Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 28: Eight minutes and thirty-five seconds


(Throw your votes and implement the plan to raise fat skeletons,

"Wang Dong.Www,QUAbEn-XIAoShUo,CoM"

Hu Yangxuan didn't move anything. "Classmate Wang Dong, I wonder if we can change places. Classmate Ma Xiaoru and I are friends..."

Before Hu Yangxuan could finish speaking, Wang Dong made everyone's teeth itch, "No problem, you guys chat, I'll go over there." He held his things as if he wanted to leave already.

Hu Yangxuan also put two boxes of letters into his space crystal, which caused a scream outside. Apparently there were girls from Building 5.

Wang Dong was speechless. He really didn’t know what these girls were thinking. Judging from the look of this guy, he might just turn around and throw him away. Anyway, it’s none of his business. A gentle lady is so jealous. A beauty like Ma Xiaoru is a man. His heart will be moved, but now he has too many things to do.

Ma Xiaoru glanced at Wang Dong and shook her head slightly. This man was too spineless. He would give in as he was told. A man could have no strength, but he could not be spineless.

But Wang Dong didn't care what others thought. He carried the things to the corner and started to carry them. The exam was approaching, and he couldn't do it. He had to think about other things in his mind, how could he remember it.

Ma Xiaoru did not reminisce with Hu Yangxuan. When the teacher came, there was no exception because there were two special students. This was also Samantha's principle, the general principle of fairness.

As expected, out of sight and out of mind, Wang Dong felt extremely comfortable in this class, and everyone gave Hu Yangxuan lethal looks.

A class is a bit painful for most people, but Wang Dong found it very comfortable.

The next class is the Zago tribe’s anatomy class, which is an open class. Not all classes are taken individually. Some classes are held together regardless of grade. Proper connections can also help stimulate competition.

This is also the first anatomy class for first-year students.

Some brave boys have been waiting for a long time. It must feel good to open the bugs, but the girls have a headache. How disgusting, but there is no way. This is a required course and it is very important.

No matter what department you are in, you must participate. This is to let students understand the Zago tribe, the biggest enemy of mankind.

It's like knowing yourself, and dissection helps eliminate the fear of the Zago tribe.

There are more than 150 people in the class this time. Classes D, E, and F are all together. Gonzas is a veteran. His left leg was swallowed by the Zago tribe. Now it has a mechanical leg. Gonzas does not hide this at all. , this is a military medal, his pride. In his opinion, the Zago people are just a bunch of worms, there is nothing to be afraid of. His voice is also the loudest among the teachers.

"Today will be the most important moment in your life. Have you seen what you see in front of you? They are just a bunch of garbage, just like cockroaches. What you have to do is to dissect them. You have learned a lot about theory. Now It’s practice!”

Gonzas almost shouted.

Only a small number of people were excited, half were confused, and the rest were completely disgusting. It was disgusting enough from the outside, but it was definitely more unbearable inside, and the bugs exuded an unpleasant smell, which made some girls I already have the urge to vomit.

On the other hand, Ma Xiaoru and Hu Yangxuan acted very calmly. It was obvious that this was not their first time dealing with insect corpses, but their eyes still revealed their disgust for this kind of course.

Gonzas noticed the expressions of the students, "You rookies, don't try to get away with it. Today, you must follow the regulations and divide the bug in front of you into eighteen parts. If you can't finish the division, you will not be dismissed from get out of class, and this time will be directly charged to the monthly bill." No matter how I take the exam, my performance this time accounts for 99.99%!"

Gonzas came up with his trump card. He had talked a lot about theory, but practice was still a difficult thing to do. The only tools he had were a knife and a hammer. Gonzas looked at the time and said, "Time counting starts now. Class A's The highest record is 08 points. If anyone exceeds the score, I will give him full marks!"

Full marks? ?

In an instant, classmate Wang Dong's eyes were on fire. God said that he would not abandon any of his people. Wang Dong finally saw hope. This was simply a life-saving straw.

Gonzas glanced at the group of trembling rookie students indifferently, "Do it!"

There was a loud roar, perhaps stimulated by the score. Some brave people had already started to take action. They directly detonated the nuclear force and smashed it with a hammer. Since the bug was dead and the shell was not that hard, the green gunpowder splashed out, making The smell of nausea began to fill the air, and several girls vomited in an instant.

"Hurry up, anyone who can't finish in three hours will get zero points and have to start over!"

Gonzas unceremoniously sounded the alarm to everyone. Those who came these two days were from the command department, and their performance was indeed worse than that of the armed department. However, the more commander he is, the more he has to break through psychological barriers. He will not Show mercy.

The surface of Ma Xiaoru's body was covered with mental power, and the insect's body could not get close at all. Although her technique was stiff, she was indeed prepared. Hu Yangxuan on the other side also pried open the shell, but this was only the beginning, the internal organs and the skeleton. , as well as the separation of meat and pulp is the most difficult. It takes about an hour at the speed of the two of them. This has little to do with strength. The key is to overcome psychological barriers. The challenge is greater for girls, but Ma Xiaoru Gonzas was amazed to achieve this step, especially the exquisite use of mental power. People who practice the Witch Art are really no small matter.

Others are generally slower, and there is still a certain gap between classes A, B, and C. The highest record for the first grade in the school is fifty minutes. It is a kid from the armed forces department who has obviously been dissected.

"Report, teacher, I'm done!"

Just when everyone started to struggle, a very, very sudden voice sounded. This voice came from the last row.

Gonzas is a little annoyed, mD, if anyone dares to mess with him, let’s see how he deals with this little brat!

But when he saw a neat pile of parts on the experimental table, Gonzas was stunned and looked at the time...eight minutes and thirty-five seconds.

It would take him half an hour, eight minutes and thirty-five seconds to do it by himself. Unless it was an insect dissecting itself, Gonzas' first reaction would be to **, and it must be a random dissection.

But when he walked in, he saw that the corpses of the Zago tribe had been clearly divided into eighteen piles. To Gonzas, it was simply art. The art of anatomy can only be understood by those who have the highest understanding of insect bodies. Art!

Nonsense, Wang Dong has been eating this kind of food for a year, and when he is bored, dissecting insects can relieve his boredom.

Seeing the eyes of the teacher and classmates, Wang Dong knew that he had gone too far. In fact, more than fifty minutes was enough for him, but he was just anxious about the 100%...

Ma Xiaoru looked at Wang Dong with a strange look, and Hu Yangxuan was even shocked. This boy who looked so frustrated actually had such a skill.

"Okay, okay, okay! Boy, one hundred points, you can get out of class!" Gonzas patted Wang Dong's shoulder heavily and praised him greatly.

"See, this is an example, you idiots, why don't you hurry up!"

Gonzas was so happy that he broke the school record as soon as the new principal took office. It seemed that he got the bonus.

Gonzas, who has always been violent, looked at Wang Dong with a soft light in his eyes, "Go wash your hands!"

Wang Dong quickly moved out of the way. If he stayed any longer, he would definitely be killed by everyone's gaze. It seemed that he would still have to pay attention to the heat when doing things in the future.

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