Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 4: The stick is lost (fight!!!)


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…a giant Zago. WWw. QUAbEn-XIAoShUo. COm

Wang Dong did not run away immediately, even though he wanted to be calm. The old man often said that impulsiveness is the devil. He was often impulsive, so he was like this. So Wang Dong bit down and suppressed the urge to run back in one breath, because He was absolutely convinced that the Zago would tear him apart before he could run back to the mines.

For five minutes, he was really on pins and needles. Wang Dong didn't dare to take a breath. Fortunately, the Zago left with a click.

When the mine door slowly fell behind him, Wang Dong sat down on the ground. His life had never been so exciting.

A difficult problem was placed in front of him. Even if he was frugal with all the food here, it would only last a week. If rescue did not come within a week, he might really have to wait for death.

No matter how talented Wang Dong is, he is just a child who has just graduated from junior high school. Here, all he has is a C-type non-combat robot, a week's worth of food, and a dark and unsafe mine.

Most people would be extremely depressed even if they were not crazy at this time, but after classmate Wang Dong lamented his fate again, he actually started to eat calmly.

Anyway, no matter whether you are happy or sad, it will not change the result. Why not be happy? There is only one week left. God used seven days to create human beings, which means that many things will happen in seven days. Maybe a transport plane will land at the entrance of the mine, a beautiful The flight attendant came to invite him to board the ship.

After eating a few mouthfuls, Wang Dong fell asleep again. His body was still very weak after recovering, and he was highly nervous just now, and he could no longer control it.

In the darkness, only Heitan guarded Wang Dong dutifully.

Failure always happens after giving up completely.

The old man always said some very philosophical words, although he himself didn't do any of them.

Wang Dong was still young, and he didn’t want to give up. Perhaps because of his youth, to be honest, apart from being very scared at the beginning, he was now used to it. Wang Dong wasted a week in the black mine. With the help of Hei Tan, he gradually expanded his Obviously, after the Zago tribe destroyed this base, the large forces have left. The only ones left here are scattered Zago, and their level will not be very high. Although this is still something Wang Dong cannot resist, at least There is no need to sit still and wait, there are not many things available in the base, but a nutrient converter is still intact, which really makes classmate Wang Dong overjoyed.

Due to the poor environment here and the low level of black carbon, don't expect any nutritious feast. In order to prevent malnutrition, each base will be equipped with such a thing, which can convert organic matter into individual pills. Although the taste makes you want to kill the inventor, the effect is very good.

The tall plants on Norton Planet are indeed organic matter. Wang Dong solved his food problem and searched the base thoroughly. He unexpectedly found a box of well-preserved low-quality wine and some broken biscuits, but for It is undoubtedly a treasure for him now, so he should save some food. During this period, he has been hearing roars, and sparks burst out from the sky from time to time. It seems that the war may not end as quickly as he hoped. The human army Encountered the stubborn resistance of the Zago tribe, Wang Dong is not a fool. It is better to seek help from others than to ask for yourself. As long as he survives, he will always have a chance.

He has made preparations for a protracted war.

Maybe he has optimism and adventure genes in his bones. He actually feels that such an exciting life is more energetic than staring at the screen all day long and watching a bunch of clumsy robots mining. Of course, a big reason is the development of the eighth brain domain, although he does not He knows how to activate his genetic core power, but his stronger mental power makes him more sensitive to his surroundings, which makes him more alert to the surrounding environment.

What humans are afraid of is the fear of the unknown. Once you have control over it, although the Zago tribe is scary, it is useless if it cannot bite you. The mine has become the new home of classmate Wang Dong.

"Black Carbon, put the food deep,...wait, leave a bottle of wine."

"Yes, Master." Hei Tan is the most loyal partner. During this period, Wang Dong looked at Hei Tan more and more cutely. He couldn't imagine how he would live this life if he was alone.

The mine has been paralyzed. There is nothing valuable inside except a pile of scraps of copper and iron. It is too deep, the air is worse, the conditions are worse, and it is not suitable for humans. However, food is the most important, so it must be hidden.

Wang Dong spends most of his time practicing the Blade Technique every day. I don't know if it's because of the opening up of the eighth brain area, or because the old man's Blade Technique is really awesome. He feels better and better, and it's easy to adapt to gravity. , his thoughts are getting sharper and sharper, and his intuition tells him that this is the capital of his survival here.

Classmate Wang Dong also found a one-meter-long iron rod to use as a weapon. It might have been torn apart by the Zago tribe. The section was very sharp. Although he didn’t know whether it was lethal, the iron rod still gave him more A bit of a sense of security.

The reason why people suffer is because they always pursue the wrong things.

Wang Dong is just a young man who has just turned fifteen. He is already very good at what he has done now. It will not work for him to stay here motionless for a long time, so Wang Dong decided to explore outside the ruins. Wherever you go, you may find a road or encounter a human army. Anyway, the hope of staying here is even slimmer.

Perhaps because he had not been discovered by the Zago tribe, Wang Dong became bolder. Youth always has to pay a price. He was discovered by a lurking insect. When the huge guy jumped in front of him, Wang Dong The classmate finally had strong nerves and was not paralyzed. Instead, he burst out with wind-like speed and ran all the way. Behind him, the huge spider-shaped Zago, which was more than three meters long and one meter high, waved eight weapons like a small tank. The knife-like claws crushed Wang Dong.

Humans have a deep hatred for the Zago tribe, and the Zago tribe that evolved through genetics have the best evolutionary method in known life. They can even inherit emotions. The Zago tribe travels across space, and for the first time in human beings There was an inexplicable failure here. A race that was not very good at first broke out with such tyrannical fighting power, and the speed of evolution was incredible, so the Zago tribe would be excited once they saw humans.

"Heitan, Heitan, open the door!"

Wang Dong started shouting when they were far away. Fortunately, Hei Tan heard it and opened the door in time. Their agreement was that the door could only be opened fifty centimeters, a safe distance.

Wang Dong rolled sideways and jumped directly through the door. He didn't dare to look back along the way because he felt that Zago was just a little behind him.


The insect's forehead struck the door like an axe, causing Wang Dong to tremble a little. However, the door of the mine was a full eighty centimeters long and seemed to be made of particularly good materials. After the insect had chopped for a long time, it only left a series of terrifying scratches. , and then disappeared. Of course, it may also be because this bug is relatively weak.

Wang Dong lay on the ground and gasped for air. For the first time in his life, he knew that he still had the potential to be a trapeze artist, and he could run more than a mile fast.

"Ah, where's my stick?" Wang Dong looked at his empty hand. It seemed that when he saw the insect, he had forgotten about fighting back and just ran away.

"Master, let me pick it up for you."

"No, you think your body is much stronger than mine."

With Heitan's speed, he would be torn apart by Zago within ten meters. He didn't want the only person he could talk to and chat with to become a pile of scrap metal.

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