Tempest of the Battlefield

Chapter 52: Super locked


(A new day has begun, vote~~~)

Administrators can use the network to transmit things. Wang Dong opened his mailbox and unexpectedly saw a striking email. It was very simple. He knew only a handful of people. To be precise, he didn't need to count, and no one would give it to him. What message to send, and this solitary email stands out. www,QUaNbEn-xIAoShUO,coM

It turned out to be Wang Ben’s!

After opening the envelope and reading it, Wang Dong smiled knowingly and clenched his fists. In fact, he knew from the moment they met that Wang Ben could do it, but he didn't expect that he was stronger than he thought.

Wang Ben's successful reawakening, there are generally only two types of this kind of second reawakening, one is a nervous breakdown and death, a very miserable death, the other is an explosive reawakening, which means that the power contained in the first failed reawakening is concentrated and explodes in the second time.

Wang Ben belongs to the second type, and he succeeded.

Wang Ben's letter was very simple, but he could feel the power on it. He didn't say thank you, but he could feel the mood. As long as Wang Dong agreed on a place and time, he would arrive no matter what, and complete the agreement with Wang Dong!

Wang Dong smiled. In other words, it was obviously not the right time to show off like this, but there would be no problem in having a good fight with him on TPA.

Suddenly, Wang Dong suddenly thought of Samantha. Now Samantha has been having headaches about Yalang's birth source all day long. The news has not been reported yet, which means that Wang Ben's second successful recuperation has not been made public yet. He must be the third one. I immediately found it and told myself, in this case...if Yalang's principal suddenly sends an invitation letter, I think the effect will be very, very good.

Due to the failure of his first enlightenment, the two S-level colleges that had actively invited Wang Ben to suddenly stopped. Thinking about it, Wang Ben was very shocked. Writing one in the name of Samantha should be very effective.

As for whether it would succeed, it was hard to say, but he didn't want to see Samantha bear the pressure alone. If Wang Ben could come because of this letter, it would be a great thing for Samantha and Yalang.

Wang Dong was also very impulsive and did it as soon as he thought of it. Anyway, he had Wang Ben's email address and just needed to register a new one in Samantha's name. It didn't matter whether it was true or false.

It took classmate Wang Dong an hour to consider this letter and publish it. He hoped that Wang Ben would receive it in time. Wang Dong was happy when he thought that Samantha would be happy because of it.

The current courses are very full for Wang Dong. Ma Xiaoru will help Wang Dong with tutoring during the breaks. Originally, he wanted to do it in the evening, but Wang Dong is the administrator now and has no time. Fortunately, there is self-study time every day, or entertainment. Time, after all, military school is also equivalent to university, it will not be so compact, and it will be more about your own consciousness.

Wang Dong was very interested in the aerospace class in the afternoon. It was very enjoyable for armed warriors to fight hand-to-hand with the insects. However, adhering to his family motto, he could only use his mouth but not his legs, so Wang Dong still hoped to pilot a battleship. The energy evolution of the Zago tribe was To a certain extent, it can withstand small-scale energy weapons, but the energy of a battleship cannot be resisted, not to mention that the weapons have also been improved to a certain extent and are specifically targeted at the Zago clan nest in space.

I have also taken a lot of theoretical classes. Today I am writing about technical simulations. Of course, they are very simple. This is also the favorite of the students in the command department. In fact, it is quite enjoyable to fight with battleships in the virtual world. The teacher said Walking away turned into a chaotic fight, and the sky was filled with war for a while. It was just enjoyable.

Wang Dong did not participate. He enthusiastically linked various operating skills. Don't think that space is much safer. The Zago tribe's ability to adapt and evolve in space is amazing. They have evolved many weapons specifically adapted to bombardment in space. Weapons, and guys who specialize in dealing with human warships, so this life is not easy.

Wang Dong's playfulness is actually not that great. In fact, his childhood determines his personality. Coupled with a year of cruel life on Norton Planet, Wang Dong knows that there are some things that can be played with, but those who eat cannot play with them, especially if he wants to be an officer in the future. , this battleship control technology must be excellent. Regardless of whether you can be a captain or not, as a command student, this is what you should do.

I have seen too much theory about Wang Dong. It is rare to have such an opportunity, so I must practice diligently.

But when the bell rang, everyone left one after another. After all, the temptation of these things is still not as good as scheduling your own time. This kind of Star Wars training is not a game. It is fun to play in class. After class, you will be tired, so you might as well go back. Playing various virtual games is much happier than this.

"Wang Dong, aren't you leaving yet?"

"Haha, you go first. This is a rare opportunity. I still have a few tricks I want to try." Wang Dong said without looking back. He was now completely immersed in it, enjoying the joy of looking at his theories one by one, just like when he defeated A new variety of Zago, that was a treat.

No matter how much he denies it, Wang Dong still has the blood of a warrior flowing in his body.

Ma Xiaoru stared blankly at Wang Dong for a while. His focused expression made Xiaoru a little distracted. She never thought that a boy would feel such a strange... feeling when he was serious.

But Wang Dong was indeed too focused, so she left silently without wanting to disturb him.

In fact, Xiaoru has met many boys who lose their focus when they see her. Some of them will pretend not to care, but in fact they care a lot. Wang Dong is the first one to really treat her with a normal heart, which makes Xiaoru very happy. Relaxed and felt the joy of being with the opposite sex for the first time.

Classmate Wang Dong's expression kept changing. He was not completely new to the various technical theories in the book, and he also had his own ideas. Some things were stipulated in this way. He insisted on trying his ideas, even if If it doesn’t work, you also need to know why it doesn’t work.

Time just clicked by, and two hours passed in the blink of an eye. Wang Dong had no intention of leaving at all. He had forgotten about dinner, and even forgot about the administrator's work in the evening. Unknowingly, a figure quietly appeared. Entered the practice room.

What is on the screen is a test, and the most difficult scenario is chosen. The human army has been surrounded by the Zago clan’s mother nest. The Zago clan’s β-wH biological cannon has been aimed at the battleship. The energy is flashing, and the human beings The giant battleship is already isolated and helpless. Even if it wants to attack, it will only destroy a few nests.

Sisi couldn't help but hesitate a little. She was here for training, especially if she wasted time spending time before and after. It would be better to strengthen operational training. Her tactics and overall view were good, but her weakness was in control.

However, the word "over" did not appear. At this moment, all the energy light cannons of the human warship were activated at the same time, and Sisi could also hear the roar of the machine from the control room.

Boom boom boom boom…

More than a hundred main guns were fully locked in just a few seconds!

The nests turned into seas of fire one by one. Zhou Sisi was completely stunned. How... is this possible!

In actual operation, there must be more than ten people, but there is only one person here, which is impossible!

"It's impossible..." Sisi murmured, and the word "perfect" was printed on the screen. This was a perfect attack.

But who can achieve such control

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