Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 27: Class F Public Enemy


As long as they work hard, they can wait until the goddess arrives. If they can get excellent results, they can attract the goddess's attention. wWW、QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO、com

Class F has already launched the slogan of fighting for Ma Xiaoru. There is no doubt that Principal Samantha's goal has been fully achieved, and Hu Yangxuan is an unexpected gain. This special enrollment student from the Jedun S Humanity College transferred to Yalang halfway, obviously with a purpose. He also went for Ma Xiaoru.

This undoubtedly boosted Samantha's confidence. The reason for this is that although Hu Yangxuan is not a child of the five major families, he comes from the Holy Church. Samantha does not know much about this special existence. It involves Going to the federal S-class secret place also has a lot to do with the Holy Land. They will select some children with outstanding qualifications under the age of ten for training in the form of aristocratic families. Of course, those who perform well will stay, and vice versa, but once these children When they reach the age of entering university, they will be let into the world. A master needs to develop all-round martial arts and intellectual knowledge. He also needs to come into contact with all kinds of people. There are only a handful of children who can be selected, and most of them are halfway there. Being eliminated, but this is also very rewarding, and those who can wait until the entrance age are the targets of competition by major military academies and even the army.

Hu Yangxuan is an exception. He entered the temple late, but at the age of ten he showed unparalleled talent and possessed a natural spiritual sea, so he was brought into the temple. Caps and Ye Dun also fought for him. It was like fighting, but he was benefited by the Yalang fisherman. Of course, the little girls also admired him because he won the first prize in the Chopin Music Competition held by the federation at the same time. His Nocturne in B flat minor and Polonaise in A flat major astonished everyone. He looks handsome, has a good family background, and is said to be a master, instantly becoming an idol-level figure.

No wonder the girls are so excited, a typical prince series.

The arrival of Hu Yangxuan also made... ??鞯MU燇∪para?Youxia?Pandi coal?Plutonium??馐逸straw lotus root ladle?br />

But there is still a long way to go to change Yalang's disadvantage. For two S-level colleges, the lack of one Hu Yangxuan does not hurt.

But it was indeed a shot in the arm for Yalang, who had been weak for a long time.

As a holder of N doctorate titles, Samantha certainly understands, but her purpose is not to rely on a few people, but to hope that these people can tap the potential of other Yalang students.

Ma Xiaoru's appearance caused the boys to howl like wolves as usual. Seeing her calm expression, she was obviously used to it. She walked into the classroom calmly, making the students outside extremely envious. The shabby classroom became like paradise, but Class F My brothers know that the beauty of spring is only near dusk. If you want it to turn into morning, you have to fight hard!

Classmate Wang Dong is also working hard, but his goal is completely different from the others. He has no desire to be admitted to Class A. As long as he can maintain a passing grade and graduate safely, that is his goal. Anyway, with Yalang's certificate, he can join the army. It's no problem for a junior officer.

Ma Xiaoru glanced at Wang Dong, "This man is so hardworking. Is Sister Samantha a little cruel? ... What are these two big boxes?"

It's not that Wang Dong didn't feel Ma Xiaoru's gaze, but after understanding Ma Xiaoru's background, he decided to be more serious. The consequences of provoking such a princess would definitely be tragic.

Don't think about romantic times, just think about it with your buttocks. You all know that Samantha is just using Ma Xiaoru to "fish", and the dignified heir of FFc is a big shot who can influence the federation in the future. Although he is a student, his every move is attracting attention. No matter how hard our male compatriots work, they will only be in the mirror. Don't think that FFc is already rich and does not need political marriage. In fact, you are completely wrong. The higher the level, the more necessary such measures are.

And Wang Dong, who has lived in reality since he was a child, will choose someone more reliable even if he wants to fall in love.

The beauty is picturesque, but it is a pity that it is not suitable for him.

This is the truth Wang Dong learned from the old man.

Therefore, classmate Wang Dong completely thought that Ma Xiaoru did not exist, even though Ma Xiaoru was sitting next to him, and Wang Dong was the only one in the class who was not jealous. The others had passed the formal examination anyway, and they were also admitted in their original school. They are all influential figures, unlike Wang Dong who relies entirely on luck.

In the eyes of others, Wang Dong is a student with little merit or hope. He spends all day reading with his head down and is not eye-catching at all, so it is best for Ma Xiaoru to sit near him to avoid others being jealous.

But now the evil star of the brothers in Class F has arrived. When Hu Yangxuan arrived, the screams of the girls outside were so powerful that they soared into the sky, which made the brothers in Class F quite unhappy.

But Hu Yangxuan is indeed a character. Not only is this guy versatile, but he is actually a master. If you want to cause trouble with him, you are asking for trouble. I heard that this guy has a good military background, so some people with some capital in their families can only convergence.

This situation really made everyone unhappy. Hu Yangxuan was like an angel arriving with a halo, killing everyone's hopes at once.

When they saw him in person, even the students in Class F felt helpless. This bastard was really handsome and had a celebrity face. It would be a waste of talent not to be a cowherd.

Hu Yangxuan entered the scene just like Ma Xiaoru, very low-key, but no one bought it. People of the same sex were repelling each other, so it was useless no matter how good his performance was. Besides, everyone knew that this guy was not interested in drinking.

Hu Yangxuan walked directly back. His target was of course the seat next to Ma Xiaoru, but there was no empty seat there, and everyone's eyes were on him.

Hu Yangxuan obviously knew Ma Xiaoru. The two smiled and said hello. Hu Yangxuan walked to Wang Dong who was studying hard and said, "This classmate, can I discuss something with you?"

Everyone in Class F stared at Wang Dong. At this time, they collectively stood by Wang Dong for the first time. They hoped that Wang Dong would stare at each other with indifferent eyes and say "no" fiercely, just like in the novel. Like the protagonist who hides everything.

In this case, everyone would rather hope that Wang Dong has the upper hand.

Unfortunately, the miracle did not happen. Wang Dong raised his head and smiled, "Of course, by the way, these two boxes of letters were asked by the girl in Building 5 to give them to you."

In order to complete the task, Wang Dong hurriedly moved out two boxes of things. Everyone's heart sank and they cursed secretly. What a fool. How could he gain other people's ambition and destroy his own prestige at this time!

Hu Yangxuan nodded, "Thank you very much. I don't know what to call this classmate."

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