly Martial God. The palm was very simple and only took nine seconds, but Wang Dong had been so stiff for twenty minutes.

It seems that the God of War has wandered into the entrance for a long time. His leisure time is extremely precious and he can't spend time with Wang Dong. However, the game is about to start, and it seems that the God of War has popped out.

"Hey, hey, have you figured it out? Come on, the game is about to start!"

It seems that the God of War is very proud. This move of his is enough for Wang Dong to think about. It seems that he is the better one!

Wang Dong raised his head. "This is not just a palm technique, hehe, I know you want to hide it, but it's a pity," hehe. "

Judge, I am such an upright god of war. What is he hiding? Stop talking nonsense and go and fight. I want to see how you can understand it, no matter what tricks you use. Just make the other party the best in the world! "

"Haha, no problem!" Wang Dong thought a lot, and drawing inferences from one example is not enough to describe it. It seems that he will have to dig deeper into the seemingly Martial God in the future.

"Wait a minute. When you slap that kid to death with one palm, you have to give me my name. This palm technique of mine is called, it seems like the God of War started to scratch his head, and soon became furious, "Why is the key thing always so important? If you can't remember, damn it, just call it the best palm in the world! "

"No, I won't do such an embarrassing thing. I want to see the properties of your palm technique. How about calling it Dark Palm?"

You have a dark look on your face, I am so upright and upright, I would also call you Mingzhang! "It seemed like the God of War roared.

"Damn, Ting's heart is like a donkey's liver and lungs. Then wait until you think about it. I'll go and fight first!" Classmate Wang Dong crossed the river and demolished the bridge and entered immediately. He couldn't wait to give it a try.

Palm techniques are rarely used. It feels like there are still some places that are not going very smoothly. Since the other party is Pai Yunzhang, they should be able to learn from it. It seems that the uncle Martial God is too stingy, always hiding half of things, and wants him to find a solution by himself.

There are disadvantages and advantages to this. What you spend your efforts to figure out is what you keep to yourself.

"The number of people online has increased tenfold", half an hour"

The staff were dumbfounded. There are so many entertainment options nowadays, and even if you make an appointment, no one will come, let alone it’s in such a hurry. But it seems that the battle between Martial God and Jiang Long attracted more people than imagined. Especially with the participation of a large number of Event people.

Cameron touched his mouth. The performance is relatively calm, due to the existence of a seemingly martial god. He also changed from "death penalty" to probation and his performance has improved greatly. Although he can't make up for the loss, after all, an opportunity has emerged. The board also decided to give him more time.

Cameron is already praying that the God of War will slap the Paiyun Palm to death. Although the possibility is almost zero, he believes in miracles and can only believe in miracles.

"Come on." It's going to explode from behind. Push it up, push it up, oooooooooo

All works included in www.QUAbEn-XIAoShUo.com are uploaded and shared by enthusiastic netizens for free!